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Keygen and Coding Sources


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  • 1 year later...

ok, here you have a reupload, maybe some files are twice. (now also including keygen music)

i included my pure basic 4.60 sources, its a very easy to learn language,

i coded the keygen free on my own. it includes:

+transparency (fade in fade out didnt work together with transparancy, maybe someone could fix)

+focus on top

+last generated key is automtically on clipboard

+select box for different versions

+chiptune support

+scrollover popup

feel free to continue adding some features or fix some bugs and then post here.

Note: all other sources are only a collection and not by me!

Edited by tim619
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  • 3 months later...

Dear friends
i am vijay studding in mca, i got a project in to find out key from your personal machine id, i try from long time but i cant solve this. here is given code

Imports SystemImports System.IOImports System.ManagementImports System.Windows.FormsNamespace SecurityTest    Friend Class productkey        ' Methods        Public Shared Function [date](ByVal st As String) As Integer            Try                 Dim num As UInt64 = crypto.DecryptString(nconvert.toodec(st))                Dim hashCode As Integer = productkey.genrate.GetHashCode                If (hashCode < 0) Then                    hashCode = (hashCode * -1)                End If                Return CInt((num - CULng((hashCode * &H5F5E100))))            Catch exception As Exception                log.store("default", "Errorinnproductkey2.cs", exception.Message)                Return 0            End Try        End Function        Public Shared Function genrate() As String            Try                 Dim driveLetter As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath).Substring(0, 1)                Dim str2 As String = productkey.getkey(driveLetter, "PNPDeviceID")                Dim str3 As String = productkey.getkey(driveLetter, "Caption")                Dim str4 As String = productkey.getkey(driveLetter, "Size")                If ((((str2 Is Nothing) OrElse (str2 = "")) AndAlso ((str3 Is Nothing) OrElse (str3 = ""))) AndAlso ((str4 Is Nothing) OrElse (str4 = ""))) Then                    MessageBox.Show("Please Check Yours Installation..")                    Return ""                End If                Dim hashCode As Integer = str2.GetHashCode                Dim num2 As Integer = str3.GetHashCode                Dim num3 As Integer = str4.GetHashCode                If (hashCode < 0) Then                    hashCode = (hashCode * -1)                End If                If (num2 < 0) Then                    num2 = (num2 * -1)                End If                If (num3 < 0) Then                    num3 = (num3 * -1)                End If                Dim str5 As String = nconvert.getcode(CULng(hashCode))                Dim str6 As String = nconvert.getcode(CULng(num2))                Dim str7 As String = nconvert.getcode(CULng(num3))                Return String.Concat(New String() { str5, "-", str6, "-", str7 })            Catch exception As Exception                log.store("default", "Errorinnproductkey3.cs", exception.Message)                Return ""            End Try        End Function        Public Shared Function getkey(ByVal driveLetter As String, ByVal typ As String) As String            Try                 productkey.type = typ                productkey._driveLetter = driveLetter.ToUpper                If Not productkey._driveLetter.Contains(":") Then                    productkey._driveLetter = (productkey._driveLetter & ":")                End If                productkey.matchDriveLetterWithSerial                Return productkey._serialNumber            Catch exception As Exception                log.store("default", "Errorinnproductkey4.cs", exception.Message)                Return ""            End Try        End Function        Public Shared Function getValueInQuotes(ByVal inValue As String) As String            Try                 Dim index As Integer = 0                Dim num2 As Integer = 0                index = inValue.IndexOf("""")                num2 = inValue.IndexOf("""", CInt((index + 1)))                Return inValue.Substring((index + 1), ((num2 - index) - 1))            Catch exception As Exception                log.store("default", "Errorinnproductkey7.cs", exception.Message)                Return ""            End Try        End Function        Public Shared Sub matchDriveLetterWithSerial()            Try                 Dim searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition")                Dim obj2 As ManagementObject                For Each obj2 In searcher.Get                    Dim str2 As String = productkey.getValueInQuotes(obj2.Item("Dependent").ToString)                    Dim str As String = productkey.getValueInQuotes(obj2.Item("Antecedent").ToString).Split(New Char() { ","c })(0).Remove(0, 6).Trim                    If (str2 = productkey._driveLetter) Then                        Dim searcher2 As New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive")                        Dim obj3 As ManagementObject                        For Each obj3 In searcher2.Get                            Dim str3 As String                            If (((obj3.Item("Name").ToString = ("\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE" & str)) And (obj3.Item("InterfaceType").ToString = "USB")) AndAlso (Not str3 = productkey.type Is Nothing)) Then                                If Not (str3 = "PNPDeviceID") Then                                    If (str3 = "Caption") Then                                        goto Label_0152                                    End If                                    If (str3 = "Size") Then                                        goto Label_016A                                    End If                                Else                                    productkey._serialNumber = productkey.parseSerialFromDeviceID(obj3.Item("PNPDeviceID").ToString)                                End If                            End If                            Continue For                        Label_0152:                            productkey._serialNumber = obj3.Item("Caption").ToString                            Continue For                        Label_016A:                            productkey._serialNumber = obj3.Item("Size").ToString                        Next                    End If                Next            Catch exception As Exception                log.store("default", "Errorinnproductkey5.cs", exception.Message)            End Try        End Sub        Public Shared Function parseSerialFromDeviceID(ByVal deviceId As String) As String            Try                 Dim strArray As String() = deviceId.Split(New Char() { "\"c })                Dim index As Integer = (strArray.Length - 1)                Return strArray(index).Split(New Char() { "&"c })(0)            Catch exception As Exception                log.store("default", "Errorinnproductkey6.cs", exception.Message)                Return ""            End Try        End Function        Public Shared Function verify(ByVal st As String) As Boolean            Try                 Dim num As Integer = (((DateTime.Now.Year * &H2710) + (DateTime.Now.Month * 100)) + DateTime.Now.Day)                staticstore.date = num                Return (((num <= productkey.date(st)) AndAlso (productkey.date(st).ToString.Length = 8)) AndAlso (productkey.date(st).ToString.Substring(0, 3) = "201"))            Catch exception As Exception                log.store("default", "Errorinnproductkey1.cs", exception.Message)                Return False            End Try        End Function        ' Fields        Private Shared _driveLetter As String        Private Shared _serialNumber As String        Private Shared type As String    End ClassEnd Namespace'Convert CodeImports SystemNamespace SecurityTest    Friend Class nconvert  ' Methods  Private Shared Function bincode(ByVal st As String) As String    Try     Dim str As String = ""    Select Case st    Case "2"    str = "00"    Exit Select    Case "3"    str = "00001"    Exit Select    Case "4"    str = "00010"    Exit Select    Case "5"    str = "00011"    Exit Select    Case "6"    str = "00100"    Exit Select    Case "7"    str = "00101"    Exit Select    Case "8"    str = "00110"    Exit Select    Case "9"    str = "00111"    Exit Select    Case "A"    str = "01000"    Exit Select    Case "B"    str = "01001"    Exit Select    Case "C"    str = "01010"    Exit Select    Case "D"    str = "01011"    Exit Select    Case "E"    str = "01100"    Exit Select    Case "F"    str = "01101"    Exit Select    Case "G"    str = "01110"    Exit Select    Case "H"    str = "01111"    Exit Select    Case "J"    str = "10000"    Exit Select    Case "K"    str = "10001"    Exit Select    Case "L"    str = "10010"    Exit Select    Case "M"    str = "10011"    Exit Select    Case "N"    str = "10100"    Exit Select    Case "P"    str = "10101"    Exit Select    Case "Q"    str = "10110"    Exit Select    Case "R"    str = "10111"    Exit Select    Case "S"    str = "11000"    Exit Select    Case "T"    str = "11001"    Exit Select    Case "U"    str = "11010"    Exit Select    Case "V"    str = "11011"    Exit Select    Case "W"    str = "11100"    Exit Select    Case "X"    str = "11101"    Exit Select    Case "Y"    str = "11110"    Exit Select    Case "Z"    str = "11"    Exit Select    End Select    Return str    Catch exception As Exception    log.store("default", "Errorinnconvert7.cs", exception.Message)    Return ""    End Try  End Function  Public Shared Function getcode(ByVal cd As UInt64) As String    Try     Return nconvert.tohexa(nconvert.tobinary(cd))    Catch exception As Exception    log.store("default", "Errorinnconvert1.cs", exception.Message)    Return ""    End Try  End Function  Private Shared Function gethex(ByVal st As String) As String    Try     Dim str As String = ""    Select Case st    Case "00"    str = "2"    Exit Select    Case "00001"    str = "3"    Exit Select    Case "00010"    str = "4"    Exit Select    Case "00011"    str = "5"    Exit Select    Case "00100"    str = "6"    Exit Select    Case "00101"    str = "7"    Exit Select    Case "00110"    str = "8"    Exit Select    Case "00111"    str = "9"    Exit Select    Case "01000"    str = "A"    Exit Select    Case "01001"    str = "B"    Exit Select    Case "01010"    str = "C"    Exit Select    Case "01011"    str = "D"    Exit Select    Case "01100"    str = "E"    Exit Select    Case "01101"    str = "F"    Exit Select    Case "01110"    str = "G"    Exit Select    Case "01111"    str = "H"    Exit Select    Case "10000"    str = "J"    Exit Select    Case "10001"    str = "K"    Exit Select    Case "10010"    str = "L"    Exit Select    Case "10011"    str = "M"    Exit Select    Case "10100"    str = "N"    Exit Select    Case "10101"    str = "P"    Exit Select    Case "10110"    str = "Q"    Exit Select    Case "10111"    str = "R"    Exit Select    Case "11000"    str = "S"    Exit Select    Case "11001"    str = "T"    Exit Select    Case "11010"    str = "U"    Exit Select    Case "11011"    str = "V"    Exit Select    Case "11100"    str = "W"    Exit Select    Case "11101"    str = "X"    Exit Select    Case "11110"    str = "Y"    Exit Select    Case "11"    str = "Z"    Exit Select    End Select    Return str    Catch exception As Exception    log.store("default", "Errorinnconvert4.cs", exception.Message)    Return ""    End Try  End Function  Private Shared Function tobinary(ByVal cd As UInt64) As String    Try     Dim str As String = ""    Do While (cd <> 0)    str = ((cd Mod CULng(2)).ToString & str)    cd = (cd / CULng(2))    Loop    Return str    Catch exception As Exception    log.store("default", "Errorinnconvert2.cs", exception.Message)    Return ""    End Try  End Function  Private Shared Function tohexa(ByVal bin As String) As String    Try     Dim str As String = ""    Dim length As Integer = bin.Length    If ((length Mod 5) <> 0) Then    Dim num2 As Integer = (length / 5)    Dim num3 As Integer = (length - (num2 * 5))    num3 = (5 - num3)    Dim i As Integer = 1    Do While (i <= num3)    bin = ("0" & bin)    i += 1    Loop    End If    Do While (bin.Length <> 0)    Dim st As String = bin.Substring(0, 5)    bin = bin.Substring(5)    str = (str & nconvert.gethex(st))    Loop    Return str    Catch exception As Exception    log.store("default", "Errorinnconvert3.cs", exception.Message)    Return ""    End Try  End Function  Private Shared Function toobinary(ByVal st As String) As String    Try     Dim str As String = ""    Do While (st.Length <> 0)    Dim str2 As String = st.Chars(0).ToString    str = (str & nconvert.bincode(str2))    st = st.Substring(1)    Loop    Return str    Catch exception As Exception    log.store("default", "Errorinnconvert6.cs", exception.Message)    Return ""    End Try  End Function  Public Shared Function toodec(ByVal st As String) As UInt64    Try     Dim str As String = nconvert.toobinary(st)    Dim num As UInt64 = 0    Dim i As Integer = 0    Do While (str.Length <> 0)    Dim num3 As UInt64 = (Convert.ToUInt64(str.Chars((str.Length - 1))) - CULng(&H30))    num = (num + (num3 * CULng(Math.Pow(2, CDbl(i))    str = str.Substring(0, (str.Length - 1))    i += 1    Loop    Return num    Catch exception As Exception    log.store("default", "Errorinnconvert5.cs", exception.Message)    Return 0    End Try  End Function    End ClassEnd NamespaceHere i try Private Function bincode(ByVal st As String) As String        Dim result As String        Try            Dim str As String = ""            Select Case st                Case "2"                    str = "00000"                Case "3"                    str = "00001"                Case "4"                    str = "00010"                Case "5"                    str = "00011"                Case "6"                    str = "00100"                Case "7"                    str = "00101"                Case "8"                    str = "00110"                Case "9"                    str = "00111"                Case "A"                    str = "01000"                Case "B"                    str = "01001"                Case "C"                    str = "01010"                Case "D"                    str = "01011"                Case "E"                    str = "01100"                Case "F"                    str = "01101"                Case "G"                    str = "01110"                Case "H"                    str = "01111"                Case "J"                    str = "10000"                Case "K"                    str = "10001"                Case "L"                    str = "10010"                Case "M"                    str = "10011"                Case "N"                    str = "10100"                Case "P"                    str = "10101"                Case "Q"                    str = "10110"                Case "R"                    str = "10111"                Case "S"                    str = "11000"                Case "T"                    str = "11001"                Case "U"                    str = "11010"                Case "V"                    str = "11011"                Case "W"                    str = "11100"                Case "X"                    str = "11101"                Case "Y"                    str = "11110"                Case "Z"                    str = "11111"            End Select            result = str        Catch exception As Exception            result = ""        End Try        Return result    End Function    Private Function toobinary(ByVal st As String) As String        Dim result As String        Try            Dim str As String = ""            While st.Length <> 0                Dim str2 As String = st(0).ToString()                str += bincode(str2)                st = st.Substring(1)            End While            result = str        Catch exception As Exception            result = ""        End Try        Return result    End Function    Public Function DecryptString(ByVal [me] As ULong) As ULong        Dim result As ULong        Try            Dim num As ULong = [me] Mod 10UL            [me] /= 10UL            Dim num2 As ULong = 0UL            While [me] <> 0UL                Dim num3 As ULong = [me] Mod 10UL                If num3 < num Then                    num3 += 10UL                End If                Dim num4 As ULong = num3 - num                num2 = num2 * 10UL + num4                [me] /= 10UL            End While            result = num2        Catch exception As Exception            result = 0UL        End Try        Return result    End Function    Public Function toodec(ByVal st As String) As ULong        Dim result As ULong        Try            Dim str As String = toobinary(st)            Dim num As ULong = 0UL            Dim i As Integer = 0            While str.Length <> 0                Dim num2 As ULong = Convert.ToUInt64(str(str.Length - 1)) - 48UL                num += num2 * CULng(Math.Pow(2.0, CDec(i)))                str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1)                i += 1            End While            result = num        Catch exception As Exception            result = 0UL        End Try        Return result    End Function    Public Function [date](ByVal st As String) As Integer        Dim result        Try            Dim num As ULong = toodec(st)            num = DecryptString(num)            Dim hashCode As Integer = "RGZCCW3P2EJBC3G352ZB".GetHashCode            If hashCode < 0 Then                hashCode *= -1            End If            Dim i2 As Int64 = 103287435787683895            Dim l As Long = CLng(hashCode)            l = l * 100000000L            Dim ul As ULong = CULng(l)            ul = ul - num            Dim I As Integer = CInt(ul)            result = I            'result = CInt((num - CULng((CLng(hashCode) * 100000000L))))        Catch exception As Exception            result = 0        End Try        Return result    End Function


this project generate machine id from usb, and machine id depends product key
here is my machine id RGZCCW3P2EJBC3G352ZB
if any seniour coder solve this kindly sent it to me, or give me suggestion, how i get this key,
thanks in advance

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