Programming and Coding
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- 1 reply
Reflection - The Java Reflection API With the introduction of Java Beans was also the birth of Reflection (formerly " Introspection ") forced initiated because objects were previously found only in static structures. This in turn meantthat the classes had already at compile be available. Because of this fact but the genericapplication form request can not be extended to the interface of a plugin, corresponded, it wasdecided to introduce a new technique? Introspection (later Reflection ). The term Reflection here means that programs which are a generic design to be able put in for herclasses (unknown such as by direct user input) to create instances of objects. The Ref…
- 0 replies
Calling invokedynamic in Java DynamicIndy There is no way to invoke invokedynamic using the Java language. So testing invokedynamic is not that obvious if you don't have your own dynamic language. I've developed a small class DynamicIndy that uses ASM 4.0 (not an official release) to generate a static method that calls invokedynamic. These static method is after converted to a MethodHandle that can be called in Java. invokedynamic
- 4 replies
My problem is how build driver for Windows7 64Bits... i don't understand o how can make driver for this OS... I've downloaded WDK 7600.16385.1 and use for build my simple driver for XP but now, I want o to make for W7 but i have problem..? "build driver on windowsxp 32 bits for windows7 64 bits" How?
"Hooking" into Java App Engine
by CodeExplorer- 1 reply
"Hooking" into Java App Engine />
Visual Basic Bassmod Source Code... 1 2
by Teddy Rogers- 1 follower
- 26 replies
Here is some Visual Basic source code from Black Byte to use BassMod to play XM and MOD tunes... Ted. bLaCk_bytE_XM_MOD___FULL.RaR
I need help to uncap fps in games
by iVanisher- 2 replies
Hello everyone. The reason of this topic is because I want to make a program to uncap the framerate of some games. I got inspired when I saw some patches achieving unlimited fps on games capped at 30 fps. (Blade Kitten, Transformers: War of Cybertron, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, etc). I tried to do a d3d hook and also tried to look at those patches in Olly (some of them were packed with PECompact/UPX) but unfortunately my reversing skills are still too weak to know what they did... so in the end I had no success... I'm asking for some help as there are very talented and experienced people here at tuts4you. I really want to know how to do this, specially for learning p…
String compression algorithms
by CodeExplorer- 3 replies
String compression algorithms: 1. First simple algorithm: Input string "Acccc"; We store first 2 chars "Ac" + a char: - first bit should be set whit 1 for marking that we have a compression here - rest of bits will filled whit numbers of duplicates - under this case 3 "Acccc" -> Ac[3] 2. Second algorithm: Input string "the Udrea, the Basescu"; * We store "the Udrea, " + First char: - first bit should be set whit 1 for marking that we have a compression here - rest of bits will filled whit the lenght of duplicate string - under this case Second char: - all bits should contain the position from where to take the string - under this case 11 "the Udrea, the Basescu…
How to protect .NET/Native Applications
by Aguila- 0 replies
If I create an application with managed and unmanaged code (mixed assemblies), how can I protect it? I tried already: Themida v2 Smartassembly v4 DotFuscator Community Edition DotNet Reactor v4 MPRESS v1 All create a corrupted PE file. Somebody know any working protector? Is there any sourcecode obfuscator available for C#? I attached an example file... i_ufmod.rar
- 2 replies
As it happens, I'm not the first to look into this particular algorithm: the full listing of the decompression routine with some annotations is available on a Chinese blog. I've already been able to write a "poor man's compressor" for it (well, with compression rate 0 so it actually increases the file size), but I'd like to know what algo it is. I suspect it's a readily available open source algo but I have no experience whatsoever with compression algorithms so I figured someone here might know more than I do about the topic. I'm also attaching a small file packed with it. When decompressed, it's actually a resource file with some strings and a bitmap in it.
Loader race issue
by birt- 6 replies
So, I have this packed service that I need to patch at runtime without actually running a loader. I took the easy way, I wrote a DLL and added it to AppInit_DLLs, returning 0 from its DLLMain if it's trying to attach to a different process. So far so good. Next step was to patch the process. Since at the time the DLL is loaded, the exe image isn't even loaded yet, let alone unpacked, my solution was to start a thread as soon as the DLL is attached to the process and enter an infinite loop. Inside the loop I monitor a memory location (one of the patch locations actually) directly (not via ReadProcessMemory() since it's in the same address space) and when it has a certain v…
Hacker Disassembler Engine + Source Code... 1 2
by Teddy Rogers- 34 replies
Hacker Disassembler Engine: To disassemble should call hde_disasm function: void hde_disasm( void *pCode // pointer to code HDE_STRUCT *pHDE_STRUCT // pointer to structure HDE_STRUCT ) After execute, you get filled structure HDE_STRUCT: typedef struct _HDE_STRUCT { BYTE len; // length of command BYTE p_rep; // rep/repnz/.. prefix: 0xF2 or 0xF3 BYTE p_lock; // lock prefix 0xF0 BYTE p_seg; // segment prefix: 0x2E, 0x36, 0x3E, 0x26, 0x64, 0x65 BYTE p_66; // prefix 0x66 BYTE p_67; // prefix 0x67 BYTE opcode; // opcode BYTE opcode2; // second opcode, if first opcode equal 0x0F BYTE modrm; // ModR/M byte BYTE…
Error generating a random letter in VB.NET
by grizzmo- 2 replies
Hope someone can give me a hint, because I have the following code copied from reflector(VB.NET) into vb express edition 2010, but I have a lot of errors, so I started fixing the code, but i ended with an error, which it seems I , not yet, can't resolve myself. Here she comes: Private Function genRandomLetter(ByVal rand As Random) As CharReturn IIf((rand.Next(1, 3) = 1), DirectCast(rand.Next(&H41, 90), Char), DirectCast(rand.Next(&H61, &H7A), Char)))End Function And here is the error: Error 2 'Integer' values cannot be converted to 'Char'. Use 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW' to interpret a numeric value as a Unicode character or first convert it …
[Help] Making a patcher using VB 2008
by mafia_hitman- 4 replies
Hey Guys, I am having some trouble with patching a file in Visual Basic 2008. The idea is like that .. 1-Store File In The Program Using "Resources" .. 2- If The Program Is Runned .. My Program Should Show This Message "Please Close The Program" Or Making My Program Close The Program That I want To Patch .. 3-If The Program That I want to patch is closed ..Then When you click the button .. the file dialogue opened and give to user the ability to choose the file that i whant to modify "Replace or patched" after that the file will copied from resourse and replaced the old file "Patched" after when this operation finished .. 4- show this message "Your Program Is Patched .. E…
WriteProcessMemory and loader wich doesn't work.
by BondCracked- 2 replies
Hello, I trying to code a loader for an app and when I use the function WriteProcessMemory it fails. 1 - OllyDbg shows the error code: ERROR_NOACCESS (000003E6) 2 - I follow this tutorial:,%20Guides%20and%20Essays/loader.htm 3 - My system is (original) Windows 7 home premium and I have adm privilegies. I read similar posts in this forum and others and couldn't find a good solution for the problem. Does this approach don't work anymore? Any help could be great. Thanks in advance. BondCracked.
how to get a hardware id?
by darkshark- 6 replies
hello guys, I can understand if you do not want to help me but ... I have a program that it uses hardware ID to generate a license, similar to armadillo... however, a larger it is based on the network card for hardware-fingerprint ... I know this because when I change the MAC address, it also changes the hardware-fingerprint ... only it is not only that, but when I try to log in via wifi or cable, hardware id changed and I can not login .... when I change the MAC address of a network card, the hardware-fingerprint changes, but even if I put the two MAC addresses match, the hardware id is never the same ... you will be able to understand? I was wondering how it obtained th…
Need a C++ KeyGen Template made in VS2010
by Krisler12- 2 replies
Hi ! I have found some keygen templates but most of them are in asm, also I have found one made in c but it is made using an old compiler and it cannot be converted for Visual Studio 2010 I have. This topic is to ask someone of this forum if not bother to make a KeyGen template in C++ but for Visual Studio 2010 not an older version. Second, I wish you to make it in such a way to be able to use assembly language includes ripped from Olly with code ripper plugin. They shold be like: _asm { //code ripped from olly } and I wish you to make a commented region where to insert this. Thank you very much ! Happy New Year !
MASM and Visual Studio 2010
by Ufo-Pu55y- 11 replies
I haven't tested it yet, but it sounds very interesting. Especially when your working on mixed sh1t projects like asm/c or asm/c#. /> PS: credits to hmi222 for the find
- 0 replies
Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework * Are you frustrated by the lack of code samples for a certain programming task? * Have you struggled to quickly get started with a technique? * Have you ever expected someone to write code samples for you based on your requests for free? * Is a one-stop code sample library for all Microsoft development technologies attractive to you? If your answer is YES to any of these questions, the Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework is for you! The Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework is a free, centralized code sample library provided by the Microsoft Community team. Our goal is to provide typical code samples for all Microsoft dev…
[Delphi] Store Function in Resource Section of Executable
by counterstrikewi- 2 replies
hi, I am trying to store a custom procedure within the resource section of my executable. Then, I hope to call that procedure from resource. I have a basic example working and I have posted full delphi source code for this example. However, there are limitations. I am having trouble retrieving return values from Windows API. As you can see in the code below, if you compile both executables with the comment in the builder intact, then run the builder, next the stub, it works perfectly. However, if you remove the comment in the builder to assign a local variable to the result of a Windows API, then run the builder, next the stub, it results in an error Builder: p…
- 10 replies
So I'm making a keygenme and I need to know how to load the dlls from a resource. do you extract them to c:\windows\system32? how do you call them from there? I'm using Fmod
NOP a process's functions in VB .net?
by PiZZAMiN- 2 replies
[PR ID] Program.exe!Program.exe+0x3E300 || [0x0043E300] || Custom Patch [6 Bytes] || mov edx , dword ptr [esp+04h] || nop [PR ID] Program.exe!Program.exe+0x3E360 || [0x0043E360] || Custom Patch [7 Bytes] || push esi || nop [PR ID] Program.exe!Program.exe+0x3E940 || [0x0043E940] || Custom Patch [6 Bytes] || push ebx || nop [PR ID] Program.exe!Program.exe+0x75BD0 || [0x00475BD0] || Custom Patch [8 Bytes] || sub esp , 40h || nopHow can I inject this into the process? It needs to be loaded when the user wants, and the patchmydata won't load if these patches are in the exe eg. i open it and in olly do save to exe with patches then loa…
uFMOD in vb6 not working
by PiZZAMiN- 3 replies
uFMOD wont work in vb6. I renamed lnk then added new link. IT WONT WORK!!!!!! It says Can't find ufmod in title!!!!!!!! My project here... - Click me!
For anyone who know can help me?
by Coder1337- 7 replies
I'm a Philippine Crossfire coder, But the 2D BOX and Chams is almost Detect by XTRAP, i need to know how can i hook a XTRAP. Can i use a Middle Function Hooking for this reason?? or not? And also what is ID3DcreatedeviceI and what does reason we need this ID3DcreatedeviceI and unpacked the crossfire.exe if i can try this i can make works the 2D BOX and chams again or i need a new codes does not detected by XTRAP? please help me to all professional on hooking.
keygen template in masm
by Tenshi- 12 replies
hi, there... im new here in this forum and would show you a keygen template made for snd.... its fully written in masm (i used winasm studio as ide) i hope its usefull snd keygen
How to get OEP in delphi code?
by darkbreak- 5 replies
Hi Guy, How to get OEP in delphi code? Thanks