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342 topics in this forum
Simple CrackMe #2 - Find The Missing Key
by mattheig- 7 replies
Language : C++ Platform : Windows x86 OS Version : Windows Packer / Protector : none Description Gold: A Simple CrackMe Solve the missing key. Bronze: If u don't find key - Patch it. Screenshot Crackke.exe
A Simple Go CrackMe
by jameswoods- 7 replies
Language : Golang Platform : Windows x86 OS Version : Tested on Windows 10 / Windows 7 Packer / Protector : UPX Description : This is a very simple crack me coded in Go. It is packed with UPX (unmodified) only to shrink the size of the binary. Screenshot : Scan Results : Packed: Unpacked: CrackMe.exe
Eazfuscator.NET 2020.3
by whoknows- 2 followers
- 18 replies
Language : C# frm4 Platform : Windows x86 OS Version : Windows 7+ Packer / Protector : Eazfuscator.NET 2019.1 w/ Virtualization + the new Homomorphic encryption Description : Find the way & explain how ggggg.rar -------- update :: 07/06/2019 I got a PM by @cawk, he successfully unpacked it + deobed..... - success 10/10 -- Eazfuscator.NET v2020.3 Language : C# frm4 Platform : Windows x86 OS Version : Windows 7+ Packer / Protector : Eazfuscator.NET v2020.3 w/ Virtualization upload not working so posted here till fixed!
RDG EnableMe 2022
by RDGMax- 2 followers
- 19 replies
View File RDG EnableMe 2022 RDG Enable Me 2022 vb6 password:crackme Difficulty 3 / 10 Compiler: Microsoft Visual Basic v6.0 Anti Tracing:No Anti Debugger: No Anti Newby: Si Obfuscated: Si (RDG vb6 Obfuscator) Anti Virtual Machine: No Anti SandBox: No Harmful Payload: NO! Internet Validation: No CRC on Disk: No CRC en Memory: No Admin Required: No Support Windows XP to Windows 11 Goal: Enable button and get Congratulations Message Submitter RDGMax Submitt…
Users Desktop CrackMe #2
by 0x777h- 1 follower
- 0 replies
View File Users Desktop CrackMe #2 This is the beta version of vxlang ! The purpose of this is to find an encrypted string. Thank you. Submitter 0x777h Submitted 12/02/2022 Category CrackMe
Users Desktop CrackMe #1
by 0x777h- 2 followers
- 12 replies
View File Users Desktop CrackMe #1 This is a demo of the packer. Demo is to find a password. (used simple anti-debugging and code-virtualization.) Thank you Submitter 0x777h Submitted 10/25/2022 Category CrackMe
RDG Crackme 2022
by RDGMax- 0 replies
View File RDG Crackme 2022 Hello my friends. here a new crackme! RDG Crackme 2022 vb6 Level 7 / 10 Compiled: Microsoft Visual Basic v6.0 Anti Tracing: Yes Anti Debugger: Yes (Of Course) Anti Newby: yes Obfuscated: Yes (RDG vb6 Obfuscator) Anti Virtual Machine: Yes Anti SandBox: Yes Malicious payload: NO! Internet Validation: Yes CRC On Disk: Yes CRC On Memory: NO Admin Required: Yes Support Windows XP to Windows 11 Goal: Get Activation Code x 2 thanks a lot! …
[ CyberLock ] License System CrackMe Challenge
by Shade Of Vengeance- 2 followers
- 2 replies
View File [ CyberLock ] License System CrackMe Challenge Hi, This is a simple crack me challenge protected by my own crafted packer, I don't know how hard is to break it but I assure you it's a good challenge. Challenges Pro Mode : Break the license checking system and find the key, activate the program, It will give you a quote of a famous philosopher, post a screenshot from it here, Share your solution if possible. God Mode : Crack the license checking system and patch it to accept any key as a valid key, Share the cracked file. Share your solution if possible. If you need hint and more details about protector v…
Simple C++/CLI Crackme x64bit
by SuperJackAbcd- 1 follower
- 2 replies
View File Simple C++/CLI Crackme x64bit Your goal is to crack the file and make a tutorial and/ or write instructions about the steps done by you. What is C++/CLI? C++/CLI is C++ support .NET framework to make managed application run on .NET framework. Feel free to post your solutions. Submitter SuperJackAbcd Submitted 01/26/2022 Category CrackMe
My first easy CrackMe
by m0rfl1ng- 2 followers
- 4 replies
View File My first easy CrackMe Hi guys , i write a very simple crack me , i really do not know how i should secure my code just write a very basic one . anyway i know it's very easy but still wanted to know other peoples opinion. if it did not run please let me know , i did not use any packer , or protector , just my own code , and it's written in C++ with visual studio 2019 on windows 10. Submitter: m0rfl1ng Category: CrackMe Virus Total Scan Submitter m0rfl1ng Submitted 11/28/2020 Category …
Custom Protector CrackMe
by Twaoperder- 1 follower
- 1 reply
View File Custom Protector CrackMe It is written in FASM, anti-debugging methods are used. You need to get the keys that were used to encrypt the hash being checked (Enter the necessary values in the input field to get "Success", and throw these values here) Submitter Twaoperder Submitted 08/21/2021 Category CrackMe
Python Patchme (Custom VM)
by svenskithesource- 5 replies
View File Python Patchme (Custom VM) Hello, Since the use of vm's is quite popular in .net obfuscation I thought it would be interesting to make one in Python. Hereby I release my first crackme using my VM. It's a very simple VM so it shouldn't be that hard to reverse with the right knowledge. This is purely experimental to see if it would be useful somehow. I also used my own protector that adds cflow, so expect to see a lot of jumps. Goal: Patch it (ultimately devirtualize it, but that's not necessary) Submitter svenskithesource Submitted …
Titanium (Python Obfuscator)
by Nqndi- 1 follower
- 3 replies
View File Titanium (Python Obfuscator) This is my first crackme, so I may have screwed up some things, but overall it should be a fun challenge. The file is protected with my own packer/obfuscator, Titanium, and compiled with pyinstaller. Read the readme before reversing. Submitter Nqndi Submitted 09/07/2021 Category CrackMe
by arsh3- 1 follower
- 2 replies
View File GalaxyProtector Provide a key and sende cleaned exe. Submitter arsh3 Submitted 07/14/2021 Category CrackMe
Xamarin C# CrackMe
by BlackHat- 4 replies
View File Xamarin C# CrackMe Platform / Language : Xamarin C# Protection : None VirusTotal : 1/66 Your goal is to Crack the File and make a Tutorial or Write Instructions about the Steps done by you. What is Xamarin? Xamarin is an open-source platform for building modern and performant applications for iOS, Android, and Windows with .NET. Xamarin is an abstraction layer that manages communication of shared code with underlying platform code. Xamarin runs in a managed environment that provides conveniences such …
VMProtect 3.4 & Custom OB
by Nope- 1 follower
- 3 replies
View File CrackMev2.exe Vmprotect 3.4 & Custom OB Vmprotect anti debug and VM protect is disabled Find the way & explain how Submitter Nope Submitted 07/15/2021 Category CrackMe
RDG Crackme 2016 v0.1 [vb6 :)]
by RDGMax- 9 replies
Difficulty : 5/10Language : VB6 [Inmortal] Platform : Windows 32/64OS Version : All windowsPacker / Protector : None Description : 1) Try to get a Valid serial for your ID 2) Patch :/ (for good work Message) Anti Debug: 5/10 Anti Decompile: 3/10 Anti Tracing: 5/10 Anti Dump: 2/10 Anti Dump: 2/10 Extra: 8/10 Screenshot : Thanks RDG_Crackme_vb6_v0.1_2016.rar
Fu*ckuscator v1.1
by Asentrix- 5 replies
View File Fu*ckuscator v1.1 Brand new obfuscator on the market. I've already completed this crackme but wanted to see what you guys come up with. Good luck! Submitter Asentrix Submitted 12/28/2020 Category CrackMe
PandaObfuscator, with custom VM
by CodeOfDark- 8 replies
Difficulty : 2-3 Language : .NET Platform : Windows OS Version : Windows7+ Packer / Protector : PandaObfuscator (Modded Confuser) with Custom VM Description : Just basic UnpackMe, want to see if my obfuscator good/bad Screenshot : GetMe.7z
Pyarmor CrackMe
by lopeg- 4 replies
View File Not easy but not hard CrackMe Try to find the key Hint : The key countains - Specials - Caps - Non caps - Numbers Enter the key and you will see the results. Good luck. Submitter lopeg Submitted 09/12/2020 Category CrackMe
by LoLLo90- 0 replies
View File Tricky Goals: Bronze - Patch the crackme to show the correct message Silver - Bronze + explain what is happening I don't know why Windows Defender is giving a false positive. My past here should prove I am not here to harm anyone. I only used Appfuscator for renaming. I checked the file and I did not see any other obfuscation or anything annoying automatically inserted by Appfuscator (like outline method calls). Please extract all the files in a folder to make the exe work properly. Let's fight! Submitter LoLLo90 Submitted…
by LoLLo90- 1 follower
- 6 replies
View File ClumsyVM This is my clumsy virtual machine 😃 Goals: Bronze - Patch the crackme to show the correct message Silver - Bronze + explain how the virtualized code works Gold - Silver + write a totally different virtualized code to pass the check Submitter LoLLo90 Submitted 01/31/2021 Category CrackMe
godpow#7468 CrackMe
by henlo- 1 reply
View File godpow#7468 CrackMe This has an anti-debugger which will constantly look for strings that'll contain the name of debuggers such as De4dot and more.. Submitter henlo Submitted 12/08/2020 Category CrackMe
small, simple crackme
by DefCon42- 7 replies
People who patch this instead of trying to find the key are boring :^) Language : C++ Platform : Windows x64 OS Version : Windows 10 Packer / Protector : None Description : This is a simple crackme i made over the course of the last 30 minutes. Hopefully you get a little fun out of it. Screenshot : crackme.exe
Poetic AutoIt (string/integer obfuscation)
by SimplyMercurial- 1 follower
- 3 replies
View File Poetic AutoIt (string/integer obfuscation) This is a simple CrackMe consisting of an input. The correct input is two stanzas of a particular poem and will reveal a label of the poem title and author upon success. Otherwise, "Try again..." will be displayed. If I'm allowed to be picky, I'm primarily interested in scripted efforts to RegEx analyze strings/integers. Very little effort (as in none) went into hiding the correct string. The script was merely passed-through a self-made obfuscator. Full disclosure: It contains rudimentary debugger and compilation checks which, if failed, falls into a while loop with a one secon…