Programming and Coding
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1,885 topics in this forum
dmex (.net class library) 1 2
by Ufo-Pu55y- 35 replies
First some infos: I've tried to convert it into a C# class. Here's an example exe, to see what the class might be used for: Keygen.rar The example maps the native ufmod.dll from the resources into memory and then calls some of its functions to play a chiptune (also from resources). This way you don't have to save the dll to hard-disk before using it. And here's the full package: DMex.rar It contains: -the .net class library -a help file -2 example projects ( and c#) As requested.. here's the source of the DMex class only: class_DMex_source.7z Have phun and post feedback, if it's useful some…
by mrexodia- 3 replies
Hello everyone, Lately iLovro and me were working on nanomites and he came up with the idea to create a tool that recognizes the context struct automatically. Well, here the program is (source code included). Demo video with feature explaination: Download: Greetings, Mr. eXoDia RemoteContextInfo01_src.rar RemoteContextInfo_demo.rar
remove please
by DeadAndGone- 10 replies
c++ DirectX 9 Code
by cmhost- 0 replies
Hello i have the following code i have problems with: // esp_dll.h #include <windows.h> #include "d3dx9.h" #include <d3d9.h> #pragma once using namespace System; namespace esp_dll { public ref class Class1 { void SetModelColor(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, float r, float g, float b, float a, float glowr, float glowg, float glowb, float glowa) { float lightValues[4] = {r, g, b, a}; float glowValues[4] = {glowr, glowg, glowb, glowa}; pDevice->SetPixelShaderConstantF(1, lightValues, 1); pDevice->SetPixelShaderConstantF(3, glowValues, 1); } }; } Its not working when i try to call SetPixelShaderConstan…
read char from int string
by novanakal- 1 reply
hii all... iam new here,. i still learn for c++ i have some question. how bout this, i have 1 structure { i32 Index; i32 Total_Character; str[len=Total_Character] "Text"; }how to make some cpp header for that structure i make one { int Index; int Total_Character; char Text[Total_Character]; }; but still error when compiling thanks before
CreateDialog() inside OllyDbg Plugin
by akrutsinger- 3 replies
I'm wanting to create a settings dialog inside of my OllyDbg 2.xx plugin, but I'm stuck at the very first part; creating the dialog... This is the code I'm using right now (and have successfully used in many other win32 projects before) hSettings = CreateDialog(hollyinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SETTINGS), hwollymain, (DLGPROC)SettingsDialogProc); if(hSettings != NULL){ ShowWindow(hSettings, SW_SHOW); }else{ MessageBox(hwollymain, L"CreateDialog returned NULL", L"OllyID", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); } With this hSettings always returns NULL. What am I missing?
Detours Problem Linking
by mjones- 6 replies
i'm having trouble linking a simple dll to do function detouring in windows. everything is pretty straightforward but i haven't been able to resolve these linking errors: test.obj : error LNK2005: "void * (__stdcall* pCreateFileW)(wchar_t const *,unsigned long,unsigned long,struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *,unsigned long,unsigned long,void *)" (?pCreateFileW@@3P6GPAXPB_WKKPAU_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES@@KKPAX@ZA) already defined in main.obj Z:\test\Debug\test.dll : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols foundhere is what i've done thus far. 1. installing detours - downloaded detours express 3.0 from http://research.micr...ojects/detours/ - added VC10\bin to %PATH…
- 9 replies
I built a simple dialog using c#. There are two textbox controls. One is readonly. Question is how to set the readonly property to false given only the released exe file. I used reshacker to open the exe, however no dialog resource displayed. Thank you for helping. Attchment is the exe application.
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
weather watcher live (vb 5/6 native code) offline software is running, dew point and temperature values ​​I need to use the memory as a continuous variable to another program( c++ or masm,radasm ),I need to write a program like this, but how I can write. Can you help me in this subject.I'm sorry for my english is bad, I hope you understood my question.
Russia Square And Swap Mine Game Source Code
by wxfengyun- 5 replies
I wrote two games in masm32 by myself, one is the Russia Square, the other is swap mine. I think writing game is not very difficult, and these games' source code will help you coming into the game world. Please read the source code by yourself if you like these game.
Looking for Python RE framework
by 8bec- 5 replies
Hi together, I'm looking for a framework I can use with python, beeing able to disassemble, debug, analyze, etc. I've already tried TitanEngine by reversinglabs, but had a lot of errors and found no help. So I think it's kinda dead. So is there a framework to use with python, that is still improved and with a active community? Thanks, 8bec
- 1 reply
more info And Ref: http://gdtr.wordpres...izer-by-oreans/ Sources: Typical decompilation output: Regards
Need Help Asm in Delphi
by X-88- 9 replies
unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) E1: TEdit; E2: TEdit; Button1: TButton; RG: TRadioGroup; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; E3: TEdit; Label3: TLabel; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Inp1 , Inp2, Res : Integer; begin Inp1 := StrToInt(E1.Text); Inp2 := StrToInt(E2.Text); case RG.ItemIndex of 0 : begin asm Mov…
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
this is a tool with source(vc++ 2010) for deobfuscate smartassembly last version This originally posted Here I can not deobfuscate any file and get error please test if this can deobfuscate.
Calculate Memory
by ragdog- 2 replies
Hi @All I coding a new toy this scan a Memory from Process I use GetSystemInfo and VirtualQueryEx to calc the Memory Now is the question how can i calc the Primary Memory and Entire Memory example Winhex? Regards, ragdog
[SOLVED] [C++, WinApi] Transparent EditBox
by mrexodia- 8 replies
Hey everyone, Today I've wasted quite a lot of hours with trying to make a transparent edit box, which operates properly. I managed to create this transparent background, but when I typ is stuff or remove stuff it goes all bad (on windows xp only) I use this code to make the edit transparent: case WM_CTLCOLOREDIT: { RECT rect_edit= {0}; RECT rect_window= {0}; GetWindowRect(hwndDlg, &rect_window); //Window placement GetWindowRect((HWND)lParam, &rect_edit); //Control placement SetBkMode((HDC) wParam, TRANSPARENT); //Transparent control SetTextColor((HDC) wParam, RGB(255, 255, 255)); //White text //Set the brush origin (relative placement) SetBrushOrg…
Licensing Software
by Lek_Plepi- 0 replies
Hello Does anyone know how can i license this form? Project1.rar
Code Snippet to convert
by yano65bis- 11 replies
- 4 replies
Hi. I was working on a timer program recently, and I stored the entire contents of the source code on my flashdisk. Unfortunately, While i was using another 'foreign" computer, the antivirus or something nuked my source code silently, and it was only after copying several large files on/off the disk that I noticed my source was missing. I tried data recovery (Recuva/etc) but none of them even detected the files. So all I have left is the release version binary I tried TMG Ripper studio with no success at getting the ripped code to work, but I think that there should be some way of getting at least some working code back ..... The program was made in MASM32 with u…
maybe you can help me
by X-88- 18 replies
does anyone have a tutorial for making protection a software verification using php, vbscript or java script?. e.g: matching serial online. The same thing is there in this forum? maybe should I know?
- 7 replies
Summary: Read 32- and 64-bit PE files (PE, PE+) for Windows, work similar with both formats Rebuild 32- and 64-bit PE files Work with directories and headers Convert addresses Read and write PE sections Read and write imports Read and write exports Read and write relocations Read and write resources Read and write TLS Read and write image config Read and write basic .NET information Read bound imports Read exception directory (PE+ only) Read debug directory and extended debug information Calculate entropy Change file alignment Change base address Work with DOS Stub and Rich overlay High-level resource reading: bitmaps, icons, cursors, version info, string and message tabl…
Looking for a light weight debugging engine API
by genuine_- 4 replies
Hey guys, Im looking to see if there is a light weight C/C++ debugging engine api for Windows out there? Something capable of handling BP's and such, nothing fancy, this is for a small PoC tool im working on and was wondering before i decided if i needed to just write a small debugging engine on my own. I am only aware of TitanEngine which has such an interface, but TitanEngine is abit much for this purpose. Thank you.
Hiding window state from itself
by brain- 1 reply
I'm running multiple instances of a gui application at once to dump a list each application maintains in form of a ListControl. I would like the windows to stay minimized but unfortunately they stop updating the ListControl then. I thought if the application doesn't know it's minimized it should keep behaving like it's not. After a bit of research i found that basically the only way to determine if a window is minimized is calling IsIconic or handle WM_SYSCOMMAND and remember till the window is restored. But the application does neither. Then i thought maybe the list is only updated internally (which is the only thing that matters, I don't have to see it) when WM_PAINT me…
Hexidecimal to Decimal
by zorke- 5 replies
Hi Recently i've started a project which requires displaying output as a decimal number in ASCII characters. I've done the Hex value - to - ascii char thing but conversion of the number ... say - 2012 from hex (which is 0x07dc) to a decimal number displayed on the screen (2012) is a bit more difficult. Example : eax == 07dc i want to display in a messagebox the decimal value of eax. how do i make it decimal? Thanks
hooking NtQueryInformationProcess
by snoopy- 8 replies
Hey guys, Small question, I've read the anti-debug reference from Peter Ferrie which goes into detail about tons of anti-debug tricks. Now what I am facing is the following. I am searching for a good way to hook NtQueryInformationProcess. Atm: ;------------------------------------------------------- ;Original instruction 6 bytes long: ;ntdll!NtQueryInformationProcess: ;774efa78 b816000000 mov eax,16h ;774efa7d 33c9 xor ecx,ecx ;------------------------------------------------------- NtQueryInformationProcessHook: mov eax,16h xor ecx,ecx pushfd cmp B[esp+0Ch],07h ;ProcesDebugPort 0x7 jne >CheckProcesDebugFlags mov B[esp+0Ch],00h CheckProcesDebugFlags: cmp B[es…