Programming and Coding
Programming and coding tips, help and solutions...
1,885 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Hi again, got a new problem again where I need some help.I created a sliderbar control and wanna change the position by mouseclick exactly where I do press with the mouse.I did subclass the slider control and do catch at WM_LBUTTONDOWN message and wrote my code so far... .if uMsg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN LOWORD lParam mov pt.x,eax mov ISH, eax ; <---- HIWORD lParam mov pt.y,eax nop invoke SendMessage,SLIDERHANDLE,TBM_GETCHANNELRECT,0,addr CHANNELRECT push CHANNELRECT.right pop eax push CHANNELRECT.bottom pop ecx push CHANNELRECT.left ; x …
How to get a pointer of a integer value
by Undebel- 2 replies
Hi, i want get a pointer of integer value without using unsafe, i tried with GCHandle.Alloc but only work for strings I was wondering if there is any way to get it without using unsafe I appreciate any help. Thanks
Professional C# Developer
by zuberspicy- 1 reply
I need the experts who can help me in the form auto filler application development. I need the expert person in optimization and webservice calls and web requests. The application is used to fill forms on a website and also pays on behalf of the user from the provided bank account. I need experts who can guide me in optimization of the application. And also help me in optimization of the bank payment. So, the user can complete the process very fast, If anyone is interested than please contact me on my skype. My skype id is : mr_orio.
8 Most common mistakes C# developers make
by CodeExplorer- 4 replies
8 Most common mistakes C# developers make: Link:
Professional C# Developer
by zuberspicy- 14 replies
I need the experts who can help me in the form auto filler application development. I need the expert person in optimization and webservice calls and web requests. The application is used to fill forms on a website and also pays on behalf of the user from the provided bank account. I need experts who can guide me in optimization of the application. And also help me in optimization of the bank payment. So, the user can complete the process very fast, If anyone is interested than please contact me on my skype. My skype id is : mr_orio.
Which assembly syntax is IDA pro using?
by Hakman- 5 replies
Hello. As far as I understand, there are various assemblers like MASM, FASM, NASM, etc, which may differ in syntax. I'm about to begin learning and choose one to start with. I would like to choose assembler which syntax is as close as possible to what IDA pro produces. Which one should I pick?
Online Hash Generator
by RustyNail- 4 replies
Recently, I found a site that contains most of the common hash generators. I thought it would be useful to share. Adler32 Hash Generator Base64 Converter CRC32 Hash Generator CRC32B Hash Generator GOST Hash Generator MD2 Hash Generator MD4 Hash Generator MD5 Hash Generator SHA1 Hash Generator SHA256 Hash Generator SHA384 Hash Generator SHA512 Hash Generator RIPEMD128 Hash Generator RIPEMD160 Hash Generator RIPEMD256 Hash Generator RIPEMD320 Hash Generator SNEFRU Hash Generator Whirlpool Hash Generator
Hi again, so I have a little question again and need some help. Can anybody tell me how to control & handle & work with the CMD console inside of own code?So what I want at the moment is to get the content of the CMD console. Exsample / Steps: ----------------------------------------- 1.) I start the a CMD tool xy with specific paramters via CreateProcess API 2.) Now the CMD console gets some results xy back (text xy) 3.) I wanna get this text etc logged into memory buffer 4.) Now I check the text for some strings as success or failed for exsample 5.) I got the results of CMD console 6.) If string success was found = keep console r…
- 5 replies
Hey guys, I recently got my feet wet in unpacking programs to view source code in .NET Reflector. I had success in the past using megadumper's dumping tool to dump all the files, and then using PE Universal fixer to repair the files. I'm trying another file with the same method and it shows some of the code but shows a lot of lines such as "// Invalid method body" and etc. I threw the original file in protection id it says its packed with themida, and so I also threw the one I dumped&fixed it says it's okay. So I tried using de4dot to check for any obfuscation, it says unknown obfuscator but it'll try to fix anyways. I'm positive it's obfuscated with Crypto …
- 18 replies
I am using visual studio 2013 ultimate extensions: RESHARPER just wondering what you talented people are using these days for programming in general?
Print without dialog box.
by akkaldama- 3 replies
Hi all, I am developing a POS system for a hospital management solution using mvc, angularjs, javascript and rdlc for reporting. Anyone know there is anyway to print the rdlc directly without previewing or showing print dialog box in the client PC and without using third party components? I have searched in the internet and found some solutions, some of them uses third party components like 'itextsharp', 'crystalreport' etc. Any help will be appreciated. Regards, akkaldama.
ARM Android coding license-free TrustZone?
by chickenbutt- 1 reply
Anyone know of any OSS efforts to allow apps to use TrustZone isolation without the big licensing process?
[Any Language] GDI fun thread
by simple- 19 replies
Get some ides from the spirit of this thread... - & make some cool GDI animations - demo style !Here's a code skeleton, core algo is the same as KyleMcCormick's - except for GDI animationsThis code will work on all Win C or C++ compilers - Goal is to edit PixelWrite() - the R, G & B values to make original, unique animationsedit a few lines & post ur graphics : ) RULES:- Post a binary - Post the source for your PixelWrite() function - No rules really, just try to make small code do big things & keep .exe's small - Post in whatever language u want-…
[Unpack] Agile NET ?
by teehist- 4 replies
anyone have any idea how to remove the latest protection Agile.NET? I'm having trouble with the de4dot, he kind of leaves a clean form, more actually has a System Log. Note: I am using the latest version of de4dot.
- 2 replies
I'm reading the code of dnlib and I was wondering the exact purpose of CreateFileMapping & MapViewOfFile primitives? What are the advantages of using these? Thanks guys!
Taskmgr cracking users TAB to hide a specific user
by dinzehzouhi- 2 replies
Taskmgr cracking users TAB to hide a specific user Hello , i hope everyOne is feeling good in this beautiful forum with some Knowledge. There's 1 month i'm trying to Hide a specific user from taskmgr ... and Someone who i told the IDEA made this code , and he didn't want to share it with me ... and i find this very Idiot i'm sorry for the word...... So any one can help us making that and then Sharing the code please ? i know that taskmgr is using wtsapi32.dll , and a function called InformationsessionW is loaded by the taskmgr to show the USERS... So how to hide a specific user like this man did ... WE WANT THE FULL CODE PLEASE …
memcpy gets ignored
by JustAGuy- 10 replies
Hi, I want to make dll in VC++ , which when loaded into a process modifies certain address in the process memory. int nLength = GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, pszBuffer, MAX_PATH); HMODULE hEXEParent = GetModuleHandleA(pszBuffer); . . memcpy (&hEXEParent + 0x148521 , lplocate, 4); lplocate is LPVOID adress of newly allocated memory space which I want to write. The problem is that memcpy actually never gets linked into dll although there is no error during compilation. I bet there is something wrong with memcpy parameters in my case.
How To make Loader in Vb6
by permana- 8 replies
I try to search on internet ... how to make loader in vb6 ,, but i every get in delphi .. then how to make it in vb6 , in example .. in address : 572CC3 i want to write prosess on memory with new byte 70 dan 3D , any idea
How to open chm file (winapi) ?
by Alzri2- 18 replies
Hi, Is there a way to open a chm file in the index tab and write something there ? Well, OllyDBG 2.01 does that ... I tried to debug it but couldn't figure out how it does that bp on 0049A8F1 and use "Help on API function" from the R click menu to break on it. This is the code I tried in ASM: .data libN db "HHCTRL.OCX", 0 funcN db "HtmlHelpA", 0 ;unicode HtmlHelpW path db "D:\WinApi.chm", 0 val db 20h, 0 DeskHWND dd ? .code start: invoke GetDesktopWindow mov DeskHWND, eax invoke LoadLibrary, addr libN invoke GetProcAddress, eax, addr funcN push offset val push 0Dh push offset path push DeskHWND ; could be NULL call eax invoke ExitPro…
- with a file
by swell- 6 replies
I try to use The sample works fine with a byte array, but when I try it with a PE file it doesn't work. I've replaced the byte array from sample with File.ReadAllBytes(filePath); but it doesn't work. I suspect that I have to only give the code section to capstone and not the entire file. If this is the case, what is the best method to do it? Thanks in advance!
Drizz Cryptohash RCRC32
by ragdog- 2 replies
Hello all I try to use from Cryptohash library the RCRC32 procedur gives any exmaple or info how to use it? Regards,
- 6 replies
how to get URLs in memo, delimited text or split? e.g: in memo.text : begin memo1.lines.text := ' rtadgjkjuouioop hxxp:// yyhfhjjj ijoo hxxp:// iolvb wxw.exmpl.comiiij fiuddhity uiufsftgco45788 hxxps:// ggcghj hxxps:// giiu'; end; result in memo 2 I mean like this code: function spliter(const s : string; ts, rs : tstrings) : string; var i : integer; begin for i := 0 to rs.count - 1 do begin if (pos('wxw', ts.strings) > 0) or (pos('fxp://', ts.strings) > 0) or (pos('hxxp://', ts.strin…
- 3 replies
Hi guys, Anyone looking for a parsable copy of Intel instructions set.I just made them available at: Mahdi.
CreateDIBSectiob() from bitmap resouce
by xSRTsect- 2 replies
Hello, I have the following code //bitmap HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle(NULL); HRSRC hRes = FindResource(hModule, pBitmapName, RT_BITMAP); if (hRes == NULL) return; HGLOBAL hGlb = LoadResource(hModule, hRes); if (hGlb == NULL) return; BITMAPINFO * pDIB = (BITMAPINFO *)LockResource(hGlb); if (pDIB == NULL) return; textbmi = *pDIB; textDC = CreateCompatibleDC(mDC->GetSafeHdc()); textbmp = CreateDIBSection(textDC, &textbmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (LPVOID *)&lpTextBuffer, 0, 0); SelectObject(textDC, textbmp); Everything looks to execute properly without API null returns - however, lpTextBuffer points to an array of zeros, no my image is…
Common questions in C++
by Alzri2- 18 replies
Hello, Anyone who has a (normal) question in C++, put it here.