UnPackMe (.NET)
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284 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
View File Crypto Obfuscator + IntelliLock (Hard) 1- Crypto obfuscator Fake Name Method Hide Calls Encrypt Strings Code Masking 2- IntelliLock Max Settings If you unpack this tell us how you did it and what programs you used. Submitter 2Face Submitted 09/11/2020 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
.net reactor (demo)
by aslan4747- 2 followers
- 18 replies
Language : .NET Platform : Windows OS Version : All Packer / Protector :.net reactor demo version Description : I tried all methods but cant unpacked sharing here for you guys try Screenshot : unpackme .rar
CryptoObfuscator v2020.200911
by whoknows- 3 followers
- 8 replies
View File CryptoObfuscator v2020.200911 Try to unpack or alternatively provide a serial. Protections used: Code Virtualization Rename Symbols Reduce Metadata Mark Classes as Final + Shield with SNK Submitter whoknows Submitted 12/15/2020 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
.NET Reactor v6.3 1 2
by whoknows- 4 followers
- 26 replies
View File .NET Reactor v6.3 Try to unpack or alternatively provide a serial. Protections used: Necrobit Antitampering Antidebug Obfuscation Code Virtualization + Shield with SNK Submitter whoknows Submitted 06/10/2020 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
Inx .NET Protector
by Inx- 1 reply
View File Inx .NET Protector Hey, I just made my own protector. I modified my own version of ConfuserEx and improved it and made it stronger so I want to know if it is good or not? Please try to unpack it and tell me, thanks ♥ All Rights Reserved To Inx. Submitter Inx Submitted 07/17/2021 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
.NET Reactor v6.5.0.0
by whoknows- 3 followers
- 18 replies
View File .NET Reactor v6.5.0.0 Try to unpack or alternatively provide a serial. Protections used: Necrobit Antitampering Antidebug Obfuscation Code Virtualization + Shield with SNK Whats new in .NET Reactor [] 12-Nov-2020 Fixed 'Code Virtualization' issue New 'Anti Tampering' approach and more.. Submitter whoknows Submitted 11/28/2020 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
ClickMe Custom Protector
by BETA- 1 follower
- 8 replies
View File ClickMe Custom Protector I have been working on modifying and creating new protections for the past few months. Here is an unfinished UnPackMe sample. Submitter BETA Submitted 04/01/2022 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
ArmDot (2020.2)
by vasterajontek- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Language : VB.NET Platform : Windows OS Version : All Packer / Protector : ArmDot (2020.2) Description : unpack and crack and tell how fast did you unpack or crack it and the way if possible Screenshot : Download: UnpackMe.protected.rar
ArmDot 2022.1.0 [Maximum Preset Including VM]
by BlackHat- 1 follower
- 2 replies
View File ArmDot 2022.1.0 [Maximum Preset Including VM] Your goal is to devirtualize and unpack the file completely; No partial unpack, No patching. Submitter BlackHat Submitted 01/16/2022 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
by BlackHat- 1 follower
- 5 replies
View File SecureVM This file is protected with SecureVM - a new VM to protect your code (based on CawkVM modification). You have to completely unpack the code in order to pass this challenge. Make sure your unpacked file should be able to run. Submitter BlackHat Submitted 09/06/2021 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
ConfuserEx Mod
by detpet- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Difficulty : 3 Language : .NET Platform : Windows x32/x64 OS Version : Windows 7+ Packer / Protector : ConfuserEx Modified Description : Unpack and provide a quick overview of how you did it and what tools were used CrackMe0.exe Screenshot :
ByTanimsiz Protector VM
by Leopar36- 0 replies
View File ByTanimsiz Protector VM Try to devirt. Submitter Leopar36 Submitted 07/16/2021 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
KoiVM Modded + CFEX
by 0x29A- 2 replies
View File KoiVM Modded + CFEX Modded KoiVM + CFEX Good luck! Submitter 0x29A Submitted 03/26/2021 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
ByTanimsizVM Obfuscator v2.0
by Leopar36- 1 follower
- 4 replies
View File ByTanimsizVM Obfuscator v2.0 Try to unpack or alternatively provide a serial. Submitter Leopar36 Submitted 03/11/2021 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
DNGuard HVM - Enterprise
by Magi- 14 replies
Language : .NET Platform : Windows OS Version : All Packer / Protector : DNGuard - Enterprise Description : Unpack this file it is DNGuard HVM. Screenshot : CM.rar
ILVirtualization (Custom Scratch VM)
by CursedLand- 2 replies
View File ILVirtualization (Custom Scratch VM) PLEASE NOTE THIS NOT MODDED PUBLIC VM, THANKS Difficulty : 4/10 Language : C# / .NET Windows OS Version : All Protection : ILVirtualization v1.0 Goals: Silver Medal: Clean Mutations. Gold Medal: Devirtualize The Code. Submitter CursedLand Submitted 06/28/2021 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
DumpMe / DebugMe
by BlackHat- 2 replies
View File DumpMe / DebugMe Hi, This Unpackme is Protected by Poe with an Anti-Dump / Anti-Debug Method. Your Job is to find the Password either by Dumping or Debugging It. Bronze - Find the Password either by Debugging or Dumping Silver - Complete Unpack the File. Gold - A Full Description + Silver Download from Attachment or from File Section. Hybrid Analysis - https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/2bc04a9242f385308d2425ba10966bc41b12646676fccd121144170abe01f0bf/60c16b6ab0565951c6619493 Virustotal - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/2bc04a9242f385308d2425ba10966bc41b12646676fccd121144170abe01f0bf/detection …
NETGuard.IO Code Protector (26/05/2021)
by BlackHat- 4 replies
View File NETGuard.IO Code Protector (26/05/2021) Unpack this File Properly. Change the Message. This File Use MSIL Code Encryption + Code Flow Protection Only. Bronze Medal - Partially Unpack + Change the Message Silver Medal - Fully Clean Code + A Brief Writeup Gold Medal - Fully Clean Code + A Complete Writeup of the Unpacking Process including Tool Link (if any Used Specifically) Submitter BlackHat Submitted 05/26/2021 Category UnPackMe (.NE…
ConfuserEx Light Test
by Modify- 4 replies
Language : C# Platform : Windows OS Version : Windows 7 Above Packer / Protector : ConfuserEx Plus Extra Description : Provide key, how? UnPackMe.7z
by DanielTG- 1 reply
View File DiamondVM This is a c# file protected with DiamondVM, a KoiVM mod which is really good. No OldRob will desvirtualize it. Submitter DanielTG Submitted 03/19/2021 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
CursedSheepMod v7
by Cursedzx- 1 reply
Difficulty : Probably 8 Language : C# .NET Platform : Windows (anyCPU) OS Version : Windows 7 Above Packer / Protector : CursedSheepMod (Modded Conf + VM) Description : Upload the Unpacked file and Give me a detailed tutorial. like... tell me the specific method or specific tools you used in order. as i said in the previous unpack challenges XD. you know the rest. ConsoleApplication3.exe
PC-RET Protect v1.1
by Subveiton- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Difficulty : 5 (I think) Not sure Language : C# Platform : Windows x32 OS Version : Windows All Packer / Protector : PC-RET protection v1.1 Bronze :just unpack it. Silver: unpack + password of programm Gold: unpack + password + tutorial VirusTotal: https://www.virustotal.com/ru/file/2d0cbe8416c8bc72d73945eecc16cf754488e7a07d26926330e8f59f14afd8ca/analysis/1546348036/ Unpackme.exe
SafeVM V3
by localhost0- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Language : C# Platform : Windows Build : x86-x64 Packer/Obfuscator : SafeVM Description : Anti-VM (Removed). I want to see how strong the protection is. Screenshot : UnpackME-OUT.rar
[CrackMe & UnPackMe] CryptoObfuscator + Confuser 1.9
by ιvancιтooz- 16 replies
GOOD LUCK **this tool no have much protection** How to unpack by Inwza007: 1. use ManagedJiterFr4 jit UnpackMe and CrackMe.exe and ____.netmodule 2. use confuser Methods Decryptor 1.0 3. use Module to Assembly 4.use Universal Fixer 1.0 5. Clean String with SAE 5. UnpackMe and CrackMe.rar
Olivia Mini Protector
by KamiKaze- 1 follower
- 3 replies
View File Olivia Mini Protector Try to unpack it ... Protections used: String Encryption Anti Dn-Spy Anti De4dot More Features Submitter KamiKaze Submitted 12/04/2020 Category UnPackMe (.NET)