Programming and Coding
Programming and coding tips, help and solutions...
1,886 topics in this forum
Code Question
by Scale- 0 replies
How would i go about and find the code for repressing for example: In most games when u shoot a pistol it will fire only once till u press it again, or Quake games where if u press and hold space in mid air u will automaticly jump again once u hit the ground. but then wont jump again unless u release and repress space. Dont know how i should look for it :X Thanks for the help.
Need Help With Masm Dialog Resource File Data
by kittmaster- 2 replies
Thanks!! Chris I found winasm, that makes life sooooooo much easier!!! chris
Asm Bassmod Source Code
by Guest badboy- 4 replies
- 4.6k views Enjoy -FudoWarez
Vb6 Help
by Guest Rhys2002- 8 replies
Any ideas how i can close exe's down when opened with shellexecute. Or is there another way i can open and close these exe's but keep the default exe directory path. Thanks again
Recourse Hacking
by Scale- 15 replies
In the 16'th tutorial lena shows a modifyed olly with an extra menu with his other tools. Now adding the menu wasnt that hard. But how do tell the program start those programs when clicking that menu button. A litle explantion or a point in the right direction or a tutorial would be very appriciated. Scale. (sorry if this wasnt in the correct section)
Mouseover Buttons
by Guest Tundra- 8 replies
How do you test if a mouse is hovering over a certain button?
Delphi Multiline Editcontrol
by Ziggy- 2 replies
I need to have a multiline readonly editcontrol in a Delphi 2005 app - the equivalent of the ES_MULTILINE MASM resource flag. I can't find anything in the Delphi 2005 documentation describing how to do this. Web search didn't find anything helpful either - maybe I'm not looking in the right place ? Any help appreciated please. Z
Mod Format Help
by Guest Firebreath- 3 replies
Hello I am still new to programming in asm, and I would like to ask how is it possible i could run *.mod files in assembly for music? i came across a tutorial to run *.xm files in asm which was great, but i wanted to know how it would be possible to add mod files.
Combobox Background Colour
by Ziggy- 3 replies
I want to change the background colour of a ComboBox control. For static and edit controls this can easily be done by handling the WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC or WM_CTLCOLOREDIT messages. But I don't know what to use for a ComboBox. WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX doesn't work and a search hasn't turned up much of any use. Any help appreciated please. Z
Delphi Function Problem
by SuperCRacker- 15 replies
Hi all, I'm facing these days a problem with my delphi coding. To be brief, the problem is that Delphi doesn't provide in its internal functions a function that can search for a hex value in a file. I coded my own function but it seems that it takes too much time, I also looked around in the net, but nothing found. If you can help me either by suggesting a delphi function found on the net, or a delphi component or your own algo (even in different language) or maybe an API function that could do this job . The most important thing is that it must take less time (very quick). Thnks for your help. SC.
- 0 replies
Most here will probably be checking ARTeam tutorials and releases on a regular basis. For those who have missed it, Goppit has released a very nice tutorial on w32ASM coding for reversers. Great release: /> (follow links to tutoial section) Thanx to Goppit and ARTeam for their effort writing this one!