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340 topics in this forum
[CrackMe] Remove Nag
by Sh4DoVV- 15 replies
Hi Friends Please Patch First Nag :-) Please Report Dificaulty Go0d Luck
[crackme] .net Crackme #16
by Kurapica- 15 replies
Keygen is required and no patching is allowed. CrackME.rar
[crackme] Coderipper Net Crackme 1 [solved by cocacolacore]
by CodeExplorer- 4 replies
Password: NETreverser Link: Some info: .NET CrackMe 1 (2009 03 24) Level: Very easy Task: Make the program to accept any serial (of any size) and change the registration state. Rules: No keygen - you can try but you will fail. Solutions must be a modified and working standalone executable of the original executable. You must provide details of the addresses and the bytes you modified with an explanation for why you chose to modify them. Good luck!
[crackme] Xyl Crackme 1
by xyl/FWK- 7 replies
I posted my crackme here because the code of crackme and really bizarre it is not the same thing as of C or of Delphi it is just an inputbox but the compilation made the complex code I even I do not have to find the means of it cracker! Your reaction on AutoIt and also welcome Download: You has cracked the program write small a tutoriel for shown with the other how you Ti made to have the serial the patching is authorized
[Crackme]#1 Agoes_doubleb
by agoes_doubleb- 4 replies
Hallo.... Enjoyed it..... Plis feedback...
[CrackMe]CrackMeLevel2 for Beginners
by I Promise Not To Use a Rude Name Again- 5 replies
Hello everyone please enjoy my CrackMe(Created in 3 minutes) If you know the answer,please send PM to me.
[crackme] CrackMe/Pass/User V.10
by jakeman- 5 replies
Hello, Yesterday I created my first CrackMe and decided to share with all of you. I guess it's a little easy but not to easy. It's not Encrypted or anything, or Encoding; Just Compiled. Post User: Pass: And Auth: Rules~~~~~ 1. No Patching 2. Find a correct working pass 3. Find a correct password ~[Hint]~ If you get a box saying "Use this for Auth, (then a number or Letter) WRITE DOWN! 4. Find a correct Authorization code 5. Well you can't keygen, it's a CrackMe 6. It's kind of easy, but my first one Hints 1. Look for boxes. 2. Look for repeated var. 3. Figure it out. CrackMe V.1…
- 14 replies
Hi every body. This is the Nested Poly Protection. They Mixed . Write a tutorial ,If Crack it. Note: Don't try to find Password Just Patch it. Thanx.
[crackme] Simple CrackME Hard ;)
by Sp1d3rZ- 10 replies
Protection v simple. Find a Correct Pass or any other solution. link updated:
[crackme] Brain**** CrackMe
by Hyperlisk- 2 replies
I wrote this forever ago, and just thought I would release it. It's written in Brain**** and compiled with BFD. I'll release the source after somone solves it UPDATE: Source >++++++++[->++++++++<]>++.++++.<++++++[->------<]>--.<+++++++[->+++++<]>.<++++++ +[->++++++<]>+++++.<++++[->----<]>-.++.<>++++++++.<++++++[->-----<]>.<++++++[->+ +++<]>.<++++++++[->--------<]>-----.+++.++++++++++++++.<++++++[->------<]>---.<+ +++++++[->+++++++<]>+.<+++++++[->++++++<]>+++++.<>-------------.----.<++++[->+++ +<]>+++.<+++++…
[reverseme] #9 By Lena151 1 2
by lena151- 25 replies
This is an attempt to code an "uncrackable" program in assembler. See to read the complete story. Aesthetics-only patching is NOT a valid solution! e.g. editing "UNREGISTERED" into whatever in a resources editor. Of course that this doesn't effectively register anything, right? Adding code, etc to make the ReverseMe display something isn't a valid thing either, right? You may however patch the reg scheme so that false data is still accepted as valid. If patching, please explain your solution so that I can verify its validity. It's clear that a keygen is preferred. Good luck and have fun lena151. ReverseMe_9_b…
by TALES- 2 replies
Try to be the right user and get the pass. If you get the goodboy message tell us how you did it. I hope this is a little bit more difficult then the first one. crackthis2.rar
by TALES- 4 replies
Try to be the right user and get the pass. If you get the right pass tell us how you did it. crackthis.rar
[crackme] from pyg crackme
by thisistest- 3 replies
一、取掉NAG窗口 BP MessageBoxA 00445077 . 8945 FC MOV DWORD PTR [EBP-4], EAX 0044507A . 8B45 FC MOV EAX, DWORD PTR [EBP-4] 0044507D . 66:83B8 D2020>CMP WORD PTR [EAX+2D2], 0 00445085 74 49 JE SHORT 004450D0 ; 此处改为JMP 00445087 . 33C0 XOR EAX, EAX 00445089 . 55 PUSH EBP 0044508A . 68 B1504400 PUSH 004450B1 0044508F . 64:FF30 PUSH DWORD PTR FS:[EAX] 00445092 . 64:8920 MOV DWORD PTR FS:[EAX], ESP 00445095 . 8B5D FC MOV EBX, DWORD PTR [EBP-4] 00445098 . 8B55 FC MOV EDX, DWORD PTR [EBP-4] 0044509B . 8B83 D4020000 MOV …
- 16 replies
Here is a challenge for all. Some time ago, I coded an (freeware for medical purposes) application which was never cracked. Too stupid, not worth bothering or too difficult ?!? Dunno ... but I hope you'll tell me. BTW, a registration scheme was only implemented to keep track of people's use (free registration). To comply with forum rules, I have grabbed the registration scheme and made a ReverseMe from it. Everything is allowed : serialfishing, patching, brute forcing ... the ultimate goal is a keygen. The only nag in the real stuff is when clicking the "Register" button. This reverseMe has more to make it easier. Each time an action is required, the registration sc…
[crackme] CrackMe2
by thisistest- 2 replies
004856C6 |. 84C0 test al,al 004856C8 0F84 EA000000 je CrackMe2.004857B8 004856CE |. 8D4D F4 lea ecx,[local.3] 004856D1 |. 8B15 088D4800 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[488D08] 004856D7 |. 8B83 18030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+318] 004856DD |. E8 D2FCFFFF call CrackMe2.004853B4 004856E2 |. 8B45 F4 mov eax,[local.3] 004856E5 |. 8D55 F8 lea edx,[local.2] 004856E8 |. E8 132CF8FF call CrackMe2.00408300 004856ED |. 8B45 F8 mov eax,[local.2] 004856F0 |. 50 push eax 004856F1 |. 8D55 F0 lea edx,[local.4] 004856F4 |. 8B83 04030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+304] 004856FA |. E8 0D3DFBFF call CrackMe2.00439…
[crackme] by:70 crackme
by by:70- 8 replies
by:70 crackme CRACKME1.rar
[crackme] crackme
by by:70- 8 replies
看看谁可以破解(Who can look at the break) crackme.rar
[crackme] CrackMe
by xiaojiam- 9 replies
So Easy CRACKME! MY NEW Work! CrackMe.rar
[crackme] #2 EaSy BuT HaRd
by Sp1d3rZ- 12 replies
V.EASY? CrackME #2 BUT HARD Protected with nBinder v5.5 Protection: Find Correct Serial Compression: MAX Cryptography: Enabled NoTe: If Any First Person DiD iT? *MAKE TUT* I will give U Mod Rank on my SITE. SO? Be Hurry! eNjOy! CrackME__2.rar
by by:70- 5 replies
China crackme.rar
[CrackMe/KeygenMe] Naked naughty .net doggy
by Ufo-Pu55y- 17 replies
Here we go, friends of .NET & other sh!t ! :biggrin: This was a fast one today evening, but I'm sure it's not easy to solve. It's clean and small, but might turn out as a hard nut :dry: Level : Bitch Good luck ! PS: Yes, it IS keygenable.. but just bring me that goodboy and u're actually done.
- 4 replies
This IS my website and the program I believe is pretty secure, however if you can crack it, I will give a small $50 usd reward out to the first person to do it. If you are interested in trying PM me and ill set an account up for you on my application. It is for a cheating site. I sell hacks for games such as battlefield, counterstrike, call of duty, etc
[Crackme]a crackme with float-point operation
by shellwolf- 4 replies
no anti,no trick. i hope someone can provide a valid regcode.or point the model of this crackme. crackme08031401.rar
by thisistest- 3 replies
PEDIY_CrackMe_2007 BP GetDlgItemTextA 名称在 unpacked, 项目 4 地址=00403120 类型=导入 (已知) 名称=USER32.GetDlgItemTextA 77D6AE36 > 8BFF MOV EDI,EDI 77D6AE38 55 PUSH EBP 77D6AE39 8BEC MOV EBP,ESP 77D6AE3B FF75 0C PUSH DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+C] 77D6AE3E FF75 08 PUSH DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+8] 77D6AE41 E8 888FFBFF CALL USER32.GetDlgItem 77D6AE46 85C0 TEST EAX,EAX 0012F9B0 0040153E /CALL 到 GetDlgItemTextA 来自 unpacked.00401539 0012F9B4 003E0AEE |hWnd = 003E0AEE ('TheBigMan's CrackMe #6',class='#32770') 0012F9B8 00000065 |ControlID = 65 (101.) 0012F9BC 0012F9D0 |Buffer = 0012F9D0 0012F9C0 0000010…