Challenge of Reverse Engineering
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Night Protector 2.0
by NightBullet- 2 replies
Difficulty : IDK Language : C# Platform : Windows OS Version : All Windows Packer / Protector : Night Protector 2.0 (My own protector) Description : Unpack-me and clean the code, and give a Difficulty! Screenshot : Click to download crackme!
by blank- 6 replies
Language: .NET Platform: Windows x32/x64 OS Version: Tested on Windows 10, with .NET 4.6.2 Packer / Protector: WinterStorm 0.1 (Personal Project) Description: Here is a project I've been working on for the last 6 months. It's a follow-up to my previous DynamicMethod attempts. This time I also included some simple JIT hooking. Everything here was written by myself, except a helper class for loading dlls from memory. I hope you'll find it entertaining. I can't wait to hear your thoughts. This is (arguably) the best iteration of the popular game, MineSweeper. Unfortunately, it's a demo, and it only allows for 5 moves. In order to keep playing you have …
Armored Binary - Official UnpackMe
by Gladiator- 1 reply
Language : Delphi XE Platform : Microsoft Windows x32/x64 OS Version : XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 Packer / Protector : ArmoredBinary - Modern Binary Obfuscation Tool. Description : Attached file was protected with full version of armoredbinary obfuscator ( with medium protection approach ) , make sure unpacked file will execute successfully in any environment. You will dealing with OEP hiding , Resource Protection , Simple IAT Protection , AntiDump Tricks. Screenshot : Protected file after execution will be similar to Thanks. ArmoredBinary_Official_UnpackMe.rar
Modded ConfuserEx (Find the Password)
by BillsTheGod- 2 replies
Platform: Windows Language: C#/.NET OS Version: Windows 10 (I only tested on it so) Protector: Modded ConfuserEx Objective: Modification to ConfuserEx; constants, math protection, variablesmelter, antide4dot (broked rn), three antidebugs (one inside antitamper), sizeof, antivm, antiemulator, antidnspy, antijustdecompiler, intergritychecking, typescrambler etc Unpack the file and find the password. Document how you deobfuscated it. (false positive because of the obfuscation) If there are any errors in this thread or in my english, I a…
[patchme] Simple Patchme For Noobs
by DrPepUr- 18 replies
This is more of a confidince builder, so all you pro's dont laugh @ me too much Simple_PatchME.rar
3In1 CrackMe
by Top10- 4 replies
Difficulty : 1 Language : VB6/C/ASM Platform : Windows x32/x64 OS Version : Windows XP/7/8?/10? Packer / Protector : None Description: Crackme developed with ThunderVB VB6 plugin.Every part of CrackMe is fully handled by its own language,C/ASM part even interact with form elements like Labels and TextBoxs strings to compare with correct ones with almost no help of VB6 code,has no any anti dump-debug,encryption or any other protection,easy Crackme,just like a ThunderVB proof of concept Crackme for fun,if you have any question feel free to ask,enjoy! Screenshot :
Less Simple .NET Virtualization
by DefCon42- 4 replies
Language : .NET Platform : .NET/Mono OS Version : All Packer / Protector : Custom Description : This is something I've stopped working on over the last few months, but if someone's interested in taking up the project with me I'll gladly accept. The original password is hashed to prevent string equality hooking, so the goal here is just to make it respond correctly. Cracking : If you do crack this, please post in the thread (or DM me) about how you did it. It doesn't have to be step-by-step; a simple "after doing X all you need to do is Y" is fine. If you have any suggestions for additional obfuscation, please include those as well.…
UnpackMe 01 Eddy^Protector
by 0X7C9- 9 replies
Language : C# Platform : Windows (7,8,10) (x32) OS Version : Windows 7,8,10 (No virtual machine!!!) Packer / Protector : Eddy^Protector 1.0.5 Description : Hello all. I want introduce my hard work. Please try, run and unpack this challenge. Its not confuserEx another mod. Only experienced reverser can unpack this. Sorry if not working for you. For me works, and on many stable OS´s too. And if you have error (0xc00000005) , simply run again it works on next try.. Sorry i have no time to solve that memory leak. Good luck! AV scan:…
My First CrackMe
by phasermoon- 5 replies
Language: C/C++ Platform: Windows x64 OS Version: Windows Packer / Protector: None Description: This is my very first created "CrackMe" and I'd love to get feedback/suggestions on it (especially how I could make it harder without packing/obfuscating/virtualizing the binary)! The challenge is to find the correct password and the correct response. Screenshot: PleaseCrackMe.exe
[DevirtualizeMe] VMProtect 3.0.9 1 2
by HellSpider- 42 replies
Difficulty : 8 Language : C++ Platform : Windows 32-bit and 64-bit OS Version : All Packer / Protector : VMProtect 3.0.9 Description : The objective is to interpret virtualized functions in the attached binaries. No additional options have been used - no memory protection, no import protection and no compression. The virtualized function(s) will execute when the following key(s) is/are pressed: VMP32 (V1) : P VMP32 (V2) : 1 and 2 VMP64 (V1) : P VMP64 (V2) : 1 and 2 The virtualized functions are not very large. Detailed information of the interpreting procedure/internals or a complete solution paper is pref…
KeygenMe v1 Eddy^CZ [Eddy^Protector]
by 0X7C9- 11 replies
Difficulty : 10 Language : C# .NET 4.0 Platform : Windows x64/x86 OS Version : All Packer / Protector : Eddy^Protector Description : Hello im back. I developping new obfuscator based on ConfuserEx vanilla. But really different and increased protection to 200%. I used some cool algos like: XXTEA, RC6 , RSA. Provide all 200 Key pairs to solve this KeygenMe. Happy decrypting! KeygenMe Eddy^CZ
CrackMe - Combo Attempt
by detpet- 1 reply
Difficulty : 3-4? Language : C++, .NET 4 Platform : Windows x64 OS Version : Windows 7+ Packer / Protector : ConfuserEx, Oreans Description : Unpack and provide a quick overview of how you did it and what tools were used Screenshot :
by Guest- 4 replies
Difficulty : I don't know, but they say 10 Language : C# Platform : Any Windows OS Version : All Packer / Protector : Description: You put the key and it will say "That's really correct!" if the key was correct. I'd like someone who unpacked it to tell me how he/she did it 😕 NOTE: I want it to be unpacked, I don't want you to use Process Hacker just to get the key of the Unpackme file. Screenshot: Thanks! UnpackMe.exe
ConfuserEx Mod b1scoito Protector
by b1scoito- 3 replies
Difficulty : 7.3 Language : .NET Platform : Windows, x32/x64 OS Version : All Packer / Protector : ConfuserEx Modded Description : ConfuserEx Mod b1scoito Protector Screenshot : unpack.exe
Bulletproof.NET BETA 3 | Get the Source Code
by MatrixReloaded- 4 replies
Difficulty : You Say it :) Language : .NET ( C# ) / C++ Platform : Windows x32 OS Version : Windows 10 , 8 , 7 Packer / Protector : Bulletproof.NET BETA Description : Hey tuts4you Community ! It's a C# Assembly protected by my own protector Bulletproof.NET ... See Missions. Screenshot : *Copyright Materials [ GUI ] : Missions: + Get the source code of WPF .Net Assembly + AES IV & KEY is in Source , Decrypt two strings in the text box , But it's easy to find with memory dump becuz I didn't use Secure String , Main Mission…
SuperMax Engine ™ BETA Version 3
by MatrixReloaded- 17 replies
Difficulty : 8 Language : .NET / Delphi / C++ Platform : Windows x32/x64 OS Version : Windows 10 , 8 Packer / Protector : SuperMax Engine ™ BETA Description : Hey tuts4you Community ! This is a .net project that I made on my own protector SuperMax protector/packer. The last one cracked , so I upgraded security system to 3.0 version , it's harder to crack. See Missions. Screenshot : *Copyright Materials [ GUI ] : Rule 01 : Tell us how you cracked it. Missions: 01 > first , earn the Activation Code and write it here ... 02 …
Difficulty : 10 Language : C# Platform : Windows OS Version : Winall Packer / Protector : DNGuard v3.80 - HVM not applied (will expire 26/12) Description : Provide serial or unpack me ggggg.rar
Custom ConfuserEx
by Annie- 5 replies
Difficulty : 2-4 Language : .NET/C# Platform : Windows OS Version : All Packer / Protector : Custom ConfuserEx Description: Should Be A Very Simple Unpack/Crack Me. Pretty Easy To Remove Anti Tamper. Objective: Unpack And Attach Unobfuscated File And Or Post The Message Box Saying Success! Screenshot(s): Download!wToG3QRD!8XuTTHHbO7zcJiuiBaPxah9kyHIXy4IhIEOCmMM-RvE Virus Total (False Postives Due To It Being Obfuscated!) Unpack Me - …
CrackMe^ v15 [Packers_Madness]
by 0X7C9- 2 replies
Difficulty : 7 Language : C++ (crt support) / C# (:NET 2.0) Platform : Windows 7+ (X86) OS Version : All Widnows Packer / Protector : Rlpack, Upx (custom), ConfuserEx(custom) , Memory protection, Antidebug (ASM) Description : This one is for most experienced reversers. Because computing runtime is spreaded in to the three PE files. Screenshot : CrackMe^
Ama's Protector
by Cursedzx- 0 replies
Difficulty : Probably 8 Language : C# .NET Platform : Windows (anyCPU) OS Version : Windows 7 Above Packer / Protector : Ama's Protector Description : Upload the Unpacked file and Give me a detailed tutorial. like... tell me the specific method or specfic tools you used in order. as i said in the previous unpack challenges XD. you know the rest. Screenshot : testapp_enc.exe
Excelsior JET 12 Std
by Modify- 5 replies
Difficulty : 4+ Language : Java Platform : Windows x32 OS Version : Windows 7 and up Packer / Protector : Excelsior JET Description : Good Luck Screenshot : Demo.7z
.NET Simple Virtualization
by DefCon42- 4 replies
Difficulty : 4-5 Language : .NET Platform : .NET/Mono OS Version : All Packer / Protector : Custom Description : This is a virtualizer I wrote over the last few days, basing most its protection on simple virtualization obfuscation, as well as constant local shuffling in order to make debugging a bit harder. Proper anti-debugging isn't implemented, though, so that should make things a bit easier. Cracking : If you do crack this, please post in the thread (or DM me) about how you did it. It doesn't have to be step-by-step; a simple "after doing X all you need to do is Y" is fine. If you have any suggestions for additional obfuscat…
- (unknown)
by zodiac- 0 replies
Difficulty : 5 Language : C# Platform : Windows OS Version : Windows 7 .8.1,10 Packer / Protector : (unknown) Description : unpacked Screenshot :
Simple Keygen Me
by TheCrippledModder- 3 replies
Difficulty : 2 Language : .NET Platform : tested on windows 10 OS Version : All Packer / Protector : Enigma and custom obfuscation (Without constant encryption) Description : So, the goal of this Keygen Me is to obviously create a keygen. Your keygen should create a "KEY" file which will contain data which will be checked by the application. The application takes the key file as input (Drag and drop). Provided with the application is a sample key file which contains a valid key. Create a keygen which will create other valid key files. Screenshot : CrackMe.rar
Atipls' Obfuscator
by Cursedzx- 5 replies
Difficulty : Probably 7 Language : C# .NET Platform : Windows (anyCPU) OS Version : Windows 7 Above Packer / Protector : Atipls' obfuscator Description : Upload the unpacked file and give me a detailed tutorial. Describe me the specific method or the specific tools in order used. As I said in the previous unpack challenges XD. Screenshot : UnpackME.exe