Programming and Coding
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1,886 topics in this forum
Cube animation overdraw
by r0ger- 3 followers
- 19 replies
Hi guys, i've ripped some another rotating cube animation from one of FFF's cracks, and im actually struggling creating DC's for the black background without the cube overdrawing on the background. i have even tried to clean that up with SetBkMode (TRANSPARENT) on the dword_40B7B8 variable,and still no use even with PatBlt. if someone is interested i will send the crack file (unpacked) + its idb file from IDA pro. thanks a bunch!
- 2 replies
Hello friends. I have deployed a new repo. There are WinAPI C Keygen templates which plays XM music. And they are 64bit. You can get the keygen template sources and relevant data from: Waiting for bugs 😬 Btw, i got the library from libxmp. But libxmp did not give us a simple player API. So i have extended the library. It is also included the repo above.
Unable to get disk drives serial numbers from kernel mode
by disharm0niz- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hi everyone. I started kernel mode programming just a few days ago and am having some problems. I am trying to get disk drives serial numbers from kernel mode. Here is my code so far: NTSTATUS Status; GUID PhysicalMedia; PVOID wmiObject = NULL; PVOID DataBlockObject = NULL; ULONG BufferSize; PhysicalMedia.Data1 = 0xBF253431; PhysicalMedia.Data2 = 0x1E4D; PhysicalMedia.Data3 = 0x4F57; PhysicalMedia.Data4[0] = 0x00; PhysicalMedia.Data4[1] = 0xE7; PhysicalMedia.Data4[2] = 0x64; PhysicalMedia.Data4[3] = 0xB2; PhysicalMedia.Data4[4] = 0xCA; PhysicalMedia.Data4[5] = 0xCC; PhysicalMedia.Data4[6] = 0x80; PhysicalMedia.Data4[7] = 0x1E; Status = IoWMIOpenBloc…
i need sorce code dll injector patcher
by prince2022- 1 follower
- 1 reply
hi i am looking for source code dll injector patcher in memory
Is there any difference on offset between call & jmp on x64?
by CreateAndInject- 2 followers
- 14 replies
See the following code, Way 1 can work on both x86 & x64, but Way 2 can only work on x86. Why does Way 2 fail? How to fix Way 2? using System; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace HookTest { unsafe class Program { public static string MyReadLine() => "test"; [DllImport("kernel32")] public static extern bool VirtualProtect(IntPtr address, int size, int newProtect, out int oldProtect); static void Main() { var oldMethod = typeof(Console).GetMethod("ReadLine"); var newMethod = typeof(Program).GetMethod("MyReadLine"); RuntimeH…
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
cPaintDC.GetTextExtent LineHeight computation very bogus: alternatives??? LOGFONT lf; memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(lf)); HGDIOBJ hFont = ::GetStockObject(OEM_FIXED_FONT); ::GetObject(hFont, sizeof(lf), &lf); lf.lfHeight = 100; lf.lfPitchAndFamily = FIXED_PITCH; CFont font; font.CreatePointFontIndirect(&lf); pOldFont = cMemDC.SelectObject(&font); // Get size information int cWidth; cPaintDC.GetCharWidth('0', '0', &cWidth); CSize cSize = cPaintDC.GetTextExtent("0", 1); int nLineHeight =; ySizeChar = nLineHeight; xSizeChar = cWidth; …
- 1 reply
Hi everybody, I joined this group to learn more about web development. I am familiar with Java, C, HTML, and am actively learning CSS and Python. And I'm facing some issue! Can somebody help me? After deploying and hosting my website, I upgraded my pip version. Then I installed the pypaystack package. When I try to push to Heroku, I get the error shown below. In the development stage, the project is running smoothly. Collecting pypaystack==1.24 remote: Downloading pypaystack-1.24.tar.gz (5.4 kB) remote: Preparing metadata ( started remote: Preparing metadata ( finished with status 'error' remote: error: subpro…
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I'm reading this article about the function of OS system and I'd want to know the operating system of the host on which my Java program is executing programmatically (for example: I would like to be able to load different properties based on whether I am on a Windows or Unix platform). What is the most reliable and safest approach to achieve this?
c# Xamarin All platform font icon
by Hadits follower- 2 replies
- 2.4k views For Use xmlns:uwpfonticon="clr-namespace:UWPFontsXamarine" Glyph="{x:Static uwpfonticon:UWPFontsXamarine.'ChoostYourFont'}"
Sieve of Eratosthenes in C++
by shivambhatele- 2 followers
- 2 replies
Hello All, I am new in this community and I working on a freelance C++ project and I am confused sieve of eratosthenes coding problem. The problem statement is Given a number n, print all primes smaller than or equal to n. It is also given that n is a small number. I am trying to solve this problem by Efficient Approach A prime number is a number that is divisible by only two numbers – themselves and 1 Example: Input: n =10 Output: 2 3 5 7 I have checked sieve of eratosthenes coding problem on google and I have found this problem post. I am sharing one code example. Can anyone explain me, how sieve of eratosthenes program works? or explain with another exa…
- 8 replies
hi guys recently ripped a rotating dots animation from penawar.brontok.1.4.3.full.incl.keygen-tsrh , but the thing is it crashes 6 or more times before it loads correctly. but in the meatime i think i found some buggy thing on this one on StartAddress function: loc_4025B3: cmp [ebp+var_10], 0 jb loc_4025FB push 2Ch ; int push dword_407AD4 ; float push 2 ; int push offset dword_407290 ; int call sub_401EB0 push 2Ch ; int push dword_407AE0 ; float push 1 ; int push offset dword_407290 ; int call sub_401EB0 fld dword_407AE0 fadd flt_407AFC fstp dword_407AE0 lea eax, dword_407290 jmp $+2 ;<------------- i've even replac…
- 10 replies
hi guys , i was patching an app called Macrorit disk partiton expert. Then i wanted to test the patcher by using the patch engine coded by Jowy, inserted patch offsets and the patterns, got the CRC32 number from dup2, and when i tried to patch, my patcher got same crc32 error even though it was the correct one : .data MSGTitle db "PERYFERiAH`z generic patch",0 PatchAborted db "aborted.",0 CRCFailed db "sorry, wrong version or already cracked.",13 db "patch aborted .",0 SizeFailed db "wrong file size.",13 db "make sure the app has the correct version",13,13 db "patch aborted .",0 CannotAccess db "seems that ur program is running, you must close it.",0 Patch…
Window not showing icon
by ToMKoL- 2 followers
- 4 replies
I've wrote small loader for an old crackme. This crackme searches for Olly window class and when not found my loader tries to emulate it. For this I'm creating simple window. Main window is dialog box. On dialog icon is shown normally but not on created window. I've tried many things. Using two different icons for each window, using some default icon from os, different window styles but without luck. I'm attaching full source and target. If You have some other ideas please share.
Delphi 7 and Createthread API
by ToMKoL- 7 replies
Hi all I'm trying to convert this small c snippet to delphi 7 code but without success for now. If any delphi coder could help I'll be gratefull. HANDLE hthread; hthread = CreateThread(0, 0, &animate, hWnd, 0, 0) DWORD WINAPI animate(HWND hWnd) { unsigned char wincaption[32]; unsigned int i; SendMessageA(hWnd, WM_GETTEXT, 32, (LPARAM)wincaption); do { for(i=0;i<20;i++) { if (((wincaption[i] >= 0x41) && (wincaption[i] <= 0x5A)) || ((wincaption[i] >= 0x61) && (wincaption[i] <= 0x7A))) wincaption[i] ^= 0x20; SendMessageA(hWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)wincaption); Sleep(500); } } while (1); } And my delp…
Window hook using Python callback + DLL
by demberto- 2 followers
- 6 replies
I was wondering whether, I could do this: 1. Create a DLL with a method to register a callback function written in Python. 2. The DLL calls SetWindowsHookEx internally, registers a proxy function in the DLL itself which calls the Python callback function. 3. Load the DLL in Python with ctypes and call the callback registration method it exports. I briefly tried this but SetWindowsHookEx fails for global hooks. I see no reason for it to fail. Also according to the documentation I pass NULL for the hMod arg of it which is used when the hook procedure is inside the DLL itself. Maybe I think SetWindowsHookEx will need another injector process which is not …
dotNET_Tracer Source code
by Kurapica- 0 replies
Includes DLL and GUI
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi everyone. I'm looking for a tiny library in C/C++ (or binding) that able to: - Evaluate simple x86/x64 assembly codes (execute codes from a string to get output). - Each asm instruction has callback or hook (at least memory access instruction, for several special purposes, E.g. using ReadProcessMemory to read memory from other process, etc). Maybe a little bit like a VM. MOV RAX,$INPUT ADD RAX,8 MOV RAX,[RAX] # eg. memory access instruction MOV $OUTPUT,RAX Hint me. Thanks.
Visual Basic v6.0sp6 (2022 setup)
by whoknows- 1 reply
hi all, this is a recompilation of 2009 setup I made... whats new @ rebuilt on INNO6 removed FPWPP.DLL (basically the main reason of recompilation is this, the 2009 setup, stuck on win10x64 machines due Frontpage DLL registration!!) optimize Extra Components by14mb to 686kb dn 16.3mb @ or
Hello guys. How is going ? Can anyone help me with this ? I'm searching for a reason for this to happen. My application uses DirectInput, it uses GUID_MouseSys. Sometimes when the app crashes it go back to visual studio but the cursor is VERY laggy as all action with keyboard too. Alt + TAB delays at least 2 to 3 seconds... Anyone knows why this happen ? Or at least can help to try to investigate the problem ? Thanks! ---- Edit Strangely if start debugging session and keeps maintaining focus on VStudio everything stays normal. I think it's related to windows focus. But I can't really say it.. Any tips ?
- 5 replies
Can't use a .lib from vc6 that has no source. Keep getting this error of "unresolved external" _set_new_handler. Already installed all CRT from VSTUDIO. Universal CRT. And so on. Tried to include this libs in the project, seems that none of them can solve the issue. Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "int (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_new_handler(int (__cdecl*)(unsigned int)))(unsigned int)" (?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z) MODULE LIB_LOCATION...(Exception.obj) I'm thinking in reverse it into code. It's not …
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi there guys, I recently ripped an aboutbox from one of HAZE's keygens but unfortunately when i was going to compile and even inserted the externdef's both for __CIsin and __ftol2_sse : externdef c __CIsin:dword externdef c __ftol2_sse:dword ... i do get this error on compiling: bones.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol ___CIsin bones.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol ___ftol2_sse C:\Users\User\Downloads\asm.masm32-graphical-effects\MASM32-graphical-effects\HaZE\bones.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals do you guys think it might require another msvcrt lib but newer version or libcmt lib ? this aboutbo…
- 5 replies
Hello i'm need source code Patching template delphi/visual studio
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
CIM_Chip Read-only >/ Is there a way to spoof this value? In case the Unpack program can't do it.
Exception Handler - Log - Question
by LCF-AT- 22 replies
Hi guys, today I would like to ask how to implement a 100% working handler to log exception.So in the past I tried already to do this and its also working so far but I think its not working always so that the reason why I do ask to know how to do it correctly.So the main basic way I choosed is only using SetUnhandledExceptionFilter API with address to my Handler routine to read exception infos / log them / MessageBox them. invoke SetUnhandledExceptionFilter,offset HANDLER_SEH2 HANDLER_SEH2 proc log code etc invoke MessageBox,NULL, BUFFIS,chr$("Exception Info!"),MB_ICONINFORMATION mov eax, 1h ret As result I get this so far (mostly)... 30.08.2017 21:00…
How to make a control transparent?
by LCF-AT- 2 followers
- 23 replies
Hi guys, I have a new problem and need some help.I wanna create a edit / static control and make the edit field transparent (onlyy text should be visible).I found some MASM examples... ...but somehow there are not so good etc.So what I want to know is how to make such controls transparent without to know the background.I don't know whether there is any image/bitmap or anything else in the background etc so how to find it out and execute the right code to make the control transparent if I wanna do that?Is there a method or a function already I could use? greetz