Programming and Coding
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1,885 topics in this forum
[Delphi] Extend last section problems
by steve10120- 2 replies
Hi. I'm trying to make a simple change OEP code, and I've hit a problem. The code works fine on Delphi and C++ apps - that are compiled with FileAlignment as 200h, but with a Visual Basic 6 app - which is compiled with FileAlignment as 1000h the app fails and doesn't work, PEiD also says its an invalid PE. If I manually realign the VB6 file back to 200h with CFF Explorer and LordPE the new OEP works fine. I've read the section on this in the ARTeam PE tutorial, but it didn't cover anything like this. Below is my code, and attached is the patched 1000h file and the realigned patched 200h file. program ChangeOEP_v2;uses Windows, SysUtils;type TByteArray = array of …
USB protector
by studioeliza- 2 replies
How I can see datas protect in my USB ?
[question] how to launch *.exe from DLL
by 6748222- 7 replies
Hello! i use D2009 and would like to know how can i launch *.exe from a DLL example i have 1.exe with button on click its read from dll name of file to launch 2.exe is this posible?
How to change VC6 DDX messagebox TITLE bar?
by alaphate- 1 reply
In VC6 MFC How to change the title bar of warning messagebox, when DDV exception is inoked? WHIOUT changing application name. e.g. int age; DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT, age); if I input "abc" in IDC_EDIT It will prompt "Please input a integer" messagebox. The title is my application name. Question is how to change the title of this warning messagebox. Thank you
by M2R- 5 replies
How do I prevent EWX_FORCE shutdown? when I tried to code "prevent shutdown" apps by detect the WM_QueryEndSession and WM_EndSession, I realized that I couldn't prevent the EWX_FORCE message
FGIntRSA example
by JustAGuy- 2 replies
Could anyone post a simple and working delphi example of protecting and deprotecting data by this unit(RSAEncrypt, RSADecrypt)? I have not managed to make it work for me. thx
Delphi Applications MenuITem ID
by Departure- 0 replies
K I have small problem I want to send WM_COMMAND to a delphi application to programatically trigger a menu item. Now this is normally no problems for me to do this with a application that has been programmed in a diffrent language. Fisrt ill explain the method i use on normal apps say i want to click a menu item, I would open the application up in a resource hacker program and look for the menu item, here is normally a ID for that menu item for the sake of this explaintion will will sya the menu item has an ID of 33245, so i would do the following in my code "sendmessage(Hwnd,WM_COMMAND, 33245, 0);" which is no problems IN NON DELPHI APPS. but I want to find the ID of …
Running an exe from resources in VB .NET?
by Keygen_Dr.- 3 replies
Topic title says it all. Is it possible to write a code for it in VB .NET... But i don't wanna extract it to some place. I wanna run it from resources only.
Exe to DLL
by Loveless- 14 replies
Hey guys, I'm looking to transform an EXE into a DLL. Nothing complex, just want the app to run when LoadLibrary executes DLL main. I don't know if it's possible to do this, and I don't know if it's been done. A quick review revealed nothing. However, any insights into this would be much appreciated. -Loveless
[Delphi] Magic Api Hook Engine
by thaton- 15 replies
from : Magic Api Hook Engine v1.0 (Delphi Source Code) this is a simple all around process Api hooker and Dll Injector. UserMode(Ring3) just for WinNT family. some examples included.
- 0 replies
Is there a plugin interface for firefox that allows adding image decoders? Basically I want to add an image decoder to firefox without rebuilding the source.
Create a debug mscorlib?
by high6- 0 replies
Well I came across an interesting article. It is a bit old but with some modifications it works. I was reading about sequence points Is there any ways with ilasm to maximize sequence points? When debugging I stepped into Thread.Sleep() and got (from the il file I had created from that first link). .method public hidebysig static void Sleep(int32 millisecondsTimeout) cil managed { // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 8 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call void System.Threading.Thread::SleepInternal(int32) IL_0006: ret } // end of method Thre…
C# .NET File.Open() strage behaviour
by Hikaru- 1 reply
Let's say I have a piece of code like this one: private void RecursePath(DirectoryInfo Root) { if (Root.Exists) { //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(15000); FileInfo[] files = Root.GetFiles(); LastFile = ""; foreach (FileInfo fi in files) { try { LastFile = fi.FullName; FileStream f = File.Open(LastFile, FileMode.Open); f.Close(); //FileIO TestFile = new FileIO(LastFile, FileIO.FileIoMode.OpenExisting); } catch (Exception e) { PrintException(LastFile, e); } }Yeah, it's a bit ugly sorry. The point is that I'm having some troubles trying to understand why File.Open() throws PathTooLongException with paths shor…
ASM program
by as1- 11 replies
Where can I download an ASM compiler(I know its not exactly a compiler but for lack of a better word...)?
sound volume control problem
by alaphate- 0 replies
Hi, buddies, I used webbrowser (IWebBrowser2) in my code, and I want to disable the navigation sound when I click a link. In case of changing system sound, I'd like to mute my application only. Just like some movie players, they can adjust their volume individully. Thank you for your help.
Ollydbg load source code
by Scale- 5 replies
I am a beginner in c++ but i noticed that when i wrote a c++ dll and then loaded it into olly so i could check if everything worked, it would also display the source of what every operand does. It happens completely automatic however this time it does not, so how can i load my source code into olly? thanks
Stitchy SID?
by Jaymz- 0 replies
Sorry if the topic can be found somewhere in this forum, i used the search with several search words and couldn't find it.. if someone knows the URL to some page where i can get this open-source sidchip player (source codes) please post it here.. Thanks. edit: working on a intro where i want to play c64 sidchip tunes edit2: found it myself,here's the link for anyone interested about it: Stitchy SID
Tow functions
by HelloRootkit- 1 reply
BOOLEAN __stdcall fake_KeInsertQueueApc(IN PKAPC Apc, IN PVOID SystemArgument1, IN PVOID SystemArgument2, IN KPRIORITY PriorityBoost) { PEPROCESS pTargetProcess; PUCHAR pTargetProcessName; ULONG XXThread; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pTargetProcess=IoThreadToProcess( (PETHREAD)Apc->Thread ); // pTargetProcessName=(PUCHAR)((ULONG)pTargetProcess+g_ProcessNameOffset); pTargetProcessName=PsGetProcessImageFileName(pTargetProcess); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ((strcmp(pTargetProcessName,"notep…
- 4 replies
Well the provided .def file mismatches with the provided header. How so? Well the header defines every function normally but the definition file defines every function with a underscore in front of the name. So instead of redoing the header file. Can I regenerate the .def file without underscores? Edit: Even though msvc prepends _ to the name it can't find the external reference unless I prepend a _ myself.
Pe editor/dumper
by 0ron- 0 replies
Anyone have source for a Pe editor or dumper. Any lingo is fine.
Help about dialog for masm
by Vi2DoubleYu- 1 reply
hi all thanks for you time, i got trouble with about dialog. i use keygen template from ufo-pu55y and about dialog like star fall. but i think i need move it up. what i need to do. if need a file for that about dialog, i think i can upload it on here for check it. thanks for your help. regards Note : I added asm file for this troube too... bones.rar IUG_Keygen_GIF_1.rar
Loading proc from a dll
by ShadowRayz- 2 replies
Didn't see fit to put it in Reversing, its more of coding i think... Well, i try to load a .DLL and, to load one of it's processes...i wrote a test cpp code just to check that the proc name really does exist and it was added to the .DEF and all...everything's returns a handle to the DLL and the Process, as you can see here. but when i get to the GetProcAddress in olly with code i wrote in the cave, it fails and gives me LastErr = ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND. what have i done wrong? thanks.
Load Dll Directly From memory
by Departure- 19 replies
While I was wondering around on the net a stumbled accross and interesting example, Corvu5 has showen this example in delphi {[===========================================] [?]uDllFromMem - Loading a DLL from Memory[?] [v] Version 1.0 [v] [c] Hamtaro aka CorVu5 [c] [@] OR [@] [================Description================] [With this Code, you can load a DLL in your ] [application directly from Memory, the file ] [doesnt have to be present on your Harddrive] [===================Note====================] [ This example doesnt work with Bound ] [ Import Tables at this time ] [==================thx to===================] [ …
DLL Injection -> Writing in Executable Memory
by Hyperlisk- 3 replies
Okay, so I thought I knew how to do this, but apparently not... Here's the situation... I'm currently messing around with DLL injection, using Mine Sweeper as my target. I'm just trying to get my DLL code to be able to write in Mine Sweeper's executable memory. I thought that VirtualProtect() would help me there, but apparently not... Any suggestions? This is what I'm currently doing in my DLL code, just trying to do a 1-byte patch, lol: char* addr = (char*)0x00BA76A0; if(!VirtualProtect((LPVOID)addr,1,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE,NULL)){ MessageBox(NULL,"Couldn't protect the memory...","Fail...",NULL); }EDIT: Nevermind, I'm stupid. I just used WriteProcessMemory()…
How make Hook to rtcMsgBox?
by c0lo- 1 reply
How can make Hook to rtcMsgBox...? i don't understand... similar to __vbaStrCmp... injert in msvbvm60.dll but can learn me about this? Thanks