Programming and Coding
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1,886 topics in this forum
How to remove multispaces from text?
by LCF-AT- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi guys, does anyone know any function I could use to remove all unnecessary spaces from a text? Example: Here I have some text between spaces & tabs I want to trim to one spaces between! = Text above should change to this text below Here I have some text between spaces & tabs I want to trim to one spaces between! Something like this.Just asking before whether there is already any module XY function I could use before trying to write any own function for this.Thanks. greetz
Why not change field bool ?
by r3xq1- 1 follower
- 2 replies
foreach (FieldDef tdFlds in tdType.Fields) { if (tdFlds.ElementType == ElementType.End) { if (tdFlds.Name == "MyField") { byte[] fake = BitConverter.GetBytes(true); // set true Array.Resize(ref fake, (int)tdFlds.GetFieldSize()); tdFlds.InitialValue = fake; } } } How can the bool field be changed?
Listview issues
by LCF-AT- 2 followers
- 21 replies
Hi guys, I have again some small questions about listview re-arragne issues.So in the past I changed my LV that only a seclected lines does switch the content with the hitted line during a drag.Now i wanted to change that again so that all selected lines gets inserted to hitted line below but here I have some trouble. Example: Some LV entrys. ---------------------------- 123 456 789 101112 ---------------------------- I want the selected lines insert to hitted line exactly like the selection was.So I got it working if I move the selected lines below to a line but above its exactly else.How can I do it to make it match like I did secleted the lines?I am ju…
- 10 replies
Hi guys, I see some problem when using the normal GetPrivateProfileString & WritePrivateProfileString function to store lines into a file and read them.All works for normal lines without CRLF but the GetPrivateProfileString function dosen't read the stored multiline/s which was saved with WritePrivateProfileString function. Why do they differ?Write works & Read not?In this case I can not use GetPrivateProfileString function to read some entry from file. I'am using a edit control with multilines & wantreturn style and wanna save / read whole text parts to file.How could I do that in best case?Just asking before whether they are any functions I could …
Creating a proxy DLL
by amateur- 3 followers
- 0 replies
Hi. I would like some help on some advanced subject for me. I'm doing my first steps to create a proxy dlls for practice. I use VS2008 and 2010. So assuming i have a simple crackme. Ηypothetically to get the registered message, offsets with patches are: 0x1234: 73->90 and 0x1235: 33->90. offsets[] = {0x1234, 0x1235}; srcbytes[] = {0x73, 0x33}; rplbytes[] = {0x90. 0x90}; Ok with this. Now i will explaing what i do quickly. I try to locate possible dlls and i'm finding, hypothetically again, "version.dll". (Using Procomon -> filters: Procces -> crackme.exe, Path...ends -> dll, Result...contains -> NAME NOT FOUND). A…
Struct vs Union (C)
by amateur- 2 followers
- 2 replies
Good morning. What is the difference in practical level of Union compared to Struct? In what cases (examples) Union is/should be, used? -Thank you
- 0 replies
var module = ModuleDefMD.Load(@"C:\Temp\DemoDLL.dll"); var type = module.GetTypes().FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == "Demo"); // Create the Main signature var main = new MethodDefUser("Main", MethodSig.CreateStatic(module.CorLibTypes.Void, new SZArraySig(module.CorLibTypes.String))) { Attributes = MethodAttributes.Static, ImplAttributes = MethodImplAttributes.IL | MethodImplAttributes.Managed }; // Add Main param main.ParamDefs.Add(new ParamDefUser("args", 1)); // Create Main body var mainBody = new CilBody(); main.Body…
Convert String to Int using sscanf (C)
by amateur- 2 followers
- 2 replies
Hello. During coding a keygen i have this issue. The keygenme calculates a SHA-256 which is stored in a string. After that it adds DWORD values of the SHA. Because my english is not so good to explain i put a simpler (similar) example to see whats going on. I have make some progress but i have stuck one this: Why sscanf doesnt put in eax the correct value starting from sha_256[0]. (Eax should contain the value 0x64ec88ca) How i can fix this? -Thank you
Createthread in x64
by ToMKoL- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi all I'm trying to compile simple c program with animated title bar (swapping letter case) but unfortunately I'm stuck with CreateThread in x64. Here is my sample code: DWORD WINAPI animate(HWND hWnd); HANDLE hthread; case WM_INITDIALOG: SendMessageA(hWnd, WM_SETICON, (WPARAM) 1, (LPARAM) LoadIconA(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON))); hthread = CreateThread(0, 0, animate, hWnd, 0, 0); DWORD WINAPI animate(HWND hWnd) { unsigned char wincaption[24]; unsigned int i; SendMessageA(hWnd, WM_GETTEXT, 24, (LPARAM)wincaption); do { for(i=0;i<19;i++) { if (((wincaption[i] >= 0x41) && (wincaption[i] <= 0x5A)) || ((wincaption[i] >= 0x61)…
capstone vcpkg package broken?
by deepzero- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I am porting some tools over to vcpkg package manager. Maybe it's just too late, but it seems to me the capstone package on vcpkg is broken. Installed with vcpkg install capstone:x64_windows. The following: cs_open(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_64, &handle); returns CS_ERR_ARCH, because the x86-init function in static cs_err (*cs_arch_init[MAX_ARCH])(cs_struct *) = { in cs.c is Null. Which would suggest that CAPSTONE_HAS_X86 was not defined during compilation of the package. Can someone confirm this?
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I want to find a string from a process memory and change it through C#. My current code to modify the string via its address: [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(int dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, int dwProcessId); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] static extern bool WriteProcessMemory(int hProcess, int lpBaseAddress, byte[] lpBuffer, int dwSize, ref int lpNumberOfBytesWritten); private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var process = Process.GetProcessesByName("ProcessName").FirstOrDefault(); IntPtr processHandle = OpenProcess(0x1F0FFF, false, process.Id); int bytesWritten = 0; byte[] buffer = En…
- 1 reply
Hello, I'm working on a x64 Framework 4.7.2 application obfuscated with Crypto "x64 Crypto Obfuscator For .Net v7 (v2020)", I'm able to restore strings and mostly deobfuscate the app but I'm having difficulties with restore delegates. Here's an example public GForm4() { this.method_6(); Delegate108.smethod_0(Class0.smethod_0(6600) != 0); Delegate60.smethod_0(this, new EventHandler(this.method_0)); } Unfortunately most of @CodeExplorer / SnD's excellent tools give an "invalid assembly" error as it's x64? I'll be grateful for any tips or tools to restore delegates please. thanks in advance
TMG fade bitmap problem
by r0ger- 2 followers
- 2 replies
Hi all i was working on a crack template now and adding the fade bitmaps effect in the dialog. the thing is when i try to modify its width (adding greater than 122h), the template crashes. but when i normalize it to 122h (which was one of TMG's old bitmap's width value), the effect works without problems but the bmp isn't really complete. xor ebx,ebx invoke LoadBitmap,hInstance,201 mov dword_401EB0, eax mov LogoHeight, 7Ah jmp short loc_401AFD …
- 8 replies
Hi folks, I hope you're doing well I made a simple dll injector in .net which appears to work just fine, tested using megadumper, when I dump process I find the injected dll in the folder called Dumps. this is the code that I used : Public Function inject() As Integer Dim targetProcess As Process For Each pro As Process In Process.GetProcesses If pro.MainWindowTitle = "test" Then targetProcess = pro Exit For End If Next Dim procHandle As IntPtr = OpenProcess(PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD Or PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION Or PROCESS_VM_OPERATION Or PROCESS_VM_WRITE Or PROCESS_VM_READ,…
2 quick questions about C
by amateur- 2 followers
- 6 replies
Hi. I was solving a keyfile me today, and most of the keymaker i made was with inline assembly, because straight in C i was getting wrong values. For now i have 2 questions. I'm not on my laptop right now so i'll try to remember as much close as possible the values 1) Is possible to achieve that with the (right) way, like i have it below? : DWORD eax; eax = 0xF96A872D; /* I want the result: eax = 0xF96A78D2. Even if i "fixed" little the data types/macros i will get either eax: 0xFFFF78D2 or eax: 0x000078D2 */ LOWORD(eax) = ~(WORD)eax; 2) As my comment says i'm getting ebx = 0x18de781b and not ebx = 0xf8de781b. How ca…
- 35 replies
Hi guys, short question.I'am using a tool called "Everything" from voidtools to find files on my HDD etc.I see that this tool is using a simple edit control where you can enter text.If I now wanna get selected the whole edit control then I just need to click once on the outline of that edit control and I got all selected in edit control.Thats pretty cool and now I wanna know how to manage that = what kind of "Edit Control Notification Messages" I have to catch? Don't find any who does it.Do you know how?Below a example image... ....AND.... if …
Delete Resource using UpdateResource ???
by CodeExplorer- 6 replies
Delete Resource using UpdateResource ??? reference: Already tried: bool deleteExisting = IsDlgButtonChecked(handle, IDC_CHECK22)==0; HANDLE hUpdate = BeginUpdateResource(SecondFilename, deleteExisting); int result1 = UpdateResource(hUpdate, // update resource handle res_types2[i], // resource type MAKEINTRESOURCE(res_names2[i]), // resource id 0, // neutral language NULL, // ptr to resource info - NULL FOR DELETING 0); // size of resource info - 0 for deleting it always return int lasterror = GetLastError(); lasterror = 87 ER…
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hi there! I have some questions about the library, if anyone knows help with advice 😃 1) Is it possible to replace the icon of the build file of the program through the library? 2) Is it possible to replace the properties of the build file in Properties.AssemblyInfo.cs (AssemblyTitle, AssemblyVersion e.t.c) ?? 3) How do I replace (int)integer values? 4) Can I change the .NetFramework version using dnlib? Regarding the library itself, the information is not very enough to understand it well, I will be grateful for any information!
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
From an old topic: Source Code Stub file: namespace DlibStub { using System; public static class ConstTester { public const string MYCONST = "1111"; public const string DNTEST = "2222"; public static void GetResult() { Console.WriteLine($"Result: {MYCONST}"); Console.WriteLine($"Result: {DNTEST}"); } } } IL Code: field: System.String DlibStub.ConstTester::DNTEST field: System.String DlibStub.ConstTester::MYCONST Instruction: IL_0000: ldstr "Dnlib Tester" Instruction: IL_000…
- 24 replies
Hi guys, so yesterday I got an access violation exception in my app by calling the function StrStrA and it seems that the memory block I wanted to check for a string was gone already = AV crash.Somehow strange because I did check before whether a address is present to check = Yes but somehow the block must be freed by anything. .if MEMBLOCK != FALSE invoke StrStr,MEMBLOCK,chr$('Sting2Check') ; <---- AV inside ... .endif Ok, in this case I did just check whether in the variable MEMBLOCK is anything = normaly the memblock address.Now, the address was still present in variable but not present for real.Now I would like what kind of function/s I can use to ve…
Mobile flash tool written in .NET
by iceberg- 2 followers
- 4 replies
Hello guys , what are the prerequisites to code a mobile flash tool from scratch like (odin) for example, Should I learn about GSM ? I tried to search for any open source flash tool written in .Net but I didn't find anything till now. If you have any resources it will be great (VB.NET / C#) thank you.
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi guys, I'am using those C functions above to read / write data to file and have that problem with the Macintosh CR (see notepate status bar).In normal case I write text fields like this... db "Some Info", 13,10 db "Here too", 13,10 db "Look not!",0 ....just 3 test lins with one line break between.Now if I do use the fwrite function with it then it does write the LBs in double LBs like this... db "Some Info", 13,10,13,10 db "Here too", 13,10,13,10 db "Look not!",0 ....and not in Unix style.How can I tell the function using Unix style instead of Macintosh? greetz
How to show a progressbar as tray icon?
by LCF-AT- 1 follower
- 19 replies
Hi guys, does anyone know a example / way how to set a progressbar into tray as icon to show the progress status?So you know like Taskmanager does it. Thank you
Listbox & Color questions
by LCF-AT- 2 followers
- 21 replies
Hi guys, just have a quick question about Listbox control and using some colors into them.Normaly I dont use OD for ListBox control but in this case it seems I have to use any.My goal is it just to color the background and specific text entrys I do send into the LB.All in all just 3 colors - Background, - TextColor Blue for normal logs / state (all ok) & TextColor Red for Error logs.So in normal case I color back / text at WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX message but it seems I can not color the text entrys seperated... Info 1 <-- Blue Info 2 <-- Blue ErrorX <-- Red ....I get all blue or red only = Bad.Otherwise I dont wanna make any large Own…
Delphi to VB6 code conversion
by tarequl.hassan- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hi Can anyone convert this delphi code to BV6? procedure TKeyGen.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); const Const_Array : array[0..7] of Char = ('e','n','c','r','y','w','e','b'); Var StrName, Part2, Code : string; i, AL, Last_Char : Integer; begin Code := '' ; StrName := Edit1.Text; If StrName = '' then Edit2.Text := 'Enter your Name !!!' else Begin For i := 0 to length(StrName) - 1 do begin AL := ((Ord(StrName[i + 1]) + (i) + Length(StrName) + Ord(Const_Array[(I and 80000007)])) mod 10) + 48; Code := Char (AL) + Code ; end; Last_Char := ((Length(StrName) + 112) mod 10) + 48; Edit2.Text := …