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Patching A File Using Visual Basic 6

Guest BooGLE

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Guest BooGLE

Hey Guys,

I am having some trouble with patching a file in vb6.

I use the following code to try and patch the file:

Open "File.exe" For Binary As #1

Put #1, &H3BA1E, "EB" Format As: "Put #1, <offset>, <byte>

Close #1

But, This isnt working! I've also tried reversing the orders of things, but it just seems to screw up my file.

I also would like to know why "&H" is put before the offset?

Any help on this would be appriciated.

Best Regards,


Edited by BooGLE
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  • 1 year later...

&H = hex value

I have made Vb6 exe patchers and vb6 memory patcher/loaders before, Its an old topic but if you still need help im sure I could write a sample code for you

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  • 3 months later...

Try This

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim sFile

sFile = "C:\test.txt"

PatchBytes sFile, 2, &HFF

End Sub

Public Function PatchBytes(xFile, sOffSet, sByte As Byte)

Open xFile For Binary As #1

Put #1, sOffSet, sByte

Close #1

End Function

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