Programming and Coding
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1,885 topics in this forum
xm library for 64bit
by Killboy- 15 replies
I'm looking for a C/C++ library for xm module playback that works in 64bit mode. ufmod is x86 only, fmod is too bloated, minifmod has tons of inline asm, bass doesnt seem to have an x64 explicit bassmod, and even then I'd need the DLL, irrKlang is x86 only, too. I'm pretty much running out of options here, I'm thankful for any suggestion.
[Delphi] How get Register's Data
by h4sh3m- 14 replies
hi How i can get Register's data (like EDX) in Delphi. Please Help. with best Regards h4sh3m
- 3 replies
Well, i would like to make application that i can list all modules and func that this application use, not for my application if not other application extern. Because i need to find or found address for some apis that use in modules in this application. Can i help me? Thanks.
by CodeExplorer- 1 reply
mpg123 Famous mpg123 lightweight .net wrapper with sample. For use in your own .net mp3 projects. Read ID3 tags, decoder MP3 files, play them out. Really fast decoder for your managed applications. Written in .net 2.0 and c# Link: />
Assebly Modification
by Dave Prost- 9 replies
Hi I'm looking at a C++ program and have identified the changes I need to make but I'm not sure how to do them. I'm not very well versed in assembly apart from the basics. I'm also using ollydbg which i'm not even sure is the best tool for the job. The existing code looks like this... 00422777 8B00 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] 00422779 83F8 07 CMP EAX,7 And what I need to do is have EAX equal to 6 so I need to load it somehow. I'm thinking in line 422777 but when i try to bruteforce it I break the program so I'm sure I'm doing it wrong. Any help or suggestions would be welcomed. Regards DP
X86 Instruction Reference...
by Teddy Rogers- 6 replies
x86-32: x86-64: Hoempage: Ted.
How To Make The Text Scroll 1 2 3
by arlequim- 64 replies
my 1st post... i found a nice text scroller, pls take a look Best regards and wishes. Keygen2.5_exe_sources_.rar
by 0xFF- 4 replies
SetDIBitsToDevice parameters
by Killboy- 2 replies
I got a question for all you GDI pros out there Following scenario: I have a bitmap for which I get the pixels using GetDIBits for every single line (I do this because I have a seperate buffer for every line in order to have a 2-dimensional array so I can easily access pixels using buffer[y][x]) bmiHeader.biHeight is set to the negative bitmap height so I can use top-to-bottom bitmap data, this is easier to use with client coordinates etc. I periodically change pixels in the buffer and then write its content into a compatible bitmap using SetDIBits, again line by line. The compatible bitmap is selected into a compatible DC for rendering and on WM_PAINT I just BitBlt from …
[MASM] Scrolling Problem - Nfo Viewer
by PaPa Bango- 1 reply
Hi every one, I'm trying to code a nfo viewer with a scrolling effect for the text. I followed the exemple of Jowy (irc nfo viewer v2) but i've a problem that i don't manage to find. When the top of the text is touching the top of the Dialog, it scrolls back, so i can't see the whole text...i'd like (of course )that the text continues for the bottom of the text arrives at the top of the dialog. Here 's the code of the scrolling i did : invoke GetClientRect,hWnd,ADDR NfoRect mov hdc,FUNC(GetDC,hWnd) mov chdc,FUNC(CreateCompatibleDC,hdc) mov hbmp,FUNC(CreateCompatibleBitmap,hdc,NfoRect.right,NfoRect.bottom) invoke SelectObject,chdc,hbmp m2m rClientNfo.right,Nfo…
API automate rebuilding PE?
by chickenbutt- 4 replies
Can someone give me some code or the API calls that save people from having to write PE code? Like say I wanted to modify existing PE's code section and rebuild? Without all the binary searches and operations. I believe you can do it with virtual map calls and the IMAGE structs, but I'm not sure. Thanks. Any language is fine.
generate random 10 chars
by grizzmo- 0 replies
Hi, I was looking to generate unlimited 10 chars random numbers in I found that it is not possible to set a variable to a certain lenght in the new, acoording a lot of coding sites. When I thought it worked it also started generating 8 and 9 chars of lenght. So, after a little while I came up with this: Imports System.TextPublic Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim startIndex As New String("1234567890") Dim random As New Random Dim startIndex1 As New String("0987654321") Dim random1 As New Random startIndex = random.Next(startInde…
Replacing Methods in Reflector
by Dave Prost- 10 replies
Hi I have a couple of methods that I've re-written and want to replace in the original executable but not sure the best way to do it. One way I could see is to use reflexil and go through each module line by line but that will take ages. Another way I thought of, and this may be completely unrealistic, is to dump the IL and then simply replace the two methods with the new code. Then try to reassemble it. Like I said I don't even know if that's possible I was just 'free thinking' Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks DP
Using bignum library
by futureproof- 4 replies
I have a function that converts me from any base to base 10 but the result is very long and it cannot be stored in an integer. Can someone explain me how should i use bignum lib so i can print result?
WPF - AppDomain Issue
by CodeExplorer- 3 replies
WPF - AppDomain Issue I've readed these articles: /> /> /> /> The program which I load MI.sappDomain is Reflector and yep he use WPF. MessageBox.Show("1"); MI.sappDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap("Simple_MSIL_Decryptor", "Simple_MSIL_Decryptor.Terminator"); MessageBox.Show("2"); // never reached class Terminator : M…
Small asm to change local time's year
by Sma11s- 3 replies
So I downloaded IDA Pro a long time ago, and I wanted to install it in my virtual machine. Unfortunately, it has a hard coded expiration date -- It's not a timed trial. So, I figured out I could just change the date in my system tray, and it would allow it to run. When I reboot my VM, the system time changes again, and I have to keep repeating the process (VMWare pushes the date correction). Anyhow, I just wanted to pass on something for the upcoming coders -- a very small app I just wrote in assembly to change just the year (back to 2010) when I boot up. .386 .model flat, stdcall option casemap :noneinclude \masm32\include\ include \masm32\include\…
Msgbox Samples For
by CodeExplorer- 0 replies
Msgbox Samples For MessageBox OK: MessageBox AbortRetryIgnore: MessageBox OKCancel: MessageBox RetryCancel: MessageBox YESNO: MessageBox YesNoCancel:
[Release] Msgbox Generator for VB.NET
by euverve- 0 replies
I created a simple Msgbox Generator for, please post a feedback. Screenshot: Here is the virus scan: Download: Derived this from this site: I added code generation for coding purposes. Edit: Updated! Download Version 1.1:
- 1 reply
Try Mono.Cecil if you need System.Reflection.Emit in Windows Phone 7 As .NET compact framework never support System.Reflection.Emit, we can’t use Reflection.Emit in Windows Phone 7 development. So, it prevents us from porting the existing frameworks like Unity, Castle Dynamic Proxy, Moq and etc to Windows Phone 7 development platform. I was looking all options that helps us to use Reflection.Emit in Phone 7. The first option that I check is to port Mono code to Silverlight for Phone 7 version. The second option is to use Mono Cecil that is using in Mono Core. And the third option is to use EmitCF but I don’t see any update after beta release so I guess this project is …
by TBBW- 2 replies
Hi All, this is what I have; namespace COD { public partial class KeyGen : Form { public KeyGen()... private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)... } } The public KeyGen() is the InitializeComponent() routine. The button1_click, is the when button1 is clicked routine. Is there a way to add some more coding? iow another routine, which is not connected to a button or so. to give an example, when a dialog (which is NOT mine) is moved, my dialog should be moved as well? regards, ger
- 3 replies
what the problem with this injection code 00412148 . 73 68 65 6C 6C 33 32 2E 64>ASCII "shell32.dll",0 00412154 00 DB 00 00412155 . 53 68 65 6C 6C 45 78 65 63>ASCII "ShellExecuteA",0 00412163 00 DB 00 00412164 . 6F 70 65 6E 00 ASCII "open",0 00412169 00 DB 00 0041216A . 73 61 61 64 69 2E 65 78 65>ASCII "test1.exe",0 00412174 00 DB 00 00412175 > 68 48214100 PUSH KeyGEn6.00412148 ; /FileName = "shell32.dll" 0041217A . E8 FCFB3E7C CALL kernel32.LoadLibrar…
Winasm Studio (Source)
by CodeExplorer- 3 replies
posted by besimbicer on BlackStorm board its code page /> googla download page /> cool addons here /> WinAsm.
[Help] Algo reversing and rewriting
by bloodyshade- 5 replies
Hi, Basically, I'm having trouble while trying to rewrite this algo in python: The following is my python code so far: The problem I'm facing right now is with the "imul edx, esi" part. Actual output after each imul: edx = 00440DE5; esi = 0000D1E7 edx = 153FD307; esi = 0044DBC9 edx = 21D9FD55; esi = 157B0901 edx = A060DCA8; esi = 34A2F56E edx = 792A72E4; esi = 94C22C24 edx = 776312D0; esi = EDE861A8 edx = C9C94B03; esi = 9A8B79F1 edx = E974DC40; esi = 53423F50 edx = A48678AD; esi = BA36FD3D edx = FE839AA6; esi = 1EB0B64B edx = AA45EBF7; esi = E033912D edx = 203A5ABC; esi = 4A7746ABAnd this is my code's output: edx = …
- 0 replies
Hi, i am looking for some one who expert in Ollydbg/C++/C##, i have the few projects i will give handsome amount for that or i can do agreement on per month bases, please PM me thanks
How to make C# pe editor
by 0ron- 11 replies
Does anyone know of an open source project thats directed towards a C# pe editor? Got any code anyone? I basically want to make something similar to LordPE