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Exceptions and Entry Points


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working fine here after setting a few exceptions. is there a way to let the dbg app only BP on the EP of the app itself? because it BP on every dll which is loaded - takes alot F9 to get there to the full loaded app.


looking forward to some plugins.

you consider to let us patch the app on the fly? like we can with olly?!

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Good start, well done!


The first thing I've stumbled upon is the inability to pass an exception to the debugged program - Shift+F7/F8/F9 in OllyDbg.

Is it lurking somewhere, or is it not implemented yet?

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working fine here after setting a few exceptions. is there a way to let the dbg app only BP on the EP of the app itself? because it BP on every dll which is loaded - takes alot F9 to get there to the full loaded app.


looking forward to some plugins.

you consider to let us patch the app on the fly? like we can with olly?!

Currently the debugger breaks on system breakpoint + app entry point automatically, I will add a few options so you can customize this further.

static void cbLoadDll(LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO* LoadDll){    void* base=LoadDll->lpBaseOfDll;    char DLLDebugFileName[deflen]="";    if(!GetMappedFileNameA(fdProcessInfo->hProcess, base, DLLDebugFileName, deflen))        strcpy(DLLDebugFileName, "??? (GetMappedFileName failed)");    else        DevicePathToPath(DLLDebugFileName, DLLDebugFileName, deflen);    dprintf("DLL Loaded: "fhex" %s\n", base, DLLDebugFileName);    SymLoadModuleEx(fdProcessInfo->hProcess, LoadDll->hFile, DLLDebugFileName, 0, (DWORD64)base, 0, 0, 0);    IMAGEHLP_MODULE64 modInfo;    memset(&modInfo, 0, sizeof(modInfo));    modInfo.SizeOfStruct=sizeof(IMAGEHLP_MODULE64);    if(SymGetModuleInfo64(fdProcessInfo->hProcess, (DWORD64)base, &modInfo))        modload((uint)base, modInfo.ImageSize, modInfo.ImageName);    bpenumall(0);    char modname[256]="";    if(modnamefromaddr((uint)base, modname, true))        bpenumall(cbSetModuleBreakpoints, modname);    //TODO: plugin callback    PLUG_CB_LOADDLL callbackInfo;    callbackInfo.LoadDll=LoadDll;    callbackInfo.modInfo=&modInfo;    callbackInfo.modname=modname;    plugincbcall(CB_LOADDLL, &callbackInfo);}
As you can (or cannot) see here, the debugger will not break when a DLL is loaded, probably you mean exceptions(?)

Good start, well done!


The first thing I've stumbled upon is the inability to pass an exception to the debugged program - Shift+F7/F8/F9 in OllyDbg.

Is it lurking somewhere, or is it not implemented yet?

You're right. Currently these commands are not yet implemented, they will be implemented soon.

Thanks for the feedback both!


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