Challenge of Reverse Engineering
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[keygenme] Drpepur #2
by DrPepUr- 8 replies
I wrote this just trying to learn a little about ASM so if my code is sloppy keep in mind I have been programming in ASM a total of a couple weeks at most.. So it shouldn't be too hard. Happy Cracking.... Dustyh1981 DrPepUr__2.rar
[keygenme]:sadistic-x #2 1 2
by GamingMasteR- 35 replies
Hello guys , I made this KeygenMe about 3 months ago in AT4RE ... and i would like to share it here just for fun :happy: . ------------------- The KeygenMe is not Packed/Encrypted . The Algorithm is really for kids , but beware of tricks . I need a working Keygen NOT a serial for ur name . Good luck, GM Sadistic_X__2.rar
[keyfileme] Keyfileme 3
by Mouradpr- 3 replies
hi all this challenge for newbie's KeyFileME_3.rar
[crackme] Auth Test
by adam- 4 replies
Just wanting to test out this auth system before we implement it. By cracking it, I'm referring to the trial portion, not the "congratz" message, but you can do that too if you want to feel special.
by Encrypto- 4 replies
hello all nice to see you again this time instead of modifying a pre-existing crypto i decided to make my own i know its not the best but it was a first attempt i hope you like this one : please can you rate it and give feedback ? thanks very much for trying this and i hope you enjoy it :cool:
[keygenme] Easy Keygenme #1
by GioTiN- 12 replies
easy Keygen Me 1 Size : 157 kb you not allow patch it , plz written a keygen for this and so written tutorial for a way in this thanks - GioTiN
[ Unpackme ] Thinstall 2.736...
by Teddy Rogers- 5 replies
Thinstall 2.736 Ted.
- 14 replies
Protected Private exe Protector 2.40 All protections enabled Unpacme_Private_exe_Protector_2.40.rar
[keygenme] Ecrypt7.2008.foff 1 2
by Encrypto- 25 replies
hello again Here is my new KeyGenme.7.0 Hope you like this. people who think this is easy ... stay away .. id love to get feedback .. incidentally 7 is my lucky number
[unpackme] Asprotect Ske 2.4 (build 09.11)
by Teddy Rogers- 20 replies
ASProtect SKE 2.4 (Build 09.11) Ted.
[unpackme] Eziriz .net Reactor 3.5
by Kurapica- 9 replies
This is a challenge for those who like unpacking .NET and It's protected with the latest version of Reactor Enjoy it but remember that a tutor is required in case you manage to unpack it. UnpackMe.rar
[unpackme] Larp V2.0 Standard Ed.
by lena151- 7 replies
After lARP v2.0 lite which was step-in level, here is an unpackme protected by lARP v2.0 Standard Ed. Dump and remove stub section. It would be great if you shared your remarks and the way how you did it by pm please. Don't hesitate to pm me for this one O, and the original unpackme doesn't run on win9x, hence the lARPed file doesn't either lena151. lARP_v2.0_Standard_Ed._UnpackMe.rar
- 24 replies
Unpacked, but still not cracked The file has been succesfully unpacked by sdy100 Check his unpacked attachment abit further down. Waiting for a full explanation. Did you run into any problems? Correct Key solved by Correct key is: correctkeyisthishao Information I just recently found my passion for protection coding along with trying to break it. I've used a opensource packer and made some heavy modifications to it, also added loads of anti-codes. I've had no success in getting out the correct key which you are supposed to type in, neither been able to unpack it. Allthough, i am a terrible reverser, i would like to get a 2nd opinion about this protectio…
- 2 replies
This is a crackme I made 4 months ago and it has not been solved yet. Target: VistaSidebarGadgetCrackme by TiGa on Format: Windows Vista Sidebar Gadget (.gadget) Work to do: Find out what is a .gadget Remove the nags Activate the backdoor Turn the crackme into a keygen in .gadget format Write a solution Optional Work to do: Write a keygen in a "traditional" programming language (.exe) It doesn't absolutely require Vista to solve it but it helps a lot. Prepare yourself to be amazed by M$'s new "proprietary" file format. TiGa
[unpackme] Pc Guard .net 5.02
by Ufo-Pu55y- 10 replies
Actually it's no serious .net protector at all. But as I had a look, why not posting it. You can take it as an easy Fix-Teh-Dump-Cookie. There was no open download link for the .net version of PC Guard. And now I know why.. some mins ago even my grandma successfully unpacked it. There's indeed lots of encryption, antis, checks - nevertheless all in vain for .NET... they take money for nothing.. :/ The app can be run for 20 times only.. with random demo messages. Hint: 8 values have to be fixed in the dump (after some cutting). UnpackMe_PCG_502.rar
[unpackme] [mine Noname Packer]
by 4e4en- 17 replies
Packed by [Mine noname packer] Build Today, 02:13:02 GMT +2. Packed file: Resource Hacker (If wouldn't be so lazy, i would make programm, which shows only MSG Box). ResHacker.rar P.S> I would like hear ideas, how to make it more powerfull. P.S.S> in VirusTotal 6 from 32 AV's says that is a something bad.
[ Unpackme ] Dotfix Niceprotect 2.7
by Matrix- 21 replies
Hi Freinds pleaes Unpackme & write Tutorial Tnx Sh4DoVV.rar
- 4 replies
Encrypted: -Source code -.ctor Methods -Managed Resources -Strings Anti decompiler tricks DNGuard_std_2.6.rar
[keygenme] Matrixba Keygenme 2
by TreaxeR- 0 replies
Matrixba KeygenMe 2 patch forbidden. already now thank s link
Keygenme N
by Killboy- 17 replies
Hey Here's my very first keygenme, thought it was time for such thing. I'm not going to say that much about it, it's your job to find out. It uses quite a lot antidebug, so if you find it crashing even outside a debugger or you are ABSOLUTELY sure antidebug cought you falsely, write it here and I *might* remove some of the antidebug... I'm pretty sure it doesn't run on < NT system, but I can't say for sure. Worth a try I guess You might experience false positives by AVs, I tested it at (go ahead and check for yourself) and only 4 of them reported it as 'malicious' or trojan. This is due to the packer used, so don't worry and get a proper AV if yo…
[unpackme]first Attempt
by Guest boulika- 10 replies
Hello all i leave here a dll file packed.I leave it as a challenge for experts.Cya and happy cracking test.rar
[keygenme] Pretty Easy :)
by ante0- 10 replies
My very first Keygenme made in delphi 7 (I know, I should learn some more ASM). Just make a keygen for it. Also, it's packed with UPX 2.03w but with nothing else, so unpacking should be easy Post keygen when you're done. KeyGenMe_byAnte0.rar
[keygenme] Very Easy Crackme
by Guest mcpower- 14 replies
try this, it's for beginners, no special knowledge required. do not patch, make a keygen
[keygenme] Asmkeyme #1
by Pimp.exe- 5 replies
This is a pretty easy KeyMe. Beginner-Intermediate range. The algo isnt very big at all but there are a few tricks. The goal of this KeyMe is for those who are pretty new to RE. It gives you a few curve balls that make it tougher. Don't worry though, the code is in assembly and is quite easy to read. Pay attention to the API's that are called. As well as the strings available to you. There is no encryption, packer, or protectors used. It's a whole 4kb so you dont have much to sort through. I hope you enjoy the keyme. Download: (UPDATED) Patching isnt allowed. Once you complete it, leave the details for othe…
Keygenne3.2 By Encrypto
by Encrypto- 3 replies
hello agian heres a challenge coded by me with a lot of help from SerialKiller. KeyGen.ME.3.2.By.Encrypto Serialfishing is easy bit the challenge is to keygen it have fun.