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Need help creating my first keygen for a CrackMe


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So I just cracked my first CrackMe and found out how the program computes the registration number and now I wanna write a keygen for it.


What program should I use to write the keygen and could anyine get me started on the code?


The algorithm the CrackMe uses to create the correct keygen is:


Get hex value of each letter in username

Add each letter in hex together

Multiply the value by 539

Output as decimal


Thanks to anyone who can help :)

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VB .NET 2010

Public Class frmKeygen
Private name As String = ""
Dim character As Long = 0
Private sum As Integer Private Sub txtInput_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtInput.TextChanged
name = txtInput.Text
For i = 0 To name.Length - 1
character = character + Asc(name.Substring(i, 1))
character = character * 539
txtOutput.Text = character.ToString
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("The result of multiplication is too high.", "Try less characters for the name.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
End Try End Sub
End Class



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C# .Net 3.5 - Console App - compile with SharpDevelop/VisualStudio/MonoDevelop/...

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection; namespace Keygen
class Program
static void Main( string[] args )
if( args.Length == 0 )
string thisExe = Path.GetFileName( Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name );
Console.WriteLine( "Use {0}.exe USERNAME", thisExe );
} // first prog argument
string username = args[ 0 ]; // call/invoke Generate-Method
decimal key = Generate( username ); // show result, Output as decimal
Console.WriteLine( "Key: '{0}'", key );
} // easy to understand Method
static decimal Generate( string username )
decimal result = 0; //Get hex value of each letter in username
foreach( char letter in username )
//Add each letter in hex together
result = result + (byte)letter;
} //Multiply the value by 539
result = result * 539; return result;
} // pro variant
static decimal ProGenerate( string username )
return username.Aggregate<char, decimal>( 0, ( current, letter ) => current + (byte)letter ) * 539;

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Did Someone Forget other none .NET Languages?


Here is one for Delphi 7 (this is just the function that generates the key)

function MakeMyKey(UserName: string): string;var  intCounter, intHolder: Integer;  strFinalKey: string;begin  if (Length(UserName) < 1) then  begin    ShowMessage('Hey Cutie, Don' + 't be ' + 'shy :(' + sLineBreak +      'Please give me a Name');  end  else  begin    intHolder := 0;    for intCounter := 1 to (Length(UserName)) do    begin      intHolder := intHolder + Ord(UserName[intCounter]);    end;    strFinalKey := IntToStr(intHolder * 539);    Form1.edtSerial.Text := strFinalKey;  end;end;

Attached is the Keygen and its Full Source.


Lukesc1993 Keygen.zipLukesc1993 Src.zip

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Did Someone Forget other none .NET Languages?


Did you mean this?

#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;int main(){    int suma, lungime;	string nume;	cout << "Simple translation to C++ by GIV\n";	cout << "Please enter your name: "<<endl;    cin >> nume;    lungime = nume.length();	suma = 0;for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nume.size(); i++){     suma += nume[i];}cout << "The final calculus is:"<<endl;		cout << suma*539 << endl;     system("pause");    return 0;}


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Did someone forget about the non-high-level languages? ;)

Generate proc hWnd:HWND invoke GetDlgItemText, hWnd, IDC_NAME, addr NameBuffer, 17 ; Cap name length to 17
mov edi,offset NameBuffer
invoke lstrlen,edi
mov esi,eax
xor ecx,ecx
xor eax,eax cmp esi, 01h ; Jump if no name entered
jl BADERROR xor eax, eax
xor edx, edx @@: mov dl, byte ptr [NameBuffer + ecx]
add eax, edx inc ecx
cmp ecx, esi
jnz @b mov ecx, 21Bh ; 21Bh = 539d
mul ecx invoke wsprintf, addr SerialBuffer, addr FormatControl, eax
invoke SetDlgItemText, hWnd, IDC_SERIAL, addr SerialBuffer BADERROR: xor eax, eax
ret Generate endp


Edited by Office Jesus
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Why not AutoIT? lol

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> Example()
Func Example()
Local $i, $output
Local $Input = InputBox("Input","", "", "") For $i=0 to StringLen($input)
$output = $output + Asc(StringMid($input,$i,1))
Next $output = $output * 539 MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", $output) EndFunc ;==>Example

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I am to late.

No new code from my side

only a bit shorter ASM code of Office Jesus

Generate proc hWnd:HWND invoke GetDlgItemText, hWnd, IDC_NAME, addr NameBuffer, 17 ; Cap name length to 17
.if eax
lea edi, NameBuffer
xor eax,eax
and edx,0
mov dl,byte ptr [edi]
add eax, edx
inc edi
.until byte ptr[edi] == 0
imul eax,eax,21Bh
invoke wsprintf, addr SerialBuffer, addr FormatControl, eax
invoke SetDlgItemText, hWnd, IDC_KEY, addr SerialBuffer
.endif ret Generate endp

of course it can be done shorter.

(btw. i was to lazy, so i used OfficeJesus own code snippet.)


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