Programming and Coding
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1,885 topics in this forum
Help on Resorce Files
by serhat- 1 reply
Hallo I'm coding with RadASM Program. Not so good . I have now a Problem with RC-file... If I create a dialog Normally the RC-file content should be such!! 100 DIALOGEX 6, 6, 207, 96 STYLE DS_CENTER | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU FONT 8, "MS Reference Sans Serif" BEGIN CONTROL "IDC_BTN", 101, BUTTON, BS_OWNERDRAW | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 125,24,62,15 CONTROL "OK", 102, BUTTON, BS_OWNERDRAW | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 125,41,62,15 CONTROL "Cancel", 103, BUTTON, BS_OWNERDRAW | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 125,59,62,15 CONTROL "IDC_GRP", 104, BUTTON, BS_GROUPBOX | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 117,12,78,69 ENDBut R…
[Release] Kal El: Protecting your Applications
by Majii Guy- 0 replies
Enjoy, everybody! Use it as you want, credits or not; it's not terribly messy, some parts were a bit inflexible (e.g.: The GetFunction function should accept one or two more parameters for the hostname and request to be sent, etc). Otherwise, I think it works fairly well.
Ruby interpreter issues
by metr0- 3 replies
Hey, Porting this post to the public area. Anyway, here it goes: I've been writing a small ruby extension which provides to functions in a class, to log some text to Olly's log window and to put a MessageBox on the screen; nothing complex. I then embedded a ruby interpreter into an Olly plugin, hoping to be able to call the extension function from my script. But calling the script using the embedded ruby interpreter causes either an exception or simply doesn't work (with ruby_exec doing nothing). If anyone has been working with an embedded ruby interpreter before: suggestions are welcome. Regards, metr0
Why everybody likes using: xor eax,eax?
by alaphate- 15 replies
Why not mov eax, 0 ? Any advantages using xor eax, eax ? Is it faster?
How to define local string in MASM?
by alaphate- 11 replies
Just like C function MyProc() { char szTemp[] = "Hello World!" } In MASM: MyProc PROC local szTemp:byte MyProc ENDP The problem is how to transfer "Hello World!" to szTemp, WITHOUT defining global variable in .DATA segment. I figured out one way, but it will not be the best way. MyProc PROC local szTemp[128]:byte mov al, 48h ;ASCII of 'H' mov szTemp, al mov al,65h ;ASCII of 'e' mov szTemp+1, al ;etc... MyProc ENDP Could any buddy suggest me better solutions? Thanks in advance.
Adding 'free' bytes to an existing file.
by zerith- 4 replies
Hello, i would like to add some bytes to an existing program, so i can execute them later in the reversed program. how would i do such a thing? would i have to mess with the file system? the root directory? or can i just modify the size of the file with a tool like OLLYDBG? thanks in advance.
Audio through microphone?
by high6- 1 reply
I want to stream raw audio through the microphone input. How do you do something like that? Is it possible without creating a custom driver? This library looks like it could do it.
API Hooking With C# Possible ?
by r00t_H@ck3r- 1 reply
Example Please Thanks.
API Hooking With C++
by r00t_H@ck3r- 5 replies
kernel32.GetSystemTimeAsFileTime how do I hook this api and return to the date I want ?
Programming in Hex Tutorials
by alien_fx_fiend- 2 replies
Does anyone know where I can find tutorials and ebooks on programming in Hex and or Binary.I tried but that wasn't much of help,this is my latest effort in conducting research into more advanced insight into computing.
- 3 replies
Hi all, I've tried unsuccessfully on several occasions to compile C code to a static library so i can use it with MASM, but every time i try, i add the lib file to a project (created just for testing) and try to compile and i get the following error message: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _Function1@16I've used extern "C" to prevent the names being decorated, but this doesnt seem to make any difference to the error, as it is identical regardless of the name being decorated or not. I've tried using stdcall, no joy. Does anybody know what needs to be done to succeed with this? Also, i've succeeded in making a static library from a VC++ dll with Dll2Lib (an altern…
VTC Assembly Language Programming
by TH3LiV3- 0 replies
The Assembly Language course is intended for those who wish to write assembly for both Windows and Linux. It uses the freely available NASM assembler, which is feature-complete and produces object code in a variety of formats. The predominant CPUs today use the Intel instruction set, and all examples in the course use that instruction set. The course covers the background information necessary for assembly programming and it covers the forms programs must take to operate in the systems. Some time is spent with low-level I/O, but many of the examples interface with C mainline programs. The emphasis of the course is in writing assembly language functions that can be called …
- 2 replies
Hi! I have some problems reversing programs in this kind of scenario: 1)Application uses custom made GUI (graphics user interface), that is made by DirectDraw or similar graphics api 2)There is no references for text, even encrypted ones, just because all text is drawn using images Application must use some sort of way to find out when mouse is clicked, so i could break on that function call and then step code to find what i want. Just i dont know what should i search for. I see that application uses USER32.PeekMessageA and other related messaging functions, im thinking that i could use code cave to create some conditional breakpoint if message signalizes that i have mou…
Sharing working loader source :)
by crypto- 10 replies
Here is the loader I built. Might be useful for someone trying to patch some bytes. The code may look like a certain tutorial from arteam. But I can reassure you that it took 3 of us. To make that code work. It took us 5 hours of editing that piece of **** tutorial that arteam built to make it work properly. So here is working code as of May 30th 2009. Can be used for games or programs to patch certain memory addresses. #include "stdafx.h"#include "windows.h" #include "string.h" void GetLastErrorMsg(char *szBuf) { // DWORD szBuf; LPVOID lpMsgBuf; DWORD dw = GetLastError(); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, …
Lock prefix?
by high6- 7 replies
What is this used for? And is there C++/C code that when compiled uses this(to give a better understanding of it)? I checked the help file but I don't really get what it is used for. Is there an unlock? I am probably getting confused due to the lack of knowing more about how the cpu/etc interact, etc.
Inline Asm Delphi!
by SHKODRAN- 2 replies
Someone can explain to me like adapting this asm code for delphi? Thank in advance!!! @label1_00XXXXXX: mov eax,esi cdq idiv dword ptr [ebp-8] mov eax,esi push $019 pop edi lea ecx,[edx+ebx] cdq idiv dword ptr [ebp-$0c] mov eax,[ebp+8] movzx eax,byte ptr [edx+eax] ==>First char edit1.text (HEX) movzx edx,byte ptr [ecx] ==> First char Fixed String (HEX) xor eax,edx cdq idiv edi add dl,$041 inc esi cmp esi,[ebp-4] mov [ecx],dl jl @label1_00XXXXXX
Saving Treeview / and records
by StreamLine- 1 reply
hey gang, hope everyone is well I am developing an application management program (see screenshot below) The problem I am having is to do with saving the settings or Treeview. I have googled and seen an example on saving in the xml format but my xml knowledge is nil, The goal is to beable to save the treenode to a single file along with the images. however (the big problem) i have assigned records to each node using the (pointer to a record) in which contains unique information based on each node. type PAppItem = ^TAppItem; TAppItem = Record sFileName :String; sFilePath :String; sCategory :TTreeNode; cmdShow :Integer; …
Delphi Vertical text scroller
by SHKODRAN- 2 replies
Someone knows where I can find one component or source for vertical text scroller? Thanks.
FoxPro and print function
by Goaul- 4 replies
Hi, Dcompiled one old program and trying to fix a print problem. Program written in Visual FoxPro Print button code: THISFORM.VISIBLE = .F. SET PRINTER ON PROMPT REPORT FORM bojajum.frx TO PRINTER NOCONSOLE THISFORM.VISIBLE = .T. SET PRINTER OFF and the result is this: Why only spooling and not printing? Prints only when close the program. Any solution?
[Questio] uFModLib in C++
by F0X- 4 replies
'ello tuts4you and the SnD team, long time I've been here, long time I've been on the net actually, But I gotta ask, is there someone so kind to type me up a simple template-ish C++ code for Dev-C++ for the use with ufmodlib ? I'm coding a demointro, but I haven't really looked into ufmodlib in C++ yet, the documentation isn't that proper also. I might post up the intro when It's done, with the according Thanks to ofcourse, if someone gets the template together Cheers,
by vishnusiva004- 3 replies
KeepAlive in C#
by eastman75- 3 replies
I have programmed KeepAlive in C# for just to learn what's it all about. I would've liked to make the button flash, i.e. to change color periodically, but couldn't quess how to do it. Any advice is welcomed. The program displays a dialog window with a single button that I shuld've wanted to blink or to change color to attract a user's attention. The EXE-file is to be found in BIN directory (RELEASE or DEBUG). To compile the project, MS .NET Framework 3.5 and MS Visual C# 2008 Express Edition are needed. Please notify me of any changes to the source code. KeepShadowDefenderAlive.rar
xor encryption
by Busted- 2 replies
Hi all, Whilst I am coding my first keygen me, I thought I might experiment with a bit of simple xor encryption. I have done a bit of research and want to double check to see if I understand this, example code below: mov eax, 15 mov ecx, 20 xor eax, ecx mov eax, offset Buffer xor eax, eax xor ecx, ecxNow... 15 xor 20 = 27, therefore would 27 be stored in the buffer according to this code?!? Cheers, Tipidy
MSIL in DllMain?
by high6- 4 replies
I currently am getting around it by doing CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)Init, 0, 0, 0); But from what I understand, when you create a thread in DllMain it queues it up to be executed after DllMain executes. So how can I have a MSIL DeInit function? Creating a thread wont work because it will execute after the dll is no longer in memory.
xp DDK?
by high6- 5 replies
I googled but all I can find is the vista DDK (driver development kit). Anyone know where I can download the one for xp?