Programming and Coding
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1,885 topics in this forum
[C++Builder] Dll Injector
by 0xFF- 10 replies
An old project I worked on, don't need it anymore, but I am actually using the injector, I'll probably won't continue this project. (Already does what it needs) Compiled under C++ Builder by embarcadero.
[Delphi] IAT Patch - Code
by 0xFF- 3 replies
This code is NOT by me, it's by Madshi, author of madCodeHook, taken from experts-exchange, i'm an expert there. You can use the following code, it's copied from my madExcept package. madCodeHook uses a much better but also much more complicated API hooking method. The missing parts (e.g. GetImageNtHeaders) can be found in the madBasic package (which includes sources) of my collection. This function works fine. For successful IAT patching you need to patch each and every module in your process. However, in win9x you're not allowed to patch system modules (modules whose handle is bigger than $80000000). If you would do that, you'd make the whole OS unstable. As a result IA…
hiigh level pseudocode for instructions like adc
by abhijit mohanta- 0 replies
I wanted to derive high level pseudocode for assembly inrtructions eg cmp eax,20 jl ifLower can be represented in psedocode: if eax<20 goto ifLower similarly I want to derive psedocode for the following listing: specifically for adc instruction mov ebx, dword ptr[esi] sub esi,-4 adc ebx,ebx jb somelabel can anybody help?
Delphi 2008+ Inline ASM
by chessgod101- 3 replies
I have been learning the rip technique for keygenning with Delphi. I have successfully compiled the program with Delphi 7 and it generates correct values. When I compile the same program with the Delphi 2008+ compiler, the keygen generates incorrect values. What parameters have changed with ASM inline in Delphi 2008+? Are there any compiler instructions I need to add to the ASM procedure to correct this problem?
- 0 replies
Visual Studio 2010 Keybinding Posters High quality, print-ready PDFs in letter & A4 format containing the default keybindings in Visual Studio 2010 for Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual C++ and Visual F#. DOWNLOAD
- 7 replies
Hello, How can I insert an external link in a MessageBox in the WinAsm studio?
WinAsm: Some questions..
by zoiT- 3 replies
Hi, i have some Questions: 1. What is the code for moving the form without title bar? 2. Where can i find nice tutorials for WinAsm? Thanks...
project wide variables in VS2008
by deepzero- 6 replies
hi guys, Here`s a little question that has been bugging me for quiet some time...: How can i declare a project wide variable? Say, main.cpp holds the function int main(){...}. In a second file, second.cpp, i have a second function: void second(){...}. How can these two functions share a string/int/long/... variable? thanx, deep p.s. to makes this clear, this is in no way related to windows environment variables (%tmp%, %%appdata%,...). That`s mostly what i got when using google... :S
- 5 replies
Stupid project I wasted my time on.
C# Keygen and Source
by Fierce Waffle- 0 replies
My program is currently protected by checking 3 different text files on my account. It checks for the username using XOR encryption, it then checks the password. The code for getting the machine code(HWID) in my program is as shown here MachineCodeString = "MOD" + "-" + IPreplace3.Remove(3) + "-" + replace4.Remove(4) + "-" + IPreplace3.Substring(IPreplace3.Length - 4, 4); machineCode.Text = MachineCodeString; the ipreplace stuff and replace is just removing 0's, :'s and .'s I was wondering if any of you could program a keygen that only requires a name and serial. Depending on what the user enters for the name, the serial would have to match using …
Errors, while compiling NTL library
by qpt^J- 0 replies
hey all, I want to compile this lib in msvc++ 6 I followed this tour: but couldnt compile this lib. /> Compiler shows more than 2500 errors, cant understand why. Please someone help me to figure out what am i doing wrong thanks
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How to read PDB files A long time ago I was looking on how to process pdb files in order to get additional information that reflection simply could not provide. Now I stumped over a 5 year old post of Mike Stall and suddenly all became clear. I’ve put together a small example which uses .net 4.0 to read the method body code as it is in the source code from where the assembly was compiled. Mind you that in order for this to work you have to have the pdb of the assembly available. Also please make sure you add a refference to ISymWrapper and your project is targeting .Net 4.0 framework, not .Net 4.0 Client. using System; using System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore; using Syst…
Visual Studio 2010 issues
by deepzero- 16 replies
Hi, I got my hands on the trial version of "Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate". Really nice IDE... Two issues, though: 1) InteliSense doesn't work at all: i tried everything described here: /> - no success. 2) Second thing is my cursor. When i have a project open, the mouse cursor switches between the standard arrow and the hourglass continuously - twice a second and system wide. That is really annoying and makes it virtually impossible to have a project open in the background. did anyone experience similar issues? deep0
- 0 replies
Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit June 2010 Release of the Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit VS2010TrainingKitJuneSetup.exe 178.0MB Version: 1.5 Date Published: 6/16/2010 Language: English Overview The Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit includes presentations, hands-on labs, and demos. This content is designed to help you learn how to utilize the Visual Studio 2010 features and a variety of framework technologies including: * C# 4 * Visual Basic 10 * F# * Parallel Extensions * Windows Communication Foundation * Windows Workflow * Windows Presentation Foundation * ASP.NET 4 * Windo…
- 0 replies
Document Well 2010 Plus: Hidden Options [update 7/20/2010]: Updated changes made for version 10.0.10710.22 of the Pro Power Tools. Please take a look at the changelog. A couple of posts ago I announced the availability of Document Well 2010 Plus as part of the Visual Studio 2010 Pro Power Tools. Since then we have received lots of feedback about our extension, for which I am very grateful. User feedback has centered around two main points: 1. There should be an option to hide the pin button 2. When using custom colors for tabs, the selected tab is sometimes not clearly distinguishable Fortunately, the extension has a couple of hidden options that will let you allevi…
- 5 replies
Hi, I apologize in advance if I've posted this in the wrong place, plus I'm a newbie so please spare me some punishment regarding the following. I want to modify an executable that uses combo boxes for several hundred strings. I have no source, and when you use a resource editor only dialogs appear. I've been told this program's combo boxes use a tricky string structure. Since hex edit seems to be my only option at this point, I change the current text while leaving null(00?) characters alone. The null character data position can't be changed and they signify the start of the next string. Due to being only able to edit original text, I also have to keep the original strin…
C++ > Delphi help
by Departure- 12 replies
Just wondering if anyone can help me convert a c++ snippet to delphi, I have attempted myself but my C++ skills are not that good... Either one of these snippets does the job.. //In Globals typedef void (__cdecl *lpSetConsoleVariable)(unsigned long console,char* szVal); lpSetConsoleVariable SetConsoleVariable;//Usage SetConsoleVariable(0x8003F0,"ShowFps 1"); Or this snippet typedef int (__cdecl* RunConsoleCommand_t)(char* cmd); RunConsoleCommand_t pRunConsoleCommand = (RunConsoleCommand_t)0x00485E10;//Usage pRunConsoleCommand("ShowFPS 1"); Now for my attempts function Pu****(command: PChar):boolean;cdecl; var dwAddress: Dword; begin dwAddress:= $00484bc0; asm …
- 1 reply
hey all here is another nice keygen source for deurus crackme#1 by me here is keygenme link : here is Keygen Source in ASM Language : .data? szname db 512 Dup(?) buf db 512 Dup(?) buf3 db 512 Dup(?) s1 dd ?generate proc hWin:HWND invoke GetDlgItemText,hWin,1001,addr szname,512 test eax,eax je error MOV EAX,offset szname PUSH EAX call lstrlen MOV ESI,EAX TEST ESI,ESI JLE @Crackme_0044DE3A MOV DWORD PTR DS:[s1],0@Crackme_0044DDC5: PUSH EAX MOV ECX,1 MOV EAX,s1 XOR ECX,ECX MOV CL,BYTE PTR DS:[szname+eax] MOV…
Stores and reads array
by icha- 3 replies
I am curious about how peid loads signature database. Does Peid store the signature as an array and load it to memory? If I compare the used memory between peid and exeinfope Exeinfope Priv. Working Set : 316,676 K Commit Size : 318.068 K Peid Priv. Working Set : 2232 K Commit Size : 6792 K I know they are different program but they are quite similar with big difference about memory consumption. Actually, I have signature database, I put it as an array in a DLL. My EXE retrieve the array from DLL and assign the array to EXE's variable. The problem is my EXE will consume huge memory. What is the effective way?
[Delphi] Get Offset By A/B
by 0xFF- 8 replies
This little function will return an offset inside a binary typed file by a given array of byte. function RetOffset(const FileName: String; const bSrc: Array Of Byte): DWORD; var hFile : DWORD; CompareArray : Array Of Byte; FileLength : DWORD; Pos : DWORD; BytesRead : DWORD; begin Result := 0; Pos := 0; hFile := CreateFile(PChar(FileName), GENERIC_READ, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); If hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then Exit; SetLength(CompareArray, Length(bSrc)); Try FileLength := SetFilePointer(hfile, 0, nil, FILE_END) - Length(bSrc); SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, nil, FILE_BEGIN); While Pos <= FileLength Do …
List open file handles in win api?
by chickenbutt- 4 replies
I've seen methods for getting a list of open handles for a file/folder as they are created, but what about when they already exist, and from only ring3? Searching turns up nothing, and I'm hoping there is some structure or descriptor that can be used.. example application: pass a path to a non-executable or folder and get a list of processes accessing it
- 0 replies
This is a project I've been working on over 6 month (with long breaks) and it's time for me to release an Alpha stage source of it, i'm abanding this project since i'll probably port it to C++ (C++ Builder by Embracadero) XE. This project is in Delphi XE, it's a cheating tool for the game Typing Maniac @ Facebook, how it work? - @Form creation, it will store the game handle to a global variable - (FilterImage Subroutine) Take a screenshot of the game and optimize its canvas by removing unwanted pixels (Look at CleanupCanvas subroutine) - (ProcessImage Subroutine) Will process the image by scanning it (TOCR Engine) for words, in the end it will send a keystroke to the gam…
[ Delphi ] Keygen Src
by IMPosTOR- 1 reply
Hello here is some keygen src [Delphi] dont miss it some of src using bruteforce to get serial number. like Poxxr IxO and AAA-LoXX or ... Enjoy. //coded by IMPosTOR // // Generate_Serial_by_IMPosTOR : string; var i,j : integer; Magic : string; M : integer; c1,c2,c3 : integer; part1,part2,part3,part4 : string; begin result := 'Error : 01'; Magic := '2YOPB3AQCVUXMNRS97WE0IZD4KLFGHJ8165T'; repeat Part1 := Random_Serial(5,6); c1 := 0; c2 := 0; c3 := 0; for i := 1 to 5 do begin M := (ord(Part1[i])); for j := 1 to length(Magic) do begin if M = (ord(Magic[j])) …
using Crypto++
by deepzero- 6 replies
Hi, Today, i tried to implement a simple RSA en-decryption using "Crypto++" (, as it`s supposed to be easy to use and powerful. Since i had never used it before, i decided to start with something simple and calculate the SHA-x hash of a text string. Fortunately, i even found an example code in the documentation: /> However, it wont compile. I`ve read through several FAQs, wiki entries, help files, online documentations - cant get it to work. I downloaded the latest version of Crypto++ (5.6.1), extracted all the files to the core folder of my VS2008 C++ project and included the necessary headers: …
- 1 reply
// © 2005 Richard Grimes // snSig library used to get information about a strong name signature of // a .NET assembly using System; using System.IO;// Used to obtain the file offset and the size of the strong name signature // and the strong name data directory public class StrongNameSignature { // Locations and sizes of various things in the PE file const int pePos = 0x003c; const int numSectOffset = 0x02; const int peIdentSize = 0x04; const int coffHeaderSize = 0x14; const int dataDirectoryOffset = 0x60; const int dataDirectoryLength = 0x08; const int clrHeaderIndex = 0x0e; const int strongNameSigOffset = 0x20; const int sectionHeaderSize =…