Programming and Coding
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1,885 topics in this forum
mfmplayer source
by tobetafu- 14 replies
Hi all this is my first post. I wonder if anyone would be kind enough to provide me with the source code of the mfmplayer library?
Playing an Sid music and load dll from Resource VB 2008 Help
by papadrellbo- 12 replies
Hello, does somebody have a idea int his issue? How can I load a working dll to play sid files from ressource. Have anybody some source code in this issue? I hope somebody could hellllp me. Thanks a lot. cu papadrellbo P.s. Some keygen sourcecode witch playing music is helpful too. thanks. ;-)
- 4 replies
how I can remove the separator between char 1, with another char?... if I use spaces, the *. nfo will separate like something is messed up Code : procedure TForm1.Export1Click(Sender: TObject); var I : Integer; SL : TstringList; begin SL := TstringList.Create; for I := 0 to SG.RowCount - 1 do begin SG.Rows.Delimiter := #32; // replace coma with spaces SL.Add(SG.Rows.DelimitedText); end; if not SD.Execute then Exit; SL.SaveToFile(SD.FileName); SL.Free; end;
- BASS_ChannelGetLength
by Accede- 0 replies
I make this function that i get the length of the fasttracker modules but i get no return. My function looks like this : public string Getlength(string nm) { long len = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetLength(HMUSIC,BASSMode.BASS_POS_BYTES);//gets the length of the mod file as bytes double time = Bass.BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(HMUSIC, len);//convert mod bytes to seconds return nm; } This is how i call it player.getlength(label2.text); I hope some one can help my on this,is for are littel player on c#. I solved it by my self.her is the code if some on has the same prop with public string Getlength(string name2) {…
DIBLIB Dib Engine
by zorke- 2 replies
compiled with MASM into .lib form. If you port the inc, to C, C++ etc, go ahead for use with trainer/keygen/cracktro if you want help/found errors, just post in thread, or PM. should work with any language as long as include file is ported, also included example in MASM or get attachment
aplib decompression
by abhijit mohanta- 6 replies
Does anyone have a idea on how aplib algo works? This is a derivation of lz78 decompression. I want to know the meanings of the routines like getbit getgamma and how it is used to read the dictionary. Below is the code ================== aP_depack_asm: ; aP_depack_asm(const void *source, void *destination) _ret$ equ 7*4 _src$ equ 8*4 + 4 _dst$ equ 8*4 + 8 pushad mov esi, [esp + _src$] ; C calling convention mov edi, [esp + _dst$] cld mov dl, 80h xor ebx,ebxliteral: movsb mov bl, 2 nexttag: call getbit jnc literal xor ecx, ecx call getbit jnc codepair xor eax, eax …
- 10 replies
Here are all the ripp's from keygen FX from cyberdoom systems. I am not the maker or such.. I just thought it would be nice to have them here as well seeing my download speeds from that server are around 1kb/s dunno 'bout you guy's but it is just very anoying. Well here they are -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Graphical effect from ORiON keygen(fire) *download as attachement* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Graphical effect from HTB keygen(about) *download as attachement* -----------------------------------------------------------------------…
Olly plugin
by 6748222- 0 replies
I`we try write my own plugin, but API documentations.. lacks informations :/ I wanna copy text to clipboard without emulating "ctrl+click", anyone can help me with this.. Added: solved it:
Cpp Miracl base problem
by ragdog- 14 replies
Hey Comuntity I try my luck in Cpp now have i a problem with Miracl miracl *mip=mirsys(256, 0); mip->IOBASE=16; big t=mirvar(0); cinstr(t, "666AAA422FDF79E1D4E41EDDC4D42C51"); mip->IOBASE=64; cotstr(t, buff); // ZmqqQi/feeHU5B7dxNQsUQ mirkill(t); I try to convert a base 16 string "666AAA422FDF79E1D4E41EDDC4D42C51" to base 64 "ZmqqQi/feeHU5B7dxNQsUQ" Have any an idea why i have the wrong result? Regards,
Question About Packing And The Iat
by thunkdata- 4 replies
So if you have a file, and you pack it, obviously you lose all the information in the Import Address Table, well maybe not lose it, but it's useless because its never intialized since at the time the PE loader loaded the file, it would have never been set to the function addresses. So then how does the stub make it so that the orignal code is able to use the program correctly, does the packer run over the Import Name Table, find everything it is trying to import, and then build a new import address table once the file is loaded up using LoadLibrary?So you have something likeCALL DWORD PTR DS:[1063060]And then that stores an address to the beginning of the function (TlsSet…
Search & Replace Patch VB.NET
by ghsafsdfsdhfghfgjhgkj- 3 replies
How to get the real method from MethodTyPar
by CodeExplorer- 3 replies
How to get the real method from MethodTyPar ? Used for methods with generic parameters. Seems that I should get it from "Method" but how?
- 3 replies
I've written code that will detect and prevent managed .NET debuggers and profilers from working. The code is in the public domain so anyone can use it should they find it useful. The difference between this code and other similar code is that this code can prevent a managed debugger and profiler from receiving messages. It also uses internal CLR variables to detect and prevent managed debuggers/profilers. The code has been tested on CLR 2.0 RTM - CLR 2.0 latest, CLR 4.0 RTM, x86 and x64.Code: of the README follows here:Anti-managed debuggerMost anti-managed debugger code will call System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached somewhere …
Listen .v2m module music in VB .NET? 1 2 3
by Freefall63- 62 replies
Hey guys, I made some .v2m music on my own and would like to play them statically in vb 2008 .NET, because this is my favourite language. All I could find on the net was a c++ project, a delphi .dll and a vb 6 native project with a modified linker to link a v2m lib. Now I need to ask, is there any way? Greetz, Freefall - Attachment: My v2m music file and the magicv2m.dll delphi sound engine and some other useful stuff. V2.rar V2m plugins & projects.rar
Can any one Help to find out key?
by vdroy97- 4 replies
Hello Friends i am vijay studding in mca, i got a project in to find out key from your personal machine id, i try from long time but i cant solve this. here is given code Imports SystemImports System.IOImports System.ManagementImports System.Windows.FormsNamespace SecurityTest Friend Class productkey ' Methods Public Shared Function [date](ByVal st As String) As Integer Try Dim num As UInt64 = crypto.DecryptString(nconvert.toodec(st)) Dim hashCode As Integer = productkey.genrate.GetHashCode If (hashCode < 0) Then hashCode = (hashCode * -1) End If …
Save Assembly to File
by Dumpper- 2 replies
Hi, At this time i have success load byte array contain assembly to application, Below sample script: //1. Load raw assembly from byte array Assembly SampleAssembly = Assembly.Load(byte_arr_assembly); //2. Launch Form Inside Assembley, Success if (SampleAssembly != null) { Type[] types = SampleAssembly.GetTypes(); foreach (Type type in types) { MethodInfo[] methodInfos = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); foreach (MethodInfo mf in methodInfos) { if (mf.Name == "Invoke") …
Keygen and Coding Sources
by tim619- 7 replies
File Name: Keygen and Coding Sources File Submitter: tim619 File Submitted: 21 Jun 2011 File Category: Source Code Reupload, 14th of Sep. 2012 Hoster: Zippyshare Size: ~335mb Unpack using 7-Zip or WinRAR Download: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Hope it's useful Click here to download this file
Keygen Template - VB.NET
by ghsafsdfsdhfghfgjhgkj- 22 replies
[delphi] Get Speed Upload/download modem
by delphi789truno- 2 replies
Hello i would like to know, how i can get actual upload/download speed, like DU Meter. can you give me source code Get Speed Upload/download modem for example
Playing An XM From Resource VB 2008 Help Needed!
by PiZZAMiN- 8 replies
Okay, so I wanted to put an XM in a crack-me, but I can't figure out how to! I have AutoIT source, but playing from resources is very hard and dialogs are very annoying. I don't do vb6, and the .bas file doesn't work so here is the autoit source to play a file to prove i have checked docs and searched the web. #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3>$filedir = FileOpenDialog('Open the mod file', @ScriptDir, 'Mod files (*.xm)', 1)Global $bassdll = DllOpen("BASSMOD.dll") , $Init[1] Global $Chan, $Init, $VolLevel $Init = DllCall($bassdll, "int", "BASSMOD_Init", "int", …
SBVA Patch Src [2012]
by 0xFF- 1 reply
This is hardcoded for version (Build 3026 beta), it's not hard to make it work universally. i don't need this anymore, so i'm just dumping it here. Link: SBVA Patch Src.rar
- 4 replies
Hi guys/girls, I'm really new to Olly plugin writing, so I'm here to beg for your help. I'm writing a very simple plugin for Olly 1.10 that deals with bytes in CPU dump. I'm using Readmemory and Writememory functions and all works fine ... but modified bytes don't look like modified and I can't invoke undo action on them I'll explain better. When you do some action on CPU dump like "Binary | Fill With xxx" operations you end up with "red" modified bytes in the dump, bytes you can even restore back to their initial value. That's the effect I'd like to reproduce. Any pointer, hint or suggestion is appreciated (I'll understand if you'll give me a mouthful ) . Thanks i…
- 2 replies
I have already tried to study this problem and gather the most information I could but there still seems to be a problem. I have created a new winasm lib project and I did something like this: .586 .mmx .model flat, stdcall option casemap:none include .data .data? .const .code start: FxProc proc var:DWORD mov eax, var imul eax, 0123h Ret FxProc EndP end start the code of is as follows: .const FxProc proto :DWORD then I finally created a static.h wich I included in my main.c using #include "static.h" it is written as follows: __stdcall FxProc(unsigned int Var); after invoking : FxProc(123); my code will not even compile: 1>test1.obj : error LN…
DSP in masm
by hibernator- 1 reply
Hi all, I am currently on a project which needs to compare the input signal from external source with a reference signal and give the frequency of Input signal .What would be the best and effecient way to do this ? Any help from you guys would mean a lot to me P.S. Implementing in MASM Regards.
- 6 replies
Hello Tuts4you, I'm working on a new project and for this tool I combined a few of my older tools in one tool with a 'simple' TabControl. Everything with drawing the window above the tabcontrol works fine, but I experienced quite some problems when I introduced the "OnTop" checkbox that makes the window topmost (obvious lol) First it works fine, but when I for example start Olly the background isn't redrawn. (See screenshot). I tried some code from a keygen template I made, but this only makes the window flicker. ( I attached the source code of tabs.h, this handles all the tabs b…