Programming and Coding
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1,885 topics in this forum
Stone PE-Encryptor decryptor
by bigboss-62- 1 reply
Another day, another decrypter... i'm proud to bring you my decryptor for Stone PE-Encryptor. It has supports for Stone PE-Encryptor v1.0 and v1.13. If someone have a copy of another version, don't hesitate to send me it... I will include support... As usual, decryptor source in masm and cryptors sources in tasm are included for interested ones... Any comments, opinions on source code, bug reports or others are welcome... See you soon ... Laurent aka BIGBOSS from COPs CPS!
Help with a nfo autoscroll
by Neuro- 3 replies
Hi guys , i came across this forum and i'm really glad about it! Hello to everybody , great community here. If i posted in the wrong section ,i'm really sorry for that.. I have a question. I would like to know where i can get a "nfo Auto-scroll" or how to make one... i attached the file for example. To terminate it press "Esc" Thanks in advance for your reply. Neuro. nfo Auto-scroll.rar
PCShrink unpacker
by bigboss-62- 2 replies
Hello guys, As promised, i'm proud to bring you my unpacker for PCShrink. It has supports for PCShrink (v0.29, v0.45, v0.71) and VGShrink (v0.14). If someone have a copy of another version of PCShrink, don't hesitate to send me it... I will include support in my unpacker... As usual, unpacker source in masm and packers sources in tasm are included for interested ones... (Note: PC Shrink v0.71 source code is a custom one from myself) Any comments, opinions on source code, bug reports or others are welcome... See you soon ... Laurent aka BIGBOSS from COPs CPS!
VGShrink unpacker
by bigboss-62- 4 replies
Hello dudes, After some decrypters, i'm proud to bring you my first unpacker for VGShrink v0.14. VGShrink is a shrinker from Virogen, and it will become PCShrink later. This unpacker currently supports VGShrink v0.14. If someone have a copy of another version of VGShrink, don't hesitate to send me it... I will include support in my unpacker... As usual, unpacker source in masm and packer source in tasm are included for interested ones... If you found some bugs, don't blame me... It's my first unpacker... Any comments, opinions on source code, bug reports or others are welcome... See you soon ... Laurent aka BIGBOSS from COPs CPS!
[Request] Edit Bytes
by GameOver- 11 replies
Hi, I'm GameOver and I have just registered to this website (So go easy on me, please ) I am currently developing a patching application for some software.. I know the bytes that I need to change in order to turn the program from a trial into the full version. Basically I need some VB code (or help me write some VB code) that changes the hex from 00 01 02 03 04 FF to 04 04 04 04 04 03 Any help? Visual Basic Version = 10.0.26001.1 .Net Version = 4.3 Beta
DeviceIoControl IOCTL codes.
by Gushe- 1 reply
Delphi didn't seem to have these predefined, so I had to calculate it myself. Since it can be pretty tough finding the right values (even with Google) I thought I'd just calculate them all and share the list with you. They are for use with the DeviceIoControl() API. I have found the code used to calculate the values on internet and only had to find the right parameter values, thus not too much credit should go to me. This function being: function CTL_CODE(DeviceType, FunctionNo, Method, Access: Integer): Integer; begin Result := (DeviceType shl 16) or (Access shl 14) or (FunctionNo shl 2) or (Method); end; As for Method and Access, these are the values used for them: …
Microsoft Fox Pro 9
by deepzero- 3 replies
Hi, i need to understand this line of foxpro 9.0 code: serial = VAL(SYS(2007, ALLT(STR(THISFORM.TEXT1.VALUE)))) * 2 1) it takes the string from text1 :STR(THISFORM.TEXT1.VALUE) 2) it removes all spaces using ALLT 3) it generates the crc of the string withput spaces 4) and multiplys it by 2 msdn about the sys(2007, xxx) function: and the val() function: an example: text1.value = "1 234" -> remove spaces: "1234" -> calc crc32b (??) 596A3B55 -> take first numbers: 596 -> mul by two: 1192 But what crc is used? And wha…
- 1 reply
I could help pass the Visual Basic code to assembler or schedule a field of stars similar in assembler Proyecto1.rar
Ollydbg Attach
by Scale- 4 replies
If i attach to a process and make it crash then close it in olly, restart the program and attach again all threads will be suspended and won't resume. The only way to get a succesfull attach is to restart olly everytime, Is this just me? Thanks!
How To Change ClassName ?
by Sh4DoVV- 0 replies
Hi Friends How To Change ClassName Of A Process ? How To Hook GetClassNameA That Returned ClassName Of Explorer.exe ? Please Help Me
Hiding processesin Vista/ Win 7
by cyb3rl0rd1867- 0 replies
Does anybody know how to hide a process in Vista and windows 7? I've seen countless tuts on 9x and xp but nobody seems to know how to do it with those two os's!
- 3 replies
Somebody would be able to help me to work with music XM in assembler preferential that it is with Winasm right now than when I create the executable you tell me that he is virus but solo if use it in a file RC but if I assemble templates from here somebody does not earmark me like virus can pleas help me? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alguien me podria ayudar a trabajar con musica XM en ensamblador de preferencia que sea con Winasm ya que cuando creo el ejecutable me dice que es virus pero solo si lo utilizo en un archivo RC pero si ensamblo templates de aqui no me marca como virus alguien me puede…
Free tech books
by Zool- 0 replies
Hi everyone I'm entirely not sure if this is the right forum for this, but I fealt like sharing it. is a website worth visiting, when looking for tech stuff manuals and books. Happy reading
DLL attached but how trick this...sometime Bug
by mariusfv- 0 replies
Hi Can someone please to help me with few indication ? I attach the .dll to target process(is an online conectable application) and is ok, the .dll make what is build to do but when i change servers connection sometime give me that errors: 1. cmp edx,dword ptr [ecx+2BCh] (often) 2. mov al,byte ptr [edi] (rarely) I find where the .dll(application) give BUG sometime by open mdmp file in Microsoft Visual studio ->F5->Break(MVS menu Debug->Windows->Call Stack. I try in Olly with JMP/JNZ, with that solutions the application not have errors but PROBLEM IS NOT DO WHAT MUST TO DO. Can someone give me another solution without JMP/JNZ in Olly because i…
[Solved] Packer Help
by steve10120- 7 replies
Hi. Ok so I'm making a packer, but, its not working on some files. For example, works fine on a Delphi hello world, but on HoundPE(also coded in Delphi) it doesn't. Get an exception then an empty message box. Checked and the file is being mapped correctly and imports definatly fixed. Attached are examples of working and non-working files. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks. Tests.rar
C keygenning
by thanos713- 4 replies
Can anyone tell me some basic functions to learn about C for keyggening? Sorry for my bad english, thanks, thanos713.
MASM BruteForce Keygen Template
by Coop- 3 replies
Hey guys, I am looking for a KG template (MASM) that would bruteforce a serial that is 15 characters long (0-9 chars only). The ripped code is 2.5megs as a text file and consists mostly of IMULs & IDIVs, etc. There is a total of 17 math checks done. During each check, the char manipulation is done on 13-15 characters from the serial as well as on chars from the username; these are done independantly and the if the results match then variable "Valid" is set. Subsequent checks also set/reset "Valid" accordingly... I realize I have to loop through the whole thing until all criteria are met so I am looking for the SPEEDIEST and MOST EFFICIENT way to do it. I intended…
ufMODWrapper v1.0
by whoknows- 1 reply
Finally play XM files, just with 28.5kb NET DLL file full credits fly to : UFO-Pu55y I just make the wrapper (check .vbproj for more) dn 98kb @:
BHO project compiling errors, c++
by alaphate- 2 replies
I'm leaning BHO programming with this tutorial. /> I used VC6 to compile the project, and got the error: cannot convert from 'const struct _GUID' to 'unsigned long' from the line: const IID CClassFactory::SupportedIIDs[]={IID_IUnknown,IID_IClassFactory}; SupportedIIDs is an array (class member of CClassFactory) which is declared as: private: static const IID SupportedIIDs[2]; in SDK (Guiddef.h), IID is declared as: typedef GUID IID typedef struct _GUID { unsigned long Data1; unsigned short Data2; unsigned short Data3; unsigned char Data4[ 8 ]; } GUID; the attachment is the VC6 project. Thank you for hel…
How to use Driver file ( *.sys ) in Delphi ?
by Gladiator- 2 replies
Hello masters I have a problem with using drivers in delphi , how i can use a driver file with sys extension , is there any chance ? Thanks.
CreateRemoteThread 64 bit
by 0ron- 10 replies
Ok so I'm messing around with injecting dll's into other processes. The code I have works perfectly fine on any 32 bit machine but completely blows up on W7 64 bit. If it's compiled for pure 32 bit it works ok but only with 32 bit programs. I'm getting "CreateRemoteThread exited with error 8" Any ideas? public unsafe static bool LoadRemoteLibrary(Process process, string Dll2Inject, out IntPtr lpModule) { lpModule = IntPtr.Zero; if (!File.Exists(Dll2Inject)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(String.Format("PE File '{0}' not found.", Dll2Inject)); } UnicodeEncoding enc = new UnicodeEncoding()…
algorithm mips
by ocean- 2 replies
can someone help me with this algorithm? thanks in advance .. algoritmo.rar
How can I send packages to Delphi?
by Asskiller- 4 replies
How can I send packages to Delphi? I want to hook certain API's for a game and then send the package for Delphi ... Help me;) thx a lot
VGCrypt decryptor
by bigboss-62- 0 replies
Yohoo hord of fans, Here is my VGCrypt v0.75 decryptor. You can say that Lutin Noir has already released a decrypter for it, but his decrypter doesn't remove decryptor section or code. It just decrypt it and restore original EP. My decryptor removes unwanted sections and code, so the file get smaller... Tested with VGCrypt v0.75... As usual, source code in masm and cryptor are also included for interested ones... See you soon ... (Working actually on VGShrink and PCShrink) Laurent aka BIGBOSS from COPs CPS!
How To Use Dr0,..,Dr7 In VB ?
by Sh4DoVV- 4 replies
Hi Friends How To Use Register Of Dr0,..,Dr7 In Visual Basic And Set Hardware BreakPoint ? Thanks