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158 topics in this forum
PureBasic Adventures - Calendar Date Format
by Teddy Rogers- 0 replies
This is a repost from the "PureBasic Adventures" blog... A query was raised last week about how to determine the calendar date format for different regions; year/month/day, day/month/year, etc. After a bit of fruitless pondering whether this could be achieved via API I decided to see if it could be done via the registry. Multiple editions of Windows support the International registry subkey and from there we can use either sShortDate or sLongDate to help us reach our goal. The operating system kindly finds and formats the calendar date in the correct regional order when the user configures their region in the Control Panel or during installation. I chose sShortDate a…
PureBasic Adventures - DebugBlocker()
by Teddy Rogers- 1 follower
- 0 replies
This is a repost from the "PureBasic Adventures" blog... Here is a simple example in PureBasic code for using a self-debugger, commonly referred to as Debug Blocker. Compile (or run one of the attached executables in the archive) and click on the "CLICK ME!" button to create a duplicate process being self-debugged. Any queries about the code please comment below... ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; PureBasic DebugBlocker() function, creates a copy of the currently running ; process as a child and attaches to it for self-debugging. This method is ; commonly referred to as "self-debugging" or "Debug Blocker" and is used …
by Teddy Rogers- 1 follower
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This is a repost from the "PureBasic Adventures" blog... Apparently... Windows 8.1 came with a new flag for PrintWindow called, PW_RENDERFULLCONTENT. This allows PrintWindow to properly capture window content that is displaying DirectX through DWM. Below are some screenshots taken of Unreal Tournament. The first is how PrintWindow normally captures a window with DirectX content being rendered inside it, notice the window border is missing and there is corrupted graphics on the right. The second screenshot is taken with PW_RENDERFULLCONTENT... Below is an example using PureBasic code, there isn't much information about PW_RENDERFULLCONTENT and it is cu…
PureBasic Adventures - IsUserAnAdministrator()
by Teddy Rogers- 0 replies
This is a repost from the "PureBasic Adventures" blog... I needed some code in PureBasic to check if the logged in user and/or running process is a member of the Administrator group. There is IsUserAnAdmin function, it works and is easy to include in your code... If IsUserAnAdmin_() Debug "Running as an Adminstrator" Else Debug "Running as a Limited User" EndIf Unfortunately as Microsoft states on MSDN it's a wrapper on a short lifespan, support for it ended with Windows Vista but the function still works in Windows 8.1. Microsoft suggests using the CheckTokenMembership function with the SID identifier NtAthority which, requires a little bit more code to b…
PureBasic Adventures - Dual SysTray
by Teddy Rogers- 0 replies
This is a repost from the "PureBasic Adventures" blog... Last year a friend of mine was talking about PureBasic and how easy and good it was for coding and how much he liked working with it. I didn't really take much notice of it - it was just another Basic language, right?! Earlier this year he started showing off some of his remade old school crack intro's and demos from way back in the early 80's and 90's from the Amiga scene including some general effects so I decided to download a copy of PureBasic and tried out some of the features of the language. I liked it so much that I ended up purchasing a licence for PureBasic and have been using it ever since when I've …
arithmetic operator obfuscation (source)
by DefCon42- 1 reply
- 7.9k views decided to release the source because it's a neat example of a practical application of linear algebra yes, i know the code does not look great and there's blatant violations of like every standard ever no, i won't change that :^) note: only works with relatively simple operations. add, sub, not, etc will work but higher order operators like multiplication and exponentiation will not
Raylib 3.0 Released
by Kurapica- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Keras(deep learning) for Delphi
by root- 1 follower
- 0 replies
this is my project for porting keras(Deep Learning for humans to delphi Keras4Delphi is a high-level neural networks API, written in Pascal with Python Binding
Simple Polymorphic Engine (SPE32)
by Bartosz Wójcik- 2 replies
Simple Polymorphic Engine (SPE32) is a simple polymorphic engine for encrypting code and data. It is an amateur project that can be used to demonstrate what polymorphic engines are. SPE32 allows you to encrypt any data and generate a unique decryption code for this data. The encryption algorithm uses randomly selected instructions and encryption keys. Sample polymorphic code in x86dbg window: Another polymorphic code mutation, this time with code junks
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I used this in my MyAppSecured exe protector project. This code emulates the winAPI CreateThread using ZwCreateThread, in pure MASM, compiled in WinASM studio. Feel free to use it for your own projects. ZwCreateThread example.rar
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I created this experimental project. I hope someone can be useful. any collaboration and improvement is welcome thank you
Some Win32 offline reference help files (chm)
by fearless- 5 replies
I have a small collection of win32 reference help files in chm format, created with PackageThis. Unfortunately the PackageThis ( doesnt work anymore, and hasnt been updated in years. At the time i only collected a few topics of potential interest to myself and not every subset of the MSDN library. The collection contains the following: COM.chm Cryptography.chm DeviceManagement.chm DynamicLinkLibraries.chm FileManagement.chm FileSystems.chm ListviewControls.chm MAPI.chm ODBC.chm Processes.chm ProgressBarControls.chm psapi.chm Services.chm ToolbarCont…
RSA Encryption and Decryption Free Online Tool
by only2dhir- 0 replies
RSA Encryption and Decryption Free Online Tool
ModernUI_Spinner Control [asm x86]
by fearless- 2 replies
I created a spinner type control to add to the ModernUI controls (based on an my original version a few years ago: - typically used when loading, pre-loading or processing something and to hint or indicate to the user something is occurring - similar in that regard to progress bar controls. Download The control can be downloaded via the ModernUI repository or downloaded directly from this link: Example I created an example project to demonstrate it. The example (which includes a Radasm project) can be download…
Debugging in Turbo Pascal like it's 1994
by whoknows- 3 replies
[php || python] Bookmarks Checker
by whoknows- 1 reply
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Java, JavaScript, Python, Node JS, PHP, GoLang, C#, Angular, VueJS, TypeScript, JavaEE, Spring, JAX-RS, JPA, etc. Totally free and open source
Best Resource To learn Assembly programming?
by James Taylor- 9 replies
How did you start learning assembly programming language? What books is best for helping learning assembly from ground up? Please make you own opinion based on your experience. Thanks
DDOS Attack Tool
by CodeExplorer- 14 replies
DDOS Attack Tool source code VB .NET Attached.
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I have one windows application which I want to run in virtual machine but its detecting that application is running in virtual machine. I have tried modifying registry and also tried other tweaks in order to make my virtual machine looks like real computer. I have tried windows 7,8 and 10 in virtual machine but same result. I need someone who can modify the virtual machine so that the application can run in virtual machine. I need to run that application in Oracle VM Virtual Box. I am attaching the exe I want to run in the Oracle VM Virtual Box. According to my research the exe is finding the name virtual machine and VBOX from registry and from other places i.e. from driv…
Apatana Studio
by CodeExplorer- 1 reply
Apatana Studio shit: Web designer but doesn't compare with TOWeb5 (the best) or openElement! Run Aptana_Studio_3_Setup_3.6.1.exe /extract:"folder" else node-v8.9.3-x86.msi needed! After extracting: you could launch AptanaStudio3.exe or you could launch studio3.bat When you wanna launch web page (Run->Run Ctrl+F11) you got to select a html file from your project. Maybe (just maybe) someone will find this useful.
Get a Windows 10 Development Environment...
by Teddy Rogers- 0 replies
Get a Windows 10 Development Environment Ted.
Assembly Language
by CodeExplorer- 0 replies
Assembly Language: Assembly Language P1: Construction of a 32 bits processor Assembly Language P2: The construction of Executable Windows files Assembly Language P3: Processor Instructions Assembly Language P4: Coprocessor Instructions Assembly Language P5: Global variable Assembly Language P6: Functions and local variables I know they aren't perfect. Please report any bug or misleading you may find.
Creating Controls In Assembler
by fearless- 2 replies
I created an online or downloadable book using Note: The downloadable epub and mobi formats on seem a little buggy. The downloadable pdf format appears to be fine, and reading the gitbook online shows the animated gifs (static images displayed alongside for the ebook formats). Hopefully it is interesting and/or useful to someone.
JVM Internals (Java)
by CodeExplorer- 2 replies
JVM Internals (Java) Link: