Programming and Coding
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1,885 topics in this forum
How To Set Condition BreakPoint ?
by Sh4DoVV- 1 reply
Hi Friends How To Set Condition BreakPoint Like OllyDBG With A Debug_Loader That Coded By ASM ? Thanks
- 5 replies
Hello people i am using miracl and i was trying to implement a *SECURE*`elliptic curve standard. So my parameters should be valid. The curve details is: : type binary over 2^n : curve name: SECT-193R2 curve parameters: a: 0163F35A5137C2CE3EA6ED8667190B0BC43ECD69977702709B b: 00C9BB9E8927D4D64C377E2AB2856A5B16E3EFB7F61D4316AE n: 010000000000000000000000015AAB561B005413CCD4EE99D5 q: 02000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008001 Base point: x: 00D9B67D192E0367C803F39E1A7E82CA14A651350AAE617E8F y: 01CE94335607C304AC29E7DEFBD9CA01F596F927224CDECF6C The problem resides in the public point (x,y) are not getting accepted by miracl as members of the current curve …
modify the instructions in ollydbg
by tianna0370- 6 replies
Hello: I am developing a plugin for Ollydbg now, but I am struggled to modify the assembly code by Ollydbg API. For example, in the main windows, there is an instruction "PUSH EAX". I'd like to change it to "PUSH EBX". I have tried two APIs: Assemble() and Writememory(), but didn't success. Am I right? Could anyone write a piece of sample code for me? thanks a lot in advance. Fan
Service is runnig
by ragdog- 2 replies
Hi Can i get the status of a service (if closed or if running) Thanks
Hooking to defeat hardware breakpoints
by FlySky- 3 replies
Hey guys, New to the forum and wondering the following. Been doing reversing for a while now and recently jumped into unpacking. What I am facing atm is that a lot of packers are detecting hardware breakpoints. I am currently on Windows 7 64 bit version and none of the Ollydbg plugins are working for me, so I started looking in writing my own hooks. Been programming / coding for a couple of years in assembly and I am hoping you guys could push me in the right direction about hooking to prevent hardware breakpoint detection. The hardware breakpoint detection is accessed and controlled from an exception handler. So I read up about it and found out an area to hook could be h…
by ranadharm- 3 replies
hi dear all, i m a programmer and i created a VB-6 application. the problem is that it works fine on windows xp but it cant works on windows Vista. how can i make my application vista compatible.
Problem with get the first bytes file offset
by black8x- 5 replies
Hello all ! I got problems with the delphi code how get the first bytes file offset in delphi. It's works correctly which normal files and some packed files. But it returns wrong offset value when a file packed by Dwing WinUpack, FSG...may be the file's pe sections problems. I have been searching this question for a long time and no luck. i found on a topic like this, correct me if i am wrong, but it has not solve yet. Here is delphi code i am using. Many thanks in advance and hope you could help me figure out the problems. My apologies for wasting your time. Best Regar…
Error compiling loader in TASM32
by mscofield- 13 replies
hello friends , i want to compile the deroko example non-intrusive loader create in tasm32 for execryptor target, but ever that i compile show me the same message this is a log Microsoft Windows XP [Versión 5.1.2600] © Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:\Tasm32\loader>makeloader C:\Tasm32\loader>..\tasm32\tasm32 /ml /z /m9 /q loader Turbo Assembler Version 5.3 Copyright © 1988, 2000 Inprise Corporation Assembling file: loader.ASM Error messages: None Warning messages: None Passes: 2 C:\Tasm32\loader>..\tasm32\tlink32 -x /Tpe /aa /c loader,,,..\importlib\import32.lib Turbo Link Version Copyright © 1993,1996 Borland Int…
Making NFO Wiever [PROBLEM]
by RoYaL- 2 replies
I'm trying to make my first NFO viewer (and i'm a noob with VB.NET) and i am at good point but i have a problem with the font for display correctly the ASCII Infact the font that i need is Terminal but the application can read only True Type font, what can i do now? Thanks
HWID Protection System
by nerrazzuri- 4 replies
Been learning to code on this few months and saw some pay2cheat websites using HWID protection system. I was wondering how did they code these. I'm trying to learn on how the HWID system is coded. Any source to review with? Been googling for few hours and return with no result, most of the HWID protection system found on google were using Visual Basic instead of Visual C++. A source for an example would be great. Questions 1. How to generate the unique ID for every computers? 2. How did they host the HWID on the internet?
by JMC31337- 0 replies
Sorry to disturb...cryptopp
by _sb_- 3 replies
Well i have been coding in assembler from the very first day i started in the scene. but now i am really getting mad with this situation... I was reversing a software (my ideas here are doing a keymaker and cracked dll here). basicall this thing uses cryptopp - yeah big pain in the ***. what it does is ECDSAsignatureberify("OCDE"+username,signature).the signature is your serial number. i know this seems easy... that was what i thought too. but when i looked at it closer... omg the cryptopp libs are a total NIGHTMARE there are not any clear manuals anywhere where i really can know how this works. the signature produced by cryptopp for ecdsa is an array of bytes - how can t…
- 2 replies
hi , here is keygen source in C for deurus keygenme#02 by me here is keygenme link : is source of keygen by me in C language: gen(HWND hWnd) { char szname[1024]="",szserial[1024]="",final[1024]=""; long int s1=0,s2=0,s3=0,s4=0; int j=0; char *lpname=""; lpname = new char[32]; DWORD len=32; if (GetDlgItemText(hWnd,IDNAME,szname,256)<4) { MessageBox(hWnd,"Name Length Must > 3","hey!",MB_ICONINFORMATION); return 0; } else { for (int i=0;i<(lstrlen(szname)+1);i++) { s1=szname[i]+0x1CB1; _asm{ SHL s1,9} s2+=(s1+(szname[i]-0x40)); } wsprintf(szserial,"%i",s2); SetDlgItemText(hWnd,IDSERIAL,szserial); …
- 1 reply
I am trying to create a new process from current running process,am doing this with the zwcreateProcess function.(just for testing purpose).check the code below HANDLE fileHandle; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; UNICODE_STRING InputString; InputString.Buffer = L"C:\\users\\Tommy\\MyEXE.exe"; InputString.Length = wcslen(L"C:\\users\\Tommy\\MyEXE.exe")*2; InputString.MaximumLength = InputString.Length +2; ObjectAttributes.Length = sizeof(OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES); ObjectAttirbutes.ObjectName = &InputString; NTSTATUS status = ZwCreateProcess(&fileHandle,PROCESS_CREATRE_PROCESS,&ObjectAttributes,GetCurrentProcess(),true …
by Teddy Rogers- 0 replies
PEScrambler PEScrambler and source code attached... /> Ted.
Injecting Auto Orders In Client Terminal
by Nilesh- 0 replies
Hello, This is my first post in Tuts4you. I have watched I learn some basic techniques from Lena Cracking Tutorial. I am doing some experiment on Stock Market Client Application to extend his feature through OLE. But I am little unsure about which part of reverse engineering I have to use or learn. I am looking to send background orders in client application without running macros (Mouse Clicks,Keyboard Strokes). Here is picture (Buy.jpeg) for buy order when sent from client application (After Pressing Of "F1" Key) : For normal circumstances I have to fill Total Qty & Price section from keyboard stroke, Click on send button. This will place orders in exchange. But…
Local Area Connection - Controll
by eXec0d3- 4 replies
how can I change my Local Area Connection settings or disable/enable it... thanks
Quick Noob Question
by rendari- 4 replies
Hello all, I need to get some quick dirty patching done. Which APIs let you retrieve the Imagebase of a module in another process? I'm looking to get the ImageBase of a DLL loading into another process. Been googling a bit but cant seem to find it and its slipped my memory Thanks -r
from VA to File Offset
by eXec0d3- 10 replies
How can I Get File Offset from VA or RVA ? in delphi ^^
ASProtect 2.56 SKE - polymarker
by deepzero- 7 replies
Hi, I wanted to experiment a little with asprotects virtualization options and tried to virtualize a simple function: int deepzero(int x){User_Polymarkerint y = 22; y = (y * x) /5; y += 100;return (y); } But it doesnt work, User_Polymarker is not defined. The polymarker stuff is defined in a file called, but it doesnt look like c++ to me...: ' PB include fileMACRO USER_POLY_BUFFER = ! DB &HEB, &H04, &HEB, &H05, &H39, &H19MACRO CRC_BEGIN ! DB &HEB, &H04, &HEB, &H05, &H19, &H01, &HE9, &H25, &H00, &H00, &H00, &H00, &H00, &H00, &H00, &H00 ! DB &H00, &H00, &H00, &a…
Microsoft Outlook is safe or not?
by Huxol- 0 replies
Let me explain different way... Is it possible to login MS Outlook account without using user name and password? I wrote an example code for Vista and Outlook 2007, it works for me. If you want to try you can download from : /> Language : CodeGear Delphi 2010 Library : Extended MAPI
dll injection
by deepzero- 5 replies
Hey, I am trying to inject a dll into another running process. This is my code: HANDLE Proc; char buf[111]={0}; LPVOID Remotestr, LoadLib; DWORD ProcessID = 2768; //process ID of explorer.exe char DLL_NAME[222] = "C:\\t.dll"; //here`s my dll! Proc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD, FALSE, ProcessID); LoadLib = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("kernel32.dll"), "LoadLibraryA"); Remotestr = (LPVOID)VirtualAllocEx(Proc, NULL, 1000, MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); cout << GetLastError(); //debugging ... I would now continue with WriteProcesMemory & CreateRemoteThread but VirtualAllocEx fails! The error code is "5". …
md2 class
by Mehdi03- 1 reply
HI,I m looking for md2 class in or a library of crypto that support md2 plz help me ..
How to Search some bytes in file and retrives the VA
by Gladiator- 0 replies
hello masters i have a problem with search some bytes in exe files and get the VA of it like SDK Protections in some protectors like themida. i need to do this in delphi. please help. thanks.
Calling a .net method in another process.
by rendari- 1 reply
Hello all Here is my problem: There is a program that starts up, and the user needs to click a "Play" button for it to start doing a certain thing. I want to make it so that the "Play" button is automatically pressed upon startup of the program, so that the user doesn't have to do it. The program is coded in .NET. Normally, I would just change the entrypoint in ILDASM to something that calls the button1_click() method, but the program is wrapped in Xenocode. For the purposes of this exercise, unwrapping Xenocode is not an option (due to political reasons and my relations with the program creator...). So, I must somehow tell the program to press button1_click() from a…