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425 topics in this forum
[DeObfuscateMe] Simple Builder
by 0xNOP- 0 replies
Nothing fancy for the app, is a concept to those builders people use in Malware/Server Generators, The Stub is currently missing but you can use literally anything as the Stub xD Just pick any executable, copy it to the builder directory and rename the file to "Stub.exe" it should work as expected. Simple DeObfuscateMe - AznObfuscator Custom (ConfuserEx) For me it's very difficult to deob, If you can do this, then you are all f!@# gods xD Tried everything: Dumping -> Leaves Crashing app, Tried Fixing it, Failed... Used CC tools, None worked. Using UnConfuserEx Seems to work, but leaves app crashing -> Tried Fixing and still crashes... …
[DevirtualizeMe] Oreans Virtualizer
by Pancake- 10 replies
Updated 30/6 Inspired by HellSpider's topic i upload a simple unvirtualizeme protected with latest licensed Oreans Code Virtualizer, for research purposes. It supports 4 types of VMs, each can be "white" , "red" or "black" (small, bigger, biggest). Pressing buttons 1-4 will pop up 2 messageboxes. Source: int Func1(int a, int b, int c){ VIRTUALIZER_FISH_RED_START MessageBoxA(0, "Fish Red", "UnvirtualizeMe", 0); Sleep((a + b + c) % 1000); MessageBoxA(0, "Complexity 2/10 Speed 9/10 Size 260", "Fish Red", 0); return GetTickCount(); VIRTUALIZER_FISH_RED_END }void* Func2(int* a, int* b, int* c){ VIRTUALIZER_PUMA_BLACK_START MessageBoxA(0,…
[UnPackMe] Armadillo 9.64 32-bit
by SmilingWolf- 1 follower
- 21 replies
Hello everybody! Today I would like to present you all an unpackme protected with the latest version of SoftwarePassport/Armadillo. This one is one of the most complete Armadillo unpackmes ever made, implementing almost everything Arma puts in the hands of the user ranging from the simple "Protect with password" to the nanomites, the code splices and everything in between. I have tried not to make it too easy for you all, just take a look at it The final goal is to manually unpack it, study it and show you have been able to read the first file you see when opening the password protected archive attached to this post (Mistery.7z). Enjoy! Unpackme.7z Mi…
- 16 replies
This is a simple UnpackMe using VMProtect Ultimate v2.13.5. I also used vmp's licensing system in this UnackMe, and locked one function with key. I have provided 3 different keys for this bin. A blocked key ,a valid key locked with a hwid(which i suppose no one has th same hwid) and an expire key. I also added 2 anti-debug thread to this file. Using VMProtectIsDebuggerPresent(if you have sod, i guess you can bypass this one pretty easy) and VMProtectIsValidImageCRC(crc). Didn't use VMProtectDecryptString feature. Several things I expect from this UM: Simply unpack it. Bypass the blacklist key. Bypass the expired situation. Patch hwid. Better create a …
[UnpackMe] Enigma Protector 3.100
by HellSpider- 13 replies
Hi. Attached an unpackme protected by Enigma Protector 3.100 - Build 20121010 . The unpackme is coded in MASM. unpackme_enigma_3.100.rar
[CrackMe/UnpackMe] Enigma 4.20++
by Unc3nZureD- 4 replies
Hi guys, here's a quite simple crackme and packed with enigma. Let's see if you can unpack it & crack it The "License scheme" Is very simple and only contains numbers. The goal is not to write the License denied message, but the other one Why is it ++? Because I tried to use Enigma as deep as possible I used markers, vm and some more. There are a few stuff which I couldn't figure out how to use, but I think it should be harder than simply unpacking an enigma. Link to download: http://ge.tt/1nlum7F2/v/0?c Good luck guys. Edit: Added file to the post Modified description a bit EnigmaCrackMe_protected.7z
[unpack] Unpack PEncrypt 4.0 Protector
by Security.IRAQ- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hi , Unpack The PEncrypt 4.0 Protector Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV7d9Rec-2M Tool : gunpacker GUnPacker.rar
[UnpackMe] Enigma 4.00
by Softgate- 13 replies
Protection setting is described in the readme. Enigma400Unpackme.rar
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
UnpackMe Enigma 4.10 (maximum protection) + registration dialog (HWID) UnpackMe Enigma 4.10 (maximum protection).rar UnpackMe Enigma 4.10 (maximum protection+HWID).rar
[UnpackMe] Themida
by Arting- 5 replies
This target is protected with Themida Virtualize Protection Core With: TIGER32 (Black) Good luck! UnpackMe Themida
[unpackme] UnPackMe
by zelda- 3 replies
Hello unpackme: Safe engine Shielden v2.3.0.0 full protection activated packed notepad.exe windows7 32/64bit good luck notepad_se.rar
[unpackme] UnPackMe ZProtect+ + hwid
by estelle- 2 followers
- 14 replies
FB8E-8ADA-5D2A-AC99 dvXCUjbJ5xgJbD+tjBctev6OANL/pp9j3mmg7Vjc E/PuQa5do6Lmf8dYnU5bN0M/Bj0rrBuQ1NsBIqi9 PWPRz3BeRVmWTjgncHB+JZcAEV8sxMil sex.zp.rar
[UnpackMe] Themida x64
by Arting- 1 reply
This target is protected with Themida x64 Virtualize Protection Core With: TIGER64 (Black) Good luck! UnpackMe Themida x64.rar
[Unpackme] WinLicense v2.2 x64
by Aguila- 13 replies
Are you tough enough to break this? WinLicense with lowest possible protection options. Standard Virtual Machine: TIGER64 (Red) UnpackmeWLx64.rar
[unpackme] simple unpackme
by mudlord- 7 replies
for the newbs.... unpackme.rar
[DevirtualizeMe] CodeVirtualizer DEMO
by HellSpider- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi. I made some UnpackMe styled executables protected by the latest demo version of CodeVirtualizer ( Each executable contains one function virtualized by a different virtual machine setting. The different virtual machines used are: - FISH32 Black - TIGER32 Black - PUMA32 Black - SHARK32 Black The virtualized functions are very short, approximately 20 asm instructions. No other protections are used. The virtualized function will execute when F1 is pressed. codevirtualizer_2.0.8.0_demo_devirtualizeme.rar
[UnpackMe] CPL UnpackMe
by RDGMax- 3 replies
Hello My Friends Here a basic unpackme cpl Screenshot: Download: www.rdgsoft.net/downloads/RDG.UnpackME.CPL.zip Thanks RDG.UnpackME.CPL.zip
[UnpackMe][CrackMe] ARTAN Protector 1.1
by Gladiator- 19 replies
Hi Please Unpack it and then crack it File Type: Enabled Options : Thx UnPackMe_CrackMe.rar
[unpackme] lARP64Pro 1.0.3... 1 2 3
by Teddy Rogers- 56 replies
lARP64Pro 1.0.3 http://tuts4you.com/...d.php?view.2815 Ted. lARP64 Pro_Update.rar
[UnPackMe] NoobyProtect
by Asian Dragon- 12 replies
Scan by Detect It Easy 0.93 Crackme.rar
[UnpackMe] - iChallengeYou UnpackMe #2
by iChallengeYou- 6 replies
This one should a little bit harder then the previous one. Still no xp support yet. Goodluck 1. Gold: SmilingWolf 2. Silver: GIV 3. Bronze: ... iChallengeYou UnpackMe #2.rar
[UnpackMe] - iChallengeYou UnpackMe #1
by iChallengeYou- 17 replies
Hello all, Are you alone too with Christmas like me? And don't know what to do, then i will challenge you all for a new competition. I created a unpackme with selfmade code, so none protector is used, all coded by me. The goal is to find the original entrypoint, or make a running dump. Goodluck and merry xmas 1. Gold: SHADOW785 2. Silver: SmilingWolf 3. Bronze: GIV Note: The unpackme doesn't run in winXP for a unkown reason. iChallengeYou UnpackMe #1.rar
[UnpackMe] PEP 4.3.0 UnpackMe
by Gladiator- 13 replies
Hi Please Unpack and write small tut Enabled Options : .Anti Debug and Anti Trace .Anti Dump .Stolen Resource Protected with Private Exe Protector 4.3.0 Full version Thanks UnpackMe.rar
[UnPackMe] Safengine Shielden 1 2
by _or_75- 1 follower
- 37 replies
[Unpackme] lena151 2008 challenge 1 2
by lena151- 41 replies
lARP v2.0 Ultimate My 2008 challenge is this small UnpackMe from Ultimate version of lARP protector. All options checked except pre-compression. Just unpack. Big thanks to my buddies Ufo-Pu55y for researching some really neat stuff and jstorme for his continued support and testing. Thanks guys, I shall remember you in my morning, noon and evening lARP prayers Remark1: when it's all too obvious that you are on a reverser's system, a lARP'ed file may display a warning or even crash, also outside debugger In such case, just unpack to remove all limitations Remark2: there is now some experimental code in lARP. Love and best care have been applied to make it, still, if …