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[MASM/WinAsm]Element not showing on Dialog Box


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Hello all!

Some strange error has occured here. I just tried to add a Static element to my DialogBox. The Static element will be shown on a Groupbox, though it is not marked as a child of the group box. The strange thing is that the static element is not showing. I checked it's Style parameters, and everything should be ok.

Probably it's something very stupid I'm overseeing right now, but I've been breaking my head for over two hours by now.

Here is my Resource File:

;This Resource Script was generated by WinAsm Studio.#define DLG_CRYPTER 1001
#define GRP_CRYPTER 1003
#define GRP_STATUS 1004
#define BTN_OPTION 1005
#define BTN_ABOUT 1006
#define LBL_INPUT 1007
#define EDT_INPUT 1008
#define LBL_OUTPUT 1011
#define BTN_BROWSE 1009
#define EDT_OUTPUT 1012
#define LBL_PASSWORD 1013
#define EDT_PASSWORD 1014
#define BTN_ENCRYPT 1022
#define BTN_DECRYPT 1023
#define LBL_STATUS 1024DLG_CRYPTER DIALOGEX 0,0,264,116
CAPTION "e5nKrypTer"
FONT 8,"MS Sans Serif"
STYLE 0x10c80000
EXSTYLE 0x00000088
CONTROL " Krypter",GRP_CRYPTER,"Button",0x50000007,7,3,161,108,0x00000000
CONTROL " Status ",GRP_STATUS,"Button",0x50000007,173,3,81,71,0x00000000
CONTROL "Options",BTN_OPTION,"Button",0x50010000,173,80,81,12,0x00000000
CONTROL "About",BTN_ABOUT,"Button",0x50010000,173,92,81,12,0x00000000
CONTROL "Input: ",LBL_INPUT,"Static",0x50000000,17,15,21,10,0x00000000
CONTROL "",EDT_INPUT,"Edit",0x50010880,44,15,87,10,0x00000200
CONTROL "Browse",BTN_BROWSE,"Button",0x50010000,133,15,30,10,0x00000000
CONTROL "Output: ",LBL_OUTPUT,"Static",0x50000000,17,31,27,10,0x00000000
CONTROL "",EDT_OUTPUT,"Edit",0x50010080,44,31,87,10,0x00000200
CONTROL "Password:",LBL_PASSWORD,"Static",0x50000000,17,46,34,10,0x00000000
CONTROL "",EDT_PASSWORD,"Edit",0x50010080,53,46,78,10,0x00000200
CONTROL "EnKrypt",BTN_ENCRYPT,"Button",0x50010000,17,95,71,12,0x00000000
CONTROL "DeKrypt",BTN_DECRYPT,"Button",0x50010000,90,95,71,12,0x00000000
CONTROL "Idle",LBL_STATUS,"Static",0x50000001,187,18,54,10,0x00020000

Can anybody see what the problem would bee here?

I can't. :unsure:

Thanks in Advance,


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