Future Community Projects
Looking for support and interested partners for a future project?
14 topics in this forum
- 43 replies
Hello community, I know you all do expect the paper that I announced about Enigma 2.x unpacking but I don't know when or if I will ever finish it. Because I don't want this project I spent so much time on to die, I decided to publish the source code of it now and seperate from the paper so that everyone can prepare it for future Enigma versions. Also LCF-AT found a bug that I couldn't fix so quickly so I hope someone who is more advanced in c++ than me can fix it. See http://forum.tuts4you.com/topic/26896-the-enigma-protector-2xx-unpacking-devirtualizer-by-dizzy-d/page__st__20#entry135147 for details. Just compile the source with MSVC++2010 and everything should work. Eni…
Patchya: open source loader
by kern3l-pan1c- 1 reply
Hello All, I created my first reverse engineering project. It's an open source loader called patchya, It's not strong as dUP yet. I am planning to port it to Linux and to add more features as anti anti debugging tricks. Would appreciate any feedback! Github project: https://github.com/misaleh/patchya
REDasm Disassembler
by Dax- 18 replies
Hi! This is my first post on tuts4 you I hope that this is the right section, if not, please delete this post! Ok so... Few months ago I have made public my internal project called REDasm on GitHub. Basically it's a cross platform disassembler with an interactive listing (but it's still far, if compared to IDA's one) and it can be extended with its API in order to support new formats, assemblers and analyzers. Currently it supports: Portable Executable VB5/6 decompilation . It can detect Delphi executables, a decompiler is WIP. .NET support is WIP. Debug symbols are displayed, if available. …
Skype Protocol Open Source Project...
by Teddy Rogers- 4 replies
Skype Protocol Open Source Project />http://skype-open-source.blogspot.com/2011/06/skype-protocol-reverse-engineered.html Ted.
- 2 replies
Hello All 😁 this's my first post in Tuts 4 You , Hope it won't be the last 😅 Cmulator is ( x86 - x64 ) Scriptable Reverse Engineering Sandbox Emulator for shellcode and PE binaries Based on Unicorn & Capstone Engine & javascript . https://github.com/Coldzer0/Cmulator this's a work of 3 months , and the Development is Active , the project is fully written in FreePascal 😎 i'm planning to port the project "C" so it last longer ( so we get more contributors ) . Hope you find it useful
ProtectionID Android
by evlncrn8- 4 replies
Hi all, I am currently puting together a beta of pid for android. Currently it detect SlideLock, admob and airpush based apps (not strictly protection i know, but still nice to have i think). If anyone wants to beta test it please pm me, also if anyone has info or apks with protection on them please send them too :-) (pm me with a link or something).. Other plans are to allow pid droid to communicate with pid windows to do scans etc and report back to the droid.. This will be in a future pid version.definately not in the next release (coming very soon) Please note that pid droid and normal are two seperate projects and will have two seperate beta teams, so being on pid d…
Uret Patcher Google+ Community
by Jasi2169- 0 replies
Hi, I have created Google+ Community For Uret Patcher Uret Patcher Google+ Community :- https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/107415995278452608450 feel free to join and request features,post bugs and other stuff or help me with something i can not figure out sometimes If you are new to Android and do not know what is Uret Patcher (UP) ? Best Regards, Jasi2169
A recompiler
by xSRTsect- 4 replies
I have long term project, unfortunatly the time I can afford to RCE is not as much as I would like it to be. It would consist of something like a compiler with JIT optimizer such that the new generated assembly code (and executable) would be slightly less obfuscted, the original recompiler idea would have some features like: -> constant folding -> codeflow rebounder -> some features that would allow the comunity to add more features to it (plugins or whatever) Please dont be fornicating retarded, I have already tried what the internet has to offer in this field and it DOES NOT WORK when you try serious stuff. The best option may be IDA's deobfuscato…
ProtectioniD - call to arms...
by evlncrn8- 1 follower
- 24 replies
as some of you are probably aware, cdkiller has disappeared and seems uncontactable, he emailed me once saying he would be in touch, but that was over a year ago ... so... im trying to keep the project going, but now its really just a 'one man show' and i have a lot of real life stuff to deal with, so if anyone would like to help by giving files, detection info, code (asm preferred but i can port it if necessary), detection methods etc please contact me at the *new* email address -> protectionidteam at outlook.com (edited to avoid spammers), you should know how to piece it together also, that means i have no information on the beta testers, so as a result i am opening …
- 0 replies
NCR will really would like to have some other test from the community and your thoughts about it (new features?). https://github.com/crackinglandia/pype32 https://github.com/crackinglandia/pylibelf https://github.com/crackinglandia/pybflt request new features or tell your opinion to NCR ARTeam author of this project is NCR from ARTeam
PE file scanner with collaboration system 1 2
by Aguila- 25 replies
I have an idea for a new project. Please tell me what you think about it. You all know PEiD, DIE, exeinfope, ProtectionID, Fast Scanner, DNiD, and so on. File scanner help to detect a protection system. But they all have a problem: no updates, not open source. Here is probably a solution to create the best tool. Client: A C/C++ program with easy GUI similiar to PEiD, without any crap features you don't ever need (like you can find in PID). The signatures are stored in a real database (not some stupid txt file!): SQLite. The program can download updates from a web portal. Should support every file type. Web portal: A collaboration system. Every user can add signatures to t…
pev - a PE analysis toolkit
by mentebinaria- 0 replies
Hello guys! I'd like to share with you an open source project to make PE analysis called pev -- [u]http://pev.sourceforge.net It's a multiplatform toolkit with some tools to work with PE files. Actually we have the following tools: * pehash - calculate PE file hashes * pedis - PE disassembler * pepack - packer detector * pescan - search for suspicious things in PE files, including TLS callbacks * pesec - check security features in PE files * pestr - search for unicode and ascii strings in PE files * readpe - show PE file headers, sections and more * rva2ofs - convert RVA to raw file offsets * ofs2rva - convert raw file offsets to RVA The main points are: - No need for Win…
VDisAsm Interactive Disassembler
by VDisAsm- 9 replies
Hi, guys If you're interested in developing advanced Interactive Disassembler please visit following link for more details http://igg.me/p/117506?a=642317 The main points are: developing ARM, x86 and x64 disassembler and decompiler Any help is welcomed Thanks
ReactOS Needs help!
by mrexodia- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hello everyone, I recieved an email from ReactOS (a free windows alternative) and they need help, I thought it would be nice to post it here. It's totally free of cost and such, just go to https://verein.ing-d...-deutschland-ev and click on "Stimme abgeben" and fill in anti-spam... Sorry if this is not allowed by the rules, but I though it would be nice, Greetings, Mr. eXoDia PS I'm not affiliated it any way with the programming of ReactOS.