Programming and Coding
Programming and coding tips, help and solutions...
1,885 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Code for removal all internal passwords (sheets/worksbook) for an excel file. Public Sub AllInternalPasswords() Const DBLSPACE As String = vbNewLine & vbNewLine Const AUTHORS As String = DBLSPACE & vbNewLine & _ "Adapted from Bob McCormick base code by " & _ "Norman Harker and JE McGimpsey" Const HEADER As String = "AllInternalPasswords User Message" Const VERSION As String = DBLSPACE & "Version 1.1.1 2003-Apr-04" Const REPBACK As String = DBLSPACE & "Please report failure " & _ "to the microsoft.public.excel.programming newsgroup." Const ALLCLEAR As String = DBLSPACE & "The …
SYS Driver (Dev-C++)
by JMC31337- 6 replies
with dev-c++ create a hello world .sys driver driver.cpp -------------- #include <stdio.h>#include "ddk/ntddk.h"__stdcall NTSTATUS DriverEntry(PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject, PUNICODE_STRING pRegistryPath){ NTSTATUS status = STATUS_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR; DbgPrint("enter DriverEntry,I'm Hopy!/n"); DbgPrint("Leave DriverEntry,byb :-) !/n"); return status;}C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\Dev-Cpp>bin\gcc -o drv.sys -s -shared -Wl,--entry,_DriverEntry driver.cpp -nostartfiles -nostdlib -lntoskrnl using instdrv: E:\drv.sys (install , start) debug view shows: enter DriverEntry,I'm Hopy!/n Leave DriverEntry,byb :-) !/n now maybe with some C# using SCMana…
Bass Static Library for Visual Basic 6.0
by HotSky- 2 replies
Info 1: Bass is powerful audio Library. Info 2: This Static Library is Visual Basic 6 only. Info 3: uFMOD Visual Basic Compiler was used in this Project. Updated: Bass_SampleLoad Bass.rar
How to use ImpREC_DLL
by cypher- 1 reply
Hi, has anyone used the ImpRec DLL ? I added to my cpp the prototypes and code: DWORD SetModule(DWORD pid, DWORD base); void LogIATEntry(DWORD rva_iat_slot, DWORD va_api); DWORD MakeImportTable(LPTSTR dump_filename); .... ... SetModule(fdProcessInfo->dwProcessId, fdLoadedBase); included the header with error codes and link against ImpREC_DLL.lib still getting error : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol ""unsigned long __cdecl SetModule(unsigned long,unsigned long)" (?SetModule@@YAKKK@Z)" SOLVED: add to header #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*__cplusplus*/ __declspec(dllimport) DWORD SetModule(DWORD pid, DWORD base); __declspe…
create thread
by Yoshi- 7 replies
Im trying to invoke ZwCreateThread. But since it is a undocumented function i don't know how to do it. The 7'th arguement of the function is PINITIAL_TEB UserStack. How to initialize this structure to use it in ZwCreateThread? This is my code so far. invoke RtlInitializeContext, -1, Addr threadContext, NULL, Addr ThreadStartupRoutine, Addr userStack invoke ZwCreateThread, Addr processHandle, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, Addr oa, -1, Addr ClientId, Addr threadContext, Addr userStack, FALSE
Basic hardware question
by simple- 6 replies
Wanted to ask a question before I wasted 20 bucks trying it myself on a fun project. I have some SPI sensors I want to get info from. A friend gave me a linux eval board w/SPI sensor soldered to the eval board, and I could see the SPI device in /dev, open it up and get any info I needed from the resigters on the SPI sensor. I'd like to know if I can take a device like this - Plug the SPI sensor into the USB stick, then plug the USB stick into a Rasberry PI or other device that accepts USB... And using the free USB drivers, open a Windows COM port or linux open() function & talk directly with the register…
ManagedDllInjector src C#
by CodeExplorer- 1 reply
ManagedDllInjectorKnown limitation: The target process must a window!This program has two options: 1. Inject the current assembly itself on selected process Inject button. Look on the code InjectedClass.cs and you will see the code that load an assembly: // Here load the assembly from string Assembly asm = Assembly.Load("SSA.Business.Input, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a58bfd68363575ef"); if (asm==null) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to load assembly!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Loaded ok!"); } You can add here asm = Assembly.Load("assemly string") to load more assemblies. 2…
How to compile unmanaged *.dll with makefile on windows
by Freefall63- 0 replies
Hey guys, I want to compile the adplug C/C++ source into a unmanaged *.dll to use it in .NET with PInvoke, but I don´t get the makefile compiling to work. Could anybody please tell me how to compile that package? Thanks for your effort! adplug-2.2.1.tar.gz
Child process
by Danny- 1 reply
Hello Tuts4You, Danny from ARTeam here. I am stuck with creating a child process. Edit: Problem is solved, thanks huntingspace
[asm] problem with opening a file
by Yoshi- 10 replies
i want to open a .exe file using ZwOpenFile. No i dont want to use OpenFile or other winapi's, just ZwOpenFile. I created a simple project based upon the link down, but when i try to open calc.exe nt-status error = C0000008 == STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE. my code is almost the same as
LibV2M V1.5 with Replay-Function
by hmi222- 2 replies
Hi, here's my compiled Static LIB of LibV2M Version 1.5 with Replay-Function. It's the last version of Farbrausch Viruz Sound System. Thanks to kb and all other Farbrausch members for releasing the source. Note that you can only replay sounds made or converted to V1.5. goto to get the Content Creation tools.
from c++ gui to assembly gui
by Yoshi- 1 reply
i created a gui with a few controls in c++. is there a way to use this gui in my asm project?
NV2 - Play *.v2m files with .NET
by Freefall63- 4 replies
Hello guys, I just wanted to post a example for my latest lib called NV2, that is able to play *.v2m files with .NET: I thought it would be helpful for many people out there, as the interest in *.v2m modules is growing. Examples are included, source code is actually given as a patch in the coding section on my website. Some users might have to run it as admin, tune was made by me for my latest demo. Ofc you can include the nv2.dll statically with ilmerge after compiling!! Have fun, Feedback appreciated! NV2 tutorial VB .NET.rar
5Byte detour ideas
by D3ADB33F- 8 replies
Hi, I am just wondering if something like this will work; static short(__stdcall*_GetAsyncKeyState)(int vKey); _GetAsyncKeyState = (short(__stdcall*)(int))((DWORD)GetAsyncKeyState + 0x5); if( GetAsyncKeyState(VK_XBUTTON1) ) { RelevantFunction(); Sleep(50); } }
Qt Creator tutorials
by Dreamer- 0 replies
Qt Creator tutorials on youtube over 200 tutorials
- 1 reply
This Libraries are Rebuilded. V2M Lib Old : 650+ KB New : 73 KB uFMOD Lib Old : 26.1 KB New : 25.5 KB uFMOD-V2M.rar
using system function to run a dos command?
by D3ADB33F- 3 replies
hi, how would one run this command from within a console application; fsutil usn deletejournal /D C: without loading a seperate window etc. C++
- 22 replies
Hi , question to all who worked with TitanEngine: some targets hang on startup, dont react and consume alot CPU. Some make it to their GUI, some halfway. Other targets run fine. Even if I just do Debugger::InitDebug(filename, NULL, NULL); and no CustomHandlers nor any BPs/Callbacks. In Olly they start fine btw. However if I do Debugger::AttachDebugger the target doesnt freeze but they die after first BP callback was run. Has anyone experienced that or knows a solution? Any help appreciated
Need help to get hThread parameter etc
by LCF-AT- 8 replies
Hi guys, I got a short question about TitanEngine dll.So I did long time no more work with it and now I wanna test a function and have problems with some push parameter which I need to use this function.Sorry I forgot it already... IsJumpGoingToExecuteEx determines whether or not the targeted jump is going to execute. IsJumpGoingToExecuteEx allows you to specify which process and which thread to check.bool __stdcall IsJumpGoingToExecuteEx( HANDLE hProcess, HANDLE hThread, ULONG_PTR InstructionAddress, ULONG_PTR RegFlags );Parameters hProcess [in] Handle of the process in which the jump resides. hThread [in] Handle of the thread from which EFLAGS/RFLAGS will be read.…
Memory allocation/ FileMapping
by snoopy- 3 replies
Guys, Got a question about the following. I have a .exe I want to debug using my own tool. My tool runs the process using CreateProcess, than injects a DLL which sets up a Vectored Exception Handler. Than I can set breakpoints and such and let the DLL trace through the code. Now I am wondering if it is possible to make an exact copy of a .exe and map it into memory. So I can trace through a buffer instead of creating the process and injecting a DLL. What I tried so far: 1. CreateFile 2. CreateFileMapping 3. MapViewOfFile and MapViewOfFileEx. The problem I am facing here is that the rva's inside the .exe are not pointing to the proper memory locat…
section flag to not writeable in asm
by Yoshi- 11 replies
how to set a section flag to not writeable in asm coding? i dont want to change it with tools but need to do it manually. i got a pe32 which is writeable but i want to change this flag to not writeable. i wrote already a piece of code which change it to not writeable but for x reason the code has not acces because it crashes when it trys to write the flag to not writeable assume edx: ptr IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER mov [edx].Characteristics, 60000040h
Kill Process
by StoneHeart- 9 replies
How does Kernel Detective "smart terminate" process work? I found it very interesting and awesome to kill any stubborn process. Is there any source for it?
How to handle strings?
by LCF-AT- 20 replies
Hello again, so I have again a little question for you and hope that you can help. So the problem is that I am no coder and also don't know all API's and what they can do.So at the moment I need to find some API's of any xy dll which can handle interger and strings quickly. So what I wanna do is to create a LOG text file in realtime which does log diffrent informations. 1. How to convert integers to a string? ----------------------------------------- For exsample I have any value 12345678 in eax and want this get back as ASCII string in my buffer.Which API/s can I use for this? 2. How to convert Hex to Dec? ----------------------------------------- Here I need an…
64 bit sections
by Guest SkyHigh- 3 replies
based upon the code from yesterday i want to make a new section to a 64 bit file in example notepad.exe windows 7 64 bit. but for a reason the section is added but it cant execute the file. maybe you people does know why not? bool AddSection(LPWSTR lpFileName, char* sectionName, LPBYTE lpSection, DWORD dwSectionSize) { // Read the original file HANDLE hOriginalFile = CreateFile(lpFileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hOriginalFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; DWORD dwFileSize = GetFileSize(hOriginalFile, NULL); if (dwFileSize == INVALID_FILE_SIZE) { CloseHandle(hOriginalFile); return false; } LPBYTE lpBuf…
Memory Allocation Problem
by StoneHeart- 12 replies
I'm trying to allocate memory on lsass.exe process but it always fail. Other tools i try like sam password dump works. What could be the problem? Example code i use to allocate memory on that process. // Enable the debug privilege if( SetDebugPrivilege() != 0 ) // Get the LSASS pid dwPid = GetLsassPid(); // Open lsass hLsassProc = OpenProcess( PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, dwPid );. // Allocate memory in remote proc pRemoteAlloc = VirtualAllocEx( hLsassProc, NULL, 1000, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE ); Result: pRemoteAlloc = NULL GetLastError = 5 .... I'm using win 7 x86 sp1 and vsc++ 2010