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457 topics in this forum
[crackme] Drpepur#5
by DrPepUr- 7 replies
Here ya go, DrPepUr #5 I based this off a couple apps I worked on rolled them up into one and added a personal touch. Shouldnt be too hard. There are no rules all solutions ar valid as long as it runs registered and all options are unlocked. Patch, Keygen, Loader, Bruteforce just whatever you gotta do. Good Luck, Dustyh1981 DrPepUr5.rar
[keygenme] -hassh #1-
by Ufo-Pu55y- 10 replies
Hi, this one might be interesting, if you want to get familiar with hashes (like me). So it's intentionally WITHOUT any tricks, packers, mods or **** - coded dead straight. Fishing/Patching/Zonking out - 0 Points Keygenning - 1337 Points Good luck: KeygenMe__hASSh__1_.rar
[fishme] Very Easy Fishme V.1 For N00bs :)
by Guest MiStEr_X- 6 replies
Very easy fishme:
[keygenme]my Old Keygenme 1 2
by juexing- 31 replies
Hehe.....My Old KeyGenMe,It's my first KeyGenme, :cool: keygenmes1.rar :cool:
[keygenme] Drpepur #3
by DrPepUr- 7 replies
I got bored and wrote this........should be pretty easy. Rules: 1. No Patching 2. No Self-Keygens (Refer to rule #1) 3. No Fishing - Valid Name & Serial Not Valid Solution 4. Write A Tutorial If You Feel Like It Valid Solution: Write A Working Keygen Code Snipits Are Not KeyGens...Nor Valid Solution Have Fun Dustyh1981 DrPepUr__3_KeyGenME.rar
[keygenme] -hassh #2-
by Ufo-Pu55y- 14 replies
Hi, here's level 2: KeygenMe__hASSh__2_.rar Fishing/Selfkeygenning/loveing : 0 points Ripping : 1 point Recognizing&Owning : 1337 pointz If you're after 0 or 1 point, it's easy like ****. Again nothing protected or hidden. Just a naked row of instructions. But if you're after the full win, this one might be a small bitch.. dunno. Have phun :happy:
[keygenme] Crack-break Keygenme#3
by crack-break- 10 replies
hello... non-ripped valid keygen with source is the golden solution..
[keygenme] Insanefido's Mp3 Player Keygenme
by InsaneFIDO- 2 replies
This is my first attempt at a KeyGenMe app . I wrote an mp3 player app. purely for programming practice so do not expect state of the art graphics or playback. The app as presented is an 'unregistered' version which a correct serial will convert to the 'registered' state. Please note that the app. will not run directly but must be executed via a shortcut. When you solve it please write a tutorial as some parts of the solution may answer at least one question I have seen posted on the forum. I wrote the whole thing in assembly language in Windows XP SP2, and it will not work on non NT based systems. Happy reversing in whatever you are working on Cheers InsaneFIDO FID…
[keygenme] Crackme V3.0 - Gunner54
by TGunner54- 6 replies
Well, i decided to make this after being board... Points - Fished Key = 0 - Self-KeyGen = 0 - KeyGen = 1000 CrackMe v3.0 - Simple Key Generation - Simple Anti-Breakpoint (On One Function) Im looking for a KeyGen, I will just ignore Patches and Fished Keys...
[crackme] Crackme V2.0 - Gunner54
by TGunner54- 2 replies
This is a difficult crackme. Yeh... you can patch it but thats not what i want. I want the Key! CrackMe v2.0 - MD5 Encryption MD5 Key Information Key Length : 16 Key Characters : Numbers MD5 Encryption Module : MD5(MD5(Key).Salt) I will be suprised when you find the key, thats if you do... Good Luck!
[keygenme] Kurapica .net Crackme #15
by Kurapica- 2 replies
Hi everyone It's been a while since we wrote a .NET crackme so this is a nice one to refresh your minds It's not very hard but needs a little brain, Of course you can do it in one patch but It's not allowed so you must write a valid keygen and a tutor for the rest of us to show us how you solved it. Enjoy... K_CrackME_15.rar
[keygenme] Little_brother's Keygenme #1 & #2
by Pimp.exe- 9 replies
Simple keygen mes 1 & 2 I wrote recently. They are written in VB 6.0. Write me a tut and make me a keygen NOTE: I said it was EASY so if you are looking for a hard challenge, dont bother downloading.
[keygenme]keygenme1 By Qwertydid
by qwertydid- 12 replies
This is a simple KeygenMe that I put together in ASM. It should'nt be too hard. It says that you should solutions upload to, because I created it for that site in the first place, but you can just upload your solutions here. Good
[vb6 P-code Crackme/keygenme] Drpepur#1
by DrPepUr- 8 replies
In what little time I have been messing around in RCE I have never came across a Vb target in P-Code. I never gave P-code much thought until on PSC I seen somebody had posted their code and labeled it "Uncrackable". So... I had to give it a try, I downloaded it and went to work but everything I had learned seemed not to apply. It didn't take long to see it was P-Code and for about 2 seconds I almost gave up. After an hour or so I thought I could write a little reg-routine and compile it in p-code so when I had it loaded in Olly and Vb-Decomp I would know what I was looking for. My effort was rewarded I learned enough to tear the "Uncrackable" a new one. So if you have nev…
[keygenme] Drpepur #2
by DrPepUr- 8 replies
I wrote this just trying to learn a little about ASM so if my code is sloppy keep in mind I have been programming in ASM a total of a couple weeks at most.. So it shouldn't be too hard. Happy Cracking.... Dustyh1981 DrPepUr__2.rar
[keygenme]:sadistic-x #2 1 2
by GamingMasteR- 35 replies
Hello guys , I made this KeygenMe about 3 months ago in AT4RE ... and i would like to share it here just for fun :happy: . ------------------- The KeygenMe is not Packed/Encrypted . The Algorithm is really for kids , but beware of tricks . I need a working Keygen NOT a serial for ur name . Good luck, GM Sadistic_X__2.rar
[keyfileme] Keyfileme 3
by Mouradpr- 3 replies
hi all this challenge for newbie's KeyFileME_3.rar
by Encrypto- 4 replies
hello all nice to see you again this time instead of modifying a pre-existing crypto i decided to make my own i know its not the best but it was a first attempt i hope you like this one : please can you rate it and give feedback ? thanks very much for trying this and i hope you enjoy it :cool:
[keygenme] Easy Keygenme #1
by GioTiN- 12 replies
easy Keygen Me 1 Size : 157 kb you not allow patch it , plz written a keygen for this and so written tutorial for a way in this thanks - GioTiN
[keygenme] Ecrypt7.2008.foff 1 2
by Encrypto- 25 replies
hello again Here is my new KeyGenme.7.0 Hope you like this. people who think this is easy ... stay away .. id love to get feedback .. incidentally 7 is my lucky number
[keygenme] Matrixba Keygenme 2
by TreaxeR- 0 replies
Matrixba KeygenMe 2 patch forbidden. already now thank s link
Keygenme N
by Killboy- 17 replies
Hey Here's my very first keygenme, thought it was time for such thing. I'm not going to say that much about it, it's your job to find out. It uses quite a lot antidebug, so if you find it crashing even outside a debugger or you are ABSOLUTELY sure antidebug cought you falsely, write it here and I *might* remove some of the antidebug... I'm pretty sure it doesn't run on < NT system, but I can't say for sure. Worth a try I guess You might experience false positives by AVs, I tested it at (go ahead and check for yourself) and only 4 of them reported it as 'malicious' or trojan. This is due to the packer used, so don't worry and get a proper AV if yo…
[keygenme] Pretty Easy :)
by ante0- 10 replies
My very first Keygenme made in delphi 7 (I know, I should learn some more ASM). Just make a keygen for it. Also, it's packed with UPX 2.03w but with nothing else, so unpacking should be easy Post keygen when you're done. KeyGenMe_byAnte0.rar
[keygenme] Very Easy Crackme
by Guest mcpower- 14 replies
try this, it's for beginners, no special knowledge required. do not patch, make a keygen
[keygenme] Asmkeyme #1
by Pimp.exe- 5 replies
This is a pretty easy KeyMe. Beginner-Intermediate range. The algo isnt very big at all but there are a few tricks. The goal of this KeyMe is for those who are pretty new to RE. It gives you a few curve balls that make it tougher. Don't worry though, the code is in assembly and is quite easy to read. Pay attention to the API's that are called. As well as the strings available to you. There is no encryption, packer, or protectors used. It's a whole 4kb so you dont have much to sort through. I hope you enjoy the keyme. Download: (UPDATED) Patching isnt allowed. Once you complete it, leave the details for othe…