Challenge of Reverse Engineering
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Drdealer - Bruteforcethis
by Guest Tundra- 3 replies
Hi, this crackme is from the SnD site, and I'm wondering how I'm supposed to input the serial into the program. When you run the program from Windows, a message box immediately pops up saying "The password is incorrect." When you press the OK button, the program exits. So I assume this is supposed to take input from the command line, but that doesn't seem to work either. Could anyone help me out? Thanks
Asprotect 2.1 Unpackme...
by Teddy Rogers- 13 replies
I've created an ASProtect 2.1 UnPackMe set. There are seven files in all, each one using a specific protection option in ASProtect and the last file uses all protection options enabled. UnPackMe_ASProtect2.1.a - Resources Protection UnPackMe_ASProtect2.1.b - Anti-Debugger Protection UnPackMe_ASProtect2.1.c - Checksum Protection UnPackMe_ASProtect2.1.d - Protect Original EntryPoint UnPackMe_ASProtect2.1.e - Emulate Standard System Functions UnPackMe_ASProtect2.1.f - Advanced Import Protection UnPackMe_ASProtect2.1.g - All Protections Enabled I thought it would be interesting for some to examine... Ted.
by yamraaj- 2 replies
Here is a simple keygenme for you. Written in C++ Good Luck Maybe someone could write a tut with it...will help me and others alot as it's a dos kgme KGME.rar