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[MASM] Scrolling Problem - Nfo Viewer

PaPa Bango

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Hi every one,

I'm trying to code a nfo viewer with a scrolling effect for the text.

I followed the exemple of Jowy (irc nfo viewer v2) but i've a problem that i don't manage to find.

When the top of the text is touching the top of the Dialog, it scrolls back, so i can't see the whole text...i'd like (of course :P )that the text continues for the bottom of the text arrives at the top of the dialog.

Here 's the code of the scrolling i did :

invoke GetClientRect,hWnd,ADDR NfoRect
mov hdc,FUNC(GetDC,hWnd)
mov chdc,FUNC(CreateCompatibleDC,hdc)
mov hbmp,FUNC(CreateCompatibleBitmap,hdc,NfoRect.right,NfoRect.bottom)
invoke SelectObject,chdc,hbmp
m2m rClientNfo.right,NfoRect.right
m2m rClientNfo.bottom,NfoRect.bottom
sub rClientNfo.bottom,210
dec rClientNfo.right invoke FrameRect,chdc,ADDR rClientNfo,hpen
invoke SetTextColor,chdc,Cyan
invoke SetBkColor,chdc,TRANSPARENT invoke IntersectClipRect,chdc,rClientNfo.left,rClientNfo.top,rClientNfo.right,rClientNfo.bottom
invoke SelectObject,hdc,hNFOFont invoke DrawText,hdc,ADDR hViewMap,-1,ADDR rScroll,DT_CALCRECT + DT_NOPREFIX + DT_TOP + DT_NOCLIP m2m rScroll.right,rClientNfo.right
sub rScroll.right,5
add rScroll.top,GETV(rClientNfo.bottom)
add rScroll.bottom,eax invoke ReleaseDC,hWnd,hdc mov TimerID,FUNC(SetTimer,hWnd,IDC_TIMER,SCROLLSPEED,NULL)
mov ID,1 .elseif uMsg == WM_PAINT
invoke BeginPaint,hWnd,addr ps
mov hdc,eax invoke SelectObject,chdc,hNFOFont
invoke DrawText,chdc,hViewMap,-1,ADDR rScroll, DT_TOP + DT_NOPREFIX + DT_NOCLIP
invoke BitBlt,hdc,220,210,NfoRect.right,NfoRect.bottom,chdc,0,0,SRCCOPY
invoke EndPaint,hWnd,addr ps .elseif uMsg == WM_TIMER
add rScroll.top,GETV(ScrollOffset)
add rScroll.bottom,eax
.if SDWORD PTR rScroll.top >= GETV(rClientNfo.bottom)
mov ScrollOffset,-1
.if SDWORD PTR rScroll.bottom <= GETV(rClientNfo.top)
mov ScrollOffset,1
.endif invoke InvalidateRect,hWnd,NULL,FALSE .elseif uMsg==WM_CTLCOLORDLG
return hBrush

Could you see what do i wrong?

Thanks for your Help ;)


Edited by papa bango
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  • 1 month later...

Hi every one,

I'm trying to code a nfo viewer with a scrolling effect for the text.

I followed the exemple of Jowy (irc nfo viewer v2) but i've a problem that i don't manage to find.

When the top of the text is touching the top of the Dialog, it scrolls back, so i can't see the whole text...i'd like (of course :P )that the text continues for the bottom of the text arrives at the top of the dialog.

Here 's the code of the scrolling i did :

invoke GetClientRect,hWnd,ADDR NfoRect
mov hdc,FUNC(GetDC,hWnd)
mov chdc,FUNC(CreateCompatibleDC,hdc)
mov hbmp,FUNC(CreateCompatibleBitmap,hdc,NfoRect.right,NfoRect.bottom)
invoke SelectObject,chdc,hbmp
m2m rClientNfo.right,NfoRect.right
m2m rClientNfo.bottom,NfoRect.bottom
sub rClientNfo.bottom,210
dec rClientNfo.right invoke FrameRect,chdc,ADDR rClientNfo,hpen
invoke SetTextColor,chdc,Cyan
invoke SetBkColor,chdc,TRANSPARENT invoke IntersectClipRect,chdc,rClientNfo.left,rClientNfo.top,rClientNfo.right,rClientNfo.bottom
invoke SelectObject,hdc,hNFOFont invoke DrawText,hdc,ADDR hViewMap,-1,ADDR rScroll,DT_CALCRECT + DT_NOPREFIX + DT_TOP + DT_NOCLIP m2m rScroll.right,rClientNfo.right
sub rScroll.right,5
add rScroll.top,GETV(rClientNfo.bottom)
add rScroll.bottom,eax invoke ReleaseDC,hWnd,hdc mov TimerID,FUNC(SetTimer,hWnd,IDC_TIMER,SCROLLSPEED,NULL)
mov ID,1 .elseif uMsg == WM_PAINT
invoke BeginPaint,hWnd,addr ps
mov hdc,eax invoke SelectObject,chdc,hNFOFont
invoke DrawText,chdc,hViewMap,-1,ADDR rScroll, DT_TOP + DT_NOPREFIX + DT_NOCLIP
invoke BitBlt,hdc,220,210,NfoRect.right,NfoRect.bottom,chdc,0,0,SRCCOPY
invoke EndPaint,hWnd,addr ps .elseif uMsg == WM_TIMER
add rScroll.top,GETV(ScrollOffset)
add rScroll.bottom,eax
.if SDWORD PTR rScroll.top >= GETV(rClientNfo.bottom)
mov ScrollOffset,-1
.if SDWORD PTR rScroll.bottom <= GETV(rClientNfo.top)
mov ScrollOffset,1
.endif invoke InvalidateRect,hWnd,NULL,FALSE .elseif uMsg==WM_CTLCOLORDLG
return hBrush

Could you see what do i wrong?

Thanks for your Help ;)


yup, I used the same source and when I messed with this part:

mov hdc,FUNC(GetDC,hWnd)

that exact same thing happened, but it does not seem like you touched that...

May I suggest that you post the whole .exe source next time... since something else is effecting that ...you need to show the whole source

But I can Help you....

here is that original source (in the About):


I am not sure if it's this person "Jowy" or not but the above member posted it 3 years ago... and it works like a charm .....

let me know how you make out B)

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