Programming and Coding
Programming and coding tips, help and solutions...
1,876 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hi I was wondering if learning to use the Win32 API from the book Programming Windows 5th eidtion by Charles Petzold would help me become a better hacker. I want to get up to speed with the windows internals and see if I can use them to highjack the system. Start a botnet or Let loose RATs. I bought the 5th edition of the book recently. But people are saying that not all the API functions work in Windows 8. Did I even make the right choice here? I mean learning the Win32 API? Look I won't bullshit you guys, I'm no "hacker". But Summers are starting and I'm tired of doing nothing in my life and I finally want to use the time on my hands to become what I have always wan…
StrongName tools - source code C#
by CodeExplorer- 1 reply
StrongName tools - source code C# This include: Assembly_Resigner Minimum_Resign_Calculator PKT_AssemblyRef_Replacer StrongName_Killer StrongNameVerifier Atached or:
by CodeExplorer- 1 reply
PatchingSamples&1Use - source code C# This include: BabelDelegateKiller BabelIntDecryptor DexScator_Decryptor DexScator_Strings For PV Logiciels MemberRefAdd MonoCecilPatch MonoCecilPatch2 MonoCecilVM_CrackMe Universal_Fixer2 Universal_Fixer3 Watch how they are made :-) Attached or: PatchingSamples&
How to write a plugin for ollydbg?
by r42fr- 14 replies
How to write a plugin for ollydbg the last version?
working with resources
by Lostin- 2 replies
Hello all, Are there any documentation on this structure online? i tried to search but no much info about it i am coding a small tool i want to work with resource directory for example working with the rva pointers to resources data if i want allocate the resource on different section i have to fix those rva's , so how do i get the pointer to start of those rva's? i got the pointer to those rva's but in certian files they point to the last rva instead of the first one so it got reverse order Example 004170F0 50 71 01 00 4C 02 00 00 Pq.L.. 00417100 B0 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 9C 73 01 00 30 00 00 00 °......œs.0... 00…
1000 Visual Basic 6 Source Code Examples...
by Teddy Rogers- 8 replies
I came across this link at another site and I haven't looked at it but I am led to believe there are 1000 source code examples for Visual Basic 6. Maybe someone here will find it useful: Ted.
- 7 replies
This is my template keygen. Source: or you can download at here:
NH KeyGenMe#7 SourceCode :)
by NewHitman- 8 replies
Hi everyone, you may remember my last keygenme that I have ever made which was NH KeygenMe#7 , it was my favorite one till now So I decided lately to share its source code for only 2000$ naaaaah I'm just joking ,anyway as I told you i decided to share its source code since a lot of guys out there wanted the SC and I wasn't able to share it since I lost it , till I found it lately ,so I hope it will help you both in coding and reversing I just added some comments so you will understand what's going on , it could be a good template for newbies to start with even if the code is little bit complicated but nevertheless everyone is invited to give it a try and as usua…
How do I add a xm music in VB6?
by CyberToxic- 21 replies
I'm using VB6 to create a keygen. And how shall I add a xm music in VB6? Pleaaaase!
Code C sharp
by WinniePh- 2 replies
Hello.I am trying to crack basic crackmes for .NET written on C# that can't undestand code. Please,explain me some ones. Here is function of button clicking.. private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str = "486752416871754464"; string str2 = ""; while (str.Length > 0) { str2 = str2 + Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToUInt32(str.Substring(0, 2), 0x10)).ToString(); str = str.Substring(2, str.Length - 2); } What the data it converts in the body of cicle while on str2? What is str.substring with agruments(0,2) and 0x10.ToString();? Could someone explain this code better please?I am just newbie in classes…
- 2 replies
Actually I am doing with an old game. What I am trying to do is to locate the key & mouse event shandling routines. For example, I want to find the complete routine when 'F1' key is pressed. I tried to trace but seems there are many functions in loop and I don't know where to set BP. Are idea or advices?
- 8 replies
hi all. before reading Excuse me for my poor English. i want to detect if my program opened with a Debuger in Delphi. i found a few code in other website ,but thats not work true! please help me.
ARM® Instruction Set Quick Reference
by Tarek_CrAcK- 0 replies
ARM® Instruction Set Quick Reference ARM_Instruction_Set.rar
- 10 replies
Ok so I have coded a program that add resources to an exe and the problem is that I can't use it on an exe build with visual studio if the resource size are <8000 bytes but I can use it on other exe with any resource size.. It's the EndUpdateResource that returns false. I got the error it's ERROR_INVALID_DATA 13 (0xD) The data is invalid. HANDLE hResources = BeginUpdateResource(TEXT("file.exe"),FALSE); if (hResources == NULL) puts("couldn't not open"); size_t totIt = (size_t)lSize/1000, a; for (a=1; a <= totIt; ++a){ UpdateResourceA(hResources,"RES",MAKEINTRESOURCE(a),MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL,SUBLANG_DEFAULT),&text[(a-1)*1000],1000); } if (…
How to Play chiptune with uFMOD in C# application?
by hacktooth- 11 replies
Hi guys, i very confused for play a chiptune from resource with UFMOD in C# ! How to do this? Thanks all for the support and sorry for my bad english!!
mfmplayer source
by tobetafu- 14 replies
Hi all this is my first post. I wonder if anyone would be kind enough to provide me with the source code of the mfmplayer library?
Playing an Sid music and load dll from Resource VB 2008 Help
by papadrellbo- 12 replies
Hello, does somebody have a idea int his issue? How can I load a working dll to play sid files from ressource. Have anybody some source code in this issue? I hope somebody could hellllp me. Thanks a lot. cu papadrellbo P.s. Some keygen sourcecode witch playing music is helpful too. thanks. ;-)
- 4 replies
how I can remove the separator between char 1, with another char?... if I use spaces, the *. nfo will separate like something is messed up Code : procedure TForm1.Export1Click(Sender: TObject); var I : Integer; SL : TstringList; begin SL := TstringList.Create; for I := 0 to SG.RowCount - 1 do begin SG.Rows.Delimiter := #32; // replace coma with spaces SL.Add(SG.Rows.DelimitedText); end; if not SD.Execute then Exit; SL.SaveToFile(SD.FileName); SL.Free; end;
- BASS_ChannelGetLength
by Accede- 0 replies
I make this function that i get the length of the fasttracker modules but i get no return. My function looks like this : public string Getlength(string nm) { long len = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetLength(HMUSIC,BASSMode.BASS_POS_BYTES);//gets the length of the mod file as bytes double time = Bass.BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(HMUSIC, len);//convert mod bytes to seconds return nm; } This is how i call it player.getlength(label2.text); I hope some one can help my on this,is for are littel player on c#. I solved it by my self.her is the code if some on has the same prop with public string Getlength(string name2) {…
DIBLIB Dib Engine
by zorke- 2 replies
compiled with MASM into .lib form. If you port the inc, to C, C++ etc, go ahead for use with trainer/keygen/cracktro if you want help/found errors, just post in thread, or PM. should work with any language as long as include file is ported, also included example in MASM or get attachment
aplib decompression
by abhijit mohanta- 6 replies
Does anyone have a idea on how aplib algo works? This is a derivation of lz78 decompression. I want to know the meanings of the routines like getbit getgamma and how it is used to read the dictionary. Below is the code ================== aP_depack_asm: ; aP_depack_asm(const void *source, void *destination) _ret$ equ 7*4 _src$ equ 8*4 + 4 _dst$ equ 8*4 + 8 pushad mov esi, [esp + _src$] ; C calling convention mov edi, [esp + _dst$] cld mov dl, 80h xor ebx,ebxliteral: movsb mov bl, 2 nexttag: call getbit jnc literal xor ecx, ecx call getbit jnc codepair xor eax, eax …
- 10 replies
Here are all the ripp's from keygen FX from cyberdoom systems. I am not the maker or such.. I just thought it would be nice to have them here as well seeing my download speeds from that server are around 1kb/s dunno 'bout you guy's but it is just very anoying. Well here they are -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Graphical effect from ORiON keygen(fire) *download as attachement* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Graphical effect from HTB keygen(about) *download as attachement* -----------------------------------------------------------------------…
Olly plugin
by 6748222- 0 replies
I`we try write my own plugin, but API documentations.. lacks informations :/ I wanna copy text to clipboard without emulating "ctrl+click", anyone can help me with this.. Added: solved it:
Cpp Miracl base problem
by ragdog- 14 replies
Hey Comuntity I try my luck in Cpp now have i a problem with Miracl miracl *mip=mirsys(256, 0); mip->IOBASE=16; big t=mirvar(0); cinstr(t, "666AAA422FDF79E1D4E41EDDC4D42C51"); mip->IOBASE=64; cotstr(t, buff); // ZmqqQi/feeHU5B7dxNQsUQ mirkill(t); I try to convert a base 16 string "666AAA422FDF79E1D4E41EDDC4D42C51" to base 64 "ZmqqQi/feeHU5B7dxNQsUQ" Have any an idea why i have the wrong result? Regards,
Question About Packing And The Iat
by thunkdata- 4 replies
So if you have a file, and you pack it, obviously you lose all the information in the Import Address Table, well maybe not lose it, but it's useless because its never intialized since at the time the PE loader loaded the file, it would have never been set to the function addresses. So then how does the stub make it so that the orignal code is able to use the program correctly, does the packer run over the Import Name Table, find everything it is trying to import, and then build a new import address table once the file is loaded up using LoadLibrary?So you have something likeCALL DWORD PTR DS:[1063060]And then that stores an address to the beginning of the function (TlsSet…