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How to make a control transparent?


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Hi guys,

I have a new problem and need some help.I wanna create a edit / static control and make the edit field transparent (onlyy text should be visible).I found some MASM examples...


...but somehow there are not so good etc.So what I want to know is how to make such controls transparent without to know the background.I don't know whether there is any image/bitmap or anything else in the background etc  so how to find it out and execute the right code to make the control transparent if I wanna do that?Is there a method or a function already I could use?


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Try setting the background colour to transparent, but I don't think that should work, you'll probably need to do some pinvoking to get that to work.

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You need to override the brush being used for the edit controls background. An example of doing this can be found here:


Discussion from that attachment here:


Edited by atom0s
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Not entirely sure what it is you are trying to achieve, perhaps WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC is what you are after?

Procedure WindowCallback(WindowID, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
  Result = #PB_ProcessPureBasicEvents
  Select uMsg
      Select lParam
        Case GadgetID(1)
          SetBkMode_(wParam, #TRANSPARENT)
          ProcedureReturn GetStockObject_(#HOLLOW_BRUSH)
  ProcedureReturn #PB_ProcessPureBasicEvents


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Hi guys,

thanks for your feedback so far.As I said already before I want to make my controls (text area) transparent and to bring in front whats in the back of the control / Area field.Just imagine that I don't know whats in the background of the control.It can be nothing (just dialog) or a image or anything else (just keep that in mind).I also found that example c++ you did post atom0s but this isn't working pretty well and also just in case when a bitmap is in the back.I tried the same too in MASM but I don't get same results out.In my case the background image which is shown on edit control back starts from the beginning = dosen't match with the real background.Just have a look...


...above you can see original and my is below.In my case the image dosen't match with the background image look.In original it works and also if I try to move the edit control position to other then the image back in edit control get also changed in original / adjusted right but not in my case...just look....


...in my case it keeps same.Not sure why its not working same.What could be the problem of this?Also if I enter some text and move the scrollers H/V then the background in edit control does flicker the image (don't look good).

Anyway, so is there any else method to make the control transparent without to know whats in the back?

EDIT: I tried to use that GetStockObject_(#HOLLOW_BRUSH) at WM_CTLCOLOREDIT and now it does show the background correctly.....


....but when I now enter something / scroll etc then it does smudge everything and the redraw function seems not to handle it anymore (it does without using HOLLOW_BRUSH and using bruch from CreatePatternBrush or else).Hhmm!Look....


....why this now?Thats the code I have...

WndProc proc hWin:HWND,uMsg:UINT,wParam:WPARAM,lParam:LPARAM
	local rc:RECT
	mov eax, uMsg

		invoke GetStockObject,HOLLOW_BRUSH
		mov HOLLOW, eax
		invoke LoadBitmap,hInstance,201
		mov bitmap, eax
		invoke CreatePatternBrush,bitmap
		mov edBrush, eax
		invoke GetDlgItem,hWin,IDC_EDIT
		invoke SetWindowLong,eax,GWL_WNDPROC,ADDR edit_proc
		mov    old_proc,eax

		mov eax, wParam
		mov ecx, eax
		and eax, 0FFFFh  ; ID     in eax / ax
		shr ecx,16       ; notify in ecx / cx
			Invoke SendMessage,hWin,WM_CLOSE,0,0
		invoke DeleteObject,hFont
		Invoke DestroyWindow,hWin
		Invoke PostQuitMessage,NULL
	.elseif eax == WM_ERASEBKGND
			invoke GetClientRect,hWin,addr rc
			invoke SelectObject,wParam,edBrush
			mov edi, eax
			mov eax, rc.right
			sub eax, rc.left
			mov ecx, rc.bottom
			sub ecx, rc.top
			invoke PatBlt,wParam,0,0,eax, ecx, PATCOPY
			invoke SelectObject,wParam,edi
			mov eax, TRUE
    .elseif eax == WM_CTLCOLOREDIT
              invoke GetDlgCtrlID, lParam
              .if eax == IDC_EDIT
                  invoke SetTextColor,wParam, Red
                  invoke SetBkMode,wParam,TRANSPARENT
                  mov eax, HOLLOW
                 ;mov eax, edBrush
              xor eax,eax
		Invoke DefWindowProc,hWin,uMsg,wParam,lParam
	xor    eax,eax
WndProc endp

edit_proc proc hwnd:DWORD,umsg:DWORD,wparam:DWORD,lparam:DWORD
	mov eax, umsg
	.if eax == WM_VSCROLL || eax == WM_HSCROLL || eax == WM_MOUSEWHEEL || eax == WM_CHAR
		invoke CallWindowProc,old_proc,hwnd,umsg,wparam,lparam
		xor eax, eax
	invoke CallWindowProc,old_proc,hwnd,umsg,wparam,lparam
edit_proc endp

...when I just disable HOLLOW bruch to put in eax then it looks not dirty.Have I to use a specific flag for RedrawWindow function when using the HOLLOW brush?Anyway, so if you got some smarter ideas how to make it transparent then just tell us to try it.Thanks.


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Ah! Now I understand what you are trying to achieve.

This is how I would go about it doing it...

Declare.i WindowCallback(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)

If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 600, 400, "Transparent Editor Gadget", #PB_Window_ScreenCentered | #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_SizeGadget)
  SetWindowCallback(@WindowCallback(), 0)
  ; Create the editor gadget, set the font and give it some colour.
  EditorGadget(1, 10, 10, 580, 380, #PB_Editor_WordWrap)
  SetGadgetFont(1, LoadFont(0, "Arial", 20, #PB_Font_Bold))
  SetGadgetColor(1, #PB_Gadget_FrontColor, #Red)
  ; Set a bitmap image for the window background.
  BITMAP = LoadImage_(#Null, #OBM_COMBO, #IMAGE_BITMAP, #Null, #Null, #LR_SHARED)
  HBRUSH = CreatePatternBrush_(BITMAP)
  SetClassLongPtr_(WindowID(0), #GCL_HBRBACKGROUND, HBRUSH)
  ; Make the EditorGadget transparent and update the window cache with the bitmap brush.
  SetWindowLongPtr_(GadgetID(1), #GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLongPtr_(GadgetID(1), #GWL_EXSTYLE) | #WS_EX_TRANSPARENT)
    Event = WaitWindowEvent() 
  Until Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow 

Procedure.i WindowCallback(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
  Select uMsg
    Case #WM_SIZE
      SetWindowPos_(GadgetID(1), #Null, 10, 10, (lParam & $FFFF) - 20, (lParam >> 16) - 20, #SWP_NOZORDER | #SWP_NOACTIVATE)
      ProcedureReturn 0
  ProcedureReturn #PB_ProcessPureBasicEvents



Transparent Editor Gadget.zip

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Hi Ted,

thanks for helping but I can not download your file (Virus / Firefox said) and I also don't check your small code schnippel.

Sets the bitmap image into dialog window as background

In this case I can remove my code at WM_ERASEBKGND

SetWindowLongPtr_(GadgetID(1), #GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLongPtr_(GadgetID(1), #GWL_EXSTYLE) | #WS_EX_TRANSPARENT)
invoke GetWindowLong,EditHandle,GWL_EXSTYLE or WS_EX_TRANSPARENT
invoke SetWindowLong,EditHandle,GWL_EXSTYLE,eax
Whats this WindowCallback with WM_SIZE?I don't get WM_SIZE in my routine where I have subclassed the EDIT control.

And where is your code at WM_CTLCOLOREDIT?If I dont use code at this message then the edit control has a white background and no bitmap anymore when using HOLLOW brush.

PS: Can you compile your exe (x86) again (without possible Firefox Virus block)?


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Hi again,

thanks for the source code YANiS. :) So I just see that did disable the HOLLOW brush in my code and using brush from CreatePatternBrush at WM_CTLCOLOREDIT.So this I tried before too but then the background image dosen't hit correctly in Edit control like this...(lowe image)..


....as you also can see is that my edit control looks else because I'am using a manifest xml in resources and here I found the problem for this issue.When I'am using a manifest file (always do) then this problem happens (Image dont match in Edit with background) BUT when I do remove the manifest from resources then it works and image does match.Hhmm!So what now?I want to use manifest file and don't wanna remove it.So can anyone tell me how to fix that new found issue with manifest file?

1 24 DISCARDABLE "manifest.xml"

Above you can see my line in resources.Just add it in your case too + use normal manifest file and then you should get same bad result.

One  more question about that update stuff inside the Edit control when entering some text / pressing enter / moving scroller up / down or selecting text inside of edit.In thise cases the stuff in edit control does flicker / smudges dirty etc.So the background does not keep same at all as it should or as I want.So how to manage that?

Just enter / paste many text inside and now select from top 2 below or else (scroller gets down or up) and now the background gets dirty because in select mode gets nothing updated.Or just use the scroller H or V and scroll and it does flicker a lot.All this looks really un-pretty & dirty.How to make it work flawless and smooth and clean and pretty etc? :) Just if its possible but I think somehow it should be possible.


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4 hours ago, LCF-AT said:

PS: Can you compile your exe (x86) again (without possible Firefox Virus block)?

Year is 2021 and still using 32bit!? I have recompiled and reattached.

I think the only code you need to reference is what I left as Win32...

  ; Set a bitmap image for the window background.
  BITMAP = LoadImage_(#Null, #OBM_COMBO, #IMAGE_BITMAP, #Null, #Null, #LR_SHARED)
  HBRUSH = CreatePatternBrush_(BITMAP)
  SetClassLongPtr_(WindowID(0), #GCL_HBRBACKGROUND, HBRUSH)
  ; Make the EditorGadget transparent and update the window cache with the bitmap brush.
  SetWindowLongPtr_(GadgetID(1), #GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLongPtr_(GadgetID(1), #GWL_EXSTYLE) | #WS_EX_TRANSPARENT)

All you need to do is create the background image using CreatePatternBrush then update the window where you want the brush (image) applied using SetClassLongPtr.

Once that is done make the edit control transparent (with WS_EX_TRANSPARENT style) and update the main windows cache to apply the new bitmap brush using SetWindowLongPtr (the OS updates the window cache when you apply the transparent style to the edit control).

"SetWindowCallbackWindowCall" is PureBasic code so I can process window events manually, to get sizing information from lParam.

"WM_SIZE" was to show that the window and edit control can be resized with the background pattern being updated and maintained...


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Hi again,

thanks for the update of your file Ted but also this dosent help very much.It really sucks!Nothing works correctly as I wish.Why is there a WS_EX_TRANSPARENT style and does not do any transparent?In this case I as user should just enable that style to get my control TRANSPARENT without to care about anything else like I have to care now (subclass / update etc 💩).Its a total PITA and each time if I want to do or wish any little thing like in that case (just make transparent) I don't get it work to find a method which could do that as I wish.Uhhmmm!Always the same Krabappel!That really makes no fun anymore. :cry:


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Start afresh. Create a basic window and editor as normal with no background and transparency effects. Then add the steps in my previous post.

Another slight variation and breakdown which may help...

Declare.i WindowCallback(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)

If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 600, 400, "Transparent Editor Gadget", #PB_Window_ScreenCentered | #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_SizeGadget)
  SetWindowCallback(@WindowCallback(), 0)
  ; Create the editor gadget, set the font and give it some colour.
  EditorGadget(1, 10, 10, 580, 380, #PB_Editor_WordWrap)
  SetGadgetFont(1, LoadFont(0, "Arial", 20, #PB_Font_Bold))
  SetGadgetColor(1, #PB_Gadget_FrontColor, #Red)
  ; Set a bitmap image for the window background.
  BITMAP = LoadImage_(#Null, #OBM_COMBO, #IMAGE_BITMAP, #Null, #Null, #LR_SHARED)
  HBRUSH = CreatePatternBrush_(BITMAP)
  SetClassLongPtr_(WindowID(0), #GCL_HBRBACKGROUND, HBRUSH)
  ; Make the EditorGadget transparent.
  EDITOR_EXSTYLE = GetWindowLongPtr_(GadgetID(1), #GWL_EXSTYLE)
  ; Ensure window and children caches are updated with transparency and bitmap brush.
  RedrawWindow_(WindowID(0), #Null, #Null, #RDW_ERASE | #RDW_INVALIDATE | #RDW_FRAME | #RDW_ALLCHILDREN)
    Event = WaitWindowEvent() 
  Until Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow 

Procedure.i WindowCallback(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
  Select uMsg
    Case #WM_SIZE
      MoveWindow_(GadgetID(1), 10, 10, (lParam & $FFFF) - 20, (lParam >> 16) - 20, #True)
      ProcedureReturn 0
  ProcedureReturn #PB_ProcessPureBasicEvents


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Hi Ted,

I tried your steps already.

Problem 1: Try using a manifest file in your source like I do and test it now.In my case the background image dosent match anymore in EDIT conrtol.If you dont use manifest file then background image does match (see my images in pre post).

Problem 2: I could use a manfiest file + using HOLLOW Brush instead of CreatePatternBrush / Brush and the background image does match in  EDIT control BUT the text inside the EDIT control get dirty again = not updated ALSO when its calling the subclass of Editcontrol to call RedrawWindow function.Anyhow the RedrawWindow + HOLLOWBRUSH do not work together = all in edit control keeps dirty and not updated.

Problem 3: Update / Flicker / smeared / jerk issues when doing anything in Editcontrol.It starts already when moving the H or V scroller (put much text into) and do scroll and the background in EC does jump / shake etc.Or select text with mouse and all gets smeared.If you now add WM_MOUSEMOVE to update in SClass then it flickers.

All in all its not really working nice and my question is whether there is any way to make it nice without get those issues you know.

PS: By the way Ted, I see that you did use a RichEdit control in your file.Try using a normal Edit control + and image (no pattern image).So what I want is not really much right.Just a edit control I wanna make transparent and without to get any jumpNrun / Flicker jerk smeared issues when using the EC.Pure basic right.Now I just ask whether anyone can realize that task.Sorry guys if I sound pretty pedantic in that case but things like that making me just angry you know.Please excuse this. :)


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Doesn't take into account an edit control with scroll bars, so might not work exactly, but without scroll bars is not too bad, adapted from some code i have used before (and merged with your code slightly), so might be useful for you:


hEdit           DD 0
hBackBrush      DD 0
hBitmap         DD 0

    LOCAL wNotifyCode:DWORD
    LOCAL rect:RECT
    LOCAL rectwin:RECT
    LOCAL y:DWORD    
    mov eax, uMsg
    .IF eax == WM_INITDIALOG
        Invoke GetDlgItem, hWin, IDC_EDIT
        mov hEdit, eax                                  ; Save handle to edit control
        invoke LoadBitmap,hInstance,201
        mov hBitmap, eax
        invoke CreatePatternBrush, hBitmap              ; Create a brush from bitmap
        mov hBackBrush, eax                             ; Save background brush
        Invoke InvalidateRect, hEdit, NULL, TRUE        ; Refresh if anything happens
        mov eax, wParam
        shr eax, 16
        mov wNotifyCode, eax
        mov    eax,wParam
        and    eax,0FFFFh
        ; Normal code continues
        mov eax, lParam
        .IF eax == hEdit
            Invoke GetWindowRect, hWnd, Addr rectwin    ; Window placement
            Invoke GetWindowRect, lParam, Addr rect     ; Control placement
            Invoke SetBkMode, wParam, TRANSPARENT
            Invoke SetTextColor, wParam, Red
            mov eax, rectwin.left
            mov ebx, rect.left
            sub eax, ebx
            mov x, eax
            mov eax, rectwin.top
            mov ebx, rect.top
            sub eax, ebx
            mov y, eax
            Invoke SetBrushOrgEx, wParam, x, y, 0       ; Set the brush origin (relative placement)
            mov eax, hBackBrush                         ; Return background pattern brush (image but now offset)
    ; comment out this section unless using a child dialog within another dialog
        Invoke GetWindowRect, hWnd, Addr rectwin        ; Window placement
        Invoke GetWindowRect, lParam, Addr rect         ; Control placement
        mov eax, rectwin.left
        mov ebx, rect.left
        sub eax, ebx
        mov x, eax
        mov eax, rectwin.top
        mov ebx, rect.top
        sub eax, ebx
        mov y, eax
        Invoke SetBrushOrgEx, wParam, x, y, 0           ; Set the brush origin (relative placement)
        mov eax, hBackBrush                             ; Return background pattern brush (image but now offset)



Edited by fearless
added gif
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Hi fearless,

thank you for trying to help me but also your code isn't not much better working when using scrollers.When using subclass for edit control and update on WM_HSCROLL / WM_VSCROLL then it flickers +/-.It really seems that there isn't any better method to get it work 1A without all those issues I told about it before. :(

One more thing fearless.Could you please check out & tell me what the problem is with that manifest file & WM_CTLCOLOREDIT.When NOT using a manifest file in resources and using this code...

    .elseif eax == WM_CTLCOLOREDIT
              invoke GetDlgCtrlID, lParam
              .if eax == IDC_EDIT
              	  invoke SetBkMode,wParam,TRANSPARENT
                  invoke SetTextColor,wParam, Red
                  mov eax, edBrush ; <-- hBackBrush

....then the image / brush does match inside the edit control with the original backgound (DLG Image)....and with WITH I get this...


...you see the text of image dosen't match anymore just by adding this line into resources...

1 24 DISCARDABLE "manifest.xml"

....How to fix that?I always use manifest because I prefer the look.

Now when I use the HOLLOW Brush / NULL Brush instead of hBackBrush & using manifest then it shows the image correctly....


...how to get this thing working?The Edit control should work like glass pane where the text gets drawn on it.Is there anything I have to enable on Edit style / ExStyle WHEN using manifest to get the background match etc?Maybe you can figure out that problem when using a MF file.Thanks.


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I have to adjust the X,Y values when using a manifest like this to make it match....


...adding values of 6 & 29 looks pretty same matching as without using manifest.Otherwise I would really like to know why the manifest makes that problem.Does nobody know that yet?


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Probably has to do with DWM and bordering styles and sizes, adding manifest forces windows to apply the DWM styles and borders to dialogs, windows and controls if they are set to have them. Otherwise with no manifest you get the classic style of bordering which can be different in size for dialogs and windows and controls.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi again,

just have a tiny question.I have created a Edit control to write text into and now I see that the TAB Key on keyboard is doing nothing. :( Why?How to enable the Tab function of that key like its working in Notepad etc.So I don't have subclassed the Edit control and don't wanna do it now just to get the tab function.So is it anyhow possible to enable it by setting any style / ExStyle or is there any workaround?Thanks.

1	tabed	tabed	tabed
2	tabed	tabed	tabed



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Hey maluc you old home, :)

thanks but this dosen't help to get the tab key working like in notepad.I have enabled the WS_TABSTOP by default for all controls to switch the focus of controls by pressing the tab key.Now when I disable the WS_TABSTOP style from my one edit control then it will not get the focus anymore using the tab key BUT the tab key also dosen't do any tab move like notepad when the edit control has the focus.I would like to make that tab move in my one edit control but how to enable it?My edit control has this values...

CONTROL "",IDC_INPUTPARAMETERS,"Edit",0x56a11004,5,80,400,150,0x00020200



...enabled.Just wanna know whether its possible to enable that tab key function (notepad does) in a simple edit control or not?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi again,

I was trying to check out about that tab-stop key on keyboard and why its not doing anything in my edit control (EDIT).I found a older source what only creates a App window and a simple EDIT control (without resources) and in this simple edit control the tab-key does work only using the ES_MULTILINE style.Now in my case its not working and the only diffrent I see to my source is that I'am always using resources to create controls like Dialog / edit / anything there but I still didn't found out what to change in my resources created DIALOG styles to make it work that created edit controls will do the tab-key.Has anyone any clue what the problem could be?

PS: Could the problem be the WM_INITDIALOG / WM_CREATE?In my sources I'am using WM_INITDIALOG because all controls I have created are from resources window and in the other example its using WM_CREATE.Anyway, just wanna know how to make the tab-key also work in my sources when creating the controls in resources window you know.Maybe anyone has an idea etc.Thanks.


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Hi again,

Ok I found some more out.The problem in my case was using a IsDialogMessage function in the message loop.

WinMain proc hInst:HINSTANCE,hPrevInst:HINSTANCE,CmdLine:LPSTR,CmdShow:DWORD

	mov		wc.cbSize, sizeof WNDCLASSEX
	mov		wc.style, CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
	mov		wc.lpfnWndProc, offset WndProc
	mov		wc.cbClsExtra, NULL
	mov		wc.cbWndExtra, DLGWINDOWEXTRA
	push	hInst
	pop		wc.hInstance
	mov		wc.hbrBackground, COLOR_BTNFACE+1 ; COLOR_WINDOW+1
	mov		wc.lpszMenuName, NULL;IDM_MENU
	mov		wc.lpszClassName, offset ClassName
	Invoke LoadIcon, hInstance, ICO_MAIN ; resource icon for main application icon
	mov hIcoMain, eax ; main application icon
	Invoke LoadIcon, hInstance, IDI_APPLICATION
	mov		wc.hIcon, eax
	mov		wc.hIconSm, eax
	Invoke LoadCursor, NULL, IDC_ARROW
	mov		wc.hCursor,eax
	Invoke RegisterClassEx, addr wc
	Invoke CreateDialogParam, hInstance, IDD_MAIN, NULL, addr WndProc, NULL
;	Invoke DialogBoxParam, hInstance, IDD_MAIN, NULL, addr WndProc, NULL
    mov hWnd, eax
    Invoke ShowWindow, hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL
    Invoke UpdateWindow, hWnd
        Invoke GetMessage, addr msg, NULL, 0, 0
        .BREAK .if !eax
;        Invoke IsDialogMessage, hWnd, addr msg  <---- here / removed
;        .IF eax == 0
            Invoke TranslateMessage, addr msg
            Invoke DispatchMessage, addr msg
;        .ENDIF
	mov eax, msg.wParam
WinMain endp

Now my edit control on this dialog does work to make the tab-key move.I dont remember anymore why I have added this IsDialogMessage between.So without its working now.But also now I have another problem when I do create another DIALOG window with another edit control (same like on main dlg) then the tab-key on this edit control is not working.Problem could be that there is no message loop....

invoke	DialogBoxParam, hInstance, IDD_DLGEDIT, hWin, offset DlgProc, 0  <-- call new dialog with edit on it
DlgProc proc hWin:DWORD,uMsg:DWORD,wParam:DWORD,lParam:DWORD

	mov eax, uMsg
	.if	eax == WM_INITDIALOG                     ;TRUE ret

	.elseif	eax == WM_CLOSE       ;FALSE ret
		invoke	EndDialog, hWin, 0
		mov eax,FALSE
		mov eax,FALSE
	mov eax,TRUE
DlgProc endp                                                                           

...so in this new dialog / routine I don't have a another message loop like I have for main dialog.How to make it work now?


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Hi again,

so I tried now to subclass the edit control in my second dialogbox using SetWindowLong function.

DlgProc proc hWin:DWORD,uMsg:DWORD,wParam:DWORD,lParam:DWORD

	mov eax, uMsg
	.if	eax == WM_INITDIALOG   
		invoke GetDlgItem,hWin,IDC_INPUTPARAMETEREDIT  <--- edit control 
		mov edi, eax
		invoke SetWindowLong,edi,GWL_WNDPROC,addr MyEditProc
		mov g_pOldProc, eax

MyEditProc proc hWin:DWORD,uMsg:DWORD,wParam:DWORD,lParam:DWORD

	mov eax, uMsg
	.if eax == WM_GETDLGCODE
	invoke CallWindowProc,g_pOldProc,hWin,uMsg,wParam,lParam
MyEditProc endp

Also added the check of WM_GETDLGCODE and now the tab-key does work too like in edit control of main dialog.


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why are u still trying to invent the wheel?

use upper-level language, it will save a lot of time to care about something else.

that my opinion .



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