Challenge of Reverse Engineering
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Multiple Protection v1.0
by Modify- 4 replies
Difficulty : 5 Language : Borland Platform : Windows OS Version : Windows 7 Packer / Protector : Themida, Enigma 3.80 Description : Simple modify section, import table Screenshot : UnPackMeDemo.7z
ConfuserEx/DNP .Net
by cawk- 7 replies
Difficulty : 2/3 Language : C# Platform : Windows OS Version : All Packer / Protector : ConfuserEx/DNP Description : Unpack the file and keep the application working. The serial is easy to get - if you get it - well done though it is not the main objective of this unpackme. Screenshot : CrackMe.rar
Guindous Potato Edition
by Holy- 3 replies
Difficulty : 5 Language : C++ Platform : Windows x86/x64 OS Version : Windows 7 Packer / Protector : Custom VM Description: Goals: Write a valid keygen for the target Screenshot :
- 6 replies
Difficulty : (6 1/2) Language : (C++Builder XE8) Platform : (Windows x86) OS Version : (Windows XP & Above) Packer / Protector : (Custom VM) Description : This is my second CrackMe, the first one being developed in PureBasic, which it has many cool shenanigans but moved onto C++ now to deliver a different taste Hopefully this will leave a mark when analyzing this CrackMe The idea of this crackme is to analyze the VM and understand how it works, it will ultimately take you to where you want to go. Objective : Patch to Good Boy or Fish the Serial. Wish you the best of luck Screenshot : League of the Extraordinary Pr…
Babel Obfuscator Demo
by Modify- 5 replies
Difficulty : 1 Language : .NET Platform : Windows OS Version : Windows 7 Packer / Protector : Babel Obfuscator 8.3 Description : UnPackMe and crackme very easy. Screenshot : UnPackMe.7z
Go Figure!!!
by XorRanger- 4 replies
Difficulty : I guess 3 is enough. Language : Delphi Platform : Windows x32/x64 OS Version : XP and above Packer / Protector : None. Description : Goals: 1. Write a valid keygen for the target. Good luck! Screenshot : Go Figure!!!
- 8 replies
Difficulty : For the algo itself i guess that 1 is more than enough. The catch is to arrive at that code. Language : VB .NET 2010 Platform : Windows x32/x64 OS Version : XP and above Packer / Protector : Enigma and one .NET obfuscator (i let you discover - is not hard to see what). Description : There are 2 goals. 1. Unpack 2. Write a valid keygen for the target. In order to have a valid keygen you need to unpack and observe some variables and make small changes. I assure you this challenge is 100% solvable. Good luck! Screenshot : Keygenme 2016.rar
[CrackMe 2016] Delphi itself checks
by Reasen- 2 replies
Difficulty : 4 Language : Delphi XE8 Platform : Windows x86/x64 OS Version : XP and above Packer / Protector : None Description : I made my own CrackMe with a function to check opcodes by itself and i used it as the key to decrypt 2 variables, (cracked or not cracked), the objetive of this CrackMe is to get the good boy message and not the "mal-decrypted" one. Crackme.rar Screenshot :
[KeyGenME] .NET CrackME/KeyGenME
by SHADOW_UA- 4 replies
Not a difficult one keygenme/crackme written in C#. Gold - write a keygen Silver - find a valid Name-Key Bronze - patch assembly and get Good boy message KeyGenME_SHADOW.rar
[crackme] .NET CrackMe
by cawk- 6 replies
try to crack this file make it say success also show the deobfuscated code CrackMe.exe
[DevirtualizeMe] Themida Full
by HellSpider- 14 replies
Hi. My DevirtualizeMe series continue with this entry. I have protected a simple file containing 18 keyboard initiated functions with different virtual machines using a full version of Themida . The file does not have any extra protection as the idea of this challenge is to understand the virtual machines. Also non-virtual machine protection settings are kept to a minimum, meaning no antidebug, no API redirection etc. Basically only antidump is enabled on top of the virtual machines. All of the virtual machine code blocks are identical in sense of instructions. List of function initiators: q = FISH32 White w = FISH32 Red e = FISH32 Bla…
[CrackMe/Unpackme]Enigma 4.xx
by danmz- 7 replies
Detail : Good Luck Salam. CrackMe.rar
- 2 replies
Easy KeygenMe as simple as it gets. Goals for this KeygenMe: #- First Place: Gold Medal (Develop a KeyGen.) #- Second Place: Silver Medal (Obtain a Working Serial.) #- Third Place: Bronze Medal (Patch the System to Good Boy Message.) NOTE: This Challenge is time recorded, meaning as soon as I end up writing this post, the Time Span for this challenge begins, if someone achieves one of the objectives, the Time Record will be the one when He/She meets one of the requirements above mentioned. (e.g. developed the leygen, posted a working serial or patched the system.) I know there is not much of a sense recording the time you took in achieving one of the go…
[keygenme] Android KeygenMe 1 Team URET
by Jasi2169- 3 replies
Android KeygenMe 1 Requirements :- Android 2.3.3 And Up We Have Only 2 Medals Keygen + Tut In PM :- Gold Medal (Keygen Should Run Either In Computer ie. Windows Or Smartphone ie. Android) Serial :- Silver Medal // No Patching Allowed // Screenshot :- Download :-
[KEYGENME] Adele's KeygenME
by XorRanger- 17 replies
Hello all, Here is a new KeygenME from me. Prizes Make a fully working Keygen ==> Gold ==> First two persons gets the full KeygenME SourceCode. Gets a Working Serial ==> Silver Gets a Working Patch ==> Bronze. A tutorial would be appreciated. Enjoy!! Solutions Jasi2169 Bronze. kao Silver. kao Gold. Extreme Coders Gold.
- 5 replies
Simple DevirtualizeMe Created in Oreans Code Virtualizer V2.1.5.0 With attach some files protected by different Modes from Virtual Machine PumaWhite32, all Delphi 7 Compressed and StealthMode have Virtualized strings, the other not. Good luck. StealthModePumaWhite.rar CompressedPumaWhite.rar PumaWhite.rar
[crackme] CrackMe
by man of the war- 12 replies
Dear Friend's Simple CrackMe 1- Serial 2- MsgBox 3- Full Code If That Easy For Chalinger Good Luck Hell.rar
by mcr65- 6 replies
hi please unpacked and cracked this file without serial number and make tutorial thanks. Test1.rar pass: 1234
- 15 replies
Simple License System I did, hopefully gets you entertained for a while VT Scan:
[crackme] CrackMe
by cawk- 4 replies
hello ive improved my crackme from last time want to see if its any harder than before post your unpacked file and please say if this was easy or not EDIT-Updated CrackMe.rar
[Unpackme/Crackme] file from a ctf
by bomblader- 3 replies
I thought you'll like this little challenge I encoutered during a ctf. puzz.rar
[UnpackMe] Unpack Me packed by ZProtect and UPX
by GautamGreat- 7 replies
This unpack me is packed by Double Layer First Layer is UPX Second Layer is ZProtect with HWID Try it. BEST OF LUCK UnpackMe.rar
- 7 replies
Screenshot This app was protected by ConfuserEX Modded (Easy). good luck CrackMe.rar
[crackme] Unpack Me ConfuserEx
by cawk- 5 replies
Hello i found a modded confuserex on the internet and wanted to know if its anygood so ive made a quick crack me with it if you crack it let me know if its any better than the original confuser Updated the file CrackMe.rar
[unpackme] UnpackMe The4Got10's Protector
by NightBaron- 4 replies
hi anyone i'm try to modded ConfuserEx i thinks it best for me , coz i can't unpack it hahaha [ i'm noobs ] just unpack me / good luck UnpackMeX.rar