Programming and Coding
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1,885 topics in this forum
Asmmd5 Keygen Template Issue
by macabre- 3 replies
Hey all, I wanted to use this template Arc Flash by Ufo-Pu55y but I needed an MD5 hashing algo. So I took the ASMmd5.asm from another template by dR.cARBOn. Without including the ASMmd5 code the Arc Flash template compiles and runs fine. Once I include this I get "instruction operands must be the same size" Errors in the Main Arc Flash file. The lines that are causing the issue look like: mov [edi],eax mov edx,eax mov edx,[edi] @@: mov eax,[esi]Now, obviously these are the same size and the ASMmd5 hash proc seems fairly straight forward. I know assembly but I'm not super familiar with masm and I'm using RadASM for the project since it had a .rap file (Thanks Ufo-P…
String Parser
by ragdog- 3 replies
hi If you can help with a problem? I am looking for a function in masm32 as one in a exe file searches for a string example (Test123) is in the target.exe I can not work with offsets for read the string of the target file my source is added thanks in forward ragdog
by ragdog- 15 replies
hi guys i coding a patchengine. How is it useful to compare 2 files whether they are equal? With a crc32 for original and patched file? And then I have a question, there are some examples for patchengines in masm32 greets ragdog
Dedal's Import Hooker...
by Teddy Rogers- 0 replies
I think this may be more appropriate for this forum: dImpHook.rar Ted.
- 5 replies
hi to all i need a search and replace loader source in delphi i can write loader (load target and change on hex codes) but can't search . please help me
Patching A File Using Visual Basic 6
by Guest BooGLE- 5 replies
Hey Guys, I am having some trouble with patching a file in vb6. I use the following code to try and patch the file: Open "File.exe" For Binary As #1 Put #1, &H3BA1E, "EB" Format As: "Put #1, <offset>, <byte> Close #1 But, This isnt working! I've also tried reversing the orders of things, but it just seems to screw up my file. I also would like to know why "&H" is put before the offset? Any help on this would be appriciated. Best Regards, BooGLE
Edit Visual Basic
by Scale- 9 replies
I have a nice tool that i use but it has the nasty property of always on top (topmost), I reasonably experienced with assembly but i always have a hard time with VB. Anybody know how i could remove the top most, No idea where to start or how to trace it. Thanks
Delphi Keygen Template
by Departure- 9 replies
Here is a little project I did because there really is'nt that many delphi keygen templates on this forum (not that I have found anyway). The nice thing about this template is its small output, I called the dialog from resource file, thus no need for the delphi componates that you normally would have(making the size bigger). Also included sound using Magic_h2001's V2m Player, you can read about it Here How to use: If you want to keep the same logo that comes with the template then all you need to do is modify the Project1.dpr file with your info, and then just modify the generate procedure, at the momment it just get the text from username and spits it back to serial …
Sniffing Unicode Text?
by ChupaChu- 2 replies
I have played around with Anorganix's sources for serial sniffer from eZine#2 DL it here h!!p:// (look in chapter 8, sources are included). Sniffer Source goes like this: function SniffSerial(PI: PROCESS_INFORMATION; Ctx: _Context): string; var X: Cardinal; Buff: PChar; begin // allocate some memory GetMem(Buff,50); // suspend the program and get the context SuspendThread(PI.hThread); GetThreadContext(PI.hThread,Ctx); // read the value that [EAX] holds (the good serial) ReadProcessMemory(PI.hProcess,Pointer(Ctx.Eax),Buff,50,X); // set the result and free the buffer Result:=Trim(Buff); FreeMem(Buff)…
Bootstrapper Routine
by oricode- 9 replies
Hi ppl, I am writing a bootstrapper routine. What I am trying to do is, call a 'C' routine from the bootstrapper routine(writen in ASM). This is to be done before any OS loads. I am not sure how to call a 'C' binary that contains my logic, and run it without any environment. Maybe something like what a Live CD does while checking for available peripheral devices. Any help appreciated. Regards, Oricode.
Ttcpclient & Ttcpserver [delphi 7+]
by Departure- 3 replies
hey guys, Well I have started a nice little project but I have made a mistake some where along the line, As delphi programmers would know, Delphi has added in a new componate to replace the old socket client/server. They now use TTcpClient & TTcpServer from delphi 7, What i want is to get my project working, I did it the way I would write in vb6 or older versions of delphi (below version 7) but I seem to be missing something, all I really want is it to connect to server and send text, the rest ill continue doing later, I did have it conencted at one stage but I forgot what I change to make it connect correctly and did'nt save before closing the project down. This proj…
Enabling A Menu Button
by Sigma- 7 replies
Does anyone know how to achieve VEOVEO like behavior? I ideal would like to check to see if a certain window is running, then if that window has focus, and if so, enable the buttons. In a pseudo-code/C hybrid: if((Window_Caption == "My window") && ("My Window" has focus) { Enables buttons }I have no idea what to even look for API wise in MSDN, so I'd take any hints/suggestions/pointers. Thanks
Hide Oep
by diamond_sh- 2 replies
hi every one how can i hide oep address ? i need asm code for this work. plz help me.
Writing Simple Debugger
by Fungus- 9 replies
I would like to code a simple debugger, as I want to start working on making unpackers and some other stuff. I would appreciate any source code or info on how to write a simple debugger. For my first project I would like to code an .exe launcher than patches GetVersion in kernel32. Help would be much appreciated folks. TIA.
Delphi Vs.
by cegy- 11 replies
Hi, i would like some help and view's on what you people think about delphi and I would like to learn 1 of them has a proper language but i don't know which 1 to go nar do i have any idea's which 1 will help me the best with the support . I'll be mainly making any kind of apps. P.S. If you know of any websites which will help me within that language please let me know, Also let me know which version of what language to use is the best Many thanks cegy
String Format In C# (more Advanced This Time!)
by n00b!ICU- 2 replies
Is there anyone in here who could help me with this little problem here: I have a string of 30 chars, I want to divide that string into 3 lines with 10 chars at max per line. Only problem is; NO WORDS SHOULD BE DIVIDED INTO 2 PARTS, it must stop and choose next line if it see that the word is too long for the line.... What I have so far: String[] Splitter = input.Split(new char[] { ' ' });That code will then split the string into bits and parts, now to the rebuilding part where the actual help I need is needed.... Any good and valid suggestions? /Regards, n00b
Brute Force Algo In C And Asm
by Guest K.PAZ- 0 replies
Recently I was working on a crackme and I needed to bruteforce it. Since I could not find a decent algorithm for creating strings from a character set, I came up with this 2 algo's in C and Assembler. The algos are probably not optimized (the assembler one , for sure not), so if you have suggestions please go ahead and mail me. Since I am still a beginner in this I will appreaciate every comment. Algo in C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void BruteForce();char *CharSet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 "; char a[32];//----------------------------------------------------------------------…
Code Execution Before A Program Is Run From A Dll
by SiliconShadow- 0 replies
Soemtimes when you have a exe say a application that uses the web or soemthing you want to analyse you make a little dll and hook a function and cal lthat function somewhere along the way. However sometimes you need the dll to only run the code before the exe is run itself perhaps to add some protection to your exe or other reasons use your imagination Basically some programs allow you to pack a dll with a exe and depending on the exe type the code in the main of the dll will execute before the program on others it wont. The reason for this is that soemtimes it ignores the dll totally so you need to create a false export and the dll and create a import on the exe befo…
by Scale- 6 replies
What is the best option to send to strings from 1 program to the other? At first i was simply reading the memory but on restart the address changes. Thanks allot!
Magic_h2001's V2m Player (c/masm/vb/delphi)
by mudlord- 7 replies
Herein attached is a modded version of KB/farbrausch's V2M player. Supports win98-me-2k-xp-2k3-vista Has static and dynamic libs for Delphi/VB/VC++/MASM32 Includes library support for PowerBASIC/many others.... Enjoy!
by ChupaChu- 5 replies
autor states: read all about it here: h!!p:// So if anyone has last free package, please share. TIA, ChupaChu!
- 5 replies
hi friends Please help me for get ProcessID From File name i have a process . this process hase not caption and i must get this process id . !!sorry for my Poor English!!
How To Search For Signatures
by Durchschuss- 6 replies
Do you know how PEiD (esp. KANAL) and ProtectionID search for signatures? Is it just searching for a coherent byte pattern?
Help Out With Patch In Delphi
by Guest Fellow Hacker- 13 replies
Alright Whatup Everybody I Am New To This Forum Thought I Do Know About Cracking. Problem Is I Dont Know How To Make My Own Patches So I Checked Here And Found Something Similar But I Need Help Changing It. begin assignfile(FB , original.caption); Reset(FB); b := $90; seek(FB,$00066C38); Write(FB,b); closefile(FB); end; end; How Would I Change This Code To Patch Many Offsets Instead Of Having To Repeat The Same Code Many Times. Any Help Appreciated Laterz, Short-Circuit
How To Disable Rich Signature In Vs2005 Linker
by Durchschuss- 6 replies
I already succesfully removed this **** from the masm linker as described in win32 assembly tut from goppit, but Asterix's signfinder doesn't find anything in the VS 2005 linker. Does somebody know how to remove it there? Manually removing it from the compiled exe is annoying.