Challenge of Reverse Engineering
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Example CrackMe - Debug Blocker x64
by Teddy Rogers- 3 replies
View File Example CrackMe - Debug Blocker x64 This is an example for submitting a CrackMe in the Downloads section of the site. You can download the file and run Debug Blocker x64. Nothing too exciting will happen! The challenge here would be to patch the debug-blocker function so that it does not spawn a second process. Submitter Teddy Rogers Submitted 02/23/2020 Category CrackMe
ByUndefined Protector v2
by Leopar36- 0 replies
View File ByUndefined Protector v2 ByUndefined Protector Anti Debugger Anti Dump Anti Tamper Anti Memory Anti Dll Inject Anti ILDasm Resources Compress String Encrypt ControlFlow Virtualization Renamer Merge Dll Add Task: Unpack Submitter Leopar36 Submitted 03/23/2025 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
- 7 replies
View File WinLicense v3.2.2 (Window Function Through an External Plugin) This is a WinLicense 3.2.2/sample, set by default, without adding an SDK in the source code, only adding a window function through an external plugin. I don't know if bypass can be cracked, I tested it and it doesn't. Shedding may be more complicated.Please use your own way to crack it. Whether it's molting, bypass, or keygen, they are all the best methods. No need to upload your proposal, posting a picture is the best answer. I will strive to learn towards your achievements. HWID:1031-E184-1D1E-92A8-AA82-151F-E2BC-34EE NAME:Mr.Leng .RegistCode:2FGP7NTY-22AMY4QL-XXEHAO…
.NET KeyGenMe by Freddy #1
by freddy- 3 replies
View File .NET KeyGenMe by Freddy #1 Hey there! I made this KeyGenMe because I enjoy playing chess. This challenge is written in .NET and involves some mathematical operations, mixed with a few chess-related twists. Your task is to figure out the logic behind generating a valid serial key based on the username you enter. But be warned—it’s not as simple as just moving a pawn forward ( maybe a hint ) Protection used : None. Goals : 1. Provide valid combination for Username - Serial Key ( Bronze ) 2. Fully KeyGen it - every username with different serial key algorithm ( Silver ) 3. Full KeyGen plus EXPLANAT…
ByUndefined Protector
by Leopar36- 0 replies
View File ByUndefined Protector ByUndefined Protector Anti Debugger Anti Dump Anti Tamper Anti Memory Anti ILDasm Resources Compress String Encrypt ControlFlow Virtualization Submitter Leopar36 Submitted 03/11/2025 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
VSEC Hyper Crackme II
by Gladiator- 3 replies
View File VSEC Hyper Crackme II Find correct license key, don't try to patch file. Updates & Improvements : + Listen to KAO advices from Version 1.0 + Improved Metamorphic Junk Code Generator + Encrypted VM Handlers + Control-Flow Obfuscation + VM Handler Obfuscation Hint : File Packed with UPX 5.0 just for compression ( just decompress it using -d command ) Thanks to @kao for Tips. Submitter Gladiator Submitted 03/07/2025 Category CrackMe …
[Keygenme] NET Keygen me1
by CodeExplorer- 3 replies
[Keygenme] .NET Keygen me1 Coded on C#. Level: medium I think! Protected with SmartAssembly 6: just name obfuscation!
VSEC Hyper Crackme
by Gladiator- 4 replies
View File VSEC Hyper Crackme Brief and useful Find correct license key, don't try to patch file. What comes within this crackme : + Code Virtualization + Unique Junkcode Generation + Control-Flow Obfuscation Submitter Gladiator Submitted 03/06/2025 Category CrackMe
Eclipse Runtime Obfuscator
by C5Hackr- 6 replies
View File Eclipse Runtime Obfuscator Hey everyone, I’m sharing an UnpackMe challenge that combines VMProtect packing with runtime function obfuscation using Eclipse Runtime Obfuscator. This should be an interesting challenge for those who enjoy working with dynamic obfuscation and anti-debugging techniques. Protection Details: VMProtect is used for basic packing, with import protection and anti-debug enabled. Eclipse Runtime Obfuscator dynamically obfuscates function execution, making dumped analysis and debugging difficult. Function code is relocated to a new memory region at runtime and accessed through vecto…
by LoLLo90- 4 replies
View File Blackett The real goal is to make a keygen capable of generating infinite valid combinations of name and keys. Btw, also a valid serial is appreciated The only protection used is renaming. Good luck! @kao Long time no see 🧐 Submitter Erjey Submitted 09/13/2020 Category KeygenMe
The Enigma Protector v6.9 1 2 3
by GIV- 59 replies
View File The Enigma Protector v6.9 I have protected a simple file with the Enigma Protector 6.9. Try to unpack. For a skilled reverser will not be as hard as it seems. HWID: A7707-65A71-43529-A59E1-41C2F-C5AA0-EB308-3F774 Name: tuts4you Key: BG8QC4UMZW3QMTH99U6ZTF8FJJNDAPKY5E2XNL3CMHRVUMLSB2QWRBSYBGF4RNHX7WC26W2GQMNBNPUU3YUTDXDS387A2UURMUVJ88P5PPC9ZCEQHFHW4J6ZQRAK7GW6DRK4QH4CGCEQM7F9K39J89S4CRARX3L3LPABBXU23M8QXP6A85L2CZFJZF66KF5NFTZ557872DA3 Submitter GIV Submitted 07/20/2021 Category …
[crackme] First Iranian Obfuscator Crack Me
by Gladiator- 8 replies
Hello every body. it's first Iranian obfuscated crack me , no code virtualizer and no themida packed file , it is native delphi compiled exe file , please try to patch it. if you successfully patched it please write a tut. Thanks
Themida x32 v3.1.8.0
by lovejoy226- 9 replies
View File Themida x32 v3.1.8.0 The Entry Point is virtualized. 2 Parts of the codes are also virtualized. [Your Mission] Just unpack this file and make it run well without any errors or termination. No devirtualiztion are necessary. Submitter New Year - New Mind Submitted 02/12/2025 Category UnPackMe
- 1 reply
View File Obsidium v1.69b1 x86 (All Protection Options) Obsidium v1.6.9.b1 x86 = All Protection Options = HWID lock + etc. This unpackme (VB6.0) is created by me. If you can unpack it, please make a tutorial... 2023.06.07 Submitter boot Submitted 06/07/2023 Category UnPackMe
VMProtect HWID CrackMe
by freddy- 5 replies
View File VMProtect HWID CrackMe I have put all important information in HWID-License.txt. I hope you all come up with some fascinating solutions. If you want leave the solution and also if you want to show off you can do that as well! Submitter freddy Submitted 02/07/2025 Category CrackMe
- 40 replies
View File VMProtect x64 v3.6 HWID Lock (All Protection Options) Unpackme x64 - VMProtect 3.6 HWID License (All Protection Options) VMP x64 SDK + HWID Lock +etc... WwW.Tuts4you.CoM If you can unpack it, please make a tutorial... I will mark the answers with tutorials as a solution. The compressed package includes a simple MP4 display, please pay attention to check... Created by boot / From Tuts4you 2023.06.21 Submitter boot Submitted 06/21/2023 Category …
BinaryShield (Custom VM)
by ra1n- 3 replies
View File BinaryShield (Custom VM) This is my first attempt at a binary protector. Currently, the VM has very little protection, so this should be good for those interested in learning about VM-based obfuscation. I intend on uploading new challenges that feature my protector as I add more features. BinaryShield source code: GOAL: - You must find the correct key. Simply patching to get a goodboy message is NOT allowed. - Bonus points for devirt and explanation of your approach. - MOST IMPORTANTLY, have fun! …
- 10 replies
Difficulty : 5 Language : NET 2.0(C#) Platform : Windows x32/x64 OS Version : Windows 7,8,10 (All windows with .NET Framework 2) (if not work you need some VCRedist runtime´s ...) Packer / Protector : Protection scheme from C# code to UPX: Skater Obfuscator (Max Settings) > Net reactor (Max Settings !Without control flow) > UPX(2.29 - Max Settings) Description: You said the protection was weak. So I prepared something a bit more challenging. I wonder if someone can get to the original c # code. Everything is allowed . Try to get part of the code where I verify individual parts of the license key&and of course crack this.. And if it does, i…
AutoIt CrackMe and DecompileMe v1
by schoolboy- 9 replies
Language : AutoIt Platform : Windows OS Version : XP to 10 Packer / Protector : None Description : If you succeed, you will receive a message. Screenshot : If you find the right word, there will be a label that means you've succeeded.
- 9 replies
Ok, learning from my flaws/weaknesses from the previous version, I've come up with a more aggressive CrackMe, Hence the name (Enhanced) hopefully will give you a nice time to think out of it and see what it does or what it has Skill Level: Experienced Reverser Only~! (Even though it's easy) Objectives: Successfully Deob & Find the Password. DL Mirror:!HooxwJQI!tSj_tQdUdItu0MZNbb_apbcVEJKRjYkMNA7IiYme6AU Scan: Protections: I've used many encryptions for this one, Many Obfuscations and Many …
Easy CrackMe (YeetFuscator)
by Alex0- 8 replies
View File Easy CrackMe (YeetFuscator) Language: C#(.Net) Goal: to get the key of obfuscated file Key on the screenshot is wrong, you have to crack this CrackMe and send key with tutorial on how did you do that. Submitter Alex0 Submitted 07/02/2021 Category CrackMe
.NET Reactor v6.9 1 2
by AarJee- 40 replies
View File .NET Reactor v6.9 File packed with .NetReactor 6.9 -- All options Submitter AarJee Submitted 07/19/2023 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
Simple C++/CLI Mixed Assembly KeygenMe
by SuperJackAbcd- 1 reply
View File Simple C++/CLI Mixed Assembly KeygenMe Your goal is to create a keygen and make a tutorial and/ or write instructions about the steps done by you. What is C++/CLI? C++/CLI is C++ support .NET framework to make managed application run on .NET framework. Feel free to post your solutions. Submitter SuperJackAbcd Submitted 02/05/2022 Category KeygenMe
The Enigma Protector x64 v7.4 (HWID Lock) 1 2
by lovejoy226- 27 replies
View File The Enigma Protector x64 v7.4 (HWID Lock) Two simple Win x64 GUI applications protected using Enigma x64 v7.4. Challenge is to; bypass the hardware ID lock; unpack the application. Let us go together to solve this issue. Submitter The Binary Expert Submitted 06/17/2024 Category UnPackMe
MD5 Hash Keygenme
by lovejoy226- 8 replies
View File MD5 Hash Keygenme This is a simple MD5 Hash keygenme. It is protected with the themida. Submitter New Year - New Mind Submitted 02/11/2025 Category KeygenMe