Programming and Coding
Programming and coding tips, help and solutions...
1,885 topics in this forum
Maybe A Useful Download
by InsaneFIDO- 0 replies
I only use assembler but this may be useful to coders of C++/C#/VB etc. Windows? Server 2003 R2 Platform SDK ISO Download />
Source Code To Make A Loader
by supergg- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi and happy new year for all ! Just to know if there a source code exemple of a loader ( patch memory doing search & replace bytes) ? no succeed with google, so may be you can help me thinks for any help
Write A Serial Without...
by SuCkEr- 6 replies
hi all, i get troubles here i don't know what is functions that used to write a serial in a keygen auto without press any key or btn could somone give me example for that?
Misunderstand Instruction
by SuCkEr- 5 replies
hi all i was writing a keygen for keygenme2 by diablo2002 and i put riped code in a keygen tempelate and solved it but when i build it i got errors i goto the line error and find this instruction BSWAP EDXi don't know what is that mean? and how i can use it in keygen tempelate
Setting Masm Dialog Icon
by kittmaster- 2 replies
I'm using Ziggy's keygen template files, I want to change the dialog box icon from the orange key to something else. I've been able to change the other things like the test and lines etc using the rcsc.rc file and I've looked at the asm for the file an app_icon.ico and can't figure out how to modify it. I'm using winasm in visual mode, any idea wth I'm doing wrong?.......... Chris
Writing File
by SuCkEr- 3 replies
hi all i create a small app just for a test i don't why he got a crashes when write to file .data FILENAME DB "key.lic", hInstance HINSTANCE ? read db ? write db ?.const IDD_DLG1 equ 1000 IDC_BTN1 equ 1001 IDC_EDT1 equ 1002DlgProc proc hWnd:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM .if uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG invoke SendMessage, hWnd, WM_SETICON, 1, eax .elseif uMsg == WM_COMMAND mov eax,wParam .if eax==IDC_BTN1 invoke CreateFile,ADDR FILENAME,GENERIC_READ+GENERIC_WRITE,0,NULL,CREATE_NEW,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL invoke GetDlgItemText,1000,1002,addr read,512 invoke SetFilePointer,addr FILENAME,0,0,FILE_BEGIN invoke WriteFile,addr FILENAME,add…
Create Keygen
by SuCkEr- 10 replies
hello is there any one know how i can ceate keygen with vb?
Inline Patch
by Scale- 7 replies
Thanks to Lena for putting some knowledge behind my reserving i used just do things now i actually understand what i do And thanks fot subzero for the inlining tutorial now for my question: I inlined an app like this: 004BA6E1 . 68 51A74B00 PUSH ssc4.004BA751 ; /pModule = "GDI32.dll" 004BA6E6 . FF15 A4114C00 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA>] ; \GetModuleHandleA 004BA6EC . 68 C5A74B00 PUSH ssc4.004BA7C5 ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "GetDIBits" 004BA6F1 . 50 PUSH EAX …
Reg Entry
by starzboy- 10 replies
grr .... i have a weird problem here ... i was trying to enter a userinput into registry ... .data REG_PATH db 'SOFTWARE\xxx\xxxx\xxxxx\',0 REG_SUB_KEY0 db 'UserName',0 REG_SUB_KEY1 db 'UserCompany',0 REG_VAL0 db ' starzboy',0 REG_VAL1 db ' starzboy',0 .data? hKey PHKEY ? buffer db 512 dup(?) buffer1 db 512 dup(?) invoke GetDlgItemText,hwnd,10021,ADDR buffer,512 ----> copy to 1st buffer invoke GetDlgItemText,hwnd,10022,ADDR buffer1,512 ----> copy to 2nd buffer invoke RegCreateKey,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,addr REG_PATH,addr hKey ----> make the key invoke RegSetValueEx,hKey,addr REG_SUB_KEY0,0,REG_SZ,a…
How Can I Read Memory From Another Process?
by Externalist- 9 replies
First of all, sorry for my poor english since it's not my first language , but I'll try my best to make the content understandable. I was making a simple program that would read another process's memory Via the most popular FindWindow -> GetWindowThreadProcessId -> OpenProcess -> ReadProcessMemory method and all worked fine while assembling insinde WinAsm IDE and running "inside" the IDE. But once I started to run the program outside the IDA, in other words when I double clicked on the produced .exe then the program wouldn't function as expected so I went on debugging the program in OllyDbg to find out which API failed. But the strange thing is, even in Oll…
Visual C++ Mfc Chip Tune Player?
by Guest BooGLE- 0 replies
Hi I've moved on to the more visual side of things using c++ now. And i've looked around for some chiptune players. I saw ufmod had some c source for playing chiptunes, but it was overbloated, and was too complex for me too handle. I was wondering if anybody had a vc++ project which only contained the code to run the chiptune! not all these buttons and things. Any help on this would be appriciated!! Thanks in advance! Regards, BooGLE
Need Help With Asm Conversion
by Guest Speeder- 8 replies
Hi everybody, I have a C++ program with inline ASM code that I need to convert to C, bcuz 64bit systems do not support the inline ASM. It wouldn't matter if the code's unreadable, unmaintainable, just for it to compile. Thanks for the help in advance!
- 0 replies
FAQ: Window Regions: and Transparent Windows:
Encoding Decoding
by Guest monxxx- 0 replies
hi guys, anyone can help me to decode this hex? i think it is using safer k64 algorithm 0=0545BA9DCF302942 1=F6DE2FE7B95AEC3F 2=9BE6D53A6F7A3493 3=03A0 4=26846E02A7BAF757C38E02AF612CBB7232ACBBA49F4F923423C8B701D5ED79B0E6795773B060D655FCF2BAC47B38FEF2FF7FB3B7F5A5B062819D25597F0429D994FA74868EEC921388AFC9CCE14E5C6C671F4D78AA68602F5BC933FA42D1CACE22F19154BFAEBD35C617B15C7642C09348D073DADAD2E642BC4BD6D3B94A1D4A58AB7CF381310C36B4E4F8FF38ED1A03DB4E440E66F6DBC83616D2E06129D05E155D6A6087C89BEA420DAEE32F2CA9D6597460B890E519EFE58661E45B2C85CAB4DDD9AB7F4964BB3E76716EF8A72965B6598E7B1EA35164C05E41F699E66894AD263A2DFEDFCAD67BE896B294EBDD6A179FF5C93FF8B2B6A2680AD3911EB0485F149A2D4148F1…
Find File
by starzboy- 6 replies
hi i saw the latest patch for Slysoft Products by Markhus .... as usal it rocks ....and one more thing i like in it was ... the find file if we want to scan a file in a specific dir we can use FindFirstFile but how does markhus find the exe when the patch is not in same dir ... he may use reg entries to find if the soft is installed ... but then how does he specify the patch to the target ! i have alraedy pm'd markhus for this ... but i didnt get any reply .... its ok if this is "internal" btw Markus a big "thumbs-up" for this excellent work on slysoft ! hope to hear from soon for the gurus thanx PS* since my question is releated to a SnD release plz dont take it negativ…
C++ Keygen Sources..
by Guest BooGLE- 7 replies
Hi! Ive just started coding in c++ and i think it's really a cool language. Im only doing things in system menu no gui yet, but i'd really appriciate it if somebody gave me a few examples of keygens in c++ using tables or something else. ive made a few keygens in c++ and would like some source code or some examples of using tables. That would really be cool, cheers if you can help in any way! Best Regards, BooGLE
Virtualprotect & Process_writecopy
by Guest fl3a- 0 replies
I?d like create global inline hook for everyone new processes. Theoretically using VirtualProtect I can change page attributes from read to write. But always when I try change it for CreateProcess EP from read to write I get ?copy on write?. My question is: Is it possible change this attributes to write only? I know that by masking cr0 I can change this attributes but I?d like do this in UM if it is possible of course;) And I don?t like patch files on disk (kernel32.dll).
Lzma + Aplib Compression Library Source Code...
by Teddy Rogers- 0 replies
I stumbled upon some source code for LZMA and aPLib compression library used for as the respective .dll's found within a few packers such as the recent RLPack from ap0x. The code is by Brandon LaCombe. I hope its of use to some of you... Ted. aPLib.rar lzma.rar
Gfx In Delphi And Vb
by _blaCKlBYte_- 8 replies
hi all i need some idea and source code for use Great gfx in keygens or Patchz Like great gfx used in FunBit release (link attached) or Pizz Trainer (Delphi ) or GPCH keygen Templeate (VB) [left]FunBit : Pizza :[/left] [code] GPCH : i dont know where is in my pc ! i need in delphi or vB so ...c'mon guys !
Rlp Imprec Plugin - Need Help :/
by Killboy- 7 replies
Lo I recently started investigating Reversing Labs Protector a little. Finding OEP isn't very hard, if you know how to proceed (2 easy ways) The only thing I still miss in order to have a working dump is a valid IAT, that's why i started coding an ImpRec plugin. Actually it's nothing hard so far, it is my second ImpRec plugin tho, so don't expect something special. I only have some problems regarding the code, it just won't work... That's the code: // push XXXXXXX if (to_trace[0] == 0x68) { // Get XXXXXXXX in the push XXXXXXX DWORD address = *((DWORD*)(to_trace+1)); address += *((DWORD*)(to_trace+8)); if (IsBadReadPtr((VOID*)address, 4)) { // Bad p…
Start And Close Up Style !
by starzboy- 5 replies
i saw a couple of works by a team...where the main dialog box opened from a point...... i mean froma point to the dialog box.... i was wondering how does one proceed to attain this ! thanx *
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
My first and i think last attempt to "writing my own unpacker". I wanted to learn something about PE format and ImportTable so i wrote this two "unpackers". I do not think the sources/solutions are very smart, so dont expect too much . Mew unpacker: for MEW 11 SE v1.2 packed executables h**p:// Un2Pec: tested with PECompact 2.55/2.64/78/79 written for 2.79 only (but it seems to work with older versions of PECompact) tested linkers/compilers: VB5/6,MSVC++6/7, lcc32, MASM/TASM, Borland Delphi 5/7. tested PECompact plugins: most of the packer plugins (retail version) and the anti-debug/api-redirection/GetProcAddress emulation plugins. Woul…
Masm Libs
by Z0oMiK- 9 replies
Guys help me .... Where to take these files for MASM ? include include includelib stdlib.lib includelib ntdll.lib I can not complie project in absence of these files .. Help please Sry for my bad english
by yamraaj- 5 replies
anybody give me source code for CRC32b in ASM or C/C++ TIA
Good Language To Start With?
by Guest Biff- 5 replies
Hello, I'm sure this question has been asked as well as answered before, but I searched and browsed the board and could only find posts dealing with how to learn various languages. My question is: for someone who's just getting into reversing/programming, what's a good language to learn? Learning a programming language is definitely beneficial to reversing, cause that way you know what's going on! I do know that there are many different programming languages and therefore in the end the decision will be mine, but I was thinking of learning C and then ASM, or just starting with ASM. Any thoughts? What did you do when you first started? Thank you