Programming and Coding
Programming and coding tips, help and solutions...
1,877 topics in this forum
ASM Editor
by jackyyll- 5 replies
What editor do most people use to edit asm source code (more specifically, masm)? Looking for a good one to use to get started with masm.
change entry point
by ragdog- 14 replies
hi I search an example for change entry point in masm32 can your help me please? greets, ragdog
How To Code A Colored Dialog
by diablo2oo2- 14 replies
This is just a little example how to make colored dialogs... dialog.color.example.rar
code injection
by ragdog- 4 replies
hi all i search a masm32 source for code injection to a running process. i found only this code this crash my target no plan why ? can you help me or have your a good example? .386 .model flat, stdcall option casemap:none include \masm32\include\ include \masm32\include\ include \masm32\include\ includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\ szTarget byte 'Notepad', 0 szUser32 byte 'USER32.DLL', 0 szSharedData byte 261 dup (0).data? hModule dword ? hNewModule dword ? hProcess dword ? dwSize dword ? dwPid dword ? dwBytesWritten dword ? dwTid dword ? .codeHijackedThread proc invoke MessageBox, 0, addr szTarget, ad…
injecting calls?
by high6- 9 replies
So I want to inject a call into a remote process that I can call with CreateRemoteThread. Problem is that if a few of the api calls aren't to the same place in memory with the target and the compiled stub then it wont work. Whats an easy way to compile a C++ stub and fix its api calls? I rather not make a 2d array of where the call is in the stub and what api it is, to fix it. All I can think of is have an array that is pointers to the apis instead and have my stub call those. Then when I inject it I fix the pointers. If thats what I should do can someone give an example?
How to change the color background Inno Setup?
by zombie123- 2 replies
Hello was just wondering how you would change the background color in IsTools i went on top and clicked Project Then Setup Options Then Appearance then there you will see Background color i tried changing the color or even clicking on Custom and tried doing my own color i want it then clicking Apply then clicking OK - now when i go to Compile Setup then try out the exe the color is still white for the background if anyone can help me do it proper i would really appreciate it
Pe Headers Editor + Source Code...
by Teddy Rogers- 10 replies
As the title says, a PE Header Editor with full source code. Maybe of interest to someone here... PE_Header_Editor_2.0.rar Ted.
by ShadowRayz- 4 replies
K, so i wrote a small masm exe to see how it'll look when its compiled, kinda same..the only major difference was that in the source i did an IF condition. when i debugged the .exe the .if eax == null.........endif became OR EAX,EAX, i didn't really find anything about that in google for some reason...can anyone explain how that OR works and if i can use it as a replacement for the .if .endif somehow. Thanx
2 new antidebug tricks?
by rendari- 4 replies
Ran across these two tricks while browsing through the Woomann blogs forum. Haven't seen those before, figured I might bring it to your guys' attention before a protection author does Cheers!
How to use minifmod in delphi?
by nilsen- 7 replies
Hi! Can anybody help me ? i need to use bassmod.dll or minifmod.dll i wonder how the code should look like
How to pause/resume WAVE? (Win32 API)
by alaphate- 2 replies
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(message) { case WM_CREATE: sndPlaySound("hello.wav", SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC); return 0; }I know how to stop it by sndPlaySound("", SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC); //sending NULL string but how to pause and resume it? Thanks a lot for helping me.
Content deleted
by FLeXuS_GReeN- 2 replies
Someone might help to create an nfo scroll in asm because I have no idea, and will be great if someone gives me a hand please! thank's.....
- 8 replies
I can calculate the result by pressing <enter>, however, It will doesn't work after I click the application's tray icon. Thanks a lot, my buddies Attachment is my project. Below is my source code. #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "resource.h"HINSTANCE hInst; NOTIFYICONDATA nid; bool isMin = false;BOOL CALLBACK DlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { char szBuf[15]; double a, b, result; switch(message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: //create tray icon nid.cbSize = sizeof(nid); nid.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInst, "MYICON"); nid.uCallbackMessage = WM_USER + 1; nid.hWnd = hwnd; nid.uID = WM_USER + 2; str…
Delphi encrypt directory
by afre_N- 4 replies
who know delphi code to encrypt directory?? help me please..
MiniDBG with source
by langxang- 0 replies
MASM source of MiniDBG debugger.rar
minifmod help, win32 api programming, thx
by alaphate- 4 replies
Any buddy can help me to tackle this problem? Thanks a lot. Attachment is my source files.
by Fungus- 9 replies
I am patching an old game, I have reversed the winmm.dll calls for playing audio from the cd, and I know how to get out the track number and convert it to a filename. I want to replace the playing routines with bass.dll so I can play the .wav rips instead. I need to be able to play, stop and loop (and checking the position of the current play to loop it). anyone can help with this? I tried the examples that come with bass , but they .wav player doesn't seem to work on my system (no sound). I plan to write a nocd tut for this game when I am done patching and testing, so all help much appreciated. =) Cheers
unpacker stubs?
by high6- 6 replies
I was wondering how do packer makers make stubs? Do they program a unpack stub in say C++ then get the bytecodes and have the unpacker use the bytecodes as a base stub?
Moving text effect
by ShadowRayz- 1 reply
Sometimes keygens and websites use that feature, in a program you got a textbox and the text like moves to the left and it deletes a character everytime, but then the text reappears from the other side, thats where im stuck.. i can make it disappear to the left but i have no idea how to make it reappear again... that's the code i wrote so far Public back As StringPrivate Sub Command1_Click() If (Timer1.Enabled = True) Then Timer1.Enabled = False Else Timer1.Enabled = True End If End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load() Timer1.Enabled = False Timer1.Interval = 80 End SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer() If (LenB(Text1.Text) <> 0) Then back = Text1.Text back = Mid$(back, 2, Len(Tex…
dll unpack, GetThreadContext error... solution
by langxang- 3 replies
Here is a unpacker for PECompact packed dll, but there are some error occur: 1、CreateProcess use command line: loaddll.exe *.dll (just like ollydbg) 2、While CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT,log the DBEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hProcess and DBEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hThread 3、While LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT, when load *.dll, SuspendThread DBEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hThread, than set breakpoint in OEP,and ResumeThread DBEvent.u.CreateProcessInfo.hThread, while GetThreadContext, Context.regEip always stop in ntdll.KiFastSystemCallRet, can not get dll's regEip: ProcessDll proc LOCAL Buffer [64]:byte LOCAL BP1_data,BP2_data,BP3_data,BP4_data:DWORD LOCAL BP1,BP2,BP3,BP4:DWORD LOCAL hPro…
Writing A Loader
by .::God::.- 10 replies
Can someone give me an example in Delphi/ASM on how to write a loader: That breaks on the first DefWindowProcA, modifies an address and then resumes process. Just some example code will do, thanks.
Code Segment
by rcemoss- 6 replies
Got a window that has a field for a machine specific license and a field for a key that pops the getwindowtexta in the following code with every keystroke until the field is filled. TIA for any explanation of code. .text:004F0FAD align 10h .text:004F0FB0 push 0FFFFFFFFh .text:004F0FB2 push offset loc_579A18 .text:004F0FB7 mov eax, large fs:0 .text:004F0FBD push eax .text:004F0FBE mov large fs:0, esp .text:004F0FC5 push ecx .text:004F0FC6 push esi .text:004F0FC7 mov esi, ecx .text:004F0FC9 …
Adding More Menus To My Olly With Reshack
by kittmaster- 24 replies
I'm adding some additional menus in reshack, I have the menu structure I want with the new ,XXXX control IDs. My question is how do connect the XXXX ids to engauge the action item of the menu to a the external launched exe? Like in the menu, I want to launch ImpRec. I now have the menu item, just need to figure out the launch sequence based on the fixed path. I can't find anything in reshack that allows modification of this. I've searched the forum, can't seem to find what I'm trying to do. Thoughts and tools? Chris
My Contribution To Hacker/Cracker/Programmer Community
by Tony Scott- 0 replies
Here is a media player I created in C# with DotNetBar. DotNetBar was used as a cracking target in "Cracking dotnet controls pt.1". I just wanted to show everyone what this little awesome control can do, anywho, the app was created on vista ultimate w/ .net 3.5, but should work on xp, also, of course you will need the dotnet framework to run. WindowsFormsApplication1.rar
by high6- 2 replies
I was wondering, how does compression/decompression of bits work? anyone have an example of compressing bits in C++. Just a simple one?