Programming and Coding
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1,885 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
how to make a *. it [impulse Tracker] & *. mo3 [Compressed Modules] player with Delphi or C + + without the DLL, is there anything that has ever posted? ... may I know the link? whether provide Source Code / *. DCU [Delphi Componnent unit] Bass.dll? ... Thx B4!... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[Delphi] Snippets (Rev 0.3)
by 0xFF- 11 replies
Before flaming, this is a very old peice of snippet i had laying in my hd, so think before being a smart *** (example by kao is available below) and going "WHAT ????? you could of THIS instead of THIS...", no **** ? unit ToolHelp; interface uses Tlhelp32, Windows; procedure SuspendProcessThreads( pid: cardinal ); procedure ResumeProcessThreads( pid: cardinal ); Procedure UnprotectRegion(nRegion: Integer; dwRegionSize: DWORD); Procedure ByteJmp(Address : Integer); function WCharToStr(wideStr: PChar): String; procedure DbgLog(DbgStr: String); implementation Procedure UnprotectRegion(nRegion: Integer; dwRegionSize: DWORD); var oldProtect: DWORD; Begin VirtualProtect( Pt…
HashTable Library for MASM32
by diablo2oo2- 11 replies
I was missing a comfortable way to manage complex data structures in MASM. Java coders will know the HashTable class, which is very useful to store data. i coded something similar with more functions for MASM and other programming languages. features: -it will organize memory itself (will use the windows Heap functions) -like in java you can access items via a key which can be a String or an integer -support for nested hashtables (so you can create very easy complex data trees) -save/load the hashtable to disk or memory (with nested hashtables) the example will show how to create following hashtable structure: ; ht_1 ; | ; +-0-->"hello 1" ; +-1-->"hello 2" ; …
Updated_Keygen Template in MASM
by hibernator- 2 replies
File Name: Updated_Keygen Template in MASM File Submitter: genocide File Submitted: 20 Mar 2012 File Updated: 27 Mar 2012 File Category: Source Code This is just a simple keygen template ,hopefully useful for newbies like me , to know asm coding. The source codes are from : 1) ziggy's keygen for keygen me #01 2) text scroller from diablo2002 3) Nice "About " dlg box by EGOiST 4) Example of Playing .xm in asm by ALiEN 5) Some codes from ImportREC by MackT A big thanks to all above . Hope they won't mind it Any suggestions are welcome Thanks to mudlord for suggestions =[Read the read me file inside]= Click here to download this file
- 0 replies
// In My Driver.Function ViC_ZwOpenProcess(PID: DWord): THandle; stdcall; var ProcessHandle: THandle; ClientId: CLIENT_ID; ObjectAttributes: OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES; const PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS: DWord = $001F0FFF; begin Result:= 0; with ObjectAttributes do begin Length:= SizeOf(OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES); RootDirectory:= 0; ObjectName:= NIL; Attributes:= 0; SecurityDescriptor:= NIL; SecurityQualityOfService:= NIL; end; with ClientId do begin UniqueProcess:= PID; UniqueThread:= 0; end; if (ZwOpenProcess(@ProcessHandle,PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,@ObjectAttributes,@ClientId) <> 0) then DbgPrint('ZwOpenProcess: -> Failed') else Result:= ProcessHandle; end;Fu…
by snoopy- 2 replies
Hey guys, Anyone having the source code to StrongOD plugin for Olly? Or can anyone tell me what Kernelmode option is doing when using the StrongOD plugin. I am in the middle of developing my own plugin that actually works on Win7 or Win8 so far most (read all) Olly plugins are failing on the new Windows versions. best regards Snoopy
Playing Xm Files From Resources
by yamraaj- 20 replies
The tile says it can i play xm files from resource files......i have found examples with tables but not with resource invoke uFMOD_PlaySong, ?????, ???????,XM_RESOURCE
"About" Message - box
by hibernator- 5 replies
Hello , Please help me on how to create about message-box with , black background with falling dots and a vertical text scroller . I am just a beginner in masm
NSF player DLL for NES music files. 1 2
by mudlord- 26 replies
Here is a DLL I have been working on. I intended this for my keygens and patchers, but figured I make it public. Calling conventions are _cdecl, iirc. Included is a example in C. Basically, this is a Nintendo Entertainment system music playback dll, for NSF/NSFE files.Due to the emulator used, the file size is quite big, but UPX does help somewhat. The emulator emulates all extension chips used for NES audio, including Sunsoft's expansion chips, as well as the VRC6/7 and Namco N-106 chips. EDIT: Also did a SNES SPC-700 emulator DLL. Same parameters as the NSF dll, same calling convention. Uses a much more accurate (cycle-exact) emulator then the dll "SNESAPU.DLL" thats fl…
- 4 replies
Who can help me code demo a project "Download a file usesin' the ProcessBar" in Delphi? Thankx so much. ^^
Writing a RAW Packet Sniffer...
by 0xFF- 3 replies
I've listed a list (and listed them by order usage) of Winsock APIs needed in order to create a RAW packet sniffer... Needed APIs of WS2_32.dll 1. WSAStartup();2. inet_addr(); (Local Address, e.g: 192.168.123.XXX or the address you wanna capture packets from)3. socket(); ( IPPROTO_IP [Protocol] , SOCK_RAW [Type] , AF_INET [Family] )4. ntohs(); 5. bind(); 6. WSAAsyncSelect(); ( [hWnd] Handle to the class Window to receive Events, [Events] FD_READ )7. setsocketopt(); ( [LEVEL] SOL_SOCKET , [OPTION] SOL_RCVBUF )8. WSAIoctl();9. getsrvbyport();To stop capturing:1. WSAAsyncSelect();2. getsrvbyport();OnApplicationTerminate:1. WSACleanup();
Making fun with the IT teacher at school...
by mrexodia- 22 replies
Hello everyone, I was really bored and had a stupid idea: why not make a program that steals passwords from the users who use it? Before you continue reading you should know that we have about 32 computers at school who all run windows XP and require the user to log-in. The profile data is retrieved from a server and the teacher watches you (not going to sites like with a program called UltraVNC. To continue with this uber-lifeless post: I had the idea to make a program that looks exactly like the windows logon screen which steals passwords by storing them in a mysql database ( The funny thing is that the teacher behind his pc will see a login…
MSVC08 & code optimizing
by deepzero- 3 replies
hi, i am writing a function in c++ (msvc2008 pro), which has to be "portable" (ie. no calls to other functions or APIs) and fast. At one point i am using something like while(tlen++ < total) *str++ = leChar;which works fine, but msvc choses to "optimize" it to a crt-memset call. :/ I generally noticed msvc is very keen on replacing code with crt calls to memset, even my custom memset-function, which uses an inlined REPMOV (and serves the sole purpose of making me independant from the crt...). Is there anyway i can turn off this specific optimization feature? I tried all sorts of linker switches; none of which worked properly.
- 10 replies
Hello. This is in relation to a patch I'm working on. The description is based on IDA's output. There is a word area in data section called 'Time'. It's used like so: mov eax, Time What I want is a short way to assign a value to 'Time' before the above is executed. The data to use, I can make available through another register. If I try something like: mov Time, ebx it works when I run the program under IDA, but of course fails when run on its own. How can I avoid the relocation problem and do the assignment in as few bytes as possible, say 5? (No more room in the surrounding area). The above is for 32-bit but if you also have a 64-bit way that would be great. Thanks in a…
[Question] Statically linking TitanEngine?
by mrexodia- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hello everyone, I'm currently coding a project that uses TitanEngine, but because of portability issues I want to link everything statically... The problem is that the guide provided here doesn't really work At first I tried compiling the original DLL version, to test if the code was correct. It wasn't (1>.\TitanEngine.rc(10) : fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.h'.) and I "fixed" it by replacing "afxres.h" by "windows.h"... After that another error popped up because the author forgot to do: "#define IDC_STATIC -1". I defined it and the DLL compiles (and runs) without errors... Then I changed the output type to .lib (Static Library), compiled wi…
help, change registers
by Kurama- 0 replies
guys, i need create a dll, for breakpoint a adress and change the EAX register, how i can do it? i searched, but i cant find
any one please
by drcrack2010- 4 replies
can any one share me visual basic2010 here please?
Name Patcher Template [ASM]
by tim619- 10 replies
Hey guys, I'm searching for nice Name Patcher source code in asm. When anybody have sources i would be very happy if this person could share Ty
- 11 replies
Hi everyone, Instead of writing IDC script with IDApro, i would like to integrate what IDApro can do into a simple c++ interface using TitanEngine. TitanEngine is a good tool with detailed SDK which can perform disassembling, PE modification, hooking etc. I would like to know how i can retrieve all the addresses of user-defined functions in a C++ .exe program using TitanEngine. If i am to create a dummy c++ file with 3 functions: void func1(), void func2(), void func3(), which API can i use to retireve the 3 functions after disassembling with TitanEngine? IDAPRO has flirt signature and name view which automate the analyzing of all user-defined functions... Is there a byt…
- 3 replies
Ummm... i wrote a simple callback project in Delphi just to see how it looks like inside Olly when it goes inside a callback, does it look like this ? (btw, it's not a normal CALL) The "Arg 1" is what i'm talking about... here's the source code: unit Unit1; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Dialogs; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private procedure myCallback (s: string); public { Public declarations } end; type TCallbackFunction = procedure (s: string) of object; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.fmx} pro…
Very Nice Asm Tut 1 2
by C0dEStRiP- 25 replies
Bruteforce function.
by Mondo- 6 replies
Hi, Does anyone know of a fast brute force algorithm they are willing to share? I'm looking for something preferably written in C or x86 assembler. My aim is to brute force a 40-bit key. I tried using the brute force function given in a tutorial titled "the art of password brute forcing". It counts predictably up to FF FE FE FF 00, it then displays FF FE FF 00 00 as the next key in the sequence instead of the expected FF FE FE FF 01. The document I am referring to can be found here :Link I can't seem to find why it behaves this way. I though I would share it in case someone can see how to fix it. Thanks for any help, Mondo. edit : It would help if I sh…
[PE Edit] add new code/data section
by Stasis- 4 replies
Hi guys, i am trying to add new code or data section to an existing PE file. for eg: calc.exe from windows7 I am doing this for education research. I discovered PELIB opensource library but it is not updated and there's a limit to what it can do. I have no problem adding section for c++ console applications but it doesnt add new section for calc.exe due to limited header size. I was wondering if anyone have any other open source and useful PE editor or PE maker... i need the library and not the tools. something i can code with. PE EDITOR 1.7 - yoda CFF explorer Both are great tools but i need the library to perform my own calls. help please. Thanks in advance.
RNG in keygen
by chickenbutt- 2 replies
I'm looking for an example keygen in any language that has RNG used in a functional part of the key.
Problem To animate olly debugee from thread function
by Zool@nder- 3 replies
Hey every one, I'm experiencing a coding problem with ollydbg. When i call an animation function from main plugin thread, it works. (of course it will work ). and here is a piece of correctly working code: void ODBG_Pluginaction(int Origin, int Action, void* pItem) { if(Origin == PM_DISASM) { switch(Action) { case 0: Go(Getcputhreadid(), 0, STEP_OVER, false, true); break; } } } but if i call the same function from a thread it doesn't work (and here's a non working code): DWORD WINAPI ThreadFunc(LPVOID dd) { Go(Getcputhreadid(), 0, STEP_OVER, false, true); return TRUE; }void ODBG_Pluginaction(int Origin, int Action, void* pItem) { DWORD …