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[ BBC Tech ] Teenager held over website hacks

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Teddy Rogers

How do you know that or am I missing a latest news update on this? Possibly this guy was not part of Lulz and could primarily be the press guessing at this being connected to recent hacks...


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They say so on their twitter channel...

But of course the press are quick to slap the lulzsec tag on everything fishy, what with operation AntiSec

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on the other hand, the lulzsec exposed blog has 220k followers, more than the lulzsec twitter account, and ls hasnt made any comments regarding it as of now...

looking those chatlogs thozg (all are from the subcrew, afaik), some of them were indeed...naive...using HideMyAss as a "VPN", not knowing how to encrypt their HDDs... :S

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