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425 topics in this forum
[DevirtualizeMe] VMProtect 2.13.5 1 2
by HellSpider- 2 followers
- 39 replies
Hi. I created an unpackme using VMProtect 2.13.5. The only task is to devirtualize the blocks of code that are virtualized. There are 7 short functions. Each will execute when keyboard numbers 1-7 are pressed. The functions are virtualized as follows: 1 - Only mutation with no additional options 2 - Virtualization with no additional options 3 - Virtualization with the VM integrity check option 4 - Virtualization with the register scrambling on VM exit option 5 - Virtualization with the hide constants option 6 - Virtualization with all 3 extra options 7 - Ultra mode (which means mutation + virtualization) with all 3 extra options The pu…
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
View File VMProtect x86 v3.81 (Default Protection Options) Please debug/unpack in the virtual machine This target is protected by a specially modified version of VMP, with some simple protection measures added It only supports running on x64 operating systems, such as Win7 x64 or Win10 x64, which may also support most Win11 x64 If you unpack it, please make tutorial(s)... I will mark the answers with tutorial(s) as solution. Submitter boot Submitted 07/27/2023 Category UnPac…
Fatmike's Crackme #4
by Fatmike- 2 replies
View File Fatmike's Crackme #4 ..::[FaTmiKE 2o23]::.. After a little break i decided to program another little crackme (This is my 4th crackme). Here are the rules: 1. The main goal is to unpack this crackme or write a loader. 2. If you like, find a valid serial or write a keygen. The crackme was tested on windows 10. Have fun! Submitter Fatmike Submitted 06/08/2023 Category UnPackMe
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
This target is protected by license Private Exe Protector 4.2.2 with License ID Who will unpack this file please write tutorial Valid data: License ID: NP10-AC091DD4-1AB5FFFD-B78DDCD79F6B3217 User name: tuts4you Activation key: 061ABBE2-CDB2B006-9ED78E20-609AA20E Good luck! UnPackMe Private Exe Protector 4.4.2.rar
[Unpackme] WinLicense x64 (very hard) 1 2
by Aguila- 1 follower
- 35 replies
WinLicense x64 enjoy UnpackMex64.rar
- 22 replies
patch HWID and unpackme The Enigma Protector 4.3(build 20150225) License type:Single tep4.3pacth+unpackme.rar
Python Pyarmor + My Protector 1 2
by 0x72- 5 followers
- 45 replies
Language : Python Platform : Windows OS Version : All Packer / Protector : Pyarmor + My Protector Description : Want to see if someone can unpack it, want to use this obfuscator for my future aplications in python Screenshot : Spoiler Download : Virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/fec987a11c8bdd47355529389d75f1f2cb0f980a763efa21e796dd1a21619989/detection Download: https://anonfile.com/3fn5o8gdo5/UnpackME_by_0x72_rar UnpackME by 0x72.rar
PELock DialogBox
by lovejoy226- 1 follower
- 3 replies
View File PELock DialogBox It's a PELock'ed file. Try to unpack it if you have time, if you are a skilled code reverser or the author, you maybe can do it. Thank you for your effort in advance. Submitter The Binary Expert Submitted 01/12/2022 Category UnPackMe
Safengine Licensor v2.3.4
by kuazi GA- 0 replies
View File Safengine Licensor v2.3.4 过程式编程语言,所以IAT和资源很少 Safengine License 2.3.4 with medium protection options enabled. Program is written in assembly language so there are very few IAT and resources. Submitter kuazi GA Submitted 11/12/2023 Category UnPackMe
[unpackme] UnPackMe Safengine v2.2.1 1 2
by White- 41 replies
Hi, All. Here are three unpackmes Protected by Safengine v2.2.1 From 'JC'. Some information about these UnpackMes. "default.exe" is Protected by Safengine 2.2.1 default options. "Middle.exe" is the Secondary protection options (somebody chose) Protected. "LOL.exe" is the Maximum protection options (somebody chose) Protected. Then,you will see some new tricks in this version ('JC' said)... Thanks to 'JC' for the sample he provided. Anyway hope All you will like it. You can grade for the three samples. SE2.2.1.rar
- 23 replies
I have made a little unpack-me with the demo version of Enigma 3.90 Enigma 3.90 unpackme_t4y.rar
Obsidium v1.6.1.9
by CodeExplorer- 3 followers
- 17 replies
Difficulty : 5 (I think) Not sure Language : Visual C++ 6.0 Platform : Windows x32 OS Version : Windows All Packer / Protector : Obsidium v1.6.1.9 Description : This is just one of my program protected The objective is unpack it. Screenshot : CompareInfo_Obs.zip
- 7 replies
View File Armadillo x64 v9.64 (General/Default Protection Options) Unpackme - Armadillo x64 v9.64 | WwW.Tuts4You.CoM General/Default Protection Options = HWID Lock + etc... If you can unpack it, please make a tutorial... The compressed package includes a simple MP4 display, please pay attention to check... HWID:87DF-0E78 NAME:boot KEY:000016-M9KY7Y-1PM436-8JKH7H-G8QXCH-3ACEGN-Y5ND6B-TY4VJ2-5FX1WY-WGJBFB After seeing the dynamic screen, please click the LEFT MOUSE button to exit OR press the "ESC" button once to exit. Created by boot / From Tuts4you 2023.06.19 Submitter …
[unpackme] Pc Guard Demo
by Teddy Rogers- 20 replies
PC Guard DEMO PC_Guard_5.0.1.580_DEMO.rar If anyone is interested in this they will have to post their site code here and I'll generate an activation code... Ted.
[UnpackMe] Themida 1 2
by nProtect- 1 follower
- 42 replies
Hi all, This file is compiled with Visual Studio 2010 (C++ Language) and protect one with VM_START/VM_END. New themida version have new VM system so I have use FISH32 White VM to protect this file ThemidaTest.rar
- 7 replies
Hope Ellvis does not mind but i found this quite interesting. Hope you lie-it. I already make a simple solution but i want to let you try. If you made-it post here the solution also. Crackme.rar Script.rar
PELock Demo v2.09
by CodeExplorer- 5 replies
Language : Visual C++ 6.0 Platform : Windows x32 OS Version : Windows All Packer / Protector : PELock Demo v2.09 Description : This is just one of my program protected. The objective is unpack it. FolderCompare_prot.zip
- 15 replies
patch HWID and unpackme The Enigma Protector 4.20[single] patch HWID and unpackme password:unpackme enigma 4.2 patch HWID and unpackmeSingle.rar There is not packed.rar
[unpackme] WinLicense v 2 1 1 0 Unpackme 1 2
by estelle- 1 follower
- 25 replies
WinLicense - Professional Software Protection and Licensing Management [Version] Protection Options for Software: wl (Input File: UnPackMe.exe) ---------------------------------- Macros Information ------------------ VM Macros: 0 CodeReplace Macros: 0 ENCRYPT Macros: 0 CLEAR Macros: 0 RegisteredVM Macros: 0 CHECK_PROTECTION Macros: 0 CHECK_CODE_INTEGRITY Macros: 0 CHECK_REGISTRATION Macros: 0 CHECK_VIRTUAL_PC Macros: 0 Protection Options ------------------ Anti-Debugger: Advanced Anti-Dumpers: ENABLED Entry Point Obfuscation: ENABLED Resource Encryption: ENABLED VMWare compatible: ENABLED API-Wrapping Level: Level 2 Anti-Patching: None Metamorph Security: ENABLED…
[Unpackme] Safengine Shielden v2.3.7.0
by Reasen- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Simple Unpackme maded by Safengine Shielden v2.3.7.0 Options: Default Target file: Delphi 7 Good luck. UnpackMe_Safengine.rar
[UnpackMe] VMProtect ZProtect Mix
by delldell- 3 followers
- 7 replies
VMProtect , ZProtect = Mix UnpackMe = Delphi 7 Have Fun delldell_UnpackMe_VMProtect_ZProtect.rar
[Unpackme] Obsidium v1.5 DEMO
by cypher- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hey guys, while testing ScyllaHide with current protectors I made this little exe. Its Obsidium v1.5 DEMO. Enabled protection options include "Remove Bytes at OEP", "API emulation", "Verify file size", "Encrypt resources" Unpack this and share NOTEPAD_obsidium_v1.5.rar
ASProtect 2.78
by chickenbutt- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Difficulty: 3 Language: PureBASIC Platform: Windows 32bit OS Version: XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 Packer/Protector: ASProtect 32 2.78 Description: This is considered the easiest protector to unpack with a VM. I only seen 2.5x unpackmes around the net and most of the links were dead, so I made a new one. One binary has just protections, and the other also has license features minus hardware-lock. I couldn't get the API file to generate HWID and use SDK for it and didn't want to try and keygen a HWID. License version has keygen and password features. Tip for inexperienced MUP people: Unpacks divided to the obvious sections with stolen OEP, import relay…
Python CrackMe - FunnyProtector
by Josman- 3 replies
View File Python CrackMe - FunnyProtector This is an python unpackme for testing my private python obfuscator You have to unpack it ! Good Luck Submitter Josman Submitted 10/10/2020 Category UnPackMe
Unknown Packer
by iNoob- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Difficulty : 5 Language : C++ Platform : Windows OS Version : All Packer / Protector : Unknown Description : An EXE is compressed with an unknown packer. Unpack the EXE. Screenshot : Download : iNoobUnpackMe.zip