Programming and Coding
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1,885 topics in this forum
Polymorphism In Delphi
by midnewbie- 0 replies
hi, i wanted to make this simple Crypter Stub (not the body that is crypted) polymorphic which is on every crypting exe generating diffrent kind of code for the Stub, just like morphine. but i have no idea technically what Polymorphism looks like other that the Definition the defnition says Polymorphic exe is a program which generates different code algorithm on every execution, can it be done with delphi code show me how please for i have attached some delphi simple xor crypter. here is the Stub Code --> procedure AddExeLoader; procedure _load_iat; stdcall; forward; procedure _load_code(lpLoadLibrary, lpGetProcAddress: Pointer; lpSectionBegin: DWORD); stdcal…
How To Dump Memory Of Process Programatically?
by rongchaua- 2 replies
Hi all, I would like to dump the memory of a process to a file (as we use Winhex to dump memory and save to file). But I don't know where to start. Are there any library to do that or some tutorial about this problem? Thank you very much. rca.
- 7 replies
This is some code i found on Ap0x site, its a debuger detection algorithm. .model flat, stdcall option casemap :none ; case sensitive include \masm32\include\ include \masm32\include\ include \masm32\include\ includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib .data DbgNotFoundTitle db "Debugger status:",0h DbgFoundTitle db "Debugger status:",0h DbgNotFoundText db "Debugger not found!",0h DbgFoundText db "Debugger found!",0h .code start: LEA EAX,DWORD PTR[IsDebuggerPresent+2h] MOV EAX,DWORD PTR[EAX] MOV EAX,DWORD PTR[EAX] CMP BYTE PTR[EAX],64h JNE @DebuggerDetected PUSH 40h PUSH off…
Pezip 1.0 Source Code
by Teddy Rogers- 0 replies
This is the Delphi source code to PEZip v1.0 by Baggie. Maybe it is of use to someone who wants to study using ZIP compression... Ted.
Delphi Inline Asm
by ChupaChu- 2 replies
I wonder if there is a way to hide calls i make from inlined asm? For example if i call RDTSC regullary (every few sec's) to check if code execution is geting too slow (usualy means: i'm being debuged) by searching my exe for '0F 31' bytes or RDTSC command in olly this anti-debug trick is very easy to be found. So is there a simple way to get around this? Regards, ChupaChu!
Cpp, C#, .net ,asm Tut
by d3will- 8 replies
- 4.7k views " source: " rapidshar…
Asm Opcode Rol?
by ChupaChu- 6 replies
I am coding a keygen, and im stuck. I'm writing it in Borlad Delphi 10. In target AL value is ROL-ed with CL value. e.g. ROL 16,32 would give 58 as result! (if using EAX and ECX one would get 580000 all in hex!) ROL 69,48 would give 69 as result! (if using EAX and ECX one would get 6900 all in hex!) Now this i canot do in delphi: 1. ROL as such does not exist in delphi (so i cant implement asm code part (c/p) from source target). 2. i tried using SHL - what gives correct/SAME values as ROL if calculating with dword values, but as i must calculate byte values (AL,CL) i get wrong result. 3. implementing asm part in delphi with SHL al,cl gives me a [Pascal Error] : E2107 Ope…
Assm & C++
by ReiKo- 19 replies
First of all i woud like to say that my goal from this two programing lang. is to make future cracktros. I have some questions and woud like some opinion on them. Is Assambler or C++ better for makeing cracktros? I have much more experience in C++ and it seems very interesting to me, but as i see lots of cracktros / keygens are coded in Assambler. These are issues : Assambler - Fast - Much smaller exe's - It's good to know it for your cracking skills C++ - It's newer lang after all and I can do more with it later if I dont do only Cracktros/Demos, ( I can make games,applications and etc. ). - I have more experience on it then on Assambler - Easier to learn and advanc…
Terminateprocess Does Not Work Every Time
by ChupaChu- 4 replies
I want to be able to kill EVERY process no mather what, but it seems code i'm using is not good enough to do that. Here is what i use: I find handle of process using something like this hProcess:= OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, aProcessId); Then i try to kill it with this: TerminateProcess(hProcess, 0); Problem is it works with notepad and similar programs, but not with many others.. Any sugestions? Regards,ChupaChu!
Call (member) Function(s) In Exe
by Guest Bokito- 6 replies
Hello, I have the following problem: When decompiling an executable with IDA pro i noticed the classes and member functions were also showing (exe was compiled with vc6). What i would like to do is call these member functions from another process (and get the return values). I can inject a dll into the running process, but then i can only call winAPI functions and not the member functions. So is this even possible?
- 2 replies
I had an idea to make a universal "ant-olly" routine for my delphi program. Basicaly what id does is: -get all processes runing -get all modules of each and every process -if module name gets recognized it trigers stuff in program. I am using lists to store all the data, and Pos(ModuleName[j], Strings) in a loop to check for known blacklisted modules. Is there a way to make the code faster? Execution on average system takes about 600ms (and CPU usage gets to 100% for that time) I want to reduce cpu consumption, and i know asm code would most definetly do just that but my asm skils are almost equal to none. I'm gratefull for every help i get! Regards, ChupaChu!
by Guest sonic_00- 6 replies
hi there, i'm new in this forum. I'd like to know how to create a GFX with images instead of normal buttons and forms. I use Delphi 7. Can you help me? (erm... note that i'm sixteen, i don't have a great experience...)
Color7 Video Converter KeyFile Maker
by Giggles- 4 replies
File Name: Color7 Video Converter KeyFile Maker File Submitter: Giggles File Submitted: 3 Aug 2007 File Category: Source Code A small KeyFile Maker coded in Visual Basic 6.0 to create a KeyFile for Color7 Video Converter. Information is in the "About KeyFile Maker" text file included. Coded By BlueCode\tSORE Click here to download this file
Advancedolly Source Code
by diamond_sh- 4 replies
is there any free source code for addvanceolly plugin ? i need source code of debug bits part or many information about implement of heape flags,force flags and Ntglobal flags in this plugin. please help me. with special thanks Goodluck
Math Lib Suggestion
by Guest Swell- 0 replies
Hi, I'm currently developping a finance application and I'm using this math libs QuantLib: Free and very nice lib NAG Mark 8: Huge lib. Probably the best as far as I know Does anyone here use or know some math libs for finance? Thanks in advance!
Interrupts Access In Windows
by diamond_sh- 3 replies
hi everyone i am sorry for my bad english is there any way to interrupts access without using sys file? for example can i write kernel mode program in a dll? or can i acess to interrupts with directly using assembly in windows? please help me
Font Problem 1 2
by human- 31 replies
does someone has a clue wtf is goin on. i try to use terminal font inside edit box. font=CreateFont(-8,0,0,0,FW_NORMAL,0,0,0,DEFAULT_CHARSET,0,0,0,0,"Terminal"); hEdit=GetDlgItem(hWnd,MINT_EDIT); SendMessage(hEdit,WM_SETFONT,(WPARAM)font,1); well it sets font to terminal but some of chars are incorrect, but when i run ollydbg in background or run it in olly then somehow magical all chars are like ansi in dos. and question is what do i have to set more to get same effect without olly, i could do it all as bitmap but im too lazy to recode asm back to c++
Xp Style Manifest
by Ziggy- 16 replies
Months ago - (I can't remember how far back) this XP STyle manifest did the job of changing buttons etc to XP Style. One of the WINXP hotfixes over the last few months has changed something. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Windows.Keygen" processorArchitecture="x86" version="" type="win32"/> <description>SnD Keygen</description> <dependency> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" …
Writable Virtual Drive
by levil- 2 replies
Daemon Tools,Alcohol,etc. let you mount an image to a virtual drive, but they're for pre-made images. And the mounted image is not writable at all. Is it possible to make a virtual drive which is writable? To select it from any of the burning softwares, and the burned data will be written to an image file on the hard drive. I found some solutions - open source virtual drive makers, but after hours of discovering the code,I realized that I don't have enough experience to upgrade it. And I also don't know is it generally possible.Any solution? found sources:…
Delphi Xm Player Source Code...
by Teddy Rogers- 2 replies
Here is a Delphi example code on how to play multiple XM files in a DLL using uFMOD Ted.
Window In Asm
by Guest sonic_00- 12 replies
I'm back (after months ) well i'm trying to learn MASM and i've copied the code of lioczar's tutorial on a new file in Quick Editor, just to see if it works, but it doesn't. Why? The code: .386 .model flat, stdcallinclude \masm32\include\ include \masm32\include\ include \masm32\include\kernel32.incincludelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib.DATA ClassName db "SimpleWinClass",0 AppName db "Our First Window",0 .DATA? hInstance HINSTANCE ? CommandLine LPSTR ?.CODE start: invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL mov hInstance,eax invoke GetCommandLine mov CommandLine,eax invoke WinMain, hInstance,NULL,CommandLine, SW_SHOWDEF…
Sinusscroller Help In Asm
by F0X- 10 replies
hey guy's, since angel-55 is off for some days, I was trying to make my own keygen layout, and I wanted a sinusscroller on the top, one that just make sinus movements steady on one place, not moving I mean this skin: that top text: "
(a Mod B)
by Mouradpr- 5 replies
please i want a source code with masm for calcul ( a mod B )... thnks
My First Scaner : Winupack 0.39 Scanner
by Mouradpr- 6 replies
this is my first scanner .... mini scanner for Winupack 0.39 version beta coded by MASM Please encourage your Winupack_Scan.rar
Help With
by Guest quantumfusion- 1 reply
what does Encoding.get_Default().GetBytes(whatever) do ? and BitConverter.GetBytes(num2 + 1) do ? and text1 = Encoding.get_Default().GetString(buffer1, 5, num4); do ? thanks