Programming and Coding
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- 2 replies
I see a few skins around the forum and I want to build my own skins with photoshop or some graphics program. Example: Currently I have this written in win32/64 old school c / c++ using the windows api. Basically I have an outter main window with a child window inside the main window and you can move it around and minimize it. I want to create something like the above picture with buttons that are clickable and some check boxes. So, the question is how do I map the pictures to the window and make the pictures clickable? -Bit_Hacker
by omar911- 22 replies
XM (file format) XM, standing for "extended module", is an audio file type introduced by Triton's FastTracker 2. XM introduced multisampling-capable instruments with volume and panning envelopes, and basic pattern compression. It also expanded the available effect commands and channels, added 16-bit sample support, and offered an alternative frequency table for portamentos. uses this format. XM is a common format for many chiptunes. I would like some help on how to emmbed a XM file in my delphi code, so when it is run the music is played, i have searched the net and found codes but they font wot=rk at all, i use DELPHI 7 so i woild be grateful…
what is overlay meaning in detail?
by rever_ser- 8 replies
hi guys! can anybody say in detail WHAT IS OVERLAY? i just know the overlay in somewhere outside of PE. but what is this meaning indeed. thanks in advance!
Delphi packing assistance.
by mudlord- 4 replies
Hi, I ran into a bug with processing Delphi/FreePascal executables. All Delphi versions seem to be affected. I am unsure as to the problem. I checked in non Delphi executables and TLS callbacks/tables seem to work correctly, so atm I am at a loss to see what I am missing. This seems to be a final bug of my exe packer, and the main thing stopping its release. Any help at all would be great. test.rar
Olly CHM
by Mehdi.s- 1 reply
File Name: Olly CHM&HLP File Submitter: Mehdi.s File Submitted: 08 Dec 2014 File Category: Source Code This is HLP/CHM For Olly 2.xx It consists of three files: Ollydbg.chm OLLYHLP.GID OLLYHLP.HLP Note:If you rename or delete the file OLLYHLP.GID , OLLYHLP.HLP popup by Defult "Table Of Contents" this feature is useful for old and new platforms A big thanks to Oleh Yuschuk For Support and sharing of resources and testing I hope that's helpful Click here to download this file
- 4 replies
//this is from IDA F5 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> //memcpy int a2=0x46004F0052005300; unsigned int __cdecl sub_4E6500(int a1, int a2, int a3) { unsigned int v3; // eax@1 signed int v4; // eax@3 int v5; // ecx@4 char v6; // dl@4 int v7; // ecx@4 char v8; // dl@4 int v9; // ecx@4 const void *v10; // ebp@6 char *v11; // ecx@7 const void *v12; // eax@7 signed int v13; // esi@7 bool v14; // sf@9 unsigned __int8 v15; // of@9 const void *v16; // ebp@11 char *v17; // ecx@12 const void *v18; // eax@12 signed int v19; // esi@12 signed int v20; // eax@15 int v21; // ecx@16 char v22; // dl@16 …
- 0 replies
is anyboday give me a piece of code about my question? thank you
by omar911- 10 replies
Can some tell me how to make a text button app in delphi, like in VB 6 you can add a text and then a button and when you press the button it will generate a different serial number, i would like a code for delphi but no one is willing to help me. also any one know to to edit delphi exe files too. thank you in advance my friends.
- 27 replies
Hello, I want to learn just one programming language ,Which one deserves to devote my time. Delphi,VB,dot net..
CLISP merge-pathname issues
by xSRTsect- 0 replies
Unfortunantly for some reason on windows this seems to happen a lot - instead of using a simple dash for some reason it puts two. And you can't find the file? Really? thats a ground breaking shocker.
OllyDbg2 Issue - Table Window with Sorted Data
by akrutsinger- 3 replies
I'm developing another plugin for OllyDbg2 and for some reason, after I populate my table with the sorted data (anywhere from 1,500 to 4,00 records or so), I can't use the scroll bar on the side of that window to scroll through all of the data. When I drag the scroll bar down, I can view through a small portion of the data (140 records); as soon as I release the left mouse button the scroll bar immediately returns to the top, but the view doesn't change. When I click to drag the scroll bar again, the view of the data automatically displays the first record at the top of the window and I can scroll through those first 140 records. Now if I use the Page Up/Down or Arrow Up/…
File crash after adding section
by FastLife- 11 replies
Hello Tuts4you, I created a function which adds a new section to a exe file. Everything seems to be correct, but the new file crashed after adding the new section. After some study, i found the problem is the SizeOfRawData, because when I zero this out, the file runs smoothly. So the problem is I don't know what Im doing wrong. Maybe someone could help me out with this? If you want to see an example of a crashing-file after adding the new section, see attachment. crashed_file.rar
twofish Asm source code.
by tarequl.hassan- 7 replies
Dear All Does anyone have keygen source code which uses twofish? If so please share with me.
Need help creating my first keygen for a CrackMe
by Lukesc1993- 10 replies
So I just cracked my first CrackMe and found out how the program computes the registration number and now I wanna write a keygen for it. What program should I use to write the keygen and could anyine get me started on the code? The algorithm the CrackMe uses to create the correct keygen is: Get hex value of each letter in username Add each letter in hex together Multiply the value by 539 Output as decimal Thanks to anyone who can help
Help in Porting from ASM to Delphi
by XorRanger- 4 replies
Hello, i need help in porting this code from asm to delphi ( i have tried inlining it but it does not produce the right result) @Test_00452510: movsx eax,byte ptr [esi+$050e858] // =======> $050e858 is pointing to an address in memory lea edx,[eax+esi+1] imul edx,ebx add ecx,edx mov eax,$07ccbfadf imul ecx sub edx,ecx sar edx,9 mov eax,edx shr eax,$01f add eax,edx imul eax,eax,$03e7 inc esi add ecx,eax cmp esi,edi jl @Test_00452510 the above code was ripped with code ripper plugin in olly.
force unload modules of a process
by sr3330- 2 replies
I want to unload some module in a process . I use this function : bool UnInjectDll(const TCHAR* ptszDllFile, DWORD dwProcessId) { if (NULL == ptszDllFile || 0 == ::_tcslen(ptszDllFile)) { return false; } HANDLE hModuleSnap = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE hProcess = NULL; HANDLE hThread = NULL; hModuleSnap = ::CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, dwProcessId); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hModuleSnap) { return false; } MODULEENTRY32 me32; memset(&me32, 0, sizeof(MODULEENTRY32)); me32.dwSize = sizeof(MODULEENTRY32); if(FALSE == …
32 bit asm in 64 exe?
by Yazuki- 10 replies
hello all, is it posssible to have in example a x64-bit file, adding a empty section to it and add 32 bit code to that section. so ie. project64.exe > addsection > add 32 bit to section > run project32.exe
lookin for a talented coder
by afrit- 24 replies
hello i m lookin for a talented coder for a project that i want basically i need to automate the kik messenger application so i can autorespond to my cllients if anybody can do this please pm me and we talk some more abt fees .... thanks
force HUD window over another
by kolynet- 1 reply
i would like to achieve to get my transparent window over another, but dont want to lose z-order, so i need to force my hud to be always the 2nd in z-order (to be the top of a specific window). Is there a good workaround for this?
Increase DWORD by one?
by FastLife- 8 replies
hello you i want to increase a dword value by 1. So using c++ to get a value of a pointer, and using inline asm to increase this value by one. so far it works. now i want to remove that inline asm, and increasing the value by one in c++ itself. but that doesn't work because somehow it increase the value by 4 instead of 1. working with inline asm DWORD *value = (DWORD*)(VAaddress); __asm{ inc value } not working in fully c++ DWORD *value = (DWORD*)(VAaddress); value++; and ideas?
[ Investigating & Coding ]
by IllusiveMan- 1 reply
Hello everyone. So in nowdays i am interested in protecting .NET executables and i would like to try to make my own obfuscator or tools for exploring them. For first steps, i downloaded Confuser & ConfuserEx sources for exploring them and trying to understand how every protection works for making my own then. It's hard to understand some things like antidump(Their code) opposite adding IL instructions or working with metadata. Sometimes i find some things like digital values and i cant understand where did author took them(Maybe in special tools). So the first question is what tool kit do you advise me for exploring .NET assemblies(I know about reflector or SAE or dnE…
Delphi repaint or invalidate
by kolynet- 1 reply
Hi, Im trying to figure out how can i repaint a remote window in delphi easily, because if i make changes to the window, i always have to minimize and maximize it to take effect. (believe the paint message start going when i maximizing). Is there any workaround? I have read that i should use the invalidate function, but i dont have a clue how to do it on a specific window, outside delphi.
- 5 replies
Hello everyone, For x64_dbg I had to create a pattern finder and mudlord asked me to extend it with a pattern search & replace ability. Example of usage: #include "patternfind.h"int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ unsigned char data[0x100]; memcpy(data, main, sizeof(data)); //find pattern offset size_t found = patternfind(data, sizeof(data), "68 ?? ?1 0? 00"); printf("found: main+%p\n", found); if(found==-1) //not found return 0; //print current data for(int i=0; i<5; i++) printf("%.2X ", data[found+i]); puts(""); //search & replace if(!patternsnr(data, sizeof(data), "68 ?? ?1 0? 00", "?? ?1 1? 21 23")) return…
injected DLL and exe communication
by kolynet- 4 replies
hey! i have my 'detour drawtext hook' dll injected to a process with my custom injector. i would like to achieve IPC or WM_COPYDATA style data passing between them. i can send messages from my application to the dll, but cannot communicate back. im also not sure which should be the client or server. What would be the easiest and best way to get this task done? thanks very much in advance:)
C++ question 1 2
by GIV- 27 replies
Hi all. I have bougth recently a C++ book where i have a CD with Turbo C++ Lite (the book is written by Dr. Kris Jamsa & Lars Klander). I don't want to use this compiler on CD. I want to use a new interface for coding (the one on CD is MS-DOS fashion). What do you recommend me? Example code: #include <studio.h> void main(void) { printf ("All about C/C++"); }