Programming and Coding
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1,876 topics in this forum
change entry point
by ragdog- 14 replies
hi I search an example for change entry point in masm32 can your help me please? greets, ragdog
How To Code A Colored Dialog
by diablo2oo2- 14 replies
This is just a little example how to make colored dialogs... dialog.color.example.rar
code injection
by ragdog- 4 replies
hi all i search a masm32 source for code injection to a running process. i found only this code this crash my target no plan why ? can you help me or have your a good example? .386 .model flat, stdcall option casemap:none include \masm32\include\ include \masm32\include\ include \masm32\include\ includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\ szTarget byte 'Notepad', 0 szUser32 byte 'USER32.DLL', 0 szSharedData byte 261 dup (0).data? hModule dword ? hNewModule dword ? hProcess dword ? dwSize dword ? dwPid dword ? dwBytesWritten dword ? dwTid dword ? .codeHijackedThread proc invoke MessageBox, 0, addr szTarget, ad…
injecting calls?
by high6- 9 replies
So I want to inject a call into a remote process that I can call with CreateRemoteThread. Problem is that if a few of the api calls aren't to the same place in memory with the target and the compiled stub then it wont work. Whats an easy way to compile a C++ stub and fix its api calls? I rather not make a 2d array of where the call is in the stub and what api it is, to fix it. All I can think of is have an array that is pointers to the apis instead and have my stub call those. Then when I inject it I fix the pointers. If thats what I should do can someone give an example?
How to change the color background Inno Setup?
by zombie123- 2 replies
Hello was just wondering how you would change the background color in IsTools i went on top and clicked Project Then Setup Options Then Appearance then there you will see Background color i tried changing the color or even clicking on Custom and tried doing my own color i want it then clicking Apply then clicking OK - now when i go to Compile Setup then try out the exe the color is still white for the background if anyone can help me do it proper i would really appreciate it
Pe Headers Editor + Source Code...
by Teddy Rogers- 10 replies
As the title says, a PE Header Editor with full source code. Maybe of interest to someone here... PE_Header_Editor_2.0.rar Ted.
by ShadowRayz- 4 replies
K, so i wrote a small masm exe to see how it'll look when its compiled, kinda same..the only major difference was that in the source i did an IF condition. when i debugged the .exe the .if eax == null.........endif became OR EAX,EAX, i didn't really find anything about that in google for some reason...can anyone explain how that OR works and if i can use it as a replacement for the .if .endif somehow. Thanx
2 new antidebug tricks?
by rendari- 4 replies
Ran across these two tricks while browsing through the Woomann blogs forum. Haven't seen those before, figured I might bring it to your guys' attention before a protection author does Cheers!
How to use minifmod in delphi?
by nilsen- 7 replies
Hi! Can anybody help me ? i need to use bassmod.dll or minifmod.dll i wonder how the code should look like
How to pause/resume WAVE? (Win32 API)
by alaphate- 2 replies
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(message) { case WM_CREATE: sndPlaySound("hello.wav", SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC); return 0; }I know how to stop it by sndPlaySound("", SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC); //sending NULL string but how to pause and resume it? Thanks a lot for helping me.
Content deleted
by FLeXuS_GReeN- 2 replies
Someone might help to create an nfo scroll in asm because I have no idea, and will be great if someone gives me a hand please! thank's.....
- 8 replies
I can calculate the result by pressing <enter>, however, It will doesn't work after I click the application's tray icon. Thanks a lot, my buddies Attachment is my project. Below is my source code. #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "resource.h"HINSTANCE hInst; NOTIFYICONDATA nid; bool isMin = false;BOOL CALLBACK DlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { char szBuf[15]; double a, b, result; switch(message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: //create tray icon nid.cbSize = sizeof(nid); nid.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInst, "MYICON"); nid.uCallbackMessage = WM_USER + 1; nid.hWnd = hwnd; nid.uID = WM_USER + 2; str…
Delphi encrypt directory
by afre_N- 4 replies
who know delphi code to encrypt directory?? help me please..
MiniDBG with source
by langxang- 0 replies
MASM source of MiniDBG debugger.rar
minifmod help, win32 api programming, thx
by alaphate- 4 replies
Any buddy can help me to tackle this problem? Thanks a lot. Attachment is my source files.
by Fungus- 9 replies
I am patching an old game, I have reversed the winmm.dll calls for playing audio from the cd, and I know how to get out the track number and convert it to a filename. I want to replace the playing routines with bass.dll so I can play the .wav rips instead. I need to be able to play, stop and loop (and checking the position of the current play to loop it). anyone can help with this? I tried the examples that come with bass , but they .wav player doesn't seem to work on my system (no sound). I plan to write a nocd tut for this game when I am done patching and testing, so all help much appreciated. =) Cheers
unpacker stubs?
by high6- 6 replies
I was wondering how do packer makers make stubs? Do they program a unpack stub in say C++ then get the bytecodes and have the unpacker use the bytecodes as a base stub?
Moving text effect
by ShadowRayz- 1 reply
Sometimes keygens and websites use that feature, in a program you got a textbox and the text like moves to the left and it deletes a character everytime, but then the text reappears from the other side, thats where im stuck.. i can make it disappear to the left but i have no idea how to make it reappear again... that's the code i wrote so far Public back As StringPrivate Sub Command1_Click() If (Timer1.Enabled = True) Then Timer1.Enabled = False Else Timer1.Enabled = True End If End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load() Timer1.Enabled = False Timer1.Interval = 80 End SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer() If (LenB(Text1.Text) <> 0) Then back = Text1.Text back = Mid$(back, 2, Len(Tex…
dll unpack, GetThreadContext error... solution
by langxang- 3 replies
Here is a unpacker for PECompact packed dll, but there are some error occur: 1、CreateProcess use command line: loaddll.exe *.dll (just like ollydbg) 2、While CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT,log the DBEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hProcess and DBEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hThread 3、While LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT, when load *.dll, SuspendThread DBEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hThread, than set breakpoint in OEP,and ResumeThread DBEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hThread, while GetThreadContext, Context.regEip always stop in ntdll.KiFastSystemCallRet, can not get dll's regEip: ProcessDll proc LOCAL Buffer [64]:byte LOCAL BP1_data,BP2_data,BP3_data,BP4_data:DWORD LOCAL BP1,BP2,BP3,BP4:DWORD LOCAL hPro…
Writing A Loader
by .::God::.- 10 replies
Can someone give me an example in Delphi/ASM on how to write a loader: That breaks on the first DefWindowProcA, modifies an address and then resumes process. Just some example code will do, thanks.
Code Segment
by rcemoss- 6 replies
Got a window that has a field for a machine specific license and a field for a key that pops the getwindowtexta in the following code with every keystroke until the field is filled. TIA for any explanation of code. .text:004F0FAD align 10h .text:004F0FB0 push 0FFFFFFFFh .text:004F0FB2 push offset loc_579A18 .text:004F0FB7 mov eax, large fs:0 .text:004F0FBD push eax .text:004F0FBE mov large fs:0, esp .text:004F0FC5 push ecx .text:004F0FC6 push esi .text:004F0FC7 mov esi, ecx .text:004F0FC9 …
Adding More Menus To My Olly With Reshack
by kittmaster- 24 replies
I'm adding some additional menus in reshack, I have the menu structure I want with the new ,XXXX control IDs. My question is how do connect the XXXX ids to engauge the action item of the menu to a the external launched exe? Like in the menu, I want to launch ImpRec. I now have the menu item, just need to figure out the launch sequence based on the fixed path. I can't find anything in reshack that allows modification of this. I've searched the forum, can't seem to find what I'm trying to do. Thoughts and tools? Chris
My Contribution To Hacker/Cracker/Programmer Community
by Tony Scott- 0 replies
Here is a media player I created in C# with DotNetBar. DotNetBar was used as a cracking target in "Cracking dotnet controls pt.1". I just wanted to show everyone what this little awesome control can do, anywho, the app was created on vista ultimate w/ .net 3.5, but should work on xp, also, of course you will need the dotnet framework to run. WindowsFormsApplication1.rar
by high6- 2 replies
I was wondering, how does compression/decompression of bits work? anyone have an example of compressing bits in C++. Just a simple one?
interesting asm links?
by glaufan- 0 replies
hi all I recently registered here after reading a bit of the forums here for some time and thought I might share a recently created 'subreddit' on for asm related links, code or articles It has a few interesting links, but could do with some more, so I thought maybe some people here have some gems that would be suitable for submitting to reddit? ps. if you haven't used reddit before, people submit links and they are either voted up or down based on peoples opinion of them and you can also comment on submissions