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158 topics in this forum
The Free Programming E-Books Topic
by Techlord- 2 followers
- 20 replies
Download them here:
XAntiDebug by: Xjun
by TeRcO- 1 follower
- 0 replies
VMProtect 3.x Anti-debug Method Improved Feature: Checksum ntoskrnl File Checksum Code Section Anti Debugger Anti HardwareBreakpoint
Kernel Detective Src
by TeRcO- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Kernel Detective Purchased from GamingMasteR many years ago. As this code is quite old... I see zero reason not to make it public. This is the driver part "Kernel Detective" the x86 Anti-Rootkit. The GUI application may be found in Application.7z Was lazy, and did the upload via the github website =p If you make use of this source... you can do two simple things: 1). Give credit to GamingMaster 2). Give credit to me (Fyyre) -Fyyre
.NET Reflector Add-Ins_Src
by TeRcO- 1 follower
- 0 replies
.NET Reflector Add-Ins Sources AssemblyListEx BamlViewer BizTalkDisassembler ClassView CodeMetrics CodeModelExample CodeModelViewer CodeSearch ComLoader DelphiLanguage External AssemblyListEx BamlViewer BizTalkDisassembler ClassView CodeMetrics CodeModelExample CodeModelViewer CodeSearch ComLoader DelphiLanguage External Graph MCppLanguage Pex PowerShellLanguage ReflectionEmitLanguage RemoteController Review RuleSetEditor SilverlightBrowser SilverlightLoader UmlExporter VulcanLanguage Xaml
- changes
by fearless- 2 followers
- 3 replies
- 8.6k views Some articles seem to still be available if you have direct links to them, or you can manually change the url to change the tag etc. to browse for articles. You can save and download articles with a Firefox extension like SingleFile. I recommend those that refer to certain articles to save them for future in case they aren't able to keep the read only version of the site.
Leaked VMProtect sources 1 2
by kao- 4 followers
- 47 replies
Looks like the rumors of leaked VMProtect sources were true. Now they are available for everyone. It was leaked on certain Chinese sites, so use your brain and caution and don't run random files outside of VM... EDIT1: Please note that "" and "" are missing, so the native code virtualization part is most likely non-working. Thanks to @boot and @lawl3ss and Twitter wisdom for the info! EDIT2: Link changed to anonfiles. Spoiler
- 1 reply
Today I fed the gitbook I created into NotebookLM to create a deep dive podcast. This was the summary it created: I uploaded the deep dive podcast so that it can be downloaded. Its a 43MB .wav file with a duration of about 15mins. There was about 3 or 4 instances where the podcast "hosts" reference something that they say they touched on or talked about previously, but hadn't actually done so, but other than that its actually pretty good I would say. Here is the download link for the Creating Controls In Assembler Deep Dive Podcast:…
Rosetta Code
by Progman- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Rosetta Code! Rosetta Code Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site. The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible, to demonstrate how languages are similar and different, and to aid a person with a grounding in one approach to a problem in learning another. Rosetta Code currently has 1,272 tasks, 403 draft tasks, and is aware of 944 languages, though we do not (and cannot) have solutions to every task in every language.
Private exe Protector 4.1.2 Source Code
by Gladiator- 5 followers
- 20 replies
PEP - Private exe protector is closed commercial project but i decided to share it's source code ( I purchased it about 2300 USD long time ago ) Add star to repo if you like
Feitian Rockey4 ND dongle SDK
by Xyl2k- 5 replies
Hello, So i've used to do a vid recently and also a paper about protections in general (private sorry), here is the material i copied from the sdk CD if anyone interested. (40 Mb, with tools) I've attached a bit of asm and a dongleme with emulator (emulator may be detect as malicious) Video (french) Rockeys4nd tools and
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Many years ago I wrote a software protector called MyAppSecured. Somewhere in the middle of porting it from Delphi to C++ I lost my interest in this project. Just found it on my HDD so I thought it might be helpful for someone. In short, the GUI of this protector is written in C++ and the protection stub in written in MASM. The C++ code loads a target in memory and adds 2 PE sections to it. One for the TLS callback code and one for the main code. The MASM stub will be written to those 2 sections. This protector has just 2 protection features: Analyze Immunity (anti-debug) and Memory Shield (anti debug-tools, OEP relocation). Note this is not a download…
keygen template
by SuperJackAbcd- 4 followers
- 2 replies
A small keygen template written by c++/CLR x64 bit. Download source files : password : abcdef
titan - VMProtect devirtualizer
by deepzero- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Portable VS Build Tools installer
by fearless- 1 follower
- 0 replies
snake game ib 64 bytes
by _-_-- 2 followers
- 1 reply
I think it's a good place to show my snake game which fits in 64 bytes.
JoyTrain - a pseudorandom algebraic multiquine relay
by undetectablev- 1 follower
- 0 replies
JoyTrain is a pseudorandom algebraic multiquine relay written in a subset of Joy programming language. It works by specializing a probabilistic pattern matcher with a non-confluent TRS and applying the residual program to itself. It is a by-product of my thoughts about the possibility of existence of the undetectable virus.
Subseven Legacy Source Codes
by bluedevil- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello people In the repo below, Jean-Pierre LESUEUR has published SubSeven source codes. But if i didn't understand wrong, only UI sources. You cannot eject CD-Rom drives
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi, tuts family I'm looking for the below scripts I already looked at the form but I didn't find any if you guys have these then please let me know or suggest where to get thanks in advance, Asprotect 2.xx Unpacker v1.15F-2 Aspr2.XX_unpacker_v1.15F Update for VOLX Script
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Retrieve all amazing awesomeness from Github
by whoknows- 2 replies
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
My Delphi binding for Intel X86 Encoder-Decoder.
z3 SMT solver for Pascal
by root- 2 followers
- 3 replies
- 18.1k views My new repository for using Z3 in delphi(porting z3 c api to delphi). I tried and there were no tools for symbolic execution in delphi
Planet Source Code is down
by 2 followers
- 8 replies
Unlike another post that has made this claim. I am here to tell everyone that Planet Source Code is down and is staying down this time. Last time it went down it was due to a software and development issue. This time it is down for good. I am not saying Spam his email. But Everyone who can help has ideas or just want to show your support for a 20+ year old site that we have all used before. Email him and Let him know. See attached image for actual email.
PureBasic Adventures - ExtractIconEx Revisited
by Teddy Rogers- 0 replies
This is a repost from the "PureBasic Adventures" blog... With the excitement of Windows 10 and a host of bug fixes out of the way I can now concentrate some time on Tuts 4 You which also allows me to post some code on this blog. This blog entry is in regard to a recent query from @LCF-AT on viewing icons contained within DLL's, executables, icon files, etc. I coded a small tool for this a while ago that enabled me to quickly view icons contained primarily within shell32.dll and imageres.dll so that I could take advantage of those icons in other code. Most of the magic is done by Windows API ExtractIconEx function and from there we simply manipulate the icon images to…
PureBasic Adventures - System Up-Time Since BootTime
by Teddy Rogers- 0 replies
This is a repost from the "PureBasic Adventures" blog... Last week I read a blog entry by Raymond Chan regarding the way Task Manager computes the systems up-time and it reminded me of a bug I noticed in AID64's implementation. On Sunday I had a bit of free time before the Manchester United vs Arsenal game kicked off and decided to see what I could come up with. There are a dozen different methods for calculating up-time, some methods are better and some of these do factor in leap years. Raymond's particular blog mentioned the use of GetTickCount API (contradictory to what he implies it does include sleep time), that method seems a little long winded if your end…