Programming and Coding
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1,885 topics in this forum
unpacker stubs?
by high6- 6 replies
I was wondering how do packer makers make stubs? Do they program a unpack stub in say C++ then get the bytecodes and have the unpacker use the bytecodes as a base stub?
Moving text effect
by ShadowRayz- 1 reply
Sometimes keygens and websites use that feature, in a program you got a textbox and the text like moves to the left and it deletes a character everytime, but then the text reappears from the other side, thats where im stuck.. i can make it disappear to the left but i have no idea how to make it reappear again... that's the code i wrote so far Public back As StringPrivate Sub Command1_Click() If (Timer1.Enabled = True) Then Timer1.Enabled = False Else Timer1.Enabled = True End If End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load() Timer1.Enabled = False Timer1.Interval = 80 End SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer() If (LenB(Text1.Text) <> 0) Then back = Text1.Text back = Mid$(back, 2, Len(Tex…
dll unpack, GetThreadContext error... solution
by langxang- 3 replies
Here is a unpacker for PECompact packed dll, but there are some error occur: 1、CreateProcess use command line: loaddll.exe *.dll (just like ollydbg) 2、While CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT,log the DBEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hProcess and DBEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hThread 3、While LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT, when load *.dll, SuspendThread DBEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hThread, than set breakpoint in OEP,and ResumeThread DBEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hThread, while GetThreadContext, Context.regEip always stop in ntdll.KiFastSystemCallRet, can not get dll's regEip: ProcessDll proc LOCAL Buffer [64]:byte LOCAL BP1_data,BP2_data,BP3_data,BP4_data:DWORD LOCAL BP1,BP2,BP3,BP4:DWORD LOCAL hPro…
Writing A Loader
by .::God::.- 10 replies
Can someone give me an example in Delphi/ASM on how to write a loader: That breaks on the first DefWindowProcA, modifies an address and then resumes process. Just some example code will do, thanks.
Code Segment
by rcemoss- 6 replies
Got a window that has a field for a machine specific license and a field for a key that pops the getwindowtexta in the following code with every keystroke until the field is filled. TIA for any explanation of code. .text:004F0FAD align 10h .text:004F0FB0 push 0FFFFFFFFh .text:004F0FB2 push offset loc_579A18 .text:004F0FB7 mov eax, large fs:0 .text:004F0FBD push eax .text:004F0FBE mov large fs:0, esp .text:004F0FC5 push ecx .text:004F0FC6 push esi .text:004F0FC7 mov esi, ecx .text:004F0FC9 …
Adding More Menus To My Olly With Reshack
by kittmaster- 24 replies
I'm adding some additional menus in reshack, I have the menu structure I want with the new ,XXXX control IDs. My question is how do connect the XXXX ids to engauge the action item of the menu to a the external launched exe? Like in the menu, I want to launch ImpRec. I now have the menu item, just need to figure out the launch sequence based on the fixed path. I can't find anything in reshack that allows modification of this. I've searched the forum, can't seem to find what I'm trying to do. Thoughts and tools? Chris
My Contribution To Hacker/Cracker/Programmer Community
by Tony Scott- 0 replies
Here is a media player I created in C# with DotNetBar. DotNetBar was used as a cracking target in "Cracking dotnet controls pt.1". I just wanted to show everyone what this little awesome control can do, anywho, the app was created on vista ultimate w/ .net 3.5, but should work on xp, also, of course you will need the dotnet framework to run. WindowsFormsApplication1.rar
by high6- 2 replies
I was wondering, how does compression/decompression of bits work? anyone have an example of compressing bits in C++. Just a simple one?
interesting asm links?
by glaufan- 0 replies
hi all I recently registered here after reading a bit of the forums here for some time and thought I might share a recently created 'subreddit' on for asm related links, code or articles It has a few interesting links, but could do with some more, so I thought maybe some people here have some gems that would be suitable for submitting to reddit? ps. if you haven't used reddit before, people submit links and they are either voted up or down based on peoples opinion of them and you can also comment on submissions
- 1 reply
Hi to all my question is mentioned in the subject. besides this is there any way to play .gif in the VB 2005
Random number in TASM
by Revos- 8 replies
Hi.. I checked out the forum for any random number code in asm and the only thing I found was too complicate plus it was in MASM. My question is, is there any way I can generate a random number in the range of 1 - 100 or something like that? Thanks for reading ^ ^
when executed text section
by ahmadmansoor- 6 replies
is there a Good code (function is better ) to know when the exe file executed from text section access or write no problem if it is ASM or C++ Or VB6.0 many thanks
SQL,cpp,directx,html,java,vb 'video tut'
by silv3r- 0 replies
IE remember password?
by high6- 3 replies
So firefox has a manager for rememer password but IE7 doesn't. So I was wondering if anyone can help me with this. I have analyzed IE7 decrypting the usernames/passwords and this is what I got. Get every visited page. Hash each visted page and see if it is in the registry Grab that registries data Decrypt with CryptUnprotectdata (Key is the forms name) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\IntelliForms\Storage2 contains the usernames/passwords held like. name(site hashed), value(data struct crypted with CryptProtect) Don't know what HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\IntelliForms\Storage1 is for though. Maybe has the form names. is thi…
XN Resource Editor
by GamingMasteR- 1 reply
Hello everyone, Here's the source code of one of the best resources editting . The code is written in Delphi . See the attachments . XN_Resource_Editor.rar
Diagnosis v0.1 - Comments, Improovements
by zuma555- 9 replies
Diagnosis v0.1 first release. I will continue to evolute this tool if get some feedback from you guys. Need to know what could be better or what could be added to version 0.2. Now this tool actually compares 2 files (original/patched), with the same size and tells ya what offsets are patched. The original and the patched bytes also. Download here: [hide][/hide]
how to inject midi Music File?
by Mouradpr- 3 replies
hi all plz how to inject midi Music File in asm
Search & Replace Patch Source ?
by Matrix- 2 replies
Hi Friends Please Help Me I Need "Search & Replace Patch Source In Visual Basic" Like Dup2 May Help Me Tnx
AdvApi32 MD5?
by high6- 9 replies
So I have a program that uses AdvApi32's MD5 function and was wonder how difficult/easy it is to un-hash and md5 from it? Information about how the program uses them to hash. PUSH 0 PUSH 1 PUSH [009D1328] ; UNICODE "Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider v1.0" PUSH 0 PUSH EDX CALL ESI; ADVAPI32.CryptAcquireContextW; <&ADVAPI32.CryptAcquireContextW> PUSH ECX PUSH 0 PUSH 0 PUSH 08003h PUSH EDX CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&ADVAPI32.CryptCreateHash>]; ADVAPI32.CryptCreateHash PUSH 0 PUSH EAX PUSH ECX PUSH EAX CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&ADVAPI32.CryptHashData>]; ADVAPI32.CryptHashData PUSH 0 PUSH ECX PUSH EDX PUSH 4 P…
Delphi Keygen Src
by IMPosTOR- 3 replies
Delphi Scr by IMPosTOR function Generate_Serial : string; var r,r1,r2,r3,m,n,r_g,r_g1,r_g2,r_g3,r_g4,r_g5,r_g6 : string; Part1,Part2,Final_Serial : string; r_g_,r_g1_,r_g2_,r_g3_,r_g4_,r_g5_ : string; i,j,k,l: integer; begin result := 'Error : contact'; m := 'LITELOVESHISWIFENICY'; n := Uppercase(Email); . . . .Have bug? , feedback : impostor_76171[at]yahoo[.]com
Code Conversion Help
by atom0s- 24 replies
Hey guys, first post here, sorry to make it seem like I'm leeching. Firstly, I want to give a huge thanks to ufo-Pu55y for releasing the source codes to some of his keygens. Along with that, uPPP. After seeing some of the things uPPP could make, I kinda wanted to mimic them and create the same effects, but in C/C++ My ASM knowledge is pretty basic, I know what the opcodes are, what they do, etc. but I lack the knowledge in the given section that my question is going to pertain to. Part of the code to some of the Keygens I mentioned above use MMX functions which I haven't the slightest clue how to use or convert. For better reference to any that look over this topic, tak…
by Guest axlemode- 2 replies
anyone coud help code a loader i just wanted to know how to search the whole memory area of a suspended process like search and replace a particualr string on memory before resuming the application. thanks!
Irregular Shape Form [delphi]
by Departure- 6 replies
Has anyone made irregular shaped forms with delphi? and if so do you have any examples? I have searched google and came up with some componates that I managed to install, But they dont work for me, Im using delphi 2007, I want to take either jpeg or png picture that i ahve done in photoshop and turn it into the actual form, Just like dup and uppp does. If someone has an example with delphi it would greatly appericiated.
Olly's Pid?
by ChupaChu- 2 replies
How do i get Olly's PID, using olly's plugin support? I hoped Plugingetvalue() function has it but nope it does not, it only has Plugingetvalue(VAL_PROCESSID) - to get Process ID of Debuggee. Or any other simple solutions maybe? TIA, ChupaChu!
What Does This Function Do?
by high6- 2 replies
@exe_0043F830: ;<= Procedure Start MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4] TEST ECX,3 JE @exe_0043F860@exe_0043F83C: MOV AL,BYTE PTR DS:[ECX] ADD ECX,1 TEST AL,AL JE @exe_0043F893 TEST ECX,3 JNZ @exe_0043F83C ADD EAX,0 LEA ESP,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP] LEA ESP,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP]@exe_0043F860: MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX] MOV EDX,07EFEFEFFh ADD EDX,EAX XOR EAX,0FFFFFFFFh XOR EAX,EDX ADD ECX,4 TEST EAX,081010100h JE @exe_0043F860 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX-4] TEST AL,AL JE @exe_0043F8B1 TEST AH,AH JE @exe_0043F8A7 TEST EAX,0FF0000h JE @exe_0043F89D TEST EAX,0FF000000h JE @exe_0043F893 JMP @exe_0043F860@exe_0043F893: LEA EAX,DWOR…