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Can some tell me how to make a text button app in delphi, like in VB 6 you can add a text and then a button and when you press the button it will generate a different serial number, i would like a code for delphi but no one is willing to help me.


also any one know to to edit delphi exe files too.


thank you in advance my friends.

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You might want to visit DelphiBasics: http://www.delphibasics.co.uk/Article.asp?Name=FirstPgm

That's usually the first place I go when I have questions about Delphi. Fair warning: that first tutorial appears to be using Borland Delphi 7, which is no longer current (but is the best version).


Try that first tutorial. If you have any questions after that, feel free to ask.



As for "editing" Delphi .exe files, do you mean editing the resource file or the actual executable? If you want to edit the executable file, you might consider using a debugger like Olly that allows for changes to be made to the file.

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By request, here's a sample project. The code has comments. If you have any questions, please ask.


Sample Project.zip

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
len, sum, i, nRand : integer;
name, serial : string; begin
name := Edit1.Text;
len := length(name);
sum := 0; // Require a name length >= 1
if len < 1 then
Edit2.Text := 'Enter a longer name!';
end; // Actually calculating serial
if len >= 1 then
begin // Iterate over name and sum up the ordinal values of the characters
for i := 0 to len do
sum := sum + Ord(name[i]);
end; // Format the sum to 4 hex digits
serial := IntToHex(sum, 4); // Generate a random number between 1 and 9999
nRand := random(9999) + 1; // Format serial for output
serial := serial + '-' + IntToHex(nRand, 4);
end; Edit2.Text := serial; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
hours, mins, secs, milliSecs : word; begin // Initializing the random seed
// http://www.delphibasics.co.uk/RTL.asp?Name=RandSeed
DecodeTime(now, hours, mins, secs, milliSecs);
RandSeed := milliSecs; end;

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Here is something knocked up quickly in PureBasic...

Declare Fade(void) If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 350, 160, "PureBasic Example Keygen Template", #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered)
  CreateThread(@Fade(), 0) ; Fade in from a thread to avoid gadgets not showing up whilst waiting for the next window event...
  StringGadget(2, 10, 30, 330, 20, "teddyrogers@tuts4you.com", #PB_Text_Center)
  StringGadget(4, 10, 75, 330, 20, "Teddy Rogers", #PB_Text_Center | #PB_String_ReadOnly)
  ; Change the following gadgets to use bold font...
  If LoadFont(1,"Arial",8, #PB_Font_Bold)
    SetGadgetFont(#PB_Default, FontID(1))
  TextGadget(1, 10,  10, 330, 20, "Email Address:")
  TextGadget(3, 10, 55, 330, 20, "Registration Code:")
  ButtonGadget(5, 10,100, 330, 50, "GENERATE!", #PB_Button_MultiLine)
  ; Wait for a window or gadget event, then do stuff...
    Event = WaitWindowEvent()
    Select Event
      Case #PB_Event_Gadget
        Select EventGadget()
          Case 2 ; Checks email length, detects "@" and any duplicate(s), looks for "." and minimum characters proceeding it...
            Email.s = GetGadgetText(2)
            Length = Len(Email.s)
            If Length >= 5
              Check = FindString(Email.s, "@")
              If Check
                If Not FindString(Email.s, "@", (Check+1))
                  DotPos = FindString(Email.s, ".", (Check+1))
                  If DotPos
                    DotStr.s = Right(Email.s, (Len(Email.s)-DotPos))
                    DotLen = Len(DotStr.s)
                    ; Random numbers between 0 to 9
                    If DotLen >= 2
                      Code.s = Str(Random(99999,000000))+"-"+Str(Random(99999,000000))+"-"+Str(Random(99999,000000))+"-"+Str(Random(99999,000000))+"-"+Str(Random(99999,000000))
                      SetGadgetText(4, Code.s)
        Case 5 ; "Generate!" gadget button ID
          Code.s = Str(Random(99999,000000))+"-"+Str(Random(99999,000000))+"-"+Str(Random(99999,000000))+"-"+Str(Random(99999,000000))+"-"+Str(Random(99999,000000))
          SetGadgetText(4, Code.s)
  Until Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow
  ; Fade out effect...
  For Opacity = 255 To 0 Step -1
    SetWindowLongPtr_(WindowID(0), #GWL_EXSTYLE, #WS_EX_LAYERED)
    SetLayeredWindowAttributes_(WindowID(0), 0, Opacity, #LWA_ALPHA)
EndIf ; Fade window in effect... Procedure Fade(void)
  For Opacity = 0 To 255
    SetWindowLongPtr_(WindowID(0), #GWL_EXSTYLE, #WS_EX_LAYERED)
    SetLayeredWindowAttributes_(WindowID(0), 0, Opacity, #LWA_ALPHA)


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thanks for the project its great but i need to add my own serial numbers so how do i edit? in VB6 its easy as you can do the following


cPrivate Sub Command1_Click()
Dim key As Integer
key = Int(Rnd() * 4)
Select Case key
Case 0
Text1.Text = "WADV-4PKZ-R5PM-ZB86-XAL7"
Case 1
Text1.Text = "NRYBL"
Case 2
Text1.Text = "FE45-RY6X-YCFX"
Case 3
Text1.Text = "-RY6X-YCFX"
End Select
End Sub


im learning DELPHI but its a mission but any help would be great and so far i thank you for your help and advive and hope you can help me with this solution too.

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thanks for the project its great but i need to add my own serial numbers so how do i edit? in VB6 its easy as you can do the following


im learning DELPHI but its a mission but any help would be great and so far i thank you for your help and advive and hope you can help me with this solution too.


I'm going to point you to these relevant pages:





Try figuring it out for yourself first, and then ask again if you get stuck.

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DAMN this is hard to code but i like delphi but i cant figure it out how to change it, oh well back to VB then but thanks for your help bro, PM me i will send you a free gift for your help

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