Programming and Coding
Programming and coding tips, help and solutions...
1,885 topics in this forum
24 bit BMP writing code
by enhzflep- 2 replies
Just finished some code for another site I visit. It's just been hacked together very quickly, though perhaps somebody will get some use from it. With error checking on the 4 calls to CreateFile or WriteFile you'd have an okay function. Shown below is the output from the code. Tootles... .586 .MODEL flat, stdcall OPTION CASEMAP:NONE ;Case sensitive Include Include Include IncludeLib kernel32.lib IncludeLib masm32.lib myMain PROTO writeBmp24 PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD .DATA? pixelData dd ? ; pointer to the pixel buffer x dd ? ; used to create the pattern y dd ? myBmpInfo BITMAPINFO <> myInfoSize dd…
Immunity Debugger PDK for Delphi...
by Teddy Rogers- 0 replies
This is an update to the Immunity Debugger (unofficial) Delphi PDK... Ted.
Create/Open connection
by Scale- 2 replies
I am trying to find which system call(s) can open a connection. Like CreateFileA opens a file, even the library name would help. Thanks!
by sus4- 0 replies
I was hesitated to which of the[request] or the [programming] to contribute. It questions here. The preservation function is not provided in this software. To add the preservation function, should I relate it to the value of Y coordinates and Z coordinates and X coordinates one by one? but, ‥ It is a very difficult thing for me. Can the [export] function be added to this software? Could you make the preservation function in [.Bvh] effective? Please give the answer to me. Thank you.
- 7 replies
* I realized I posted this in the wrong section of the forums, so I moved/reposted it here...Sorry!* Hi all, I'm redesigning a website for a non-profit and they have several forms they'd like to be available for download. I'm writing this in C# and asp .NET and have all the forms up there and listed on the page and a script to download them, that I know works. What I would like is when they click on the link for the pdf, they remain on the forms page but a download dialog box appears. my little script makes the dialog (i tested it outside the function). Here's what I have for code: protected string[] show_forms() { DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo…
Hiring delphi/c++ coders
by tuxified- 0 replies
Not recruiting to crack an application, im trying to hire people to program something for my company, if you're interested PM me or add me on msn at thanks
Use Dll From Resource 1 2
by oricode- 25 replies
I am trying to bundle along with a C# application. At present, I have included it in the resource and write it to disk upon execution.It works fine,but the problem is I can't delete the DLL upon app close. So I thought of using DLL directly from the resource. There is an article on, _ ,but am not able to figure it out,how exactly is that supposed to be done with BassMOD.Net.dll(.NET API) . Any ideas other then this which could help me? Oricode.
C++ Arrays
by D1N- 4 replies
First, thanks to everyone for taking the time to answer and offer your explanations. I've been working with arrays in C++ recently. I've commented out the good code so you guys can compile it and produce these odd values and locations. When I use int mbox[5] = {10,20,30,40,50}; // normal init @10,20,30,40,50 -> mbox @0,1,2,3,4 things look great! but when I don't initialize anything the program produces random values and my question is two fold why and where do these random values come from? // main.cpp // This is a simple example of using arrays#include <iostream> #include <conio.h>using namespace std;int main() { // int mbox[5] = {10,20,30,40,5…
ReadProcessMemory from dll
by ragdog- 13 replies
hi It is possible a dll with ReadMemoryProcess read or write for patching a dll from runnning process have your a idea or soucecodes in masm32 greets ragdog
Modify FPU Without Detection
by stackwalker- 2 replies
Hi guys, i was wondering if there's any clever people out there that can help me with a little problem? I'm setting up a vectored exception handler in a certain target process and applying a DR Context breakpoint at the location which writes to the FPU. Upon recieving the exception in my handler i simply 'FLD <reg>' so my own float gets loaded into the FPU register, then overwrite 'EIP' to the next instruction. I was wondering if theres anyway to modify the register directly, or how to avoid the software detecting my Context modifications. I cant memory-hook the GetThreadContext api at the application level because it detects it. I was wondering if a DR breakpoint …
Escargot decryptor.
by bigboss-62- 0 replies
Hello again guys... i'm proud to bring you my Escargot decryptor. Source code in masm and crypter are included as usual... See you soon... Laurent aka BIGBOSS from COPs. PS: I can't find Yoda Crypter 1.0 for my previous decrypter here. If someone can send me it ???
How To Create Virtual File ?
by Matrix- 5 replies
Hi My Friends How To Create Virtual Executable File With VB Or VC++ And Run It ? Please Help Me Tnx
Keygen Src [Delphi]
by IMPosTOR- 7 replies
hear is 2 new keygen source code . Author : IMPosTOR \ Under SEH Team Feedback: impostor_76171@yahoo.comPage : Homepage: www.impostor.blogfa.comfunction Generate_Serial_by_IMPosTOR: string; var i1,i2,i3,i4,j : integer; A1,B1,C1,D1,E1 : integer; A2,B2,C2,D2,E2 : integer; A3,B3,C3,D3,E3,A3_1,A3_2,A3_3,A3_T : integer; A4,B4,C4,D4,E4 : integer; User_Name,Part1,Part2,Part3,Part4,S1,S2,S3,S4,Final_Serial : string; begin result := 'Error : contact'; User_Name := LowerCase(Email); for i1 := 1 to length(User_Name) do begin S1 := inttostr(ord(User_Name[i1])); A1 := i1*21; . .
Help with olly Pdk
by ragdog- 5 replies
Hi I need help for my OllyPlugin i read in the Pdk from olly this ***** Returns pointer to element with specified index in sorted data sorted by actual criterium, or NULL on error. If necessary, function actualizes associated index table, so preliminary call to Sortsorteddata is not necessary. Function is very useful for extraction of selected element in table windows. void* Getsortedbyselection(t_sorted *sd,int selection); Parameters: sd - pointer to descriptor of sorted data; selection - zero-based index in data sorted by selected sort criterium. ***** I know it gives the bookmark example in masm32, i under stand this source not I need a function for get the listview it…
Trying to convert C++ to ASM for decrypt routine
by chillywilly- 1 reply
Hi all , new to the board, my friend suggested the smart people at this board would be able to solve this , thanks in advance im not too sure about finding an easy way to do the seed im not too familiar with c++ syntax it gets passed a parameter it gets from the registry which is different for every machine because it seeds with user/SID #define SEED_CONSTANT 0xba0da71dunsigned char secretKey[16]={ 0xa3,0x1e,0xf3,0x69, 0x07,0x62,0xd9,0x1f, 0x1e,0xe9,0x35,0x7d, 0x4f,0xd2,0x7d,0x48 };VOID Decode(_TCHAR output[], _TCHAR passEntry[], DWORD entryLen) { HANDLE hToken; TCHAR sid[512], name[512],domain[512]; SID *psid = (SID*)&sid; DWORD …
MZ-Crypt v1.0 decryptor
by bigboss-62- 1 reply
Hello guys... A few days after my BJFnt decryptor, i'm proud to bring you my MZ-Crypt v1.0 decryptor. There is a very important bug in the cryptor (including its original decryption engine). It (de)crypts one byte more than the raw size of current section, so it can encrypt an uncryptable section, resulting in a crash of crypted program. This decryptor does in the same way, in order to get original file before this one was crypted. I have also included source code in masm for those who are interested... See you soon in my next decrypter... Perhaps decruncher/unpacker if enough time... Laurent aka BIGBOSS from COPs Added 10-02-2008: The crypter itself CPS_MZCry…
Help making KeyGen
by Hageneesjuh- 4 replies
Hello, Im trying to make a keygen for "3Q DVD Ripper Platinum", Its using the follow Crypto's: - BASE64 - DES I have Decrypted the DES crypto's already, now, i need somting to Decrypt BASE64, and then i need a KeyGen source to make a good serial btw i can handle :::::: Visual Basic 6, C+ C++ and Delphi, MASM !! Thnx in advance.!!
Debugger Src [Delphi]
by BoRoV- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hi! I need debugger sources or unit on Delphi for use in my unpacker
PingvinCrypt decryptor
by bigboss-62- 0 replies
Yohoo hord of fans, a few days after DEF decryptor, here is PingvinCrypt decryptor. PingvinCrypt was interesting to study, a nice SoftIce antidebug and a header access. This cryptor uses a xor decryption, with the key based on a CRC of header firsts 100h bytes and decrypter bytes. The import decryption is the same key xor 13h Tested with PingvinCrypt v1.0... As usual, source code in masm and cryptor are also included for interested ones... See you soon ... Laurent aka BIGBOSS from COPs
DEF decryptor.
by bigboss-62- 4 replies
Well, after SPEC decrytor, here is DEF decryptor. Cryptor from Bart was nice to study, because it uses available section table space. This cryptor uses a single xor encryption, based on section size. Tested with DEF v1.0... As usual, source code in masm are also included for interested ones... I am currently working on NFO and PEX from Bart... See you soon ... Laurent aka BIGBOSS from COPs PS: Hello Teddy, I wan't to make a "post it" with all my sources. How can I do (don't see any post-it creation with "New Topic"). Can you help me ??? Thanx
Checkbox background color
by starzboy- 8 replies
Hey ppl I have made a checkbox on top of a bitmap image and the background of the checkbox is white, so i used SetBrushOrgEx and i have got the background transparent, but now i would like to make the text color of the checkbox to some other color, Settextcolor fails. Is there an alternative ? Thanx again
where's ID_APP_EXIT's message map [MFC]
by alaphate- 0 replies
I built a simple MFC project with MFC appwizard without document/view support. I tried to find how menu item id maps to command. However I cannot find it between BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP and END_MESSAGE_MAP; How does MFC handle the default menu command? Where can I find ID_APP_EXIT's message map? Thank you for helping.
Creating file system info snapshots
by kerouo6- 0 replies
------- never mind, somewhat solved
- 2 replies
Hello everyone in this forum. I got a lil problem searched first at google and founded several tools like Peid 0.94/ rdg packer finder/ stud pe/ cryptosearcher/ But they are meaned to analyse pe = portable executable thous fails what i am ineterseted are 1 dll fail called pbcl.dll and 1 system fail. I want to know are they encrypted or not! So if anyone knows program that can be used to analyse thous fail typse feel free to post its name. Forgoted that non of the abouve pe analyser didnt find the encryption. I upload thous 2 fails also in this threat. pbcl.rar PnkBstrK.rar
by a_tek7- 6 replies
Hi. can anybody tell me how signatureZero work?I mean it's coding technique not tutorial. any body has some source like that? 10x in advance.