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425 topics in this forum
[unpackme] ENIGMA 2.33 UnpackMe
by LCF-AT- 3 followers
- 18 replies
Hello, so I have created & protected a new UnpackMe for you. I added also some detect stuff [medium level]. Just start the exe file and press the splash. Have fun again. ENIGMA 2.33 UnpackMe.rar
Enigma Protector 5.1 1 2
by GIV- 1 follower
- 29 replies
Difficulty : 3 Language : Borland Platform : Windows X86 OS Version : XP and higher Packer / Protector : Enigma Protector 5.1 Description : Small unpackme. Is in fact a crackme that i have fund on the www and apply a Enigma protector layer. So the goal is to unpack. IMHO is not hard at all. So i give you a valid combo of HWID/name/key: HWID: 58603-7C96E-050B3-811FC NAME: giv@reversing.ro Key: KWFM62F-NMH8E94-BH2C98E-FDDEQHG-VK88BVD-PRXLNZA-FM6TWL7-U6NNJGL-3K5CMQY-BSXJM8W-LZ2NYTL-QWXQ69F-XBDPTNY-GWSNX2M-YTKJV9E-YHRWUPQ The file have a password too witch is very easy to bypass. Good luck! Screenshot : Crack Auth_Protected…
[Unpackme] PeP 5.x UnpackMe
by Gladiator- 9 replies
Hi Attached file is simple VB6 File was protected with PeP latest Version so please try to unpack and then identify the way you used to beak it's protection. Thanks PeP_5.rar
VMProtect Ultimate 3.0.8
by Xjun- 2 followers
- 12 replies
Difficulty : 6 Language : C++ Platform : Windows OS Version : Windows 7 Packer / Protector :VMProtect Ultimate 3.0.8 Description : Memory Protection -Yes Import protection -Yes Resource Protection -Yes Pack the output File -Yes Debugger - user-mode+Kernel-mode Virtualization Tools -Yes using VMProtect SDK. Screenshot : UnpackMe.7z
Python Protector
by 0x72- 1 reply
Language : Python Platform : Windows OS Version : All Packer / Protector : My Protector (https://github.com/robert169/Python-Obfuscator) Description : Want to see how long it takes to get it unpacked, is easy tho but i want to know where can i improve it Spoiler Screenshot : Download : Protected.py
- 9 replies
Hi all, I made an unpackme. Hope you enjoyed. Tutorials are welcome. 4r1 unpackme.zip
Safengine Shielden v2.3.8.0
by Reasen- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Difficulty : Unknown Language : Delphi XE8 Platform : Windows x86/x64 OS Version : XP and above Packer / Protector : Safengine Shielden v2.3.8.0 Max Options + Virtualized button Function using Safengine SDK Description : This Safengine Version(last one) have support for virtualize the parts of the executable you want, i virtualized the button with the function (cracked or not cracked) and packed the executable with it, Good luck! SafengineCrackMe.zip Screenshot :
[unpackme] UnpackMe with PV Logiciels
by lemonrain- 1 follower
- 10 replies
please unpack it and make a tutorial. downlink also: http://www37.zippyshare.com/v/63867645/file.html unpackme.rar
[unpackme] Armadillo 4.66
by Teddy Rogers- 18 replies
Armadillo 4.66 http://tuts4you.com/download.php?view.1688 Ted.
[unpackme][crackme] PECompact 3.0.3.x beta - Easy
by redblkjck- 10 replies
Here is a simple unpackme that checks if still packed. It uses known checks from PECompact after the file is unpacked. - Injected API. This demos the use of IsPacked and WaterMark API, coded in Delphi. Solution is to unpack it and patch so it runs unpacked. This was coded for beginners learning so the level is very easy. Text references and the memo box are there to make it easier to understand what needs patched. Delphi decompilers will have no problem with this file. Only anti debug is the standard included from the packer. Try just not patching the watermark to the good cracker jmp as the watermark value could be crucial for other functions of a protected app. …
Armored Binary - Official UnpackMe
by Gladiator- 1 reply
Language : Delphi XE Platform : Microsoft Windows x32/x64 OS Version : XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 Packer / Protector : ArmoredBinary - Modern Binary Obfuscation Tool. Description : Attached file was protected with full version of armoredbinary obfuscator ( with medium protection approach ) , make sure unpacked file will execute successfully in any environment. You will dealing with OEP hiding , Resource Protection , Simple IAT Protection , AntiDump Tricks. Screenshot : Protected file after execution will be similar to Thanks. ArmoredBinary_Official_UnpackMe.rar
[DevirtualizeMe] VMProtect 3.0.9 1 2
by HellSpider- 1 follower
- 42 replies
Difficulty : 8 Language : C++ Platform : Windows 32-bit and 64-bit OS Version : All Packer / Protector : VMProtect 3.0.9 Description : The objective is to interpret virtualized functions in the attached binaries. No additional options have been used - no memory protection, no import protection and no compression. The virtualized function(s) will execute when the following key(s) is/are pressed: VMP32 (V1) : P VMP32 (V2) : 1 and 2 VMP64 (V1) : P VMP64 (V2) : 1 and 2 The virtualized functions are not very large. Detailed information of the interpreting procedure/internals or a complete solution paper is pref…
[unpackme] X86 Virtualizer
by Teddy Rogers- 2 replies
x86 Virtualizer http://tuts4you.com/download.php?view.1850 Ted.
VMProtect 3.0.9
by flash_0- 0 replies
Difficulty : 7-8 Language : C++ Platform : Windows x86 OS Version : XP and above Packer / Protector : VMProtect 3.0.9 Description : Not default VMP protection, just testing some thing. The main goal is - unpack sample, not key. Screenshot : unpack_me.rar
[DevirtualizeMe] Obsidium 1.5.2 Build 11
by HellSpider- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Difficulty : 7 Language : C/C++ Platform : Windows 32-bit and 64-bit OS Version : All Packer / Protector : Obsidium 1.5.2 Build 11 Description : The objective is to interpret and reconstruct 1 single procedure that has been virtualized. No additional options have been used. The virtualized function will execute when key 'P' is pressed. Detailed information of the interpreting procedure/internals or a complete solution paper is preferable. I will post similar challenges for other protectors if someone supplies me with a recent version (CodeVirtualizer, Themida, VMProtect, Enigma ...). Screenshot : devirtualizeme_o…
Little Hard Enigma 5.6 1 2
by Apuromafo- 3 followers
- 33 replies
testing about 3 trial sdk Difficulty : 4 Language : Delphi 7 SE Platform : Windows X86 OS Version : XP and above Packer / Protector : Enigma Protector 5.6 Description : Little hard unpackme for do a tutorial/tut maybe is hard because i not gived info of registration BR, Apuromafo SS: i know there with all harcoded things not must be imposible atached ide.dll only for unpacked if really need link Desktop.7z
PeBundle 3.20 + PeCompact 3.02.2
by iNoob- 2 replies
Difficulty : 7 Language : C++ Platform : Windows OS Version : All Packer / Protector : PeBundle 3.20 + PeCompact 3.02.2 Description : An EXE and DLL are bundled together with PeBundle and the result is compressed with PeCompact. The objective is to obtain the EXE and DLL (not bundled together). Screenshot : Download : HelloWorld.zip
[unpackme] Safengine Shielden 1 2
by Xjun- 42 replies
Unapck Safengine! unpackme.rar
- 12 replies
Difficulty : 6 Language : C++ Platform : Windows OS Version : All Packer / Protector : Safengine Description : hi,friends . I reversed the VMP3.1.2 (build 886) anti debug method and improved this method. You need to use the debugger to bypass his tooltip Screenshot : success screenshot: file : XAntiDebug2.rar
[DevirtualizeMe] Themida
by HellSpider- 2 followers
- 22 replies
Difficulty : 8 Language : C/C++ Platform : Windows 32-bit and 64-bit OS Version : All Packer / Protector : Themida Description : The objective is to interpret and reconstruct 3 procedures in each file that have been virtualized. No additional options have been used. The virtualized functions will execute when keys '1', '2' and '3' are pressed, respectively. 1 = WHITE 2 = RED 3 = BLACK Only one "brand" of VM has been used per file. I will upload additional ones when current challenges have been solved or seriously attempted. Detailed information of the interpreting procedure/internals or a complete solution paper is …
[unpackme] Hefaz 1.9 1 2
by Raham- 36 replies
hi dears. its the target from the user "Gladiyator=>Nima NT" the author of hefaz protector i received it from a persian forum. Hefaz Protector use Flex Compress Componet for delphi for cryptography.... and also Flex Compress support set pass on it (Cipher...we can find it on winrar) well "hefaz" support other companies "Dongle" "Tiny Dongle">> have an builtin memory for keeping an customized string for better security. well? as i told Flex Compress compress and crypt file with a pass....well? also like RC4 and most Cipher.... if you encrypt a file with a key you never cant decrypt it without key....its clear. right? so hefaz protector put an string as key on Dat…
VMProtect v3.0.695.0
by GranDis- 0 replies
Difficulty :5 Language : Autohotkey(C++) Platform :Windows x32/64 OS Version : Windows Packer / Protector : VMProtect Description : Hello guys. I will add more obfuscation to this program. But I want to know It is vulnerable to security. Challenge Reversing, and give me advice how to make enhance + I already change something. UnpackMe.exe Screenshot :
VMProtect - Remove Logo
by okaydoit- 3 replies
Difficulty : 4+ Language : c++ Platform : OS ALL OS Version : All Packer / Protector : VM Protect Description : UNPACK IT + remove logo Good luck. Screenshot : CRLOGO.rar
Zelix KlassMaster 8.0.8
by Modify- 1 reply
Difficulty : 4+ Language : Java Platform : Java Support OS Version : All Packer / Protector : Zelix KlassMaster Description : Tutorial Good luck. UnPackMe.zip Screenshot :
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Difficulty : ?? ( you tell me ) Language : C++ Platform : Windows OS Version : Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 Packer / Protector : VMProtect Professional 3.0.9 + Custom AntiRE, AntiDebug via Kernel Description : The purpose of this challenge is to find out if unpacking is possible with my additional protection. There is a reward included also if someone can completely unpack it, and provide full tutorial on how to, for that you need to contact me. The application has internal timers set to run some functions for checking the application integrity, one of them is VMProtectIsProtected(). I am not using ExitProcess(0); for quiting/terminating the application, instead I …