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Combobox Background Colour


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I want to change the background colour of a ComboBox control.

For static and edit controls this can easily be done by handling the WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC or WM_CTLCOLOREDIT messages. But I don't know what to use for a ComboBox. WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX doesn't work and a search hasn't turned up much of any use.

Any help appreciated please.


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Thanks diablo

Finally go it working with some trial and error.

Since a ComboBox has 2 parts - EditControl and DropDownList both need to be handled separately.

in the main windows message processing you need to

process the EDITCONTROL part of the ComboBox


mov eax, lParam

.if eax==hComboSelect ; ComboBox handle

invoke SetBkMode,wParam,TRANSPARENT; Background of Edit Text

RGB 0,0,0 ; black background or whatever color you want

invoke SetBkColor, wParam, eax

RGB TextRed, TextGreen, TextBlue ;eax = Text colour

invoke SetTextColor,wParam, eax ;set TextColor

invoke GetStockObject,NULL_BRUSH ;return a brush



and you need to subclass the ComboBox control and process the WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX

for the drop down list


invoke SetBkMode,wParam,TRANSPARENT ;Background of list Text

RGB TextRed, TextGreen, TextBlue ;eax = Text colour

invoke SetTextColor,wParam, eax ;set TextColor

invoke CreateSolidBrush, 00h ; black brush or whatever color you want



Hope someone else finds this useful one day.


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