An open-source x64/x32 debugger for windows...
172 topics in this forum
Topic for suggestions?
by Artic- 1 reply
maybe you can open a topic for suggestions? would make the whole thing more organized.
More feature suggestions
by Hellsp@wn- 0 replies
I allready tested yet and have some question: - edit in hex windows? yes i know command line but is uncomfortable; - copy value or asm listing or address? - mov [address],eax > follow in dump? - stay on top option will be good! May the Force be with you! thx
I would like to contribute to x64_dbg project
by tr4ceflow- 1 reply
Because the author of x64dbg cannot receive any messages I will try this way and hopefully I do not violates the board rules. I only registered an account to ask the following question: PS: feel free to use the part of my source that tries to recognize DLL-calls and their arguments list for auto-comments PSS: To make things clear. I only want to inform you, that you can use my code if it is usefull for you edit: What I've got so far: see corresponding fork
- 6 replies
Dump window -> Format Unsigned long long (64 bit) -> scroll little bit -> x64dbg crashes with memory access violation. Known?
Two problems I noticed
by Artic- 5 replies
noticed 2 things: - opening a target via the opening menu point is not working, dropping the target in x64dbg! x64dbg is then unable to debug the target - is there a way to keep the Strings somewhere open/save, because when i search all of them and then go back into CPU view make there something and then want to look again for strings i have to search for them again - sometimes the strings are not show, when the target is opened, but the string search works. then i have another question: im loading a target blbla.exe and this has blbladgkd.dll, which its loading and want to set a dll-entry break there, is there a simple way to do that? for olly i have us…
- 3 replies
dnam this works awesome, just debugged a target fast, it feels almost like in olly! (has all features now - i need) its also stable. really good job on this one and ScyllaHide plugin also works really good. one think i want to mention: you should add in the helpfile where to place the plugins, i had to ask cypher, because i wasnt able to get this easy solution to create Plugins folder and put ScyllaHide into that folder to get it working. happy reversing in 64bit flavour!
Some remarks and suggestions
by Hellsp@wn- 2 replies
some remarks: 1. copy to clipboard? (asm, hex, dump, stack, regs) 2. show reg value in listing comment only if EIP == address command. Not always! 3. if current EIP for example > "cmp r13d, 1" then show in window value of "r13d" like OllyDbg 4. then i insert "debugbreak" in my code, how i can pass it x64_dbg? F7,F8,F9 crash app ^( 5. sample: call 401000 @401000: call MessageBoxA (call 401000 > can auto rename to MessageBoxA)
- 2 replies
just checked: opens fast, and i can search for text strings in a dll loaded with an exe file. hope the text strings will get a search function, but for the moment i can just search by hand via scrolling. thanks for your hard work (and others!)
Unicode is not supported
by Dragon Palace- 1 reply
the problem is can't search for chinese or japanese character strings.
Can't attach to system process
by Hellsp@wn- 2 replies
debug can't attach to system process please fix it.
Can't assemble jump to offset instructions.
by CodeExplorer- 1 reply
@Mr. eXoDia: I can't assemble jump to offset instructions. And very important could you add copy selected CPU instruction to clipboard (including address, opcode and mnemonic) In this way you could easy search for opcode and patch them with a hexedior!
Ability to copy address, opcode, instruction, comment
by arturo1000- 3 replies
i will ask for the ability to copy address, opcode, instruction, comment or complete line that is very useful.
- 3 replies
I did some tests x64.Unpacking Armadillo 100% is OK. Small note: before BP VirtualProtect requires value rax=0. Target Themida WL: system bp reached -> Shift+F9 -> go to run Target (no INT3 bp). Target mpress - file does not exsist.
CTRL+G in dump window don't work
by Hellsp@wn- 1 reply
ctrl+g in dump window don't work
Bug in Dump Windows
by Hellsp@wn- 2 replies
- bug in dump windows 1. start test.exe 2. break on WP 3. enter "dump 401000" 4. empty dump window 5. ok. only after scroll can see dump p.s. add "dump" command on right mouse button -> "Follow in dump"
Disassembling modules?
by Artic- 3 replies
what a progress! working fine on win7 x64 SP1. finally able to dissamble modules \o/
- 4 replies
Hi. I just downloaded and tried today's release 9 x64. It crashed while loading a pretty big application with lots of modules. No dump was produced. Just a popup with "unhandled win32 exception in x64_dbg.exe [31028]" I've put a screen grab here: http://i58.tinypic.com/kdlsfl.jpg Running with and without exceptions bypass, it crashed at the same point. Some ATI graphics drivers are getting loaded at that point. I updated the drivers to the latest WHQL I could find but it made no difference. Any idea why and how to get around it? Also, 1) to help with critical errors, maybe you could have an option to write the log line-line, to an external file. L…
- 1 reply
hi Mr. eXoDia i have download the new stuff, but only the 32 bit version works. The x64_dbg.exe tell me this bro. Greetings --------------------------- x64_dbg.exe - Einsprungpunkt nicht gefunden --------------------------- Der Prozedureinsprungpunkt "DbgScriptAbort" wurde in der DLL "x64_bridge.dll" nicht gefunden. --------------------------- OK --------------------------- --------------------------- BridgeInit Error --------------------------- Error loading GUI library (x64_gui.dll)! --------------------------- OK --------------------------- crashdumps.rar release_006.rar help_005.rar bin_base_005.rar qt_base_001.rar
- 4 replies
Hi Mr.eXoDia if i use the open file function, then your debugger crash on my system windiws 7 64 bit!. Greetings crash dump x64_dbg-20140208-233544-4156-2144.rar
Random exception bug
by deepzero- 3 replies
i keep getting this screen randomly (already happened with the previous binary release). it looks like it mostly happens when i step over a retn...but not sure. I cannot reliably reproduce it.
Exceptions and Entry Points
by Artic- 3 replies
working fine here after setting a few exceptions. is there a way to let the dbg app only BP on the EP of the app itself? because it BP on every dll which is loaded - takes alot F9 to get there to the full loaded app. looking forward to some plugins. you consider to let us patch the app on the fly? like we can with olly?!
Using a Tabbed Interface?
by Teddy Rogers- 6 replies
Instead of having individual windows is it possible to have them on the one screen located under tabs? It would also be nice to be able to then pull the windows/tabs out and drag them to different screens for multi-monitor support... Ted.