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[crackme] by:70 crackme


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  • 3 weeks later...

Yah, this was nice. Even something easy for beginners like me.

Just scrolled up to the MessageBoxA and saw that the String2 was Simplest! :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

0040106B . /0F85 85000000 jnz CRACKME1.004010F6

00401071 . |8B45 10 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+10]

00401074 . |25 FFFF0000 and eax,0FFFF

00401079 . |83F8 66 cmp eax,66

0040107C . |75 6A jnz short CRACKME1.004010E8

0040107E . |6A FF push -1 ; /Count = FFFFFFFF (-1.)

00401080 . |68 38304000 push CRACKME1.00403038 ; |Buffer = CRACKME1.00403038

00401085 . |6A 65 push 65 ; |ControlID = 65 (101.)

00401087 . |FF75 08 push dword ptr ss:[ebp+8] ; |hWnd

0040108A . |E8 AF000000 call <jmp.&USER32.GetDlgItemTextA> ; \GetDlgItemTextA

0040108F . |8D35 38304000 lea esi,dword ptr ds:[403038]

00401095 . |8D3D 9C304000 lea edi,dword ptr ds:[40309C]

0040109B . |57 push edi ; /String2 => "Simplest!"

0040109C . |56 push esi ; |String1 => ""

0040109D . |E8 C0000000 call <jmp.&KERNEL32.lstrcmpA> ; \lstrcmpA

004010A2 . |85C0 test eax,eax

004010A4 . |74 21 je short CRACKME1.004010C7

004010A6 . |6A 00 push 0 ; /Style = MB_OK|MB_APPLMODAL

004010A8 . |68 17304000 push CRACKME1.00403017 ; |Title = "错误"

004010AD . |68 00304000 push CRACKME1.00403000 ; |Text = "抱歉,输入注册码错误!"

004010B2 . |6A 00 push 0 ; |hOwner = NULL

004010B4 . |E8 91000000 call <jmp.&USER32.MessageBoxA> ; \MessageBoxA

004010B9 . |B8 00000000 mov eax,0

004010BE . |59 pop ecx

004010BF . |5A pop edx

004010C0 . |5E pop esi

004010C1 . |5F pop edi

004010C2 . |5B pop ebx

004010C3 . |C9 leave

004010C4 . |C2 1000 retn 10

004010C7 > |6A 00 push 0 ; /Style = MB_OK|MB_APPLMODAL

004010C9 . |68 33304000 push CRACKME1.00403033 ; |Title = "正确"

004010CE . |68 1C304000 push CRACKME1.0040301C ; |Text = "恭喜,输入注册号正确!"

004010D3 . |6A 00 push 0 ; |hOwner = NULL

004010D5 . |E8 70000000 call <jmp.&USER32.MessageBoxA> ; \MessageBoxA

004010DA . |B8 00000000 mov eax,0

004010DF . |59 pop ecx

004010E0 . |5A pop edx

004010E1 . |5E pop esi

004010E2 . |5F pop edi

004010E3 . |5B pop ebx

004010E4 . |C9 leave

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